Dieser WMS beschreibt die Fachstellen für Wohnungsnotfälle die Unterstützung und Beratung bei drohendem Wohnungsverlust und bei Obdachlosigkeit bieten. Sofern Sie aufgrund von Mietrückständen oder Mietstreitigkeiten von Wohnungslosigkeit bedroht sind oder Sie in einer Obdachlosenunterkunft wohnen, geben die Beratungsstellen Ihnen Hilfe in Form von Beratung zum angestrebten Wohnungserhalt oder zur Anmietung einer angemessenen Wohnung. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Dieser WFS beschreibt die Fachstellen für Wohnungsnotfälle die Unterstützung und Beratung bei drohendem Wohnungsverlust und bei Obdachlosigkeit bieten. Sofern Sie aufgrund von Mietrückständen oder Mietstreitigkeiten von Wohnungslosigkeit bedroht sind oder Sie in einer Obdachlosenunterkunft wohnen, geben die Beratungsstellen Ihnen Hilfe in Form von Beratung zum angestrebten Wohnungserhalt oder zur Anmietung einer angemessenen Wohnung. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Die Fachstellen für Wohnungsnotfälle bieten Unterstützung und Beratung bei drohendem Wohnungsverlust und bei Obdachlosigkeit. Sofern Sie aufgrund von Mietrückständen oder Mietstreitigkeiten von Wohnungslosigkeit bedroht sind oder Sie in einer Obdachlosenunterkunft wohnen, geben die Beratungsstellen Ihnen Hilfe in Form von Beratung zum angestrebten Wohnungserhalt oder zur Anmietung einer angemessenen Wohnung.
Das Projekt "Formation of brine channels in sea ice" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Münster, Fachbereich Physikalische Technik durchgeführt. Within this interdisciplinary project the formation of brine channels in sea ice will be explored. The microscopic properties of sea ice, especially the permeability plays an important role for the energy exchange between ocean and atmosphere and is determined by the brine channel volume. The brine channel structure will be measured by computer tomography and image analysis. We intend to describe the channel structure by two phenomenological models, a morphogenesis approach of Alan Turing in connection with the phase transition theory of Ginzburg and Landau, and the phase field method with respect to the Cahn-Hilliard equation. We solve these nonlinear evolution equations in two and three dimensions and compare the size and texture of the brine channels with the measurements. In addition to the phenomenological equations we support our studies with molecular dynamics simulations and the density functional theory in order to obtain deeper insights at the molecular scale. Comparative first-principles studies will then enhance the trust in the extracted parameters and will lead to classical density functional for the two phases. We will discuss the phase transitions in terms of a phenomenological theory based on microscopic parameters and try to extract the underlying mechanism for the formation of water-ice boundaries. Specifically, we want to explore three theoretical questions: (i) How are ice-water melting fronts moving, (ii) How are brine channels formed and (iii) How do surface properties influence the structure formation of brine channels. The project is based on the experiences of three fields, the theoretical biological physics, chemical physics and the many-body theory. The final aim of the project is to provide input parameters for global climate models.
Das Projekt "A European Tracking System für Electricity - Phase II (E-Track II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt. *Phase II of the project will refine the proposed tracking standard, by integrating the new Guarantees of Origin for cogeneration, the implementation of which was due in 2007. A focus on the specific requirements from new Member States will be made. Furthermore, consumer organisations will be supported in defining their requirements on tracking systems and the related policies, and the views of non-domestic consumer groups will be sought. Finally, the action will develop a strategy for the further development of energy-related certification schemes and their potential integration. With Directives 96/02/EC and 2003/54/EC, the EU has introduced liberalisation of the electricity markets in its Member States and has created the framework for an internal European market for electricity. Directives 2001/77/EC and 2004/8/EC contain regulations on Guarantees of Origin, which serve to enable producers to demonstrate that the electricity they sell is produced from renewable energy sources or high efficiency cogeneration. Directive 2003/54/EC requires suppliers to provide details about their fuel mix and the respective environmental impact (disclosure). Disclosing a fuel mix or a green power product requires a procedure to track electricity generation attributes , such as fuel type, CO2 emissions etc.. from generators to electricity suppliers and their customers. Support systems for RES electricity and high efficiency cogeneration may require similar allocation systems. Such accounting systems can significantly contribute to transparency for the consumers choice and to improved market functioning. Harmonisation of such tracking schemes across Europe is a keystone for the development of a transparent internal European market for electricity. The E-TRACK project, which was terminated in June 2007, has successfully developed a blueprint for a European tracking standard. Principles of the standard have been taken over by several countries. However, tracking systems used in Europe are still far from being coordinated, and double counting and other errors can occur, which compromises the reliability of information provided to consumers and other actors.
Das Projekt "AIR4EU: Air Quality Assessment for Europe - from Local to Continental Scale" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. AIR4EU addresses the needs for policy-orientated research on integrated air quality (AQ) assessment by monitoring methods and modelling at different temporal and spatial scales for regulated components in Europe: PM10 (and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2, O3 and benzene. Policy support on AQ assessment has been recognised a priority issue within the 'Clean Air for Europe-CAFE' programme. There are a wide variety of AQ assessment methods based upon monitoring and modelling, but these methods depend on the spatial and temporal scales, and are often not or only partially compatible. Consequently, there is a need for scientific sound and practical recommendations on how to integrate monitoring and modelling methods into internally consistent, comprehensive and cost-effective assessment methods. The aim of AIR4EU is to provide recommendations on AQ assessment for different temporal and spatial scales: ranging from hourly to annual and from 'hotspot'/street to continental scale. Case studies are implemented with partners in Paris, Berlin, Prague, London, Athens, Rotterdam and Oslo, to test and further develop the recommendations. AIR4EU will also prepare AQ maps at different scales in Europe based upon available data sets (monitoring, meteorology and emissions) and the recommended methods. The cooperation of European top-scientists from six member states representing four universities, two research institutes and eight user-partners will support the establishment of the European Research Area. AIR4EU will co-operate with on-going relevant projects (e.g. ENV-e-CITY; OSCAR; CLEAR; MERLIN) and networks (e.g. INTEGAIRE, CITY-Delta; POLIS), and specific liaison will be established with the CAFE programme. AIR4EU will disseminate its results by a Website and through Newsletters and Workshops to the scientific community, environmental authorities, policy makers and other stakeholders in AQ in Europe. Prime Contractor: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek - TNO; Delft; Netherlands.
Das Projekt "DE-LIGHT Transport" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. DE-LIGHT Transport is a multi-national initiative supported by the European Commission's Framework 6 programme that is investigating the design and manufacturing of lightweight sandwich structures in the marine, rail and freight container industries. Sandwich materials, consisting of two thin facings separated by a low density core, can be used to produce structures that are both light and stiff. They also offer opportunities for parts reduction through design integration, improved surface finish and lower assembly and outfitting costs. DE-LIGHT Transport aims to further promote the use of sandwich materials by developing key technologies that will support the practical realisation of robust sandwich designs. Specifically, this will include: - A multi-material sandwich design tool. Previous work has often focussed on a particular type of sandwich construction (e.g. laser-welded steel or composite). This has tended to yield niche results with limited applicability. DE-LIGHT Transport will implement a more generic design approach that will allow the evaluation and optimisation of a wide range of material and structural mixes according to the requirements of a given application. - Strategies for joining, assembly and outfitting ? the bringing together and integration of separate sandwich panels and/or sub-components to produce finished structures. In particular, modular approaches for the off-line production of sandwich assemblies to exploit economies of scale will be developed. Testing and validation procedures ? to provide accurate and reliable methods of determining fitness for purpose. The above technologies will be demonstrated within the project through the design and manufacturing of six prototype structures. These will include deck and deckhouse structures for ships, a rail vehicle cab, and a freight container. Risk-based design principals will be applied throughout to ensure that the new designs comply with existing regulatory frameworks. It is anticipated that DE-LIGHT Transport will provide designers of vehicles and vessels with practical approaches to the implementation of sandwich solutions as an alternative to traditional stiffened-plate designs. In this way, the benefits of sandwich construction will be unlocked for a wider range of applications.
Das Projekt "Tools for Sustainabiltity Impact Assessment of the Forestry- Wood Chain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Department für Biologie, Zentrum Holzwirtschaft des Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei durchgeführt. The objective of EFORWOOD is to develop a quantitative decision support tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the European Forestry-Wood Chain (FWC) and subsets thereof (e.g. regional), covering forestry, industrial manufacturing, consumption and recycling. The objective will be achieved by:a) defining economic, environmental and social sustainability indicators ,b) developing a tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment by integrating a set of models ,c) supplying the tool with real data, aggregated as needed and appropriate,d) testing the tool in a stepwise procedure allowing adjustments to be made according to the experiences gained,e) applying the tool to assess the sustainability of the present European FWC (and subsets thereof) as well the impacts of potential major changes based on scenarios,f) making the adapted versions of the tool available to stakeholder groupings (industrial, political and others).The multi-functionality of the FWC is taken into account by using indicators to assess the sustainability of production processes and by including in the analysis the various products and services of the FWC. Wide stakeholder consultations will be used throughout the process to reach the objective. EFORWOOD will contribute to EU policies connected to the FWC, especially to the Sustainable Development Strategy. It will provide policy-makers, forest owners, the related industries and other stakeholders with a tool to strengthen the forest-based sector's contribution towards a more sustainable Europe, thereby also improving its competitiveness. To achieve this, EFORWOOD gathers a consortium of highest-class experts, including the most representative forest-based sector confederations.EFORWOOD addresses with a high degree of relevance the objectives set out in the 3rd call for proposals addressing Thematic Sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems, topic V.2.1. Forestry/wood chain for Sustainable Development. Prime Contractor: Stiftelsen Skogsbrukets Forskningsinstitut, Skogforsk; Uppsala; Sweden.
Das Projekt "Sub project: 231Pa/230Th profiles from highly accumulating Atlantic sediment cores - a proxy for deep water circulation over the past 30,000 years" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. In the Atlantic Ocean sedimentary 231Pa/230Th below the production ratio of 0.093 are believed to mirror the advective export of 231Pa to the Southern Ocean due to the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Times of shifted 231Pa/230Th related with prominent events of cooling and warming support the conclusion that variations in the MOC may incite climate changes. However, the impact of boundary scavenging on the 231Pa/230Th in the glacial Atlantic is a great matter of discussion.The goal of this project is to better understand the behaviour of 231Pa/230Th in Holocene and Glacial sediments both, in the open Ocean and in the upwelling areas in the East Atlantic. The ability to quantify possible boundary scavenging effects will substantially improve our understanding and the interpretation of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th-records as a proxy for the strength of MOC. To approach this goal sedimentary 231Pa/230Th profiles from two high-productivity cores off the coast of Namibia and one off West-Africa are compared with those from the North-, West-, and South- Atlantic Ocean. For the first time 231Pa/230Th from high productivity sediment cores from the African margin at adequate accuracy are being measured by AMS and ICP-MS. The analysis is focused on the last 30 kyr. The high accumulation rates of the selected sediment cores allow a very good time resolution. Therefore, it will be possible to examine the response of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th to several short-term climate events (e.g. Heinrich Events).
Das Projekt "Research for Local Action towards Sustainable Human Settlements (RELAY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICLEI - Local Goverments for Sustainability, Europasekretariat GmbH durchgeführt. The RELAy project will coordinate an international exchange between researchers with outstanding experience in the field of sustainable human settlements and local leaders, and their multipliers, for exchanging how research results can be best brought to the local level and serve for improving local policy implementation. A conference in Nanjing, China in November 2005 is planned as the core activity. The conference and its preparation will support the development of mutual understanding between researchers and local actors. It will mainly lead to designing cooperation models that are not only beneficial for researchers and local leaders but first of all for improving urban sustainable development and human settlements. The project will be an element of the EU and UN-HABITAT research initiative in support of sustainable human settlements.