This resource contains the monthly mean v component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean u component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean 2m temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean temperature at 850hPa [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean sea surface temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean 500hPa geopotential height [gpm] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
This resource contains the monthly mean mean-sea level pressure [Pa] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site
KLIWAS 2.03: Klimabedingt veränderte Tidekennwerte und Seegangsstatistik in den Kuestengewässern. Im Rahmen von KLIWAS P2.03 werden 4 Pegel hochauflösend digitalisiert. Der mittlere Wasserstand (engl. Mean Sea Level, MSL) und dessen langfristige Änderung wird für die Pegel berechnet. Die Ergebnisse des MSL können mit Werten der k-Wert Methode verglichen werden. Die hochauflösenden Pegel werden für die jeweiligen hydrologischen Jahre mittels einer Frequenzanalyse in ihre spektralen Eigenschaften zerlegt. Die zeitliche Änderung der bedeutenden Frequenzen wird dokumentiert. Damit soll die Grundlage einer funktionalen Analyse hinsichtlich der klimabedingten Änderung der M2-Gezeit und der Eigenschwingungen der Ästuare geschaffen werden.
KLIWAS 2.03: TEST mit Schablone Klimabedingt veränderte Tidekennwerte und Seegangsstatistik in den Kuestengewässern. Das Datenpaket beinhaltet Untersuchungen zu historischen küstennahen und ästuarinen Pegelmesswerte hinsichtlich hydrologisch-physikalischer Charakteristika und Prozesse. Es werden insbesondere die Tidekennwerte Tidehochwasser, Tideniedrigwasser, Tidehub, Flutdauer und Ebbdauer analysiert. Die Untersuchung erfolgt an 12 repräsentativ ausgewählten Pegeln.
KLIWAS 2.03: TEST mit Schablone Klimabedingt veränderte Tidekennwerte und Seegangsstatistik in den Kuestengewässern. Das Datenpaket beinhaltet Untersuchungen zu historischen küstennahen und ästuarinen Pegelmesswerte hinsichtlich hydrologisch-physikalischer Charakteristika und Prozesse. Es werden insbesondere die Tidekennwerte Tidehochwasser, Tideniedrigwasser, Tidehub, Flutdauer und Ebbdauer analysiert. Die Untersuchung erfolgt an 12 repräsentativ ausgewählten Pegeln.