Das Projekt "Der oekologische Staat - Hin zu einer neuen Generation der Umweltpolitik und -institutionen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Lausanne, Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique durchgeführt. To formulate strategies for a new generation of environmental policies and institutions able to secure the transition towards sustainable development; to develop an interdisciplinary European network able to foster policy relevant research on environmental governance. Description: The concerted action proceeds through the establishment of working groups, the organization of a series of sectoral workshops and the preparation of review essays about the debate on the 'Ecological State'. The initial network will be enlarged to include other research institutions and to establish contacts both with scholars working on the future of the State and with practitioners at the political and administrative level involved in the formulation and implementation of environmental policies. Three main topics are examined by the working groups and at the workshops: institutions (ministries, departments, agencies, etc.), substantial policy instruments (regulation, taxation, financial incentive, education, etc.), procedural rules (Environmental Impact Assessment, mediation, dispute settlements, etc.). The working groups are responsible for analyzing the existing debate and the ongoing research carried out by the participant organisations as well as by other groups and individuals with regard to three different levels: the level of constitutional choice, the level of decision making (e.g. law-making) and the level of administrative and technical implementation. Additional activities include the preparation of a bibliography of the most important research about future environmental governance from the various disciplines involved, the creation of a permanent network, possibly through a BBS on Internet/WWW, linking together the institutions (scientific institutions, public policy bodies, non governmental organizations, etc.) interested in this topic, and the organization of an international conference. These activities should facilitate the development of blue prints for more effective environmental governance. Prime Contractor: Instituto per la Richerca Sociale Soc. Coop.; Milano/Italy.
Das Projekt "Über den scheinbar fehlenden Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation und Zufriedenheit in der Freizeitfischerei" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsverbund Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei durchgeführt. Allgemeine Elemente des Angelerlebnisses (z.B. 'draußen am Wasser die Natur erleben') wurden vielfach als wichtigste Motive der Angelleidenschaft identifiziert. Dies hat zu Kontroversen zwischen Fischereiwissenschaftlern und -bewirtschaftern geführt, weil letztere häufig in spezifischen Angelaspekten - in erster Linie sind das Fangkomponenten - den eigentlichen Motor für die Anglerzufriedenheit sehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden vier verschiedene Anglersegmente in Deutschland identifiziert, die ein unterschiedlicher Grad an Fangorientierung als Maß für das Hauptangelmotiv auszeichnete. Alle Anglersegmente waren gleichermaßen zufrieden mit dem Anglerjahr. Diverse Zufriedenheitskomponenten allgemeiner und spezieller Art erklärten in signifikant unterschiedlicher Stärke die Anglerzufriedenheit. In erster Linie bestimmten angelspezifische, d.h. fangbezogene Komponenten die allgemeine Anglerzufriedenheit aller Angler, auch der Gruppe, die die geringste Fangorientierung aufwies. Es sollte nicht vorschnell geschlussfolgert werden, dass offenbar kein Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation und Zufriedenheit existiert, weil allgemeine Angelmotive im Unterschied zu speziellen wesentlich einfacher und schneller befriedigt werden können. Das führt im Endeffekt dazu, dass Fangkomponenten in unterschiedlicher Gewichtung für die Zufriedenheit aller Angler entscheidend sind.
Das Projekt "EPSECC: Umweltpolitik, soziale Ausgrenzung und Klimaveraenderungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Synergo durchgeführt. General Information: To examine the extent to which environmental policies relevant to global climate change could be more effective if they were designed and carried out with more attention to social differences in energy use and the capacity to change in environmentally responsible ways, and thus to comply with environmental policy requirements and standards. Description: The project focuses on four main issues: i) whether social exclusion is environmentally relevant; ii) the extent to which there are differences in awareness, knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and capacities to adopt alternative behaviour relevant to global climate change on the part of socially excluded groups; iii) the extent of differentiated 'responsiveness' and differentiated acceptance by socially excluded groups and individuals with regard to various new measures of climate policy; iv) whether environmental policies relevant to global change could be more effective and environmentally relevant if they took the circumstances of the socially excluded into account. The focus is on household behaviour in relation to transport, household energy consumption, waste disposal and waste reduction; all are considered in relation to global climate change. Four socially excluded groups are considere: the long-term unemployed; the elderly; the working poor; foreign migrants. Because of differences in social structures, not all these groups are covered in all four countries participating in the project (Germany, Greece, Switzerland, United Kingdom), however a comparative dimension and analysis is focused on and developed in the project.