Das Projekt "A geoarchaeological approach to investigate human-environment interactions in the Valle Leventina" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. The focus of the project is to improve our understanding of human-environment interactions in Southern Alpine regions by detecting biogeochemical markers in soils to reconstruct the development of a landscape that was shaped by humans since millennia. Until now, information about the chronological and spatial extent of changes from a natural to a human-dominated landscape, especially in the Southern Alpine regions, has been scarce. The results of our investigation would allow us to understand where and when (pre)historic settlers installed their agricultural land. The aims are (1) to adapt, evaluate and improve the applied methods so that we can use biogeochemical markers retained in soil material (2) to quantify the anthropogenic influence and to determine the processes of human impact on the environment such as manuring and burning, and (3) to investigate the spatial extension and chronology of agricultural sites (off-site-archaeology) in the surroundings of a Bronze Age settlement in Airolo-Madrano (e.g. agricultural terraces). The processes of human impact, or the agricultural techniques used by the settlers will be documented by the analysed marker substances and radiocarbon dating.