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Optimierung der Landnutzung bezueglich des Grundwasserschutzes in bergigen Gebieten mit Hartgestein

Das Projekt "Optimierung der Landnutzung bezueglich des Grundwasserschutzes in bergigen Gebieten mit Hartgestein" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität München, Institut für Allgemeine und Angewandte Geologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The objective of the project is to assess the degree of interference of anthropogenic activities with the hydrosphere in mountain regions. For this purpose, six regions have been selected. Analyses of various factors of agricultural, industrial activities affecting the hydrosphere will permit to assess the efficiency of imposed measures to protect the hydrosphere. The investigation will be carried out on two scales: detailed and regional. This study will also consider the results of monitoring and earlier data filed in archives, which would allow to reconstruct the evolution of hydrosphere in studied regions during the last 40 years. The modelling will allow to simulate various alternatives in term of landscape-use leading to an optimum one from the viewpoint of water management. Scientific objectives and approach: Results of this work must permit to predict the influences on water (in quantity and in quality) of various landscape-use scenario, in order to give a preference for the choices in land-planning , compatible with a sustainable development. Our project will focus on the following topics: -to identify and solve the correlation between individual factors which influence the quality and volume of water resources in mountain areas. - suggestions for optimum local development from the viewpoint of groundwater protection. Partial output of this work will be the assessment of efficiency of implementation of E.U. and national directives on groundwater protection. - The ultimate objective of the LOWRGREP project is the creation of the ECEMEWAM system (European Centre for Mutual Exchange of Experience in Water management in Mountain Regions) which will lead to a set up of project's own WWW pages. This will provide all data on optimum exploitation from the view-point of groundwater protection (general information) and data from yet studied areas to any client interested in the problem. In the case of some very specific issue, the client will be offered to contact an appropriate specialist. The first stage involves collection of all environmental data, their transfer into electronic form and their preliminary processing using a Geographical Information System. The second stage consists in monitoring catchments with two different scales (local and regional).A model will be built up in order to describe the water balance and the trends in water quality under various conditions. The final stage is the design of a software, HYDRODESUSMA: Hydrogeological Decision Support System in Mountain Areas; this software is aimed at the presentation and analysis of all the obtained data and knowledge in user-friendly form that can be easily interpreted by potential users... Prime Contractor: Association pour la recherche et le developpement des methodes et processus industriels, laboratoire geotechnique, exploitation, ressources, mineralogie; Ales/France.

Vorhersage der Erholung von angesaeuertem Suesswasser bis zum Jahr 2010 und darueber hinaus

Das Projekt "Vorhersage der Erholung von angesaeuertem Suesswasser bis zum Jahr 2010 und darueber hinaus" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung, Lehrstuhl für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: RECOVER:2010 is designed to assess the impact of current and future anthropogenic pressures on sensitive European freshwater ecosystems. RECOVER:2010 will evaluate the present extent of recovery of acidified freshwaters, and identify and quantify the dominant driving processes governing the timing and magnitude of recovery. This Pan-European assessment will use enhanced predictive models to evaluate the degree of compliance with respect to restoration of acidified waters by the year 2010 as specified under the Water Framework Directive. Similarly, agreed and proposed UN-ECE protocols on emissions control will be critically assessed and economic costs and environmental benefits evaluated with respect to the recovery of freshwaters. Scientific objectives and approach: Empirical data from different acidified European ecotypes will be evaluated to provide measures of time lags in response to changes in emissions of acidifying compounds, and indeed to separate out the different contributing processes. Regional controls on sulphur dynamics, and the role of nitrogen in the recovery process will be determined. Current conceptualisation of the recovery process has not considered potential interaction with natural variations such as climate induced impacts, and RECOVER:2010 aims to assess the magnitude and spatial extent of these confounding factors. Current dynamic modelling approaches will then be enhanced through improved process representation, and through the linking of hydrochemical changes to biological impacts and time lags in ecosystem recovery. An evaluation of Pan-European existing and proposed emission controls will then be undertaken to determine spatial and temporal patterns of response. Feedback from the modelling evaluation will be central to the development of strategies to optimise environmental benefit against economic cost. Similarly, the timing of mitigation measures such as the implementation of S and/or N emissions reduction, will greatly influence the expected recovery of both individual regions and Europe as a whole. These, previously un-addressed interactions, will be also explored within RECOVER:2010. Hence these are distinct scientific, methodological and policy challenges which interact within the concept of RECOVER:2010. Expected impacts: The development of sustainable options for emissions control reductions is required to balance economic, social and environmental constraints. RECOVER:2010 will specifically address such concerns, and the involvement of an end-user focus group comprising National and International Agencies, will ensure that the results of this project extend further than just the scientific domain. Prime Contractor: Macaulay Land Use Research Institute; Aberdeen/UK.

Instrumente zur Bewertung der biologischen Vielfalt

Das Projekt "Instrumente zur Bewertung der biologischen Vielfalt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forstökonomie, Abteilung für Fernerkundung und Landschaftsinformationssysteme durchgeführt. Objective: Problems to be solved: This project addresses the need to detect change in biodiversity, in particular the diversity of species. This requirement has long been recognised and is explicitly included in, amongst other places, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which the EU and all its Member States are parties to, the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Ministerial Process for Protection of Forests in Europe. However, the major problem with monitoring biodiversity is that it is impossible to assess changes in the large number of species present in any place. Thus indicators able rapidly to assess changes in biodiversity are needed. An ideal indicator for assessing biodiversity provides an early warning of changes in biodiversity, particularly in relation to possible threats to biodiversity (such as pollution and alien species), specific initiatives intended to alleviate these threats (such as the CBD), and policy reforms which may affect biodiversity (such as the adjustments to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, Transport Policy, etc.). Scientific objectives and approach: The overall objective of this project is to develop indicators, or 'biodiversity assessment tools', for measuring changes in the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems in Europe. The approach of the project is first to consider the major factors, particularly policy-related factors, influencing biodiversity in Europe and, therefore, to assess where the greatest needs for indicators of biodiversity exists. This will be done in meetings and in an electronic conference with a wide range of stakeholders, leading to guidelines for the development of biodiversity assessment tools. From these guidelines, a series of indicators will be proposed, including those that can be measured remotely from aerial photographs, satellite and laser scanner. The proposed biodiversity indicators will then be tested across land-use gradients, from forests to intensively managed agricultural areas, in large test sites in Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Ireland, Finland and the UK, involving scientists from these countries and from Germany and the Netherlands. Thus the approach of the project is also designed to measure the impact of land-use change on selected major components of biodiversity, including earthworms, ground-beetles, butterflies, plants, lichens and birds. Expected impacts: The intended impact of this project is to improve the management of European biodiversity by producing sets of indicators, or 'biodiversity assessment tools', which will allow different stakeholders, including local and national governments, NGOs and the European Union, to monitor biodiversity. Prime Contractor: Natural environmental research council; Swindon.

Allgemeine Forschung in Bezug auf Brennstoffzellensysteme und Komponenten fuer die Anwendung in Fahrzeugen

Das Projekt "Allgemeine Forschung in Bezug auf Brennstoffzellensysteme und Komponenten fuer die Anwendung in Fahrzeugen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Kraftfahrwesen durchgeführt. Objective: The objective is to make available advanced system and component technologies for f.c. application on different categories of vehicles according to relevant operational requirements and consistent with sustainable life cycle and environmental impact prerequisites incl. energy sources infrastructures, fuel availability industrial production and recycling aspects. The project is the leading frame of the cluster 'land transport by fuel cells technology' which include development projects conducted by components makers: PROFUEL CARDEMECEL HIPERSTACK COMPEX, ECO-POWER related respectively to the areas of fuel processing, direct methanol cells, PEM stack, compressor- expander, electric drive trains. The key issue of the project is focused on overall studies and def. of specifications of components suitable for an optimised management of a F.C. vehicle, the LCA the test bench evaluation and final assessment after a demonstration phase.

Semiaktive passive Steuerung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Bauwerken, die Erdbeben, Wind und Schwingungen ausgesetzt sind

Das Projekt "Semiaktive passive Steuerung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Bauwerken, die Erdbeben, Wind und Schwingungen ausgesetzt sind" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maurer und Söhne durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The proper functioning of industrial equipment and provision of safe working environment require techniques to reduce the effects of earthquakes, wind and traffic-induced vibrations on structures. Present technologies applied - isolation and passive energy dissipation - have limitations. The aim of this project is the development of innovative systems for reducing the effects of seismic induced vibrations. Based on the performance needs of various types of structures and industrial plants, selected in the project, such innovative devices will be designed, manufactured and tested. Scientific objectives and approach: The objectives of the project are to develop: 1)semi-active vibration control system using hydraulic dampers based on magneto-rheological smart fluid; 2) floor isolation system operating in 3 directions; 3) 3D floor isolation system incorporating the semi-active dampers developed. Prototype devices will be developed, manufactured and widely tested also incorporated in mock-up structures. The project will consist in the following phases: - Definition of structures for the application of semi-active and passive devices, - Development of semi-active control system, - Numerical models of the devices, of the structures and mock-ups and dynamic analyses, - Characterisation tests of devices, structures and mock-ups, - Evaluation of technical and economical benefits, - User Manual (design procedures for the implementation of the semi-active control and for passive technologies). Expected impacts: The protection of transport infrastructure, industrial plants and strategic buildings from earthquake damage is of paramount importance, particularly to Southern areas of the European Union. Countries situated in earthquake-prone areas, for instance California (USA), Japan and New Zealand are actively engaged in the development of novel techniques and devices for the earthquake protection of structures. As a result of this project, the development of seismic devices will open the possibility of increased exports for manufacturers of both the devices and that of seismically protected sensitive equipment, while the structures provided with the innovative devices will suffer no significant earthquake damage. This possibility will result in: a) much greater safety in the event of an earthquake, b) less damage to the historical environment, c) avoidance of demolition and reconstruction after an earthquake, d) improved possibility of siting industrial work places close to housing.

Auswertung des Brueckeneffektes von Mischungen auf Situationen und Regelung in Oekosystemen

Das Projekt "Auswertung des Brueckeneffektes von Mischungen auf Situationen und Regelung in Oekosystemen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Zellbiologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: BEAM addresses the risk assessment of chemical mixtures resulting from the joint occurrence of environmental pollutants. Despite extensive research into this field current procedures for the prospective or retrospective assessment of chemical risks still focus on single pure toxicants. The incorporation of existing scientific evidences on the predictability of combination effects into regulatory strategies is hampered by two crucial gaps: - There is too little knowledge available at the stage of risk assessment on how to use existing toxicity information for single substances in order to account for expectable combination effects. - There is a lack of environmental realism in the existing scientific approaches to the assessment of mixture toxicities regarding both, the types of mixtures actually occurring and the suitability of methods for the purpose of a routine assessment. - BEAM seeks to bridge both gaps. Thereby a sound basis for the inclusion of mixture toxicity assessments into EU-regulations (e.g. Water Framework Directive) shall be provided. Scientific objectives and approach. The objectives of BEAM are:- to achieve more environmental realism in the scientific hazard assessment of complex exposure situations, - to provide new tools for mixture toxicity assessment, - to explore the options for implementation of predictive mixture toxicity assessment into regulation. In an interdisciplinary effort BEAM will use expertise and methods from biometry, chemometry, analytical chemistry, experimental ecotoxicity research, mixture pharmacology and regulatory toxicology. BEAM will deliver: - a compilation of available and optional strategies in regulating risks from mixtures of toxicants, - validated biotests, chemometrical and biometrical instruments that allow the identification and prediction of mixture toxicities, - a protocol together with technically guiding documentation that allows the derivation of water quality targets for toxicant mixtures on the basis of toxicity information for the single components. Experts from European policy, regulatory advisors, and chemical industries will join a consulting group and participate in the development of implementation strategies. Expected impacts: The exploitation of BEAM results will allow to implement mixture toxicity assessment into EU regulations, ensuring better pollution management of water resources and the sustainable use of water bodies. This will indirectly improve quality of life, health and safety. BEAM will increase EU-competitiveness, knowledge and skills in the field of environmental risk assessment of chemical mixtures. The participation of a stakeholders consulting group will ensure the effectiveness of the exploitation process.

Fuer die Vorhersage der Konzentration von Naehrstoffen und Phytoplankton wichtige Schluesselnaehrstoffmechanismen in stehenden Gewaessern in Europa

Das Projekt "Fuer die Vorhersage der Konzentration von Naehrstoffen und Phytoplankton wichtige Schluesselnaehrstoffmechanismen in stehenden Gewaessern in Europa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsverbund Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: This project will identify and quantify important control mechanisms for nutrient retention and release within lakes and their catchments. The project will assemble nutrient budgets for a large number of lakes across Europe and intensively study a smaller selection in order to develop catchment nutrient transport models that account for critical physico-chemical and ecological differences among lakes. An understanding of these mechanisms will assist with the River Basin Management Plans proposed in the forthcoming European Council Directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Scientific objectives and approach: The project will have three stages. The first will be the collation of existing data on an extensive range of catchments throughout Europe. Data used will include variables that enable calculation of nutrient budgets of both nitrogen and phosphorus and an estimate of in-lake concentrations of phytoplankton chlorophyll a. The analysis of collated data will enable the identification of primary predictors of in-lake nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations. The second stage of the project will quantify those predictors among a series of intensively studied lakes and catchments. The work will partition and estimate flux rates of nutrients within and between different physical and biotic compartments of land and surface waters within catchments that represent examples of high to low intensity land-use across a range of geomorphologies. The third stage of the project will, based on the results of the project, develop mathematical models for the prediction of in-lake nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations. Expected impacts: Risk assessment of nutrient enrichment of lakes through an understanding of the nutrient transport mechanisms through catchments and their lakes will assist management strategies and the implementation of programme of measures for lake improvement. This can be particularly important for evaluating management options of European lakes that can differ markedly in terms of geomorphology, hydrometrics, lake morphometry and land-use. The project will work closely with Competent Authorities concerned with the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. It is a project goal to contribute to the implementation of measures that will lead to the preservation of waters of good ecological status and improve those which are impaired through nutrient enrichment. Prime Contractor: University of Dublin, Trinity College, Department of Zoology; Dublin/Ireland.

Entwicklung und Erprobung eines integrierten Bewertungssystems fuer die oekologische Qualitaet von Fluessen in Europa unter Verwendung benthonischer Makroinvertebrate

Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Erprobung eines integrierten Bewertungssystems fuer die oekologische Qualitaet von Fluessen in Europa unter Verwendung benthonischer Makroinvertebrate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen, Institut für Ökologie, Abteilung Hydrobiologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The EU Water Framework Directive defines a framework for assessing water-bodies in the future - however, the precise method for determining the ecological status is still to be defined. Hence, there is the requirement and the unique opportunity to establish a general assessment method for streams and rivers and to define general quality targets for running waters throughout Europe. The assessment system should consider different impact factors enabling a holistic assessment of streams. With this project we will lay the scientific foundations for such a method, develop the method and start the transfer to applied water management. Scientific objectives and approach: The aim of the project is to develop and test an assessment procedure for streams and rivers which meets the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive using benthic macro invertebrates. In all, partners from 8 EU member states participate. Therefore, the method developed will be tested in many parts of Europe and will, hence, be applicable in most ecoregions in Europe. The partners represent a transect from northern to southern Europe (Scandinavia to Central-Mediterranean area) and another transect from the Iberian Peninsula to the Eastern Mediterranean. The assessment system will be based on the outlines of a European stream typology and on the fauna of near-natural reference streams. The biological and a biotic data sets of reference sites and impacted sites should be entirely comparable and of a high scientific quality. Therefore, it is necessary to collect new data sets in both a sophisticated and economic way: the North-South and East-West sampling transects give the possibility of inter-comparisons in methodology and assessment concepts between ecoregions. The method developed will be adapted to regional conditions in order to allow comparable use in all EU member states. It will be combined with selected methods for stream assessment and indication currently used in the EU member states. If current methods supply additional information for certain regions, they will be included in the assessment system as additional modules. Databases on European macro invertebrate taxa used for the assessment system will be generated. Finally, the transfer of the developed method into water management application will be started, via a manual and a PC program. Expected impacts: The proposed project serves precise and long-term implementation of EU policies addressing questions in the area of water and surface waters protection. Securing and maintaining a high ecological quality of streams, the improvement of the quality and prevention of further deterioration are important targets of the EU as defined in article 1 of the EU Water Framework Directive. These aims must be based on methods for indication and assessment of the ecological status. The project will supply the EU member states with a tool for assessing the ecological river quality...

Oekologische Qualitaet und Funktionsweise der Oekosysteme in flachen Seen bezueglich der Anforderungen der Europaeischen Rahmenrichtlinie Wasser

Das Projekt "Oekologische Qualitaet und Funktionsweise der Oekosysteme in flachen Seen bezueglich der Anforderungen der Europaeischen Rahmenrichtlinie Wasser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Konstanz, Limnologisches Institut durchgeführt. Objective: Problems to be solved: The many shallow lakes of Europe offer great amenity and conservation value. They are also complex systems compared with deep lakes because of the important role of higher plants in them and so pose particular problems for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. This project will solve some of those problems. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires member states to distinguish ecological status of their waters compared with high quality sites. Guidelines are given in annexes to the Directive but the details of how to distinguish these statuses are not. This proposal concerns shallow lakes among the many potential lake ecotypes covered by the WFD. The WFD presently describes a large range of parameters to be sampled, both biological and chemical. The costs of carrying out such sampling may be very high and many of the measurements demand high taxonomic expertise. Scientific objectives and approach: Our objectives are: to test the robustness of the proposed sampling frequencies given for lakes in the WFD; to determine, using palaeoecological methods, the degree of change that has taken place in each lake and to relate this change (the Ecological Quality Ratio) to the present ecological status of the lakes so that high, good, moderate or worse status can be recognised; to discover what amalgamations of ecotypes may be possible using data from this project and large, already accumulated databases; to test developments of the WFD parameters which may prove more easily comparable among different ecoregions than the proposed, largely taxonomic measures; to decide, with user groups ('competent authorities' of the Directive),the best criteria for determination of ecological status of shallow lakes within the requirements of the WFD. We will initially sample over sixty shallow lakes representative of Europe and measure the ecological quality of these lakes with criteria specified in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in their most direct forms. The details of what is measured among the biological variables will be refined and tested for reproducibility, relevance and comparability among ecoregions and the data, together with already accumulated databases will be used provisionally to define ecological status for shallow lakes. Meanwhile we will develop a simple technique usable cheaply by competent authorities for determining degree of change in a given lake from a high status baseline, using short cores and parsimonious measurements of chemical and diatom indicators in contemporary, compared with deep sediments. These techniques and conclusions will be then retested on a second set of lakes. Expected impacts: We will develop a usable system and simplified classification of shallow lakes that can be practically implemented through the WFD by competent authorities. Prime Contractor: University of Liverpool, School of Biological Sciences; Liverpool.

In-Situ-Ueberwachung von Deponieschadstoffen in Boden und Wasser mithilfe von Infrarotsensoren

Das Projekt "In-Situ-Ueberwachung von Deponieschadstoffen in Boden und Wasser mithilfe von Infrarotsensoren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik durchgeführt. Objective: Problems to be solved: The project will contribute to the abatement of water pollution from contaminated lands, landfills and sediments. With its capacity of on-line and real-time measurement of pollutants, measurement techniques that are not available at the moment, the proposed sensor is a valuable tool for landfill monitoring, risk assessment and control of remediation efficiency. It can, for example, improve the 'use' of natural attenuation as a remediation technique. Natural attenuation, i.e. leaving remediation to natural processes without applying costly techniques, is based on the observation that there is a decrease in the contaminant concentrations which limits the extent of the contaminant plume. The key disadvantage of natural attenuation is the need to ensure that the contamination does not propagate further. The proposed sensors, placed in the vicinity of the plume may serve as a cost effective and reliable alert network. Possible emerging economic possibilities for waste disposal should strengthen EU industrial competitiveness. This is of special importance for the EU with its densely populated production sites. Scientific objectives and approach: The project aims at monitoring of soil and water for landfill related contamination by an in-situ monitoring for soil and water by infrared sensing. A portable and rugged system will be developed that will allow sensor elements to be inserted and left in soil locations under the ground for long term monitoring of organic pollutants. The concept of a buried sensor gives the opportunity to continuously monitor organic pollutants without sampling errors. Since it is important to monitor pollutants over a long period of time, the sensor system will be optimised with regard to long term stability. Expected impacts: The IMSIS sensor concept is novel for landfill monitoring, its central objective is to open new possibilities for continuous monitoring and control. For this reason it is one objective of the project to investigate and evaluate the need of end users with respect to sensor applications. Mid IR spectroscopic measurements are widely used for the analysis of samples placed inside spectrometers. This project is involved in the development and use of IR optical fibres for absorption measurements on remote locations. The development of this remote spectroscopy is on one hand an innovation with respect to real time analytical measurements inside landfills, on the other hand it opens the field of all kind of IR remote sensing applications e.g. in process control or measurements in explosion endangered environments. Within the project, there will be a development of short segments of tapered and flattened fibres which will serve as sensor elements in the sensor head. Tapering of fibres to increase sensitivity is a well-known technique in the UV and visible wavelength range. Tapering of MIR fibres is a completely new and demanding task since IR transmitting materials are difficult t

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