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Found 902 results.

RS92 GRUAN Data Product (v2) - Payerne 2012

This product is based on Vaisala RS92 radiosonde measurements of temperature, humidity, wind and pressure that have been processed following the requirements of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) that were described in Immler et al. [2010]. The GRUAN data product file comply to the requirements of GRUAN in particular by providing a full uncertainty analysis. The uncertainty is calculated according to the recommendations of the “Guide for expressing uncertainty in measurement” [GUM2008]. The total uncertainty is assessed from estimates of the calibration uncertainty, the uncertainty of corrections and statistical standard deviations. Corrections are applied such that the data is bias free according to current knowledge.

Meteogramm bis H+168 Hof - Meteogram up to H+168 Hof

7 Tage Vorhersage. Wind, Temperatur, Niederschlag, Schneehöhe, Bodendruck und Bedeckung - 7 days forecast. Wind, temperature, precipitation, depth of snow, air pressure and cloud cover

Meteogramm bis H+168 Leipzig - Meteogram up to H+168 Leipzig

7 Tage Vorhersage. Wind, Temperatur, Niederschlag, Schneehöhe, Bodendruck und Bedeckung - 7 days forecast. Wind, temperature, precipitation, depth of snow, air pressure and cloud cover

GTS Bulletin: WWDL39 EDDM - Warnings (details are described in the abstract)

The WWDL39 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (W): Warnings T1T2 (WW): Warnings and weather summary A1A2 (DL): Germany (The bulletin collects reports from stations: EDDM;MUNICH INT ;) (Remarks from Volume-C: AERODROME WEATHER WARNING)

Monthly mean surface air temperature: maps

Maps of monthly mean temperature, derived from CLIMAT bulletins on a 0.1x0.1 degree grid, provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

GTS Bulletin: ULVX02 EDZW - Upper air data (details are described in the abstract)

The ULVX02 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (U): Upper air data T1T2 (UL): Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Part C) (Remarks from Volume-C: TEMP SHIP)

Niederschlag an RBSN Stationen

Messwerte des Niederschlags an den DWD Stationen im Regional Basic Synoptic Network der WMO. Erweitert um weitere Stationen der Grundversorgung.

2m Temperatur an RBSN Stationen

Messwerte der 2m Temperatur an den DWD Stationen im Regional Basic Synoptic Network der WMO. Erweitert um weitere Stationen der Grundversorgung.

Windgeschwindigkeit an RBSN Stationen

Messwerte der Windgeschwindigkeit an den DWD Stationen im Regional Basic Synoptic Network der WMO. Erweitert um weitere Stationen der Grundversorgung.

Relative Feuchte an RBSN Stationen

Messwerte der relativen Feuchte an den DWD Stationen im Regional Basic Synoptic Network der WMO. Erweitert um weitere Stationen der Grundversorgung.

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