Das Projekt "Thermische Behandlung von Farb- und Lackschlaemmen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sulzer durchgeführt. Metal hydroxide and paint sludge's are produced during pretreatment and paint spraying of metal surfaces and have to be considered as industrial waste due to the heavy metal content. Sulzer Chemtech is studying the pyro-processing of the sludge's in a pilot plant with an operational capacity of 20 to 100 kg/h. The purpose of this project is a save reintegration of the products in the ecosystem. The organic compounds are partial pyrolised in a fluidized bed at temperatures from 600 to 800 degree C. The inorganic compounds are vitrified subsequently in the temperature range of 1100 to 1400 degree C. By vitrification of metal hydroxide sludge in a very high reducing atmosphere, the glass can be depleted to a heavy metal concentration comparable to the crust of the earth. During melting, a heavy second phase is formed consisting of iron, copper nickel, chromium and tin alloys. Zinc and lead are almost completely evaporated. In the glass matrix, a phosphate and a silicate phase are coexisting. On the other hand, a low reducing atmosphere causes an incorporation of iron, lead and zinc into the glass structure. The evaporation of zinc and lead is low. Metal hydroxide and paint sludge's contain ecotoxic components like heavy metals and organic substances. They are classified as hazardous wastes and may not be disposed of by land filling anymore. Two different paths for immobilization and separation were investigated. Thermal treatment below melting temperature leads to an inert insoluble residue with minimal energy requirement. In an alternative process the sludge's are vitrified after a suitable pretreatment. A favorable choice of operating conditions allows a substantial separation of the heavy metals and the decomposition of the organic material. The high energy consumption, however, is only justified, when an upgrading of the products for further reuse is achieved. Separation of the heavy metals below melting temperature is the objective of a new project phase.
Das Projekt "Bewertung der Schadschoepfung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Carbotech - Umweltanalytik, Beratung und interdisziplinäre Projekte durchgeführt. Leading Questions: Which aspects must be included in ecological valuations? How depends the result and the accuracy from system boundaries, examined aspects and so on? Abstract: The purpose of this project is to show the possible application fields of the fuzzy set theory in ecological valuations (LCA). This application fields are to be demonstrated in the coordinated project 'LCA of the Feldschloesschen-brewery'. Our work focuses on two topics of ecological modeling: a) Threshold values (TV) are used in LCA methods as weighting parameters to put emissions of different harmful substances in one single 'scale of harm'. The purpose of TV, to protect the whole nature, is defined linguistically by the law. Fuzzy Sets are a much better representation of linguistic definitions than crisp numbers. The modeling of specifical fuzzy-TVs, their synthesis to one TV and the extraction of a crisply defined TV has shown that the fuzzy set theory can be used as a flexible tool for modeling of the meaning of an TV. b) Complex systems in LCAs are sometimes difficult to define. The problems are the inclusion of qualitative data and the lack of exact knowledge about nature. With knowledge-based systems it is possible to 'build' intuitive models based on expert knowledge and to use qualitative data and estimations together with exact data. It is also possible to include synergetic effects which are known only qualitatively. Such a fuzzy model has been constructed for an LCA of Swiss agriculture. Complementary information: Development of a new valuation method on the basis of Fuzzy logic. This mathematical concept allows a better representation of the real world.
Das Projekt "Oekonomische Instrumente zum Schutz der Umwelt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Regionales durchgeführt. La protection de l'environnement a besoin de principes et d'interdictions. Pourtant, a l'avenir, les instruments de I'economie de marche gagneront en Importance: taxes incitatives, permis negociables, ecologisation du systeme fiscal, accords volontaires. Le choix ne manquera pas. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvenients des differents instruments? Quatre equipes ont evalue les instruments economiques sous l'angle de leur efficacite ecologique, de leur aptitude a reduire les couts de depollution et de leur acceptabilite par les differents acteurs: autorites politiques, administration, industrie, groupes ecologistes. Chaque equipe s'est vu confier l'etude d'un instrument specifique: Les taxes incitatives etudiees a l'Universite de Geneve...: Les taxes incitatives n'ont pas pour but de procurer des recettes supplementaires, mais de modifier le comportement des menages ou des entreprises en vue de prevenir les dommages a l'environnement. Nicolas Wallart (Universite de Geneve) s'est interesse a la maniere de concevoir une taxe permettant d'internaliser les couts externes et de reduire la consommation de carburant (et donc les emissions de CO2). Les certificats echangeables etudies a l'Universite de Neuchatel...: Lorsque les certificats echangeables sont mis en pratique, conservent-ils les proprietes d'efficacite que leur attribuent les economistes? Marc-Alain Stritt (Universite de Neuchatel) s'est attache a cette question en simulant le fonctionnement d'un marche des droits d'emission pour les oxydes d'azote (NOx) dans le Chablais. La distribution initiale des droits entre les participants est une question delicate et importante. La solution proposee consiste a convertir en quantites les valeurs limites d'emission de l'OPair. Le systeme de certificats echangeables permettraient d'atteindre le meme objectif environnemental a un cout nettement Inferieur. L'enquete menee aupres des entreprises de la region a montre que si l'on avait introduit un marche de certificats pour les NOx en 1986, le cout des mesures de depollution, a ce jour, aurait pu etre abaisse de 45 percent. Pour les mesures d'assainissement futures (1995-2000), la reduction des couts serait de 60 percent. La reforme fiscale ecologique etudiee a la Haute Ecole de Saint-Gall...: Klaus Vallender et Reto Jacobs (Haute Ecole de Saint-Gall) ont aborde le probleme dans une perspective plus large. Trois strategies principales peuvent etre envisagees: introduire de nouvelles taxes en vue d'engendrer des comportements favorables a la protection de l'environnement (on parle, a ce propos, de 'green taxes'), modifier les impots existants afin qu'ils exercent des effets positifs pour l'environnement, enfin reformer plus fondamentalement le systeme fiscal. (FRA)
Das Projekt "NOIRAIGUE - Teilprojekt A: Beschreibung und Quantifizierung des Oberflaechen- und Grundwassersystems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie, Centre d'Hydrogeologie durchgeführt. Colloids and particles are recognize as a major vector of pollutant transport. In this project, we focus on the influence of the water cycle on colloids and particles dynamic in a karstic aquifer covered by peat and agricultural land. We want to determine the hydro geological situations which deliver the most important fluxes of colloids. On one hand, we presently study the basin by field exploration and geophysical techniques to describe the major pass ways of water from atmosphere to spring. This should allow the delimitation of areas generating the most colloids. On the other hand we follow the particle distribution (PSD, from 0.05 to 60 mym) in water at different levels of the Noiraigue basin using many methods. The PSD is highly influenced by discharge both in the Bied brook and in the Noiraigue spring. More results should allow the description of the physical factors governing the movement of each size fraction of colloids. Complementary information: Noiraigue: Subproject A: 'Characterisation and quantification of the surface and groundwater system': Colloids and particles are recognized as a major vector of pollutant transport. In this project, we focus on the influence of the water cycle on colloids and particles dynamic in a karstic aquifer covered by peat and agricultural land. We want to determine the hydro geological situations which deliver the most important fluxes of colloids. On one hand, we presently study the basin by field exploration and geophysical techniques to describe the major pass ways of water from atmosphere to spring. This should allow the delimination of areas generating the most colloids. On the other hand, we follow the particle distribution (PSD, from 0.05 to 60 Nanometers) in water at different levels of the Noiraigue basin using many methods. The PSD is highly influenced by discharge both in the Bied brook and in the Noiraigue spring. More results should allow the description of the physical factors governing the moment of each size fraction of colloids. Noiraigue: Subproject B (B. Kubler): 'Organic and mineral colloidal particles in water from swamp soils to spring in karst system': Colloids and particles are recognized as a major vector of pollutant transport. This project aims to characterize these colloids in soil, groundwater and rivers of the Noiraigue spring basin. We determine the particle size distribution in water using many different methods (filtration, ultra centrifugation, laser sizer, chromatography, electronic microscopy) in order to perfect a methodology applicable to field.
Das Projekt "NOIRAIGUE - Teilprojekt B: organische und mineralische Kolloidpartikel im Wasser von Sumpfboeden an Quellen in Karstsystemen (OMIPAWAKA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie durchgeführt. In the catchment area of the Noiraigue system two types of waters are present: 1. weakly polar, acid, reduced waters with organic material stemming from natural peat bogs and 2. moderately polar waters containing organic material stemming from improved swamps. The two waters mix with each other and are thereby neutralized before entering the karst drainage system. The colloid's nature, fluxes and impact on the neutralization is the main topic of the present investigation. Since fluxes are highly dependent on season and rain fall, the study of the hydrologic systems is an important part of this project (subproject A). Since colloids are partially produced by biologic activity, the microbiologic system is studied in subproject C (e.g. Gallionella). During transport in the karst system, the waters loose about half of their organic material content. Colloids at the karst spring will be compared with those at the karst entrance in order to quantify the influence of the residence time within the karst system as well as transport and oxidation processes. Tracing of bacteria using bacteriophages will permit to quantify the transfer time of organic particles of 1 mym size in comparison with the smaller colloid particles.
Das Projekt "Thermische Rueckstandsbehandlung zur Ueberfuehrung in glasartige Rest- und Wertstoffe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Paul Scherrer Institut durchgeführt. How can residues from waste incinerators be recycled? Two complementary vitrification systems for waste incineration residues developed by ABB: - The Deglor-system: a glass furnace based process operating with an oxidizing atmosphere, suited for small and medium throughputs (treatment of fly ashes). - The AshArc-system based on a DC hollow electrode arc operating under reducing conditions, suited for large throughputs (bottom ashes with or without fly ash, fly ash in very large incineration plants). Aims of the SPPU-project: The aim of the joint SPPU-project was to study the composition and properties of the produced glass-like residues a function of the operation conditions in the respective furnaces. The results of these investigations should give facilitate the production of valuable and usable products from these residues. Contributions within the SPPU-project: Our main contribution was the operation of our test and pilot facilities under specified conditions. Samples of the resulting glass were analyzed in detail by EMPA Duebendorf, investigating both chemical and physical properties of the glass. The topic of valuable products from the vitrified material was followed up by EMPA St. Gallen. At PSI small scale fundamental experiments concerning the evaporation of heavy metals were performed. Some summarized results: The vitrification of different incineration residues (fly ashes with and without flue gas cleaning products, fine fractions of bottom ashes) did always result in glass products showing a good leaching resistance. A huge data base characterizing these products was gained. - A method to determine the retention time of materials in the Deglor furnace was successfully tested. Based on this method, the positive effect of a longer retention time in the furnace was demonstrated revealing a more complete evaporation of most heavy metals and of chloride and sulfur. The special case of zinc was investigated in depth by the PSI. - A 2 t/h AshArc test run under reducing conditions revealed very low residual heavy metal contents in the glass. - The physical characterization of the glass gave new input concerning the use of this materials for added value products like vitreous ceramics. This has to be further investigated. Very promising is the use of the glass as a partial substitute for cement in slowly binding concrete.
Das Projekt "Integrierte Studie der globalen biologischen Vielfalt von Wiesen mittels Mikroflora und Pedofauna" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Orlab durchgeführt. Leading Questions: a) Contribution to soil biology b) Global, multi-scale approach to biodiversity in an edaphic environment c) Maximum integration of research realized on two different but interacting functional levels d) New application of analytical methods e) This research is oriented in the direction of establishing a biodiversity-derived diagnostic for fertility in agricultural environments. f) Interdisciplinarity. Abstract: In the soil, the diversity of the components of the decomposition chain gives an indirect measure of soil-fertility. But the organisms involved work at different scales. Thus, studying their interactions requires a simultaneous evaluation of the faunas tic diversity and the microbial spectrum. Here we evaluate diversity of macro arthropods, micro arthropods and micro flora (fungi and bacteria) on the same samples. The measures are compared with each other, and put in relation with the biochemical traces of biological activity in the soil, which give another measure of soil fertility. The measured traces are selected enzymes, ATP content, and CO2 release. Biodiversity is thus studied for itself and compared over several scales (with organism sizes ranging from the cm to the um), but applications are also expected, in the form of biodiagnostic techniques of soil fertility, pollution monitoring, or risk assessment related to the application of sanitation techniques on heavily polluted soils.
Das Projekt "Integration von Downstreamprozessen in Oekobilanzen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Energietechnik durchgeführt. Leading Questions: How should the environmental impacts from the pollution abatement facilities be allocated to the goods thrown away? How relevant are the expenses of the infrastructure, management and the consumption of the resources compared to the direct impacts? What is the procedure if heat, electricity, iron scrap, cinder for the road construction, heavy metal recovered and salt from a waste combustion plant are offered to the public? Abstract: Up to now most LCA case studies of products take downstream processes as industrial and municipal solid waste and waste water treatment very rudimentary into consideration. For this reason there is a lack of methods and data for a reasonable consideration of downstream processes in LCA. With this project a comprehensive inventory database of the most common downstream processes in Switzerland is established. A specific inventory methodology is suggested and will be further developed in cooperation with LCA-experts of different European institutes. For an easier handling of the data a computer program, which allows to calculate the substance transfer from the techno sphere to the ecosphere for any waste with a known composition, will be available together with the final report of this project. Since the beginning of the project in November 1993, data about municipal solid waste incineration and waste water treatment plants have been compiled. Definite results will be published at the end of 1995. Complementary information: The project evaluates data concerning the flows of energy- and waste of average downstream processes (standard processes of waste management) in Switzerland. For waste with a known composition. the different flows from the techno- to the ecosphere will be determined. Particularly the consumptions of the construction and operations will be taken into account and will be attributed to the products. Primarily analyzed will be the standard processes in waste management (thermal pollution abatement facility, sewage disposal plant, deposit).
Das Projekt "Entwicklung einer schweizerischen Struktur zur multidisziplinaeren Zusammenarbeit im Bereich biogeochemischer Zyklen - erster Teil" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Geneve, Departement de la Chimie Minerale, Analytique et Appliquee durchgeführt. Ce projet, appele ci apres 'programme', est soumis par l'ensemble du module 2 du PP-Environnement. Les moyens financiers seront utilises pour des besoins communs au module. Le programme a pour but (i) la mise sur pied d'une structure de cooperation Suisse multidisciplinaire, entre les differents groupes de recherche actifs dans les cycles biogeochimiques, (ii) en catalysant cette cooperation au moyen d'un projet experimental commun. Pour jouer pleinement son role de catalyseur, ce projet doit etre accepte par la majorite des groupes et permettre la participation d'un maximum d'entre eux. Pour cette raison le programme comprendra les phases suivantes: - rassemblement et synthese des informations sur les differents groupes: competences, appareillage disponible, projets en cours, etc.. - organisation de workshops pour definir la structure de cooperation optimum, et la nature du projet experimental commun. Evaluation de la faisabilite du programme; - realisation du projet commun avec workshops de coordination et discussion des resultats; renforcement de la structure de coordination; - synthese des resultats experimentaux; evaluation concernant le developpement de la structure de cooperation; preparation de la deuxieme etape du PPE. La nature precise du projet commun sera discutee par l'ensemble des participants, lors de workshops. Ce projet respectera les grandes lignes definies dans le plan d'execution du PPE en mettant l'accent autant que possible sur l'etude des flux de composes chimiques dans un ecosysteme complet, les relations entre micro- et macro processus et le developpement de technologies nouvelles specifiques (mesures in situ, modelisation..). On envisage d'etudier, par les differents groupes participant au projet commun, un certain nombre de processus complementaires pour comprendre la circulation de composes chimiques dans un seul ecosysteme (sol, lac, sediment, riviere, etc.). (FRA)
Das Projekt "Analytik fuer die Behandlung von Rueckstaenden aus der Reststoffwiederverwertung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Abteilung Anorganische Analytik,Feststoffcharakterisierung durchgeführt. 1ie Entsorgung von Rueckstaenden aus Kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen (KVA), sei es durch Rezyklierung oder Deponierung, ist ein Problem mit vielen offenen Fragen. In der Schweiz laufen Forschungsarbeiten ueber verschiedene thermische Verfahren bei den Firmen ABB und Gebrueder Sulzer AG (GS), welche hauptsaechlich schwermetallarme, glasartige Endprodukte liefern, welche wiederverwertet oder rezykliert werden sollen. Die Eigenschaften und Qualitaet dieser Glaeser (Chemie, Petrographie, Mineralogie, Charakterisierung der Phasen, thermische Stabilitaet, Auslaugbarkeit etc.) soll in Zusammenarbeit mit den beteiligten Partnern im koordinierten Projekt eingehend charakterisiert werden und zwar in Abhaengigkeit von relevanten Prozessparametern und Einflussgroessen. Als neue Forschungsrichtung an der EMPA Duebendorf (Abt. 131, Anorganische Chemie) wird die bereits im Aufbau begriffene 'Festkoerperanalytik' (Charakterisierung von festen Stoffen) vorerst mit zwei Hochschulabsolventen (Petrographen, Mineralogen, Kristallographen, Naturwissenschafter) zum Zuge kommen. Daneben sollen auch die anorganisch-analytischen Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet von Schlacken, Aschen, Elektrofiltertaschen, Glaesern, Kondensaten und Eluaten als Dienstleistung fuer die uebrigen Partner des koordinierten Projektes (Wieckert ABB, Kesselring PSI, Tesch GS, Wiedersheim GS) vertieft werden.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 22 |
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Förderprogramm | 22 |
License | Count |
offen | 22 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 22 |
Englisch | 18 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 22 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 20 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 20 |
Luft | 19 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 22 |
Wasser | 21 |
Weitere | 22 |