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Found 189 results.

European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration (EURO-BASIN)

Das Projekt "European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration (EURO-BASIN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Danmarks Tekniske Universitet durchgeführt. Objective: EURO-BASIN is designed to advance our understanding on the variability, potential impacts, and feedbacks of global change and anthropogenic forcing on the structure, function and dynamics of the North Atlantic and associated shelf sea ecosystems as well as the key species influencing carbon sequestering and ecosystem functioning. The ultimate goal of the program is to further our capacity to manage these systems in a sustainable manner following the ecosystem approach. Given the scope and the international significance, EURO-BASIN is part of a multidisciplinary international effort linked with similar activities in the US and Canada. EURO-BASIN focuses on a number of key groups characterizing food web types, e.g. diatoms versus microbial loop players; key species copepods of the genus Calanus; pelagic fish, herring (Clupea harengus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) which represent some of the largest fish stocks on the planet; piscivorous pelagic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) all of which serve to structure the ecosystem and thereby influence the flux of carbon from the euphotic zone via the biological carbon pump. In order to establish relationships between these key players, the project identifies and accesses relevant international databases and develops methods to integrate long term observations. These data will be used to perform retrospective analyses on ecosystem and key species/group dynamics, which are augmented by new data from laboratory experiments, mesocosm studies and field programs. These activities serve to advance modelling and predictive capacities based on an ensemble approach where modelling approaches such as size spectrum; mass balance; coupled NPZD; fisheries; and ?end to end? models and as well as ecosystem indicators are combined to develop understanding of the past, present and future dynamics of North Atlantic and shelf sea ecosystems and their living marine resources.

Messungen und Modellierung von Ozon und aktiven Spezies von Fruehjahr bis Herbst - SAMMOA

Das Projekt "Messungen und Modellierung von Ozon und aktiven Spezies von Fruehjahr bis Herbst - SAMMOA" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre durchgeführt. Objective: Problems to be solved: There are still discrepancies between model prediction and observations of the year- round stratospheric ozone decline in mid and high latitudes. In summer, current models still severely overestimate ozone in the polar regions, and this appears as a major deficiency in our ability to model the complete ozone seasonal cycle. The springtime mid-latitude ozone depletion has not been satisfactorily modelled in a quantitative manner. This proposal hence aims at improving our understanding and modelling of ozone loss processes throughout spring and summer, in the northern mid and high latitudes. Scientific objectives and approach: The main scientific objective is to acquire a quantitative understanding of: (i) the mid-latitude ozone depletion accompanying the breakdown of the wintertime polar vortex, especially over Europe, and ii) the Arctic summer ozone deficit and its linkage to midlatitudes. The project relies on using an integrated approach combining ground-based and balloon-borne measurements, global satellite observations, as well as advanced chemical/dynamical modelling and data assimilation. Measurements of ozone, inert gases, or species actively involved in ozone chemistry, are made at three different stations in the Arctic throughout spring and summer. Observational techniques comprise ground-based lidar and infrared spectroscopic measurements, and light-weight balloon-borne instrumentation. Satellite observations complement these local, ground-based and in-situ measurements by allowing to characterise the global, evolving three-dimensional ozone distribution. The satellite data are globally integrated into a transport model through data assimilation. State-of-the-art numerical models are used to investigate the interaction of chemistry and mixing in the spring and summer stratosphere. These models are used to diagnose the ozone loss mechanisms and the overall transport of trace species in spring and summer. Correlative studies of the abundance of various trace species, either modelled or measured, allow to disentangle the effect of mixing from chemical sources and sinks. Expected impacts: The information to be provided by the field campaigns and model studies during SAMMOA will improve the quantification of ozone loss in the stratosphere, a key science priority in support of the Montreal protocol. This project will particularly impact on understanding of ozone depletion in spring and summer, when it is most harmful. It is indeed in the summertime, that human exposure to UV radiation is largest in middle latitudes. Modelling improvements shall result in better assessment and prediction of the ozone trend and recovery in support of regulatory protocols. Prime Contractor: Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Kjeller.

The Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier (DS 3 F)

Das Projekt "The Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier (DS 3 F)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Dezernat 3 Haushalt und Finanzen, Dritt- und Sondermittel durchgeführt. Objective: The Deep Sea and Sub-Seafloor Frontier project (DS3F) provides a pathway towards sustainable management of oceanic resources on a European scale. It will develop subseafloor sampling strategies for enhanced understanding of deep-sea and subseafloor processes by connecting marine research in life and geosciences, climate and environmental change, with socio-economic issues and policy building. Subseafloor drilling and sampling provide two key aspects for understanding how deep-sea ecosystems presently function and how they may respond to global change: (a) an inventory of current subsurface processes and biosphere, and their links to surface ecosystems, utilising seafloor observation and baseline studies and (b) a high resolution archive of past variations in environmental conditions and biodiversity. For both aspects, an international effort is needed to maximise progress by sharing knowledge, ideas and technologies, including mission-specific platforms to increase the efficiency, coverage and effectiveness of subseafloor sampling and exploration. The deep biosphere has been discovered only within the past two decades and comprises a major new frontier for biological exploration. We lack fundamental knowledge about biomass distribution, diversity and physiological activity of deep biosphere communities at life s extremes, and their impact on seafloor and deep sea ecosystems. Similarly, the geodynamic processes fuelling biological activity, and how these processes impinge upon the emission of geofuels, hydrocarbon formation and other resources including seafloor ecosystems, need to be understood. This Coordination & Support Action will develop the most efficient use of subseafloor sampling techniques and existing marine infrastructure to study the geosystem, its effects on the deep biosphere and marine ecosystems, and provide a comprehensive white paper and an open access web portal for a sustainable use of the oceans and a Maritime Policy.

Standardization of Ice Forces on Offshore Structures Design (STANDICE)

Das Projekt "Standardization of Ice Forces on Offshore Structures Design (STANDICE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dr. J. Schwarz durchgeführt. Objective: During the past six years two RTD-projects have been performed by a consortium of seven European partners to investigate ice forces on marine structures. The aim of this work has been to establish new methods for ice load predictions. The work has been supported by the EC under the projects LOLEIF and STRICE. The data compiled by these projects are of great importance for the future development of offshore wind energy converters, OWECS, in the ice-covered seas of Europe. Because the ice forces on marine structures are internationally heavily disputed the present design codes for OWECS as well as for all marine structures in ice-infested waters are not been considered reliable. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to contribute to the development of an international standard for the design of marine structures such as OWECS against ice loads with special emphasis on European sub-arctic ice conditions.

Ozonvorlaeufer und deren Wirkung in der Troposphaere

Das Projekt "Ozonvorlaeufer und deren Wirkung in der Troposphaere" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: Tropospheric ozone has a dual role with respect to climatic changes. Ozone is itself a greenhouse gas and it also plays a key role in the production of the hydroxyl radical (OH), which controls the lifetime of many climatically important tropospheric gases. Tropospheric ozone and OH are produced as a result of photochemical processes, through reactions involving ozone precursors. The proposed project is defined in order to answer three main questions: first, can the surface emissions of ozone precursors, and their variability be accurately quantified? Second, how should the current observations of chemical species be optimally coupled with chemistry-transport models (CTMs) to quantify the global budgets of ozone precursors and ozone ? Third, how do future changes in surface emissions and proposed future scenarios influence the lifetime of greenhouse gases and ozone distribution ? The project will provide a quantitative basis for emissions, distributions and evolution of chemical tropospheric species for discussions related to policies aimed at improving the quality of air or at reduction of greenhouse species anthropogenic emissions. Scientific objectives and approach: The overall objective of the project is to quantify accurately the budget of ozone precursors using a combination of observations and state of the art CTM. The retrieval methods to derive accurately the tropospheric burdens of CO, CH4, NO2 and ozone from observations provided by the IMG/ADEOS and GOME instruments will be improved. High resolution inventories of emissions for ozone precursors will be developed. The ability of several European CTMs to reproduce current distributions will be assessed, through detailed comparisons between model results and observations. The impact of changes in ozone precursors on the tropospheric oxidising capacity and on the distribution of ozone will be quantified. The relative importance of anthropogenic versus natural emissions in the ozone production will be quantified. The inverse modelling approach for quantifying surface emissions will be further developed. These developments will yield an assessment of the accuracy of current inventories. The impact of emission mitigation policies on the distributions of methane and ozone will be quantified.. Expected impacts: The proposed project addresses issues that are central to our understanding of the causes of large-scale air pollution and climate change, and will provide a quantitative basis for reducing the environmental and climatic impact of human activities. The new tools and data bases we will develop will aid the understanding of changes in the composition of the atmosphere and their consequences. The emissions distributions we will optimise could be used as a starting point for discussions on emissions reduction policies... Prime Contractor: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FU 0005 - Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace; Guyancout/France.

Die Fabrik - interne Steuerungen

Das Projekt "Die Fabrik - interne Steuerungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre durchgeführt. Objective/The Mound Factory: Internal Controls (GEOMOUND). Problems to be solved: (while also addressing the relevant EU policies). The discovery of maybe one of the world's most prolific carbonate mound provinces along Europe's margins, right within the present deep water areas of interest for hydrocarbon exploration, urges for investigating the eluding potential of giant biogenic sedimentary structures as hydrocarbon indicators. Considering the close association between mounds and various surface expressions of fluid expulsion, 'mound events' may hold clues towards fluid migration phases and hence prospectivity of basins (Sustainable Marine Ecosystems, Key Action 3.1.2). The apparent association between various mound clusters and past events of slope failures suggests that mounds may also hold a clue towards continental slope stability (Sustainable Marine Ecosystems, Key Action 3.1.2). In addition, the high-resolution investigations proposed will also help to unveil and document the unique deep water ecosystems often associated with such mounds. This will contribute to Europe's efforts to develop its natural resources with due consideration for the preservation of unique deep water habitats (Habitats Directive). Scientific objectives and approach: The GEOMOUND strategy will involve the construction of a high-resolution Spatial Information Grid, straddling two major hydrocarbon basins presently explored: Porcupine Basin and south eastern Rockall Basin, off western Ireland. The grid, based on a systematic inventory of recorded giant mound occurrences, will link 'pilot mound provinces' with deep reference exploration wells and stratigraphic wells. A nominal number of 5-6 cruises will provide detailed geophysical (seismic, multibeam), geochemical and sedimentological data on these critical 'nodes', to be linked by correlation lines. High-resolution data merged with industrial 2D/3D data over common investigation depths in the 'Connemara' oil field area will provide an integrated data set which can highlight the most subtle fluid migration paths. Critical targets will be selected for the collection of long cores. Geochemical expertise from various cultures will team up for stalking clues of fluid migration in both on- and off-mound sediment cores. Observations will be introduced into a numerical modelling package for testing - in space and time - various schemes of fluid migration from the reservoirs to the surficial sedimentary sequences. Expected impacts: GEOMOUND dovetails well with the present industrial momentum along Europe's margins. The fluid migration model which should result from this study will be a timely product, possibly shedding a new light on the dynamics of fluid migration in Europe's offshore basins, which has a bearing on both hydrocarbon prospectivity and slope stability. Prime Contractor: Ghent University, Renard Centre for Marine Geology Vakgroep Geologie-Bodenkunde; Gent.

Solar Steam Reforming of Methane Rich Gas for Synthesis Gas Production (SOLREF)

Das Projekt "Solar Steam Reforming of Methane Rich Gas for Synthesis Gas Production (SOLREF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. Project main goals: The main purpose of this project is to develop an innovative 400 kWth solar reformer for several applications such as Hydrogen production or electricity generation. Depending of the feed source for the reforming process CO2 emissions can be reduced significantly (up to 40 percent using NG), because the needed process heat for this highly endothermic reaction is provided by concentrated solar energy. A pre-design of a 1 MW prototype plant in Southern Italy and a conceptual layout of a commercial 50 MWth reforming plant complete this project. Key issues: The profitability decides if a new technology has a chance to come into the market. Therefore several modifications and improvements to the state-of-the-art solar reformer technology will be introduced before large scale and commercial system can be developed. These changes are primarily to the catalytic system, the reactor optimisation and operation procedures and the associated optics for concentrating the solar radiation. For the dissemination of solar reforming technology the regions targeted are in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. The potential markets and the impact of infrastructure and administrative restrictions will be assessed. The environmental, socio-economic and institutional impacts of solar reforming technology exploitation will be assessed with respect to sustainable development. The market potential of solar reforming technology in a liberalised European energy market will be evaluated. Detailed cost estimates for a 50 MWth commercial plant will be determined.

Bewertung der Wirkung von Dimethylsulfid auf das Klima

Das Projekt "Bewertung der Wirkung von Dimethylsulfid auf das Klima" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Wuppertal, Physikalische Chemie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The proposed research programme is designed to resolve many of the outstanding key issues concerning the chemical transformation of DMS so that a reliable quantitative appraisal can be made of its contribution to CCN formation and consequently an assessment of the magnitude of its regulatory role in climate. Past work on the atmospheric chemistry has been instrumental in highlighting very specific processes, which need to be investigated in detail if a reliable assessment of the relationship between DMS, CCN and climate is to be made. The continuing improvement in analytical techniques now makes it possible to make high quality and high time resolution measurements of many species, both in the laboratory and in the field, which were previously either not possible or only with large error limits and poor time resolution. Scientific objectives and approach: The major objectives of the project are 1) to put constrains on the large uncertainties associated with current photochemical models by providing more accurate gas-phase kinetic and photochemical data on DMS oxidation chemistry. 2) Investigate particle formation from both DMS and DMSO. 3) Simultaneous high-time resolution measurements of dimethyl sulphide, oxidation products, halogen oxides, NO3 radical, and aerosol number/size distribution in 3 campaigns at sites with different geographical locations reflecting distinct aspects of DMS chemistry. 4) Use the data to determine the relative importance of the oxidants OH, NO3 and halogen oxides under different atmospheric conditions. 5) Use the laboratory data to construct a DMS chemistry module for CT-models capable of describing both the remote and polluted marine atmosphere and test of the models against the field data. The objectives will be achieved by a closely co-ordinated amalgamation of laboratory, field and modelling investigations. Expected impacts: The main deliverables of the project will initially be progressive constraints on kinetic/ mechanistic aspects of the oxidation chemistry of DMS and DMSO from laboratory and field experiments. This will be accompanied by high-time resolution field measurements of DMS, oxidation products, aerosols and other products relevant to the photo-chemistry. Based on this laboratory and field information a comprehensive gas/aerosol DMS-halogen-chemistry mechanism (g/a-DMS-HALO) module for incorporation in CT-models will be developed, which will be capable of describing DMS chemistry in both the remote and polluted marine atmosphere. The information can eventually be incorporated into global climatic models.

System fuer die Beobachtung von Treibhausgasen in Europa

Das Projekt "System fuer die Beobachtung von Treibhausgasen in Europa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - Institut AWI - Forschungsstelle Potsdam durchgeführt. Objective: SOGE is an integrated system for observation of halogenated greenhouse gases in Europe. A network will be developed between four network stations, with full intercalibration. For PFC and SF, a technique for high-frequency measurements will be developed. These in-situ measurements will be combined with vertical column measurements. Trends in concentrations will be established. Integration of the observations with a variety of model tools will allow extensive and original exploitation of the data. The integrated system will be used to verify emissions in Europe down to a regional scale. The results can be used to assess compliance with the international protocols regulating the emissions, and they will be utilised to define criteria for future monitoring in Europe. Global models will be used to estimate impacts of the observed compounds on climate change and the ozone layer; namely radiative forcing and Global Warming Potential (GWP), and ozone destruction and Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), respectively Environmental authorities and industry will be invited to a workshop for mutual exchange of information between the project participants and users. Prime Contractor: Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Kjeller/Norway.

Biomass Fuell Cell Utility System (BIOCELLUS)

Das Projekt "Biomass Fuell Cell Utility System (BIOCELLUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: Energy from Biomass needs highly efficient small-scale energy systems in order to achieve cost effective solutions for decentralized generation especially in Mediterranean and Southern areas, and for applications without adequate heat consumer. Thus fuel cells are an attractive option for decentralized generation from biomass and agricultural residues but they have to meet at least two outstanding challenges: 1. Fuel cell materials and the gas cleaning technologies have to treat high dust loads of the fuel gas and pollutants like tars, alkalines and heavy metals. 2. The system integration has to allow efficiencies of at least 40-50 percent even within a power range of few tens or hundreds of kW. This proposal addresses in particular these two aims. Hence the first part of the project will focus on the investigation of the impact of these pollutants on degradation and performance characteristics of SOFC fuel cells in order to specify the requirements for appropriate gas cleaning system (WP 1-2). These tests will be performed at six existing gasification sites, which represent the most common and applicable gasification technologies. WP 3 will finally test and demonstrate the selected gas cleaning technologies in order to verify the specifications obtained from the gasification tests. The results will be used for the development, installation and testing of an innovative SOFC - Gasification concept, which will especially match the particular requirements of fuel cell systems for the conversion of biomass feedstock. The innovative concept comprises to heat an allothermal gasifier with the exhaust heat of the fuel cell by means of liquid metal heat pipes. Internal cooling of the stack and the recirculation of waste heat increases the system efficiency significantly. This so-called TopCycle concept promises electrical efficiencies of above 50 percent even for small-scale systems without any combined processes.

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