The UZDL99 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (U): Upper air data T1T2 (UZ): Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind from a sonde released by carrier balloon or aircraft (Parts A, B, C, D) A1A2 (DL): Germany (Remarks from Volume-C: CAMPAGNE DATA FROM BARBADOS ESTIMATED JAN 20 - FEB 17, 2020)
The UZAC99 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (U): Upper air data T1T2 (UZ): Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind from a sonde released by carrier balloon or aircraft (Parts A, B, C, D) A1A2 (AC): Arctic(Remarks from Volume-C: CAMPAGNE DATA FROM ARCTIC FLYOVER ESTIMATED AUG 05 - SEP 15, 2022)
The UZXT99 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (U): Upper air data T1T2 (UZ): Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind from a sonde released by carrier balloon or aircraft (Parts A, B, C, D) A1A2 (XT): Tropical Belt(Remarks from Volume-C: CAMPAGNE DATA FROM Tropical Belt, Capo Verde - Barbados FLYOVER ESTIMATED AUG 08 - NOV 24, 2024)