Das Projekt "Die Dispersion von Luftschadstoffen in staedtischen Gebieten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. The main focus of the project is to investigate to what extent the turbulence structure within the urban roughness sublayer, i.e. the lowest part of the urban boundary layer, influences the dispersion of pollutants and hence their (surface) concentration distribution. On the basis of i) tracer data from various urban tracer release experiments and ii) from a yearly data set from the city of Zurich, it is shown that taking into account the turbulence structure of the roughness sublayer can significantly improve the quality of the simulation. On the other hand, if the roughness sublayer is not taken into account (as it is the case in virtually all dispersion models - irrespective of their use in urban environments), surface concentrations are generally underestimated whatever dispersion model is employed. A second focus of the present project was the development of a novel type of dispersion model: the so-called Puff-Particle-Model (PPM). This model type combines the advantages of traditional particle and puff models, respectively and avoids their respective disadvantages. In this project the model has been developed and extensively tested out on the basis of tracer data. For the urban aspect of the project the PPM serves as a dispersion model of intermediate complexity, between the pure Lagrangian stochastic particle model (research type) and a Gaussian (operational) dispersion model. Leading Questions: What ist the influence of the roughness sublayer turbulence structure on dispersion characteristics in urban environments? Can research-type and operational dispersion models be combined to yield a fast but physically as good as possible model type?