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INSPIRE Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Vorkommen

Der INSPIRE Dienst Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Vorkommen stellt bundesweite Vorkommensdatensätze gemäß den Vorgaben der INSPIRE Richtline Annex III Thema bereit. Die Vorkommensdaten wurden vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz aus Daten der Bundesländer und des Bundes zum Zweck der Erstellung des nationalen Berichts nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie zusammengeführt. Die Ursprungsdaten wurden von den Bundesländern nach den Anforderungen der EU für den nationalen FFH-Bericht nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie bereitgestellt. Die Informationen beziehen sich in der Regel auf den Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2012. Für einzelne Lebensraumtypen können abweichende Zeiträume berücksichtigt worden sein. Konkrete Informationen hierzu sind den sachlichen Berichtsdaten unter Ziffer 1.1.3 zu entnehmen (https://www.bfn.de/nationale-ffh-berichte).

INSPIRE Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Verbreitung

Der INSPIRE Dienst Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Verbreitung stellt bundesweite Verbreitungsdatensätze gemäß den Vorgaben der INSPIRE Richtline Annex III Thema bereit. Die Verbreitungsdaten wurden vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz aus Daten der Bundesländer und des Bundes zum Zweck der Erstellung des nationalen Berichts nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie zusammengeführt. Die Ursprungsdaten wurden von den Bundesländern nach den Anforderungen der EU für den nationalen FFH-Bericht nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie bereitgestellt. Die Informationen beziehen sich in der Regel auf den Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2012. Für einzelne Lebensraumtypen können abweichende Zeiträume berücksichtigt worden sein. Konkrete Informationen hierzu sind den sachlichen Berichtsdaten unter Ziffer 1.1.3 zu entnehmen (https://www.bfn.de/nationale-ffh-berichte).

Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte der Rheinebene anhand von Pollen, Grossresten und Geochemie am Profil 'Walldorf'

Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte der Rheinebene anhand von Pollen, Grossresten und Geochemie am Profil 'Walldorf'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe durchgeführt. Die Vegetationsgeschichte der noerdlichen Rheinebene wird untersucht. Das Profil zeigt ausser den letzten 2000 Jahren sehr gut den Verlauf der Vegetation.

Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - JI Forest-Climate-Projects in North-West Russia

Das Projekt "Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - JI Forest-Climate-Projects in North-West Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The QUEST project builds capacity through the development of new REDD+ like methodologies for Joint Implementation forest. This includes the development of the first methodology for Improved Forest Management based on 'Forest Management' under Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. These methodologies may be applied by other JI project developers. The QUEST project will, therefore, strenghten project activities in Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector. QUEST also involves the application on four demonstrator forestry projects in Russia and Romania allowing for the investigation of the projects impact with respect to energy use, policy, verification and methodological issues and social, environmental and hydrological concerns with Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) in a 'hands on', 'learning by doing' approach. It is the projects intention to contribute to the conservation of the Dvinsky, one of intact forest as well as to generate emission reductions. A successful implementation of the Dvinsky Climate Action Project might serve as a lighthouse example for the JIs potential to conserve Russias endangered HCV forests. The project activity will improve existing forest practices aiming at an increment of biomass volume in forests under concession. Carbon finance will enable logging firms to switch from the traditional clear cutting to a group felling system, thereby reducing the negative impact of forest management on the ecological system. Concluding, JIFor explores the LULUCF framework, develops baseline and monitoring methodologies, facilitates forest climate projects based on 'Forest Management', Art. 3.4. This provides important lessons learnt for a future REDD+ policy scheme under a follow up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. GFA ENVEST contributes to: Assessment of the policy context of LULUCF and JI in Europe including permanence, issuance of AAUs for LULUCF projects, issuance of RMUs for LULUCF projects (considering the design of the IET) and evaluation of annual- vs- five year accounting on a national level; Baseline and monitoring methodologies for JI; development of methodologies for Improved Forest Management and Forest Conservation; JI Project Design Document development - Dvinsky Forest Conservation in Russia; JI Project Design Document development - Svetloserskles Improved Forest Management in Russia; Development of tools, Transferability, Scalability, and Identification of Future Projects and Research Needs; Assessment of carbon rights ownership for forestry projects in Russia.

Regeneration of the Robinson Crusoe's island original Forest (Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile)

Das Projekt "Regeneration of the Robinson Crusoe's island original Forest (Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. The Juan Fernandez Archipelago National Park, and World Biosphere Reserve, is composed of three oceanic islands located 680 km west of continental Chile at 33 degree S. Its biota and in particular the flora is characterised by its diversity and high degree of endemism (63,9 percent), resulting from a long process of local evolution without anthropic influence. The Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI) is the only permanently inhabited of the archipelago, presenting human influence since 1574 (629 inhabitants). From this moment on, fires, selective cuttings and the introduction of exotic species of flora and fauna have affected enormously the forest communities. Currently 75 percent of the endemic vascular flora is considered in verge of extinction, being urgent its conservation. The original forest communities of the RCI constitute an important part of the endangered species habitat. Unfortunately there is still unclear the natural ecology of the dominant tree species. This evidence is crucial to consider in any conservation and restoration proposal. The objective of this study is to analyse where occurs the regeneration of the main tree species of the RCI original forest (Myrceugenia fernandeziana (Hook. & Arn.) Johow, Fagara mayu (Bertero ex Colla) Engl., and Drimys confertifolia Phil.). Using a forest area as case study (Plazoleta el Yunque sector) it will be assesed i) if the regeneration follows a light gradient, ii) if the species demand certain characteristics on its regeneration habitat (e.g substrate, rocks, coverage) and iii) how the main weeds (Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, Rubus ulmifolius Schott) affect the natural regeneration in gaps. As expected outcomes is considered the understanding of regeneration niche characters for the main tree species, and the identification of key site aspects (indicators) for the original forest self replacement. This knowledge might contribute basic information, to propose further conservation and restoration activities for this ecosystem.

Coordiation project - cross-cutting activities of DFG-priority programme SPP 1313

Das Projekt "Coordiation project - cross-cutting activities of DFG-priority programme SPP 1313" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Duisburg-Essen, Zentrum für Wasser- und Umweltforschung durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Schwerpunktprogramms ist die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der elementaren physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Prozesse, durch die synthetische Nanopartikel die Phasengrenzen von biologischen Systemen überschreiten sowie mit Biomolekülen, Zellen und Zellkonstituenten in Wechselwirkung treten und deren biologische Funktionen beeinflussen. Aus Gründen der Organisation und des Managements ist das übergeordnete Ziel in drei verschiedene Forschungsfelder aufgeteilt: (1) Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln; (2) Transport von Nanopartikeln in der biologischen Umgebung und die Wechselwirkung mit dem biologischen System; (3) Auswirkungen von Nanopartikeln auf fundamentale biologische Funktionen. Das Schwerpunktprogramm ist sehr interdisziplinär und enthält Beiträge der Materialwissenschaften, der Nanophysik, der Physikalischen Chemie, der Anorganischen Chemie, der Oberflächenanalytik, der Biophysik, der Zellbiologie und der Partikeltoxikologie. Es befasst sich ausschließlich mit synthetischen Nanopartikeln und deren Verhalten in der biologischen Umgebung im Sinne der Grundlagentoxikologie von Nanopartikeln. Die Materialien der hier verwendeten Partikel umfassen kohlenstoffhaltige Komponenten, Metalle (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt), Oxide von Fe, Ti, Zn als auch Halbleiter-Quantenpunkte. Natürlich vorkommende biologische Nanopartikel und ultrafeine Umweltaerosole sind nicht Gegenstand des Programms. Die wesentliche Innovation, die im Schwerpunktprogramm angestrebt wird, ist die Verzahnung von Nanotechnologie und Biologie, die u. a. durch folgende Aspekte zum Ausdruck kommt: (1) Die Methoden der Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln konzentrieren sich auf Eigenschaften, von denen eine biologische Wirkung erwartet wird. (2) Die verwendeten Nanopartikel werden bezüglich des Materials, ihrer Größe, Form und Oberfläche systematisch variiert, um die Auswirkung dieser Eigenschaften auf die Wechselwirkungen mit Zellen und subzellularen Systemen sowie deren biologische Funktionen zu untersuchen. Das Programm unterscheidet sich daher von einer Reihe anderer Forschungsprojekte, die sich mit der gezielt induzierten biologischen Wirkung in beabsichtigten Applikationen befassen wie in der Nanomedizin oder der Nanopharmakologie.

4G-PHOTOCAT - Fourth generation photocatalysts: nano-engineered composites for water decontamination in low-cost paintable photoreactors

Das Projekt "4G-PHOTOCAT - Fourth generation photocatalysts: nano-engineered composites for water decontamination in low-cost paintable photoreactors" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie, Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie II durchgeführt. The project 4G-PHOTOCAT allies the expertise of 7 academic and 3 industrial partners from 5 EU countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Poland, and Finland) and 2 ASEAN countries (Malaysia and Vietnam) for the development of a novel generation of low-cost nano-engineered photocatalysts for sunlight-driven water depollution. Through rational design of composites in which the solar light-absorbing semiconductors are coupled to nanostructured redox co-catalysts based on abundant elements, the recombination of photogenerated charges will be suppressed and the rate of photocatalytic reactions will be maximized. In order to achieve fabrication of optimal architectures, advanced chemical deposition techniques with a high degree of control over composition and morphology will be employed and further developed. Furthermore, novel protocols will be developed for the implementation of the photocatalysts into a liquid paint, allowing for the deposition of robust photoactive layers onto flat surfaces, without compromising the photoactivity of immobilized photocatalysts. Such paintable photoreactors are envisaged particularly as low-cost devices for detoxification of water from highly toxic persistent organic pollutants which represent a serious health issue in many remote rural areas of Vietnam and other countries. The 4G-PHOTOCAT project will provide novel scientific insights into the correlation between compositional/structural properties and photocatalytic reaction rates under sunlight irradiation, as well as improved fabrication methods and enhanced product portfolio for the industrial partners. Finally, 4G-PHOTOCAT will lead to intensified collaboration between scientists working at the cutting edge of synthetic chemistry, materials science, heterogeneous photocatalysis, theoretical modelling, and environmental analytics, as well as to unique reinforcement of cooperation between scientists and industry partners from EU and ASEAN countries.

First-principles kinetic modeling for solar hydrogen production

Das Projekt "First-principles kinetic modeling for solar hydrogen production" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Chemie, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie durchgeführt. The development of sustainable and efficient energy conversion processes at interfaces is at the center of the rapidly growing field of basic energy science. How successful this challenge can be addressed will ultimately depend on the acquired degree of molecular-level understanding. In this respect, the severe knowledge gap in electro- or photocatalytic conversions compared to corresponding thermal processes in heterogeneous catalysis is staggering. This discrepancy is most blatant in the present status of predictive-quality, viz. first-principles based modelling in the two fields, which largely owes to multifactorial methodological issues connected with the treatment of the electrochemical environment and the description of the surface redox chemistry driven by the photo-excited charges or external potentials.Successfully tackling these complexities will advance modelling methodology in (photo)electrocatalysis to a similar level as already established in heterogeneous catalysis, with an impact that likely even supersedes the one seen there in the last decade. A corresponding method development is the core objective of the present proposal, with particular emphasis on numerically efficient approaches that will ultimately allow to reach comprehensive microkinetic formulations. Synergistically combining the methodological expertise of the two participating groups we specifically aim to implement and advance implicit and mixed implicit/explicit solvation models, as well as QM/MM approaches to describe energy-related processes at solid-liquid interfaces. With the clear objective to develop general-purpose methodology we will illustrate their use with applications to hydrogen generation through water splitting. Disentangling the electro- resp. photocatalytic effect with respect to the corresponding dark reaction, this concerns both the hydrogen evolution reaction at metal electrodes like Pt and direct water splitting at oxide photocatalysts like TiO2. Through this we expect to arrive at a detailed mechanistic understanding that will culminate in the formulation of comprehensive microkinetic models of the light- or potential-driven redox process. Evaluating these models with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations will unambiguously identify the rate-determining and overpotential-creating steps and therewith provide the basis for a rational optimization of the overall process. As such our study will provide a key example of how systematic method development in computational approaches to basic energy sciences leads to breakthrough progress and serves both fundamental understanding and cutting-edge application.

Flooding, sediment and salt transport in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Improved quantitative understanding based on remote sensing and airborne geophysics

Das Projekt "Flooding, sediment and salt transport in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Improved quantitative understanding based on remote sensing and airborne geophysics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Professur für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Institut für Umweltingenieurwissenschaften durchgeführt. The Okavango is a large African wetland of prime ecological importance. Its existence is in jeopardy due to upstream development and increasing water demand in combination with predicted climatic change. Less water means a reduction of the permanent and seasonal swamp areas. The project creates a computer model serving as a tool to predict the impact of upstream hydraulic measures, channel management and changes in climate on the availability of water in the delta and its spatial distribution. It also looks at the sediment transport. The availability of water e.g. expressed by the frequency of flooding at a location is essential for the type of habitat prevailing at that point. Changes of water availability will therefore also cause changes in the habitat composition of the delta. Management of channels by cutting of papyrus or dredging will change the distribution of flooded areas. The interaction of the channels of the Okavango Delta with the floodplains and the underlying groundwater is of crucial importance. Vegetation on the islands gets its water through infiltration from the river channels and the yearly flood propagates both in the channels and in the groundwater. Therefore the model couples the surface water flow - in channels and overland during flooding - with the groundwater flow. In a region with little infrastructure it is hard to find data for this modelling effort. However, nowadays many data can be found through remote sensing techniques both from satellite and airborne platforms. These include the topography (from the Shuttle Mission), the rainfall (from METOESAT 5), the evapotranspiration (from NOAA-AVHRR) and the extension of water surfaces in their temporal development (from radar satellites and others). The thickness of the groundwater body is evaluated from aeromagnetic records provided by the geological Survey of Botswana. The infiltration zones can be seen through another airborne geophysical technique, the TEM-method. This survey is financed by the Botswanan government and will take place in April 2007. All satellite and airborne information needs calibration and interpretation through ground truth which is obtained in yearly field campaigns. The water areas serve as data for the adjustment and verification of the model. The insight gained through the model will flow into the work of the Okavango River Commission (OKACOM) which has to negotiate the permissible water use in the upstream.

Global business challenge: Breaking the oilgas water dependency with a cost-effective no-waste nanomembrane technology for water reuse (CleanOil)

Das Projekt "Global business challenge: Breaking the oilgas water dependency with a cost-effective no-waste nanomembrane technology for water reuse (CleanOil)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Likuid Nanotek SL durchgeführt. CleanOil consists on the introduction into the market of an innovative filtration solution to treat and reuse the produced water (PW), a highly polluted oily wastewater which is the largest volume byproduct associated to oil and gas production. The solution will allow achieving up to 80% reduction of water demand for oil extraction through the reuse of up to 99% of the PW, and will be based on a proprietary product - ceramic nanomembranes with an innovative production process - installed in a fully integrated solution with the equipment, instrumentation and advanced fouling monitoring and control tools and software. The project aims to achieve three objectives: (1) reducing the target membrane price up to 4 times, thanks to the upscaling of the nanomembrane production process, (2) launching worldwide highly competitive and cost-effective filtration solutions for the treatment and reuse of PW and (3) international consolidation through the new subsidiaries and strategic partners in high potential markets, aiming for a 3% share of the Likuid's target industrial filtration market, doubling the existing actual staff and achieving a tenfold increase in EBITDA profit by 2020. Likuid has identified two market segments targeted by its innovative solution: onshore, with 680 Mill.€ target market (USA, Canada, Colombia, Mexico) and offshore, with 490 Mill.€ target market (North Europe and LATAM). Potential customers for Likuid's solution are (a) the intermediary EPC, OEM and OFS companies and (b) oil producers, as end-users of the technology. In the project, onshore segment will be addressed with a Canadian demonstration for SAGD and tailing ponds and offshore segment is related to a demo study with Petrobras, who has already tested Likuid's membranes. Successfull demonstration will boost the market uptake of the new highly-efficient and cost-effective Likuid's solution, thus helping European cutting-edge technologies to position in the lead of sustainable O&G production.

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