Das Projekt "The Virtual Tank Utility in Europe (VIRTUE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: VIRTUE is an Integrated Project in response to the call on Virtual environment for an integrated fluid dynamic analysis in ship design; Objective 2 Advanced design and production techniques in the Sustainable Surface Transport of the workprogramme Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems. It constitutes an EU-wide initiative of leading marine CFD players to create a 'Virtual Basin' by integrating advanced numerical fluid analysis tools to tackle multi-criteria hydrodynamic performance optimisation of ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach, aiming to complement model testing in real basins and hence substantially enhance the provision of current services to the marine industry and to nurture development of innovative design techniques and concepts. This coherent and all-embracing hydrodynamic analysis system will help increase the competitiveness of the EU shipbuilding and shipping industries, promote a truly European co-operation with strong structuring and integration effects, strengthen SMEs through involvement in leading edge developments as a means to gaining and sustaining competitive advantage and leadership and enhance quality and safety in waterborne transportation. VIRTUE's scientific and technological objectives to achieve these ambitious goals include to: -improve hydrodynamic testing through improved reliability of CFD tools -Enhance existing CFD tools in terms of performance and accuracy and further validation -Formally integrate numerical tools, using proven approaches, into an environment for complete modelling and simulation of ship behaviour at sea- Provide smooth and versatile communication and data exchange link between marine CFD service providers, such as model basins, and the end user -Provide the means - CFD tools, integration platform and optimisation techniques -to cover the whole range of hydrodynamic problems and to facilitate and support multi-disciplinary design
Das Projekt "Demonstration of the production and utilization of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from solid biofuels (BIO-SNG)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Methane derived from solid biofuels is an important option for achieving the political goal for an increased use of alternative motor fuels. The biomass methanation has already been demonstrated on the small scale. And methane can easily be feed into the existing Natural Gas infrastructure, and can then be used with available technology, in particular within vehicle fleets. Although this option has been explicitly encouraged by the EC Directive 2003/55/EC so far no R&D-focus has been put on this. Thus, the objective of this project is it to realise and demonstrate the production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from solid biofuels within an innovative, large scale gasification plant to be built in Austria and to applicate this motor fuel in energy efficient vehicles (WTW).
Das Projekt "Climate Change and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern Europe (CLAVIER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. Observational records show that the global climate is changing and ongoing changes are also visible in Central Eastern Europe. About 64 percent of all catastrophic events in Europe since 1980 can directly be attributed to weather and climate extremes. Climate change projections show even an increasing likelihood of extremes. Certainly negative impacts of climate change will involve significant economic losses in several regions of Europe, while others may bring health or welfare problems somewhere else. Within CLAVIER three representative Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) will be studied in detail: Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Researches from 6 countries and different disciplines, will identify linkages between climate change and its impact on weather patterns with consequences on air pollution, extreme events, and on water resources. Furthermore, an evaluation of the economic impact on agriculture, tourism, energy supply and the public sector will be conducted. This is of increasing importance for CEEC, which are currently facing a rapid economic development, but also for the European Union as e.g. Romanias and Bulgarias high vulnerability from extreme events such as floods will impact not only the respective economic goals for joining the EU but also the EU solidarity fund. CLAVIER will focus on ongoing and future climate changes in Central and Eastern European Countries using measurements and existing regional scenarios to determine possible developments of the climate and to address related uncertainty. In addition, climate projections with very high detail will be carried out for CEEC to fulfill the need for a large amount of detail in time and space which is inherent in local and regional impact assessment. CLAVIER will establish a large data base, tools and methodologies, which contribute to reasonable planning for a successful development of society and economy in Central and Eastern European countries under climate change conditions.
Das Projekt "DEvelopment of a System of Indicators for a Resource efficient Europe (DESIRE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Objective: DESIRE will develop and apply an optimal set of indicators to monitor European progress towards resource-efficiency. We propose a combination of time series of environmentally extended input output data (EE IO) and the DPSIR framework to construct the indicator set. Only this approach will use a single data set that allows for consistent construction of resource efficiency indicators capturing the EU, country, sector and product group level, and the production and consumption perspective including impacts outside the EU. The project will a) improve data availability, particularly by creating EE IO time series and now-casted data (WP5). b) improve calculation methods for indicators that currently still lack scientific robustness, most notably in the field of biodiversity/ecosystem services (WP7) and critical materials (WP6). We further will develop novel reference indicators for economic success ( Beyound GDP and Value added, WP8). c) explicitly address the problem of indicator proliferation and limits in available data that have a statistical stamp. Via scientific analysis we will select the smallest set of indicators giving mutually independent information, and show which shortcuts in (statistical) data inventory can be made without significant loss of quality (WP8) The project comprises further Interactive policy analysis, indicator concept development via brokerage activities (WP2-4), Management (WP1), and Conclusions and implementation (WP10) including a hand over of data and indicators to the EU s Group of Four of EEA, Eurostat, DG ENV and DG JRC. Our team includes 4 UN Resource Panel members (WI, AAU-SEC, NTNU and LU-CML) and founders of the material flow analysis field (e.g. SERI). We further include TNO (global leader in EE IO via projects like EXIOPOL and CREEA), FFCUL (global top in biodiversity and ecosystem services) and RU (top player in sustainability impact assessment).
Das Projekt "Optimierung der Landnutzung bezueglich des Grundwasserschutzes in bergigen Gebieten mit Hartgestein" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität München, Institut für Allgemeine und Angewandte Geologie durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The objective of the project is to assess the degree of interference of anthropogenic activities with the hydrosphere in mountain regions. For this purpose, six regions have been selected. Analyses of various factors of agricultural, industrial activities affecting the hydrosphere will permit to assess the efficiency of imposed measures to protect the hydrosphere. The investigation will be carried out on two scales: detailed and regional. This study will also consider the results of monitoring and earlier data filed in archives, which would allow to reconstruct the evolution of hydrosphere in studied regions during the last 40 years. The modelling will allow to simulate various alternatives in term of landscape-use leading to an optimum one from the viewpoint of water management. Scientific objectives and approach: Results of this work must permit to predict the influences on water (in quantity and in quality) of various landscape-use scenario, in order to give a preference for the choices in land-planning , compatible with a sustainable development. Our project will focus on the following topics: -to identify and solve the correlation between individual factors which influence the quality and volume of water resources in mountain areas. - suggestions for optimum local development from the viewpoint of groundwater protection. Partial output of this work will be the assessment of efficiency of implementation of E.U. and national directives on groundwater protection. - The ultimate objective of the LOWRGREP project is the creation of the ECEMEWAM system (European Centre for Mutual Exchange of Experience in Water management in Mountain Regions) which will lead to a set up of project's own WWW pages. This will provide all data on optimum exploitation from the view-point of groundwater protection (general information) and data from yet studied areas to any client interested in the problem. In the case of some very specific issue, the client will be offered to contact an appropriate specialist. The first stage involves collection of all environmental data, their transfer into electronic form and their preliminary processing using a Geographical Information System. The second stage consists in monitoring catchments with two different scales (local and regional).A model will be built up in order to describe the water balance and the trends in water quality under various conditions. The final stage is the design of a software, HYDRODESUSMA: Hydrogeological Decision Support System in Mountain Areas; this software is aimed at the presentation and analysis of all the obtained data and knowledge in user-friendly form that can be easily interpreted by potential users... Prime Contractor: Association pour la recherche et le developpement des methodes et processus industriels, laboratoire geotechnique, exploitation, ressources, mineralogie; Ales/France.
Das Projekt "A European Network for Atmospheric Hydrogen observations and studies (EUROHYDROS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt durchgeführt. We propose to initialise a European Network for observations of molecular Hydrogen and to put in place a new and consistent calibration scale for molecular Hydrogen. The observational network will have 12 continuous measurements sites in Europe, 7 flask sampling sites in Europe and 6 global flask sampling sites. Concerning the European sites, a range of observation from clean air stations for measurements of atmospheric background to moderately polluted (e.g. urban outflow) and urban (i.e. polluted) sites was chosen. This will enable to improve the understanding of hydrogen in the global background atmosphere and of the impact of European emissions on the present day atmosphere, e.g. using local modelling techniques and radon flux calculations. We further propose to perform budget studies of molecular hydrogen (on a global and regional scale) and to study sinks and sources. Especially the important soil sink will be studied (mechanistically and experimentally). A first systematic study of isotopic composition of molecular hydrogen in the atmosphere is proposed, using observations from global and European flask sampling sites and global models, which hydrogen isotope fractionation processes will be incorporated. Global and regional models will be used to investigate the budget of atmospheric hydrogen, by comparing mixing ratios and isotope ratios between model and observations and by varying underlying model emission patterns. The Proposal further includes some studies to assess the impact of atmospheric hydrogen on the present day atmosphere, i.e. the influence on the oxidation capacity of the troposphere, the lifetimes of greenhouse gases like CH4 and on the stratospheric budgets of water vapour and ozone. Some exploratory studies will be carried out to investigate these impacts under changed atmospheric hydrogen levels, associated with the use of hydrogen as a carrier of economy.
Das Projekt "NESSHY (EU-IP): Novel efficient solid storage for hydrogen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e.V. durchgeführt. The proposed IP would drive forward the research and development of solid storage of hydrogen for vehicle propulsion and associated distribution functions. The proposed work programme will cover porous storage systems (particularly at reduced temperatures) , regenerative hydrogen stores (such as the borohydrides) and solid hydrides having reversible hydrogen storage and improved gravimetric storage performance. Initially, two categories of reversible stores will be investigated - light/complex hydrides, such as imides and intermetallic systems involving magnesium, although further categories may be included later. In all cases, the performance of different possible systems will be compared by a standards laboratory (working in collaboration with the US DoE standardisation activity). Further, et forts will be made to understand the mechanisms involved by innovative modelling activities. The organisation of the IP will include the development of a Virtual Laboratory concept, the exchange of specialised staff between participating laboratories and appropriate training activities. When promising new materials are identified, industrial collaborators will be brought in to upscale the material production, develop appropriate demonstration storage tanks and test out the prototype stores in practical conditions. Prime Contractor: National Center for Scientific Research 'Demokritos', Environmental Research Laboratory - INTRP; Aghia Paraskevi; Griechenland/Hellas.
Das Projekt "MESoR - Management and Exploitation of Solar Resource Knowledge" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. Knowledge of the solar energy resource has been generated over the past years within several European and national projects. Large steps forward have been made for the benefit of research, renewable energy industry, policy making and the environment. Nevertheless, these multiple efforts have led to a fragmentation and uncoordinated access: different sources of information and solar radiation products are now available, but uncertainty about their quality remains. At the same time, communities of users lack common understanding how to exploit the developed knowledge. The project MESoR aims at removing the uncertainty and improving the management of the solar energy resource knowledge. The results of past and present large-scale initiatives in Europe, will be integrated, standardised and disseminated in a harmonised way to facilitate their effective exploitation by stakeholders. This coordination action will contribute to preparation of the future roadmap for R&D and strengthening the European position in the international field. The project includes activities in user guidance (benchmarking of models and data sets; handbook; best practices), unification of access to information (use of advanced information technologies; offering one-stop-access to several databases), connecting to other initiatives (INSPIRE of the EU, POWER of the NASA, SHC and PVPS of the IEA, GMES/GEO) and to related scientific communities (energy, meteorology, geography, medicine, ecology), and dissemination (stakeholders involvement, future R&D, communication).
Das Projekt "Integrated small scale solar heating and cooling systems for a sustainable air-conditioning of buildings (SOLERA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims to develop highly integrated solar heating and cooling systems for small and medium capacity applications which are easily installed and economically and socially sustainable. The envisioned applications are residential houses, small office buildings and hotels. The goal is to use the excess solar heat in summer to power a thermally driven cooling process in order to provide cooling for air-conditioning. In the heating season the solar system is used to provide direct heating. The proposed project therefore aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility, reliability and cost effectiveness of these systems, specially conceived as integrated systems to be offered on the market as complete packages which will make better use of the available solar radiation as present systems.
Das Projekt "Allgemeine Forschung in Bezug auf Brennstoffzellensysteme und Komponenten fuer die Anwendung in Fahrzeugen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Kraftfahrwesen durchgeführt. Objective: The objective is to make available advanced system and component technologies for f.c. application on different categories of vehicles according to relevant operational requirements and consistent with sustainable life cycle and environmental impact prerequisites incl. energy sources infrastructures, fuel availability industrial production and recycling aspects. The project is the leading frame of the cluster 'land transport by fuel cells technology' which include development projects conducted by components makers: PROFUEL CARDEMECEL HIPERSTACK COMPEX, ECO-POWER related respectively to the areas of fuel processing, direct methanol cells, PEM stack, compressor- expander, electric drive trains. The key issue of the project is focused on overall studies and def. of specifications of components suitable for an optimised management of a F.C. vehicle, the LCA the test bench evaluation and final assessment after a demonstration phase.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 238 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 238 |
License | Count |
offen | 238 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 238 |
Englisch | 235 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 164 |
Webseite | 74 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 191 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 226 |
Luft | 156 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 238 |
Wasser | 202 |
Weitere | 238 |