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Teilprojekt: Plattform für Ligninanalytik (Lignin platform)

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt: Plattform für Ligninanalytik (Lignin platform)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur BOKU Wien, Department für Chemie (DCH), Abteilung für Chemie nachwachsender Rohstoffe (Chemie NAWARO) durchgeführt. The area s research framework combines expertise in analytical chemistry, pulp and paper chemistry, biomass pre-treatment and hydrolysis, organic synthesis, process technology, techno-economic analysis. The lignin platform comprises and crosslinks the interdisciplinary sub-projects, it is expected to significantly contribute to the knowledge base for products and processes that will enable a more efficient use of the lignin from existing pulp and paper plants. Development of advanced means to characterize different types of lignin from the project partners including lignin after different modifications within the project. The lignin platform will serve as support to determine parameters important for lignin quality control and reactivity. Lignins to be investigated comprise kraft lignins, process streams containing lignin (e.g. from mechanical pulp processing), lignosulfonates and organosolv lignins. Lignin characterization will focus on the development of advanced techniques using NMR, FFF, SEC, FTIR and others in combination with established techniques. Based on the samples available from project partners a lignin database will be generated.