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Pyrometers temperature transects (F10, F11, and F46)

Manual pyrometers measurement transects of surface temperature at field F10, F11 (vegetated) and F46 (bare soil) (4.7.2018-5.7.2018). Data provided in shapefile format.

UAV RGB and surface temperature maps of F10, F11

RGB and surface temperature maps partially covering the test sites F10 (KIT tower) and F11 (ICOS site) (4.7.2018-5.7.2018).

Soil near surface temperature (F46)

Automated measurements of soil near surface temperature at field F46 that had bare soil conditions at the time of the filed campaign. 5 HOBO Pendant® Temperature loggers were used to take temperature [°C] measurements in a 5 minutes interval (3.7.2018-5.7.2018).