Das Projekt "Analysis of Pm3 resistance gene function in transgenic wheat" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie durchgeführt. Can wheat be genetically engineered to become durably resistant to mildew? Individual resistance genes to mildew protect wheat plants against some, but not all, variants of this pathogen. A series of field trials will be carried out to test various means of genetically engineering wheat to enhance its resistance. The combination of several genes will play a central role in this project. Background Wheat has various genes that are responsible for resistance to mildew. One of these genes has seven variants, known as alleles. Individually, these alleles make wheat resistant to some, but not all, variants of the mildew fungus. There are in fact varieties of conventional wheat that have a certain degree of resistance to mildew. However, this resistance is often lost within a short time-frame. To overcome this shortcoming, genetic engineering will be used to combine the alleles. Field trials are the only way to find out whether long-term resistance can be achieved by this means. Objectives Various transgenic wheat lines will undergo comprehensive testing in a field trial (cf. Keller project I). The aim is first to establish whether the individual lines do indeed have better resistance to mildew. The second aim is to investigate how the additional gene affects the performance of the plant - in terms of yield, for example. The project also aims to analyse the effect of the environment on the plants' resistance properties. Methods Transgenic wheat lines - each containing one of the seven resistance alleles - will be developed and tested over three years for properties including seed maturation, yield and resistance following artificial and natural infection with mildew. Some of these lines will also be cultivated as a seed mixture. At the same time, wheat lines will be produced which combine the different alleles in the same plant. Both trials will test whether and to what extent mildew develops less frequently. Significance This is the first time that a field trial of this size will be carried out with transgenic plants in Switzerland. The project will not only elicit a major response from the general public, it will also provide new facts about the possible benefits of genetically modified plants.
Das Projekt "Genfluss in ausgewaehlten Nutzpflanzen der Schweiz und verwandten Unkraeutern, Risikoeinschaetzung fuer den Feldanbau von genetisch veraenderten Pflanzen in der Schweiz - Phase 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Botanique durchgeführt. Aim: Evaluation of gene flow from crops to related weeds under regular agricultural conditions. Means: 1) bibliographical database, 2) field work: collection of wild relatives in zones of contact; screening for hybrids by the methods of biometry and genetics/ elaboration of distribution maps and of risk indices (Dpdf codes) as a synthesis of all the gathered data. Evaluation of risk of gene flow between crops and wild relatives by sexual reproduction is carried out in a first step by bibliographical work and herbarium examination. Then, spontaneous occurrence of the crop and the wild relatives is censused on test areas. Populations of the wild species close to the cultivated field are sampled. Depending on the species, the plants themselves or their progeny are are analysed in order to detect spontaneous hybrids or introgressive individuals. Moreover, artificial crosses and natural hybridisations are carried out. The synthesis of the results is expressed by risk indices (Dpdf) codes, which translate hybridisation rate with the local flora, the risk of escape of diaspores in the wild and the distribution frequency of wild relatives.^Moyen: 1) base de donnees bibliographiques, 2) travail de terrain: collecte de plantes sauvages proches dans des zones de contacts, recherches d'hybrides par des approches en biometrie et des analyses genetiques/ elaboration de cartes de distribution et d'indices de risques (codes Dpdf) qui synthetisent l'ensemble des donnees. (FRA)
Das Projekt "Resistance Mechanisms in Transgenic Plants Expressing the Coat Protein Gene of PVY-N605^Mecanismes de resistance chez les plantes transgeniques resistantes au virus PVY (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. Le but de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre les mecanismes moleculaires responsables de la resistance antivirale obtenue chez les plantes transgeniques contenant tout ou partie du gene de la capside du virus PVY. Cette connaissance nous permettra de developper de nouvelles approches pour l'obtention des plantes resistantes mieux adaptees aux exigences ecologiques. (FRA)
Das Projekt "Begleitforschung und Monitoring bei der Freisetzung transgener Pflanzen und exotischer Organismen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Agrarökologie und Landbau durchgeführt. Aufbau und Umsetzung von Begleitforschung und Monitoringprogrammen sowie fachliche Beratung von Behoerden bei der Freisetzung von transgenen Pflanzen und exotischen Organismen fuer den Pflanzenschutz. - Entwicklung geeigneter Methoden und Verfahren fuer das Erfassen von Umweltauswirkungen von transgenem Mais und Raps (DNA-Transfer auf Kultur- und Wildpflanzen, Auswirkungen auf Bodenorganismen und die Arthropodenfauna).
Das Projekt "Improvement by Genetic Engineering of Resistance Towards Virus and Fungus of Crop Plants - Risk Assessment^Amelioration de la transformation genetique des plantes cultivees en vue d'accroitre leur resistance vis-a-vis des virus et des champignons - Etude des consequences en champs (securite biologique) (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. Isolation, incorporation de genes porteurs de caracteres souhaites, quelle que soit leur origine, dans le genome des plantes cultivees. Certaines conditions doivent toutefois etre respectees pour assurer le but poursuivi, a savoir, l'expression du gene concerne, et elle seule, par la regeneration de plantes conformes a partir des cellules transformees. C'est la une contribution majeure a la production agricole respectueuse de l'environnement. (FRA)
Das Projekt "Genetic Transformation of Chloroplasts^Transformation genetique des chloroplastes (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. 1. Maitriser les techniques de transformation chloroplastique. 2. Etablir les conditions de transformation des chloroplastes, optimales pour la pomme de terre. 3. Mettre au point un systeme permettant d'eviter la presence de genes marqueurs (par ex. resistance a des antibiotiques) dans les varietes transgeniques destinees a la commercialisation. 4. Ulterieurement, nous projetons d'utiliser la transformation chloroplastique pour exprimer des genes d'interet varies dans des conditions de biosecurite optimales. (FRA)
Das Projekt "Genetic Transformation and Regeneration of Triticale^Transformation genetique et regeneration du triticale (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. Le developpement de lignees de Triticale presentant une sterilite male reversible depend en partie du succes des experiences de transformation et de regeneration de cette cereale. Notre premier but est donc de determiner les conditions favorables au transfert de genes, a leur maintien et a leur expression dans des varietes commercialement interessantes de Triticale. Ces conditions seront par la suite utilisees pour generer des plantes male steriles. (FRA)
Origin | Count |
Bund | 7 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 7 |
License | Count |
offen | 7 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 7 |
Englisch | 6 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 7 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 6 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 5 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 7 |
Wasser | 5 |
Weitere | 7 |