Das Projekt "Medical field survey on inhalation stress and strain reaction in the lungs and kidneys caused by cooling lubrificants in the iron and steel industry" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut und Poliklinik für Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin durchgeführt. Objective: It is intended to carry out a survey on a representative sample of workers in the iron and steel industry to establish what early effects on the lungs and kidneys result from exposure to cooling lubricants. The results will enable recommendations to be made for protective measures to prevent health hazards, while the findings are to be used in the day-to-day practice of preventive medicine in industry. General Information: A sample of about 200 workers from rolling mills in the iron and steel industry is to be examined. The sample is to be broken down into the following groups: workers exposed to cooling lubricants for the first time, workers who have been exposed for a fairly long time, and workers who have never been exposed. In addition to the medical tests, ambient air will be monitored to determine the concentrations of oil vapours and mists at the place of work. This will involve measurements on workers and at fixed locations. Methods and means by which the aims are to be achieved: The medical examinations will be supplemented by routine laboratory tests on the urinary system, upper-abdomen sonography, biomonitoring for chromium and nickel and spectrographic analysis of enzymes in the urinary system. The spirometric measurements carried out before and after each shift will include a non-specific provocation test, which is a highly sensitive indicator.