Das Projekt "Effect of experimentally applied drought and warming stress on three oak species and provenances using C and O stable isotopes in leaves, shoots, stem and roots" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Eidgenössisches Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung durchgeführt. The predicted climate change will have a profound effect on ecosystems in Switzerland, including forests. Tree species, for example oaks, which are more adapted to warmer and dryer conditions are expected to profit from the changing climate. Models predict a large increase in the distribution of oaks that are currently covering only 2Prozent of Swiss forests. Unfortunately, no long-term trials exist in Switzerland that could be used to test for climate sensitivity of the various oak species. At the Swiss Federal Institute WSL, therefore, an experiment in 16 open-top chambers was carried out to test how the three native oak species react to drought and warming. Regarding drought tolerance and temperature preference, the natural distribution suggests that Q. pubescens is the most drought-tolerant, followed by Q. petraea and Q. robur. The warming treatment is achieved by selecting two opening angles of the chamber window. Under less opened windows air and soil surface temperatures increases by 1 to 3 C. Automatically closing roofs exclude rain. An artificial drought treatment is achieved by reducing the mean local precipitation from April to October (600 mm) to less than half. While the control and warming treatment, receive water in regular intervals, the drought treatment and the warming and drought combination are only periodically watered. To prevent irreversible damage under drought stress trees usually close the stomata to minimize water loss via transpiration. This, however, reduces the net photosynthesis and thus the carbon fixation. The potential to optimize between water loss and carbon fixation is a key in understanding tree responses to climatic change. Besides stomata closure, photosynthesis is determined by other factors, including temperature. Both, stomata closure and photosynthetic capacity affect the fractionation of the stable carbon and oxygen isotopes. Therefore, the determination of the isotope ratios ?13C and ?18O in plant tissue allows to draw conclusion on how drought and warming affect the trees. The following samples are collected and are intended to be analyzed: a) fresh leaves, b) wood section from shoots, c) stemwood and d) root samples. The proposed study with the stable C and O isotopes will be an ideal complement to the other measurements, such as shoot elongation, biomass change, gas exchange, root growth and leaf size and nutrient content. Based on these results, potentially useful oak species and provenances for future seeding or planting can be identified and recommendations for the forest practice can be made. In addition, the derived isotope ratios would allow the identification of drought stressed trees.
Das Projekt "Erweiterte experimentelle Untersuchungen der reaktiven Halogenchemie in Polarregionen (HALOPOLE III)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Halogenradikale spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der Chemie der polaren Grenzschicht. Alljährlich im Frühjahr beobachtet man riesige Flächen von mehreren Millionen Quadratkilometern mit stark erhöhten Konzentrationen von reaktivem Brom, welches von salzhaltigen Oberflächen in der Arktis und Antarktis emittiert werden. Dieses Phänomen ist auch als Bromexplosion bekannt. Des Weiteren detektieren sowohl boden- als auch satellitengestützte Messungen signifikante Mengen von Jodoxid über der Antarktis, jedoch nicht in der Arktis. Die Gründe für diese Asymmetrie sind nach wie vor unbekannt, aber das Vorhandensein von nur wenigen ppt reaktiven Jods in der antarktischen Grenzschicht sollte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das chemische Gleichgewicht der Atmosphäre haben und zu einer Verstärkung des durch Brom katalysierten Ozonabbaus im polaren Frühjahr haben. Der Schwerpunkt der Aktivitäten im Rahmen von HALOPOLE III wird auf der Untersuchung von wichtigen Fragestellungen liegen, die im Rahmen der Vorgängerprojekte HALOPOLE I und II im Bezug auf die Quellen, Senken und Transformationsprozesse von reaktiven Halogenverbindungen in Polarregionen aufgetreten sind. Basierend sowohl auf der synergistischen Untersuchung der bislang gewonnen Daten aus Langzeit - und Feldmessungen sowie auf neuartigen Messungen in der Antarktis sind die wesentlichen Schwerpunkte: (1) Die Untersuchung einer im Rahmen von HALOPOLE II aufgetretenen eklatanten Diskrepanz zwischen aktiven und passiven Messungen DOAS Messungen von IO. (2) Eine eingehende Analyse der DOAS Langzeitmessungen von der Neumayer Station und Arrival Heights (Antarktis) sowie Alert (Kanada) bezüglich Meteorologie, Ursprung der Luftmassen, Vertikalverteilung, sowie des Einflusses von Schnee, Meereis und Eisblumen auf die Freisetzung von reaktiven Halogenverbindungen. (3) Die Untersuchung der kleinskaligen räumlicher und zeitlichen Variation von BrO auf der Basis einer detaillierten Analyse der flugzeuggebundenen MAX-DOAS Messungen während der BROMEX 2012 Kampagne in Barrow/Alaska. (4) Die Analyse der kürzlich in der marginalen Eiszone der Antarktis auf dem Forschungsschiff Polarstern durchgeführten Messungen im Hinblick auf die horizontale und vertikale Verteilung von BrO und IO, sowie den Einfluss der Halogenchemie auf den Ozon- und Quecksilberhaushalt. (5) Weitere detaillierte Untersuchungen des Einflusses von Halogenradikalen, insbesondere Chlor und Jod, auf das chemische Gleichgewicht der polaren Grenzschicht auf der Basis einer Messkampagne in Halley Bay, Antarktis. (6) Detailliertere Langzeit-Messungen von Halogenradikalen und weiteren Substanzen auf der Neumayer Station mittels eines neuen Langpfad-DOAS Instruments welches im Rahmen dieses Projektes entwickelt wird. Zusätzlich zu den bereits existierenden MAX-DOAS Messungen werden diese eine ganzjährige Messungen des vollen Tagesganges sowie die Untersuchung nicht nur der Brom- und Jodchemie, sondern auch der Chlorchemie ermöglichen.
Das Projekt "Climate change, environmental contaminants and reproductive health (CLEAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Aarhus Universitetshospital, Aarhus Sygehus durchgeführt. Objective: The research project investigates the possible impact of global climate change on reproductive health in one Arctic and two European populations. The key questions to be addressed are, firstly, how may climate change influence human exposure to widespread environmental contaminants and, secondly, how may contaminants impact occurrence of reproductive disorders as sensitive indicators of health? To provide affirmative answers to these questions the proposal will as a first step identify and describe mechanisms by which a changing climate may affect the exposure of Arctic and other human populations to contaminants through change in chemical use and emissions, delivery to the arctic ecosystem as well as processing within the arctic physical environment and human food chain. This work relies on modelling of existing data. Secondly, the project will expand the existing knowledge database on human exposure to polybrominated biphenylethers, perfluorinated surfactants and phthalates by analyses of 1000 biobanked serum samples collected in a EU FP5 project. Thirdly, the project will increase the limited knowledge on links between human exposure to contaminants and reproductive health. This work relies on a large existing parent-child-cohort, where a follow-up survey provide new data that are fed into risk assessment. Furthermore we will perform reviews of experimental and epidemiological literature to identify critical reproductive effects and exposure-response data for selected compounds as input to the risk assessment. Finally the project will integrate data on climate induced changes in contaminant mobility and distribution and links between contaminant exposure and reproductive health into a risk evaluation providing insight into possible future risk scenarios related to global climate change. The project draws upon a network of experts in climate modelling and in experimental, epidemiological and risk assessment methodologies and builds upon three established cohorts in Greenland, Poland and Ukraine.
Das Projekt "Protection of consumers by microbial risk mitigation through combating segregation of expertise (PROMISE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Büro für Forschungsförderung und Innovation durchgeführt. PROMISE strives for multidimensional networking thus fostering integration. The primary strategic objective of PROMISE is to improve and increase the integration, collaboration and knowledge transfer between the new member states, old member states (EU15) and candidate countries through a collaborative workplan of exchange of expertise and regional training and dissemination actions, to tackle common food safety threats. PROMISE strives for sustainability through involvement of risk communicators. A further strategic objective is to integrate stakeholders like public health authorities and national food safety authorities from the old and new member countries in order to ensure the exploitation of research results into standardisation and harmonisation efforts. PROMISE will enhance the knowledge on pathogen transmission. While legal imports are well monitored for contamination and alerts are registered through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed RASFF notification systems, gates into the EU-27 could exist where food supply chains are not controllled. These uncontrolled imports present the risk that new strains of traditional pathogens will be transferred from third countries into the European Union. Analysing, assessing and interpreting this risk of introducing new strains of pathogens is one of the main objectives of PROMISE.
Das Projekt "Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future and platform data management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung durchgeführt. Predicting future climate change is in itself already difficult, especially in such complex ecosystems as the Andean mountain rain and dry forest as well as the Paramo. The common tools to simulate global climate change are global circulation models (GCM). Because of their coarse resolution they are not able to capture atmospheric processes affecting the local climate. For this reason a dynamical downscaling approach will be used to develop a highly resolved spatial and temporal Climatic Indicator System (hrCIS) to derive ecologically relevant climate change indicators affecting the ecosystems of South Ecuador. A local-limited area model (LAM) will be used to (i) generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for present day (hrCISpr) based on reanalysis data and (ii) to generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for projected future (hrCISpf) based on the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenario data. The output of the LAM for present day will be validated with in-situ measurement data and satellite-derived products to ensure the accuracy of the model for the simulations of the projected future. On the basis of statistical analysis of both climatologies changes in climate indicators such as air temperature and precipitation regime will be described. The proper storage, curation and accessibility of environmental data is of crucial importance for global change research particularly for monitoring purposes. This proposal will offer an adequate data management system for the Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research. This will be archived by extending the web-based information management system FOR816DW (a data warehouse for collaborative ecological research units) with features like automatic upload interfaces, a workbench for integrative analysis and an user defined alert system, which will facilitate environmental monitoring for scientist as well as stakeholders. Beside the development of these innovations a main objective is the transfer of knowledge and information (know how, source code, and collection data) to our partners in Ecuador. For this, and to bring together the existing data sources, we cooperate with university and non-university parties in the joint establishment of a Data access platform for environmental data of the region. This will include considerations on long-term accessibility, which is envisaged by a data transfer to the planned German national data infrastructure GFBio.
Das Projekt "Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung eines Online-Tools zur automatisierten Überwachung des Inbetriebnahmeprozesses (Data Mining, Visualisierung und Alerts) basierend auf dem FeQuan-Sensor hinsichtlich der Vermeidung von Korrosion" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Synavision GmbH durchgeführt. Werden wasserführende TGA-Systeme mit dem Sensorsystem FeQuan überwacht stehen neben der Korrosionsrate eine Reihe von primären Parametern zur Verfügung deren Interpretation den Einsatz von qualifiziertem Personal erfordert. Bei der Überwachung einer größeren Anzahl von Systemen ist durch diese Einschränkung nicht mehr garantiert, dass unerwünschte Systemveränderungen rechtzeitig erkannt werden. Es sollen daher Verfahren und Algorithmen entwickelt werden, die es erlauben die Überwachung teilweise zu automatisieren, z.B. durch eine Mustererkennung mit Alarmfunktion.
Das Projekt "Überwachung von Lawinen (DAS-A)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Alpine Naturgefahren durchgeführt. In diesem Projekt wird versucht verschiedenste Messmethoden auf ihre Tauglichkeit zur Überwachung von Lawinenabgängen zu untersuchen. Dazu werden im Projektgebiet Lech/Arlberg unterschiedlichste Messsysteme installiert. Nach künstlicher sowie natürlicher Lawinenauslösung werden die so gewonnen Daten aufbereitet, analysiert und gegenübergestellt. Zusätzlich werden die Lawinenabgänge mittels terrestrischen Laserscannens überwacht, um genaue Aussagen über Volumen, Auslauflänge und Größe treffen zu können.
Das Projekt "Cost effective inspection and structural maintenance for ship safety and environmental protection throughout its life cycle (CAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bureau Veritas durchgeführt. Objective: For oil tankers to be more environmentally friendly along their life cycle, IMO has set forth a condition assessment scheme 'CAS' for single hull tankers and is now working to develop a similar type of codefor double hull tankers, which involve huge amounts of measurement information. Performing thoseinspections efficiently requires processing measurement information on a real time basis, resulting incost savings because fast assessment of the ship condition and decision-making could be done while theship is still in the dock for maintenance.Measurement information consists of thickness measurements, visual assessment of coating and cracksdetection. In the existing situation, because there is no standardization of data, it is recorded manuallyon ship drawings or tables, which are very difficult to handle. Measurement information takes a longtime to report and to analyse, leading to some repairs being performed at the next docking of the ship.The system to be developed in this project includes such innovative features as: development of a simplified andflexible ship electronic model which can be refined to fit the needs of inspections, addition of measurementinformation in this ship model, automatic updating of the measurement information in the ship model, integrationof robotics, easy handling of measurement information using virtual reality, immediate worldwide access. Systematic comparison and consistency checks of measurement campaigns will trigger electronic alerts. Repairdecisions and residual lifetime of the structure will be calculated with modern methods of risk based maintenance modelling, with the interesting feature that the model will be updated after each measurementcampaign. The system to be developed is applicable to any ship type, but, due to the current focus on tankers and bulkcarriers, these ships will be used as the main case studies.
Das Projekt "WARN Warnungen und Ultrakurzfristprognosen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie durchgeführt. Improvement and automatisation of Nowcasting techniques. Extension of warnings for both public and authorities. Short description: Adaptation and improvement of existing Nowcasting methods. Introduction of new products (i.e. MSG data). Improvement of severe weather warnings (procedures and methods). Project aims: Improvement and automatisation of Nowcasting techniques. Extension of warnings for both public and authorities. Transfer and application: Introduction in the operational weather forecasting of the new developments.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 9 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 9 |
License | Count |
offen | 9 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 9 |
Englisch | 9 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 7 |
Webseite | 2 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 5 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 6 |
Luft | 7 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 9 |
Wasser | 5 |
Weitere | 9 |