Am 1. Juni 2013 kam der "Club der Energiewende-Staaten" zu seinem Gründungstreffen in Berlin zusammen. Gründungsmitglieder sind China, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Indien, Marokko, Südafrika, Tonga, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, das Vereinigte Königreich sowie der Generaldirektor der IRENA, Adnan Amin. Gemeinsames Ziel ist, den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien weltweit voranzutreiben.
Am 7. Oktober 2011 wurde von Bundesumweltminister Dr. Norbert Röttgen und Adnan Z. Amin, der Generaldirektor der Internationalen Organisation für Erneuerbare Energien (IRENA),das Innovations- und Technologiezentrum (IITC) von IRENA in Bonn eröffnet. Die von der Bundesregierung geförderte Beratungseinrichtung soll wissenschaftliche Szenarien zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien erarbeiten und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem IRENA-Hauptsitz in Abu Dhabi zum weltweiten Umstieg auf Ressourcen schonende Technologien beitragen.
Rüdel, Heinz; Müller, Josef; Jürling, Heinrich; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Koschorreck, Jan Environ Sci Pollut Res 18 (2011), 9, 1457-1470 Samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) covering particularly the years 1994-1996, 2000-2002, and 2006-2009 were analyzed for perfluorinated compounds (PFC; mainly C4-C13 carboxylic and sulfonic acids) to gain an overview on current PFC levels and patterns in marine, limnetic, and terrestrial biota; to assess their concentrations in different trophic levels; and to investigate whether risk management measures for PFC are successful. Specimens, either standardized annual pooled samples (blue mussels, eelpout liver, bream liver, pigeon eggs) or individual single samples (cormorant eggs, rook eggs), were collected for the German ESB program from representative sampling sites according to documented guidelines. After appropriate extraction, PFC were quantified under ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation by HPLC/MS-MS with isotopically labeled internal standards. Limits of quantification (LOQs) were 0.2-0.5 ng/g. Data are reported on a wet weight basis. In most samples the predominant PFC was perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). However, in marine mussels from North and Baltic Seas, PFOS levels were mostly below the LOQ, but low residues of PFOS amide were found which declined in recent years. Livers of eelpout showed maximum concentrations of 15-25 ng/g PFOS in the period 2000-2002 and low amounts of perfluoropentanoate in all years. Beside PFOS (median 48 ng/g) several PFC could be determined in cormorant eggs sampled in 2009 from a Baltic Sea site. For a freshwater ecosystem, current PFC burdens for cormorant eggs were even higher (median 400 ng/g PFOS). Livers of bream from rivers showed concentrations of 130-260 ng/g PFOS, but for bream from a reference lake levels were only about 6 ng/g. In contrast to cormorants, eggs of rook and feral pigeon from terrestrial ecosystems displayed only low PFC burdens (up to 6 ng/g PFOS). Generally, PFC levels were lower in marine than in freshwater biota. PFC burdens were higher in biota from the ESB-North Sea sites than in Baltic Sea organisms. Levels of PFC were quite high especially in top predators of both limnetic and marine ecosystems. Only low PFC levels were detected in eggs of terrestrial birds. A decrease of PFOS levels from maximum values around the year 2000 observed at least in North Sea biota may be a result of a production cease and shifts in marketing pattern. doi:10.1007/s11356-011-0501-9
technologyComment of epoxy resin production, liquid (RER): Commercial epoxy resin can be produced by reacting bisphenol-A and epichlorohydrin in presence of a base catalyst (here represented by sodium hydroxide) (Guichon Valves n.d. and Pham and Marks 2005). Epoxy resins are in liquid form if n is from 0 to 1. When n is larger than 1 the resin in solid (Licare and Swanson, 2011). As the product here representes epoxy resin in liquid form, n is set to 1. 2C15H16O2 + 3C3H5ClO + 3NaOH -> C39H44O7 + 3Na+ + 3Cl- + 3H2O Pham, H.Q. and Marks, M.J. 2005. Epoxy Resins. In Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Electronic Release, Vol.13, pp.155-244. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. Guichon Valves, n.d. Epoxy resins – Manufacturing process of Epoxy resins. Retrieved from:, accessed 13th February 2017 For more information on the model please refer to the dedicate ecoinvent report, access it in the Report section of ecoQuery ( The process is carried out in a reactor where a solution of sodium hydroxide is added (20 to 40% concentration). The product is brought to boiling temperature and a solvent is added. Solvents are not included in the inventory as it is assumed that solvents are closed-loop recycled. The unreacted epichlorohydrin is collected and recycled back into the system. The epoxy resin in then washed; this gives the final product in liquid form. Epoxy resin can also be produced in solid form. To do so, curing with, for example secondary amines, is necessary. Epoxy resins can have different characteristics, these depend on additional products that can be added to the liquid resin. The required characteristics depend on the final use of the product (Guichon Valves n.d.) This inventory representing production of a particular chemical compound is at least partially based on a generic model on the production of chemicals. The data generated by this model have been improved by compound-specific data when available. The model on production of chemicals is using specific industry or literature data wherever possible and more generic data on chemical production processes to fill compound-specific data gaps when necessary. The basic principles of the model have been published in literature (Hischier 2005, Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability). The model has been updated and extended with newly available data from the chemical industry. In the model, unreacted fractions are treated in a waste treatment process, and emissions reported are after a waste treatment process that is included in the scope of this dataset. For volatile reactants, a small level of evaporation is assumed. Solvents and catalysts are mostly recycled in closed-loop systems within the scope of the dataset and reported flows are for losses from this system. The main source of information for the values for heat, electricity, water (process and cooling), nitrogen, chemical factory is industry data from Gendorf. The values are a 5-year average of data (2011 - 2015) published by the Gendorf factory (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung,, (Gendorf, 2015, Umwelterklärung,, (Gendorf, 2014, Umwelterklärung, The Gendorf factory is based in Germany, it produces a wide range of chemical substances. The factory produced 1657400 tonnes of chemical substances in the year 2015 (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, and 740000 tonnes of intermediate products. Reference(s): Hischier, R. (2005) Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability (9 pp). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 59–67. 10.1065/lca2004.10.181.7 Gendorf (2016) Umwelterklärung 2015, Werk Gendorf Industriepark, Licari, J.J. and Swanson, D.W. 2011. Chemistry, Formulation, and Properties of Adhesives. In Adhesives Technology for Electronic Applications (Second Edition), 2011
Um den wachsenden Anforderungen an Handelsmärkte gerecht zu werden, hat die EU schrittweise eine Reihe von Regelungen im Bereich der Marktaufsicht angepasst und erweitert, die sich auch auf den EU-Emissionshandel auswirken. Die bedeutendste Änderung für den EU-Emissionshandel ist dabei die Einordnung von Emissionsrechten1 unter den Begriff der Finanzinstrumente. Dadurch wird der Emissionshandel in Zukunft grundsätzlich den in der europäischen Finanzmarktrichtlinie (MiFID II; Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) festgelegten Regularien der Finanzmarktordnung unterfallen. Neben MiFID II wurden auch die Regelungen gegen Marktmissbrauch (CRIM-MAD/MAR; Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Market Abuse/Regulation on Market Abuse) sowie Regelungen zur Verhinderung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung (sogenannte 4. Anti-Geldwäsche Richtlinie) überarbeitet. Zudem wurde mit dem Erlass der Verordnung über OTCDerivate, zentrale Gegenparteien und Transaktionsregister (EMIR; European Market Infrastructure Regulation) ein umfangreiches Regelwerk zur Regulierung des Derivate-Markts geschaffen. Bis auf die 4. Anti-Geldwäsche Richtlinie sind alle Regelwerke bereits in Kraft getreten. Soweit möglich, werden die neuen Regelungen sowie ihre potentiellen Auswirkungen auf die einzelnen Marktteilnehmer und Marktplätze in diesem Papier zusammenfassend dargestellt, diskutiert und vorläufig bewertet. Die konkrete Ausgestaltung einiger insbesondere auch für den Emissionshandel relevanter Punkte der MiFID II sowie der MAR befindet sich derzeit noch in einem Konsultations- und Gesetzgebungsprozess unter Koordination der ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority), weshalb eine abschließende Beurteilung der Änderungen des regulatorischen Rahmens in diesem Papier nur bedingt möglich ist. Die Vorschriften der MiFID II werden ab 2017 europaweit Geltung finden. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
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