Das Projekt "Natural product lead discovery at the microgram scale - an integrated approach" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Department Pharmazeutische Biologie durchgeführt. Natural products remain an important source for drugs and a source of inspiration for medicinal chemists for the design of synthetic drugs and probes for the study of biological functions. The contribution of academic laboratories in natural products discovery has been substantial. The limiting factor of pharmaceutical natural product research has been with the tedious process of purification and identification of the lead molecules from the highly complex crude extract. Recent technological advances enable now a miniaturization of the screening and discovery process for natural product leads. The proposal here is for the purchase of a 500 MHz NMR spectrometer specifically equipped for the measurement of mass limited samples. It includes a recently commercialized 1 mm probe and autosampler and is capable of recording 1D and 2D NMR spectra with microgram (20-100 myg) amounts of natural products and synthetic drug-like molecules. The spectrometer is configured to fit into the technology platforms and the workflows of the Drug Screening Group of the Swiss Tropical Institute and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology. The instrument shall be used for various interdisciplinary projects of the two principal applicants and for a consortium which is being established. The major use will be for HPLC-based lead discovery in the area of Alzheimer's disease, Malaria, and neglected tropical diseases. The instrument will also be employed for metabolic fingerprinting of selected plants and phytomedicines. A third application will be in the analysis of compound libraries from external sources which are screened by the applicants in the context of the principal projects. An NMR instrument with this configuration is currently not in operation at a Swiss university. It is the missing link in a technology platform established at the laboratories of the two applicants. This platform should enable a paradigm shift in the way how natural product leads are identified, namely by miniaturizing the entire process of screening, separation and lead identification to the microgram level. A significant gain in efficiency of the discovery process and, thus, in research productivity, both qualitative and quantitative, is anticipated. The equipment will also be of interest to all those scientists in the biomedical sciences who need structural information from mass limited samples such as, for example drug metabolites.
Das Projekt "High efficiency engine r&d on combustion with ultra low emissions for ships (HERCULES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ULEME E.E.I.G. durchgeführt. Objective: The HERCULES I.P. will develop new technologies to drastically reduce gaseous and particulate emissions from marine engines and concurrently increase engine efficiency and reliability, hence reduce specific fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and engine lifecy cle costs. Successive objectives for improvements to be available onboard ships are set for the years 2010 and 2020. These objectives will be attained through interrelated developments in thermodynamics and mechanics of 'extreme' parameter engines, advance d combustion concepts, multistage intelligent turbocharging, 'hot' engines with energy recovery and compounding, internal emission reduction methods and advanced aftertreatment techniques, new sensors for emissions and performance monitoring, adaptive cont rol for intelligent engines. Advanced process models and engineering software tools will be developed, to assist in component design. Prototype components will be manufactured and rig-tested. Engine experimental designs will be assessed on testbeds to vali date the new technologies and confirm the achieved objectives. Full-scale shipboard testing of chosen systems will demonstrate the potential benefits of next-generation marine engines. The work is structured in 9 Workpackages, with 18 Tasks and 54 Subproje cts. The Consortium includes engine makers, component suppliers and equipment manufacturers, compounded by renowned universities and research institutions, as well as, world-class shipping companies. The partners hold 80Prozent of the world market in marine engi nes and hence are the keepers of today's best-available-technology.'
Das Projekt "INFRES:Innovative and Effective Technology and Logistics for Forest Residual Biomass Supply in the EU" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. INFRES is a three year EU FP7 funded study focused on developing innovative technology and logistics for the forest residual biomass supply chain. The goal is to improve the overall competitiveness of forest residue biomass throughout the EU by accelerating technological (equipment and software) development and demonstrations. Following the directive for renewable energy targets in the EU, forest residue will continue to play an leading role in the renewable energy sector. This overall study focuses on the efficient collection, processing and delivery of woody feed stock for heating, power and emerging bio-refining uses. This research and demonstration project involves 23 partners, including nine research universities and organizations and 14 SMEs FELIS: FELIS will be leading Work Package 3, titled 'Business innovations and adaptations of forestry practices to bioenergy supply'. This research effort first evaluates the future customers and markets of forest biomass to 2050 and then focuses on how existing forestry practices may be modified in order to enhance and improve biomass recovery. Partnering with both software companies and regional bioenergy firms, this work task develops business and service innovations in order to improve organization efficiency, lowering cost and improving service.
Das Projekt "Development of new intermodal loading units and dedicated adaptors for the trimodal transport of bulk materials in Europe (TRIMOTRANS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für angewandte Forschung und Technologie e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: The constitution of the common European market is accompanied by continuously increasing cross-border goods and passenger traffic. Road transportation is facing a rapidly increasing congestion whilein the contrary the available capacities in railway transportation as well as inland waterwaytransportation are being underutilised. A redistribution of the carriage of goods is urgently needed, but up to now the most important obstacles consists in the incompatible interfaces between the various carriers and the diversity of loading devices being used in the EU. Main objective of the project is the development of new intermodal loading units including devices (ISO-bulk container and Roll-off container), capable adaptors and mobile fixtures suitable for the trimodal transport of bulk and packaged goods at road, railway and inland waterways. Essential element of the project is the design and integration of innovative adaptors for lifting and shifting operations of the loading units. This will lead to an optimum on intermodal compatibility. The goals are in conformity with the aims of the Specific Programme 'Sustainable Surface Transport', research domain 3.16. 'Development of equipment for fast loading / unloading of intermodal transport units'. By application of the new loading units the logistic chain can be set up without changing the loading unit throughout the whole door-to-door transport process. The transhipping procedures do not require crane technology any more and the costs will be reduced substantially. The uniformity of the specialinternal features as well as the compliance with the ISO-container dimensions will contribute to the harmonisation of loading units. The projects includes the development of containers, adaptors and mobile units, test and demonstration of two prototypes and dissemination and exploitation of the results. The consortium consists of ten partner with six SMEs from five countries (G, HU, CH, A,CR)
Das Projekt "Large-Area CIS Based Thin-Film Solar Modules for Highly Productive Manufacturing (LARCIS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Objective: In order for the commercial production of large CIGS modules on the multi-MW scale to be successful, the processes must still be streamlined and optimised taking considering both economical and ecological aspects. This project aims to support the developme nt of this material- and energy-saving thin-film technology so it can gain a foothold in the free PV market. Promising laboratory results will be transferred to large-scale production, where the availability of appropriate production equipment and very hig h material and process yields are of decisive importance. 4 universities, 2 research institutes, and 4 companies will work closely together in order to merge the physical understanding of the processes and the engineering know-how, which are necessary for up-scaling the CIGS technology to a marketable multi-megawatt production volume. We will focus on: (1) very high-quality modules manufactured by coevaporation of CIGS and applying cost-effective methods, ETA up to 14 Prozent on 0.7 m2; (2) the development of Cd-free buffer layers for Cd-free CIGS modules on an area of up to 0.7 m2, ETA up to 12 Prozent; (3) and the development of a mid-term alternative: electrodeposition of low-cost CIS modules with ETA above 10 Prozent (estimated cost about 0.8 E/Wp). We will transfer the Mo back contact sputtering know-how to a specialised European large-area glass coater to provide substrates for both the coevaporation and the electrodeposition approaches. All process developments such as modifications of the back contact, wet- or vacuum-deposited buffer layers, the multi-stage coevaporation of CIGS, or improved Ga incorporation in electrodeposited absorbers will first be tested and evaluated on the laboratory scale. Successful approaches will be up-scaled and transferred to three independ ent commercial CIGS pilot lines located in three different European countries. Novel process and quality control techniques must also be developed and applied to reach these ambitious goals.
Das Projekt "Private Sector Sustainable Energy Facility ('TurSEFF') - Project Consultant (Inception Phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. Turkey is urgently required to reduce its high energy intensity. Promotion of energy efficiency across economic sectors is one of the operational priorities for the Bank during the initial phase of operation in Turkey. In this context, the EBRD is developing the Turkey Private Sector Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (the 'Facility' or 'TURSEFF'). This will take the form of a framework operation of USD 200 million2 under which credit lines will be provided by EBRD to at least four banks in Turkey for on-lending to (i) commercial energy efficiency investments; (ii) stand-alone small scale renewable energy investments; (iii) buildings sector energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; (iv) energy efficiency and renewable energy in the residential sector; and (v) investment loans for eligible manufacturers, suppliers and installers of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology, equipment and materials. The objective of the Facility is to ensure that Participating Banks (PBs) become familiar with appraising and financing bankable sustainable energy investment projects and that technical expertise is developed to identify and prepare technically and environmentally feasible energy efficiency projects. As a result, the Facility is expected to instigate a self-sustaining market for investment in small and medium sized sustainable energy projects in Turkey. Services provided: Promotion of TurSEFF through targeted public awareness and marketing campaigns; Definition and update of technical criteria of the Facility; Development of a pipeline and portfolio of Sub-projects; Capacity building among local PBs to identify eligible project opportunities (via training of loan officers); Establishment of a database of applicants for Sub-loans and assist both the PBs and the Sub-borrowers; Development of energy efficiency, renewable energy and Buildings Sector Sub-projects; Establishment of an efficient electronic tracking, monitoring and reporting system; Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and assessment of the scope for a carbon credit transaction; Elaboration of Project Identification Notes (PIN) for carbon projects; Elaboration of an innovative concept for bundling carbon revenues.
Das Projekt "Forest Sector Development in Northern Montenegro" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The project aims at supporting the whole state forest sector, from planning and execution of forest resource management to the processing of final wood products including their marketing. The assistance was directed to the forest management planning, development of seedling production to cater for enhanced reforestation activities, improvement both the wood-raw material procurement and the processing capability of the industry. Services provided: Analyse the current status of the forest management planning in Montenegro and make recommendations for improvement to current practices; Development of a proposal for modernising the current methodology including equipment, tools, computer hardware and software. Participation in the selection, preparatory work and execution of a pilot forest management plan; Review, assessment and consulting on the preliminary development plan of nurseries Kolasin and Zabljak; Organising and providing workshops and trainings for these nurseries (reforestation personnel), as well as for timber enterprises personnel; Review, analysis and assessment of existing logging operations in the state forests and of the timber processing industries; Analysis and identification of marketing opportunities available to Montenegro producers; Analysis of management practices and systems in target companies in terms of the intended privatisation process. Consultancy and recommendations on management strategy.
Das Projekt "Monitoring of Water Content Distributions inside a Lysimeter with GPR-Tomography" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Fachgebiet Angewandte Geophysik (mit Schwerpunkt Umwelt- und Ingenieurgeophysik) durchgeführt. A lysimeter is a vessel containing soil placed with its top edge to the ground surface. Lysimeter are used to study phases of the hydrological cycle in terms of water content and dynamics, e.g. infiltration, evapotranspiration or runoff. Lysimeter provide a good alternative to carry out and test various methods or theoretical theories under relative undisturbed circumstances. In cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere, IV Agrosphere (ICG-IV) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, the solute transport inside a lysimeter ought to be investigated.To avoid the inevitable problem of the boundary conditions for electromagnetic geophysical methods of a normal lysimeter with its metal wall, an alternative had to be found. Therefore PVC-cylinders were chosen with 1.5 m height and 1.2 m diameter. The dielectric permittivity of soils depends strongly on the water content. Therefore, GPR was used as it can provide non-invasive high-resolution information regarding the distribution of the dielectric permittivity of a heterogeneous medium. Because the used lysimeter has PVC walls tomographic measurements can be performed. Considering the relatively small dimensions of the lysimeter (1.2m diameter, 1.5m height) and the armament with sensors for other methods, a pair of shielded antennas was chosen with centre frequencies of approx. 750 MHz. In April and September 2002 first measurements were carried out on a filled but unequipped lysimeter to check signal quality, feasibility as well as the needed time to gather a dataset under ideal conditions. Furthermore pot irrigation tests were made in 2002 and 2004 to estimate the actual resolution with the available equipment. To derive the volumetric water content, the calculated dielectric permittivity values have to be transformed. Based on the soil inside the lysimeter (approx. 80% sand, 15% silt and 5% clay with approx. 40% porosity) appropriate mixing formulas for bulk dielectric permittivity have to be chosen and compared to the results gathered from alternative methods.
Das Projekt "Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SIINN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Geschäftsbereich Technologie-Transfer (T) durchgeführt. Objective: The primary aim of the SIINN ERA-NET is to promote the rapid transfer of the results of nano-science and nanotechnology (N&N) research into industrial application by helping to create reliable conditions. In order to strengthen the European Research Area and to coordinate N&N-related R&D work, the project has the aim of bringing together a broad network of ministries, funding agencies, academic and industrial institutions to create a sustainable transnational programme of joint R&D in N&N. The commercial application of nano-materials (NMs) products is increasing rapidly, but one important question, the safety of NMs, still represents a barrier to their wide innovative use. Therefore the first priority of SIINN is to focus on developing a consolidated framework to address nano-related risks and the management of these risks for humans and the environment by investigating the toxicological behaviour of NMs. European R&D activities in N&N remain largely uncoordinated and fragmented, resulting in the sub-optimal use of available resources, such as human resources, research equipment and funding. Since available data on their toxicological behaviour is often scant, unreliable or contradictory, the SIINN Project will focus on ways of remedying this situation. After defining the criteria important for NM toxicology, the environmental health and safety (EHS) information currently available to Europe will be examined. Liaisons will strategically be established and maintained. They will network with organisations looking into the EHS of NMs within Europe and abroad with the aim of continually exchanging information with these. Available information will be examined for their reliability in respect of the assessment of the risks of NMs towards human health and to the environment and major knowledge gaps identified. At least two joint, transnational calls will be organised during the initial lifetime of SIINN in order to fill these gaps.
Das Projekt "Promote innovative intermodal freight transport (PROMIT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG durchgeführt. Objective: PROMIT is the European Coordination Action (CA) for inter-modal freight transport initiating, facilitating and supporting the coordination and cooperation of national and European initiatives, projects, promotion centres, technology providers, research institutes and user groups related to this most complex transport form. The strategic PROMIT objective is to contribute to a faster improvement and implementation of inter-modal transport technologies and procedures and to help promoting inter-modal transport and mode shift by creating awareness on innovations, best practices and inter-modal transport opportunities for potential users as well as for politicians and for the research community. Due to the immense size of the inter-modality domain PROMIT has chosen a matrix organisation, where the domain expertise is treated in five parallel clusters: (1) Organisation and business models, (2) Inter-modal infrastructure and equipment, (3) Information and Communication Technologies, (4) Operation and services.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 17 |
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Förderprogramm | 17 |
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offen | 17 |
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Deutsch | 17 |
Englisch | 16 |
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Keine | 16 |
Webseite | 1 |
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Boden | 14 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 17 |
Luft | 12 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 17 |
Wasser | 11 |
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