Für die sehr persistente und sehr mobile Verbindung Trifluoracetat (TFA) wird das abgeschätzte Bildungspotential aus Vorläufersubstanzen, welche als Aktivsubstanzen in Pflanzenschutzmitteln zum Einsatz kommen, dargestellt. Die Abschätzung wurde im Rahmen des Gutachtens „Trifluoracetat (TFA): Grundlagen für eine effektive Minimierung schaffen - Räumliche Analyse der Eintragspfade in den Wasserkreislauf“ (Laufzeit: August 2021-November 2022) vorgenommen. Hier dargestellt ist das flächennormierte TFA-Bildungspotential in kg/km².
Für die sehr persistente und sehr mobile Verbindung Trifluoracetat (TFA) wird das abgeschätzte Bildungspotential aus flüssigem Wirtschaftsdünger dargestellt. Die Abschätzung wurde im Rahmen des Gutachtens „Trifluoracetat (TFA): Grundlagen für eine effektive Minimierung schaffen - Räumliche Analyse der Eintragspfade in den Wasserkreislauf“ (Laufzeit: August 2021-November 2022) vorgenommen. Hier dargestellt ist das flächennormierte TFA-Bildungspotential je Landkreis in kg/km².
Das Projekt "Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurence in Europe (ESPREME)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. Heavy metals from different sources accumulate in the environment. From a policy point of view, it has been difficult to tackle the environmental problems due to heavy metals partly because the problem has been viewed from different policy domains (air, water, soils etc.). Thus, it is not guaranteed that the policy mix applied under environmental regulation is optimal. A systems analysis would be required to define the sources of heavy metals, how they are dispersed in the environment and which adverse effects they might cause on human and ecosystems health. From a policy point of view, it is also important to identify what kinds of policy responses would be most cost-effective to reduce the impacts of heavy metals. Such information is required for carrying out cost-benefit analyses of reducing the occurrence of heavy metals in our society. Identifying the benefits would include a monetary valuation of the impacts with contingent valuation (CV) approaches (e.g. assessing the willingness-to-pay, WTP). The focus of the work described will be on priority metals, which are mercury, cadmium, chrome, nickel, arsenic and lead. Core aim of the research is to carry out cost effectiveness (CEA) and cost-benefit analyses (CBA) for reducing the heavy metals occurrence, in the EU Member States and candidate countries, including damage assessment to the environment and human health in the long term following the impact pathway analysis which assesses the impacts and damages of pollutants from their emissions over their dispersion to exposure and impacts. Finally, a feasibility study will be conducted to identify the potentials, strengths and weaknesses and uncertainties of currently available macro-economic models to identify further research needs in this field.
Das Projekt "Integrating Cloud Observations from Ground and Space - a Way to Combine Time and Space Information (ICOS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Köln, Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Bereich Meteorologie, Arbeitsgruppe Integrierte Fernerkundung durchgeführt. Cloud processes remain one of the largest challenges in atmospheric research partly due to a gap in statistically significant observations of cloud macro- and microphysical properties. The most detailed and continuous observations available today come from the combination of state-of-the-art ground-based sensors at a few 'super sites' worldwide. The integrated profiling technique (IPT) developed by the proposers has been established to provide cloud liquid water (LWC) profiles with their error and the associated environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) from a combination of microwave radiometer, cloud radar and ceilometer. Here we propose to extend this method by incorporating satellite observations by Meteosat SEVIRI into the IPT optimal estimation framework for the additional retrieval of cloud microphysics (effective radius, optical thickness) and cloud radiation budget. In addition SEVIRI measurements will be exploited to provide auxiliary information on a) the history of the cloud observed at the super site (lifetime, microphysical development, environment) and b) the representativeness of the cloud for the cloud field around the site. The method will be developed on the basis of existing data sets from observation sites at Cabauw, Lindenberg and AMF/Murg Valley.
Das Projekt "Änderungen der Cant Speicherung und Änderungen in den Bildungsraten für Zwischen- Tiefen- und Bodenwasser im globalen Ozean, 1982 - 2015" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Institut für Meereskunde durchgeführt. Die erste Antragsphase war auf die Bildungsraten und die Speicherung von anthropogenem Kohlenstoff (Cant) im Antarktischen Zwischenwasser (AAIW) fokussiert. Mit Hilfe von Freon (CFC) Daten konnten wir eine signifikante Reduktion der AAIW Bildungsrate von den 1990ern zu den 2000ern Jahren feststellen. Dies führte zu einer geringeren Steigerung der Cant Speicherung als vom atmosphärischen Cant Anstieg und einem unveränderten Ozean zu erwarten war. Um den Schwierigkeiten mit den Randbedingungen auszuweichen (Pazifisches AAIW strömt über die Drake Passage auch in den Atlantik und weiter in den Indischen Ozean) planen wir nun ein globales Vorgehen um in allen Ozeanen die Bildungsraten und Cant Speicherungen in den Zwischen- Tiefen- und Bodenwassermassen zu berechnen. Darüber hinaus wird der Zeitraum bis 2015 ausgedehnt, und wo immer die Datenlage es zulässt, Pentaden- anstatt Dekadenmittelwerte gebildet. Verwendet wird der aktualisierte GlODAPv2 Datensatz und eigene Daten.Die Berechnungen aus den Beobachtungen werden mit den Ergebnissen eines wirbelauflösenden globalen Ozeanmodells (1/10 Grad) kombiniert. Das POP Modell (Los Alamos Laboratory Parallel Ocean Program) mit eines horizontalen Auflösung von 0.1 Grad und 42 Tiefenstufen wird für die letzten 20 Jahre mit einem realistischen Forcing angetrieben und enthält außerdem die Freone als Tracer. Neben dem Vergleich mit einem klimatologischen Antrieb wird das Modell zur Weiterentwicklung der Tracer-Methode verwendet wir z.B. die Unsicherheit von zu wenig Datenpunkten und der Extrpolationsroutine auf die Bildungsraten / Cant Speicherungen. Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt wird die Bestimmung der TTDs aus Lagrange Trajektorien und der Vergleich mit TTDs aus Tracermessungen sein, sowie die Untersuchung der Rolle der Wirbel, der Vermischung durch Wirbel und der vertikalen Vermischung.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines statistischen Designs für die zweite Bodenzustandserhebung Wald (BZE 2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Project objectives: Some fundamental statistical questions are existing in the end of implementation phase for the second soil condition survey (BZE 2) in Germany. These are described in a memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey. In a first Step possibilities and the potential for stratification to reduce the sampling error will be show. Existing Follow-up Inventory Concepts will be discussed under the special context of BZE. Soil parameters vary on a very small spatial scale. To estimate the error arising from the kind of sampling design on a sampling plot samples on a scale from 0 to 20 meters will be collected and completed by data sets suited for such questions. These data are the base for geo-statistical analysis. The error due to the sampling design can be quantified by various simulations. In the preface of BZE a set of soil samples are analysed from different laboratories and by different laboratory methods. The Varity of these results could be seen as a scope of bias. All these errors lead to an overall error budget, which shows the proportion between the individual error sources and the source for future research. Project results: This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey under the scope, given by the memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. With the end of the project an objective scale for evaluating different versions for taking soil samples is available. First times, the relation of used resources and the realized sampling error for soil inventories can be evaluated. So there is the chance for a better estimation of error scope and for the decrease of costs in future inventories. Contribution of University of Hamburg: - developing and suggesting a mathematical statistical way for the evaluation of the second soil condition survey; - analyzing the potential of stratification to reduce the sampling error; - compiling an overall error budget estimated from errors of sampling design, local variability of soil parameters and different means of analyzing soil parameters in the laboratory.
Das Projekt "The effect of water storage variations on in-situ gravity measurements and their use for hydrology (HYGRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Water storage variations in the soil, groundwater, snow cover and in surface water bodies cause a gravitational effect due to mass attraction. Thus, there exists a strong interrelation between hydrology and gravity. From a hydrological perspective, the estimation of water storage and its spatio-temporal changes is essential for setting up water balances and for effective water use and management. However, direct measurements of local water storage changes are still a challenging task while time-variable gravity observations are a promising tool as an integrative measure of total water storage changes. From a geodetic perspective, the hydrological gravity effect is an interfering signal, which imposes noise on gravimetric measurements and thus has to be eliminated from the gravity records. Superconducting gravimeters (SG) enable the in situ observation of the temporal changes of the earth gravity field. These SG data contain information about polar motion, earth tides, oscillations of the earth, atmospheric pressure and hydrology. But still variations in local water masses have a significant influence on SG measurements. Hence, the question is: How does local water storage change influence the signal of SG measurements? Objective: The objective of the HYGRA project is to separate the local hydrological signal from the integral signal of the SG records. From the geodetic perspective, this will provide a tool to remove the unwanted hydrological noise in SG recordings. At the same time, the hydrological gravity signal bears the potential to estimate hydrological state variables (ground water, soil moisture). Study Area: The HYGRA project focuses the relation of local hydrology and gravity in following study areas: Geodätisches Observatorium Wettzell, Deutschland; South African Geodynamic Observatory (SAGOS). Method The investigation of the interrelation between hydrology and geodesy is done by following worksteps: 1. 4D Simulation of the influence of water storage changes on the superconducting gravimeter; 2. Measuring and modelling of the different water storages; namely groundwater, soil moisture and snow; 3. Transformation of the water storage changes to a gravimetric signal; 4. Comparison between the measured gravity change by the SG and the estimated hydrological gravity response.
Das Projekt "Bewertung und Internalisierung externer Kosten im Verkehr" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung durchgeführt. Hauptauftragnehmer im Ausland: Centrum voor energiebesparing en schone technologie, Delft, Nederlands.
Das Projekt "Global Earth Observation - Benefit Estimation: Now, Next and Emerging (GEO-BENE): Conceptual Models for the Role and Benefits of EO and Modelling" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Background: We investigate the role of future learning about the climate system (by global earth observation and modelling) and about climate thresholds in timing abatement policies. Learning plays a crucial role when irreversibilities or rigidities and large uncertainties are present in the system as in the case of climate change. For computational reasons most multi-stage models have simplified the learning process to an autonomous, perfect one-time learning. We focus on the implications of sequential, potentially active resolution of uncertainty in a simple multi-stage model with a climate threshold. Thereby, the concept of 'value of information' and 'future value of information' can be extended to the value of different sequential learning processes. Thereby, it is hoped to gain qualitative insights into questions like: How do first period optimal decisions with anticipated sequential learning compare to decisions for one-time learning? What is the benefit from resolving uncertainties over time in terms of improved abatement policy? What would the value of tipping point early warning systems be? How does this value depend on the flexibility in abatement and on other system properties? When is anticipation of learning essential? Method: (Approximate) stochastic dynamic programming. Results: In a first step, the probably simplest sequential decision model possible representing irreversibility, time-lags and a threshold (modified version of the model presented in Maddison(1995)) was used to gain first insights into the questions above. Learning was represented in a simple parametrized form taken from Kolstad (1996) and modified to represent active learning. Besides the sunk-cost - climate-irreversibility trade-off well known from the literature, additional tradeoffs are observed between learning velocity and threshold location and impacts, and between learning velocity and flexibility in abatement. Whether there is a clear correspondence between one-time learning and sequential learning in terms of first period recommendations is yet to be determined.
Das Projekt "Kosten und Nutzen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecologic, Institut für Internationale und Europäische Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieses Vorhabens werden die Kosten und Nutzen betrachtet, die mit der Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie verbunden sind. Die Auswirkungen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie auf die Landwirtschaft stellen dabei ein besonderes Interesse dar. Das Vorhaben unterstützt die EU-Kommission bei der Zwischenbewertung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie im Jahr 2007. Ecologic trägt verschiedene Fallstudien bei, in denen die Kosten und Nutzen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie für die Landwirtschaft näher betrachtet werden. Hauptauftragnehmer im Ausland: Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Tsukuba, Japan.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 36 |
Land | 2 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 34 |
unbekannt | 2 |
License | Count |
offen | 36 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 36 |
Englisch | 29 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 23 |
Webseite | 13 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 31 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 31 |
Luft | 26 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 36 |
Wasser | 26 |
Weitere | 36 |