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Found 1668 results.

Modular system for an autonomous electrical power supply on cape clear island

Das Projekt "Modular system for an autonomous electrical power supply on cape clear island" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von SMA-Regelsysteme durchgeführt. Objective: Construction of a modular system for an autonomous electrical power supply system on the Irish island of Cape Clear, consisting of two MAN Wind turbines of 30 KW each, one diesel generating set of 72 KW, which will be added to the existing ones and a short term battery storage, in order to show the principal function and efficiency of such system. The total estimated energy production is 200 MWh of which 60 MWh from the diesel aggregate. The estimated energy produced by each wind turbine is about 70 MWh annually. General Information: Two AEROMAN wind turbines of 30 KW each have been installed on the Irish island of Cape Clear and have been connected to a 72 KW diesel aggregate and a 100 KWh short term HAGEN battery storage in order to create a modular system for an autonomous electrical power supply and to demonstrate the principal function and efficiency of such system. The average windspeed on the island lies above a yearly average value of 7. 8 m/s and wind conditions are better during the winter period than in summer. There are five essential operation modes which differ in the mode of frequency control, while voltage control is maintained by a small synchronous generator. The actual grid frequency is taken as base value for the plants control unit: 1. Parallel operation of WECs and diesel engine. 2. Parallel operation of the diesel generator and the battery storage. 3. Parallel operation of the WECs and the battery storage. 4. Single operation of the storage system. 5. Parallel operation of WECs, diesel and battery. The minimum load is about 15 KW and the maximum one about 120 KW. The total annual yield has been estimated to 200 MWh of which 60 MWh from the diesel aggregate, with an estimated cost per unit of DM 0. 50, while a conventional solution (only diesel) has a cost of DM 0. 25/KWh. The project will be realized in cooperation with the firme MAN-Neue Technologie and Kassel/University des Landes Hessen and the National Board for Science and Technology in Ireland. Achievements: The wind turbines were installed in October 1986 and are since then in operation. The control system, the battery storage and the 72 KW diesel generator were installed in August 1987. The mean wind velocity in 1987 was 9. 7 m/s and the total energy consumption of the island for the same period amounts 338 MWh. From the overall energy consumption (of the reporting period), wind supplied 70 per cent, the diesel set 31 per cent and the batteries 11 per cent, while the battery storage input was 12 per cent. Following a damage in the battery storage system and the local utilities unwillingness to take over the operation of the system, only the wind turbines were still in operation in the beginning of 1993. The future of the project is uncertain due to the scheduled connection of the islands to the mainland grid. The ultimately very bad relationship between ESB and SMA have considerably detracted form the outcome of the project. The inhabitants of Cape ...

Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen

Das Projekt "Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gebrüder Löhlein Ziegelwerke durchgeführt. Objective: To convert a brick kiln fired with heavy oil to coal firing and to examine the effects of the burning of coal on the specific heat consumption, the quality of the product and the occurring ashes. On the basis of preliminary examinations on other kilns, an energy saving of more than 55 per cent is anticipated compared with oil-firing. General Information: The brick tunnel kiln to be converted to coal firing is to be equipped with an intermittent coal firing facility and tested. For this purpose, the necessary coal preparation facilities (feed bunker, transport systems, hammer mill, daily bunker and coal stokers at the blowing in points) and the special burner systems are to be developed and adapted to suit the specified tunnel kiln. The overall system will then be tested and, if necessary, modified depending on the product quality. Finally, the operating efficiency of the coal firing facility is to be tested during a longer demonstration operation period. The concept for the coal firing facility was based on the use and testing or different types of coal with various grain sizes to be able to optimize the requirements on coal quality and grain size both for separation and charging. The driest possible fine coal with a grain size of 0 - 6 mm is necessary for the blowing device. The erected preparation facilities comprise a feed bunker, from which the rough coal is conveyed to the hammer mill via a dispatch belt. After being ground to the necessary grain size, the fine coal is transported by pipe chain conveyers to the dosing appliances on the tunnel kiln in the form of coal stockers. They intermittently charge a coal-air mixture into the combustion planes of the kiln through lateral slits via so-called guide tubes. The ends of the tubes, which are fitted with baffle plates, protrude into the combustion channel. They are incandescent (hot bulb ignition) and cause the ignition of the mixture. Charging is effected in a 30-second rhythm alternating with every fourth row of the burner tubes. In the cases of intermittent charging, the coal-air mixture is pressed against the baffle plate with a high pressure and passes into the furnace area via the lateral slits in the incandescent tubes. Combustion is almost explosive. The intermittent control of the air feed is effected by a central closed-loop control facility via solenoid valves. Achievements: In a 26 week operation period, a mean fuel consumption of 1500 kJ/kg of fired bricks including drying was achieved. This corresponds to an energy saving of about 42 per cent when compared to operation with heavy heating oil. Although the target was not achieved, a considerable saving quota was realized. In the meantime, the facility has been demonstrated to several hundred interested parties from the brick industry and has therefore made an important contribution to the necessary spread of the experience and information gained in the course of this project.

Teilprojekt: 'Lehmann - UMT'

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt: 'Lehmann - UMT'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Lehmann - UMT GmbH durchgeführt. In Rahmen des RESERVES-Projektes sollen zwei derzeit ungenutzte Stoffströme, Abfälle des größten Gemüse und Blumenmarktes in Indien und eines Schlachthofes, für die Produktion von Biogas genutzt werden. Dabei soll eine neue, nachhaltige Wertschöpfungskette geschaffen und die Umwelt entlastet werden. Durch Einsatz innovativer Aggregate zum Substrataufschluß und der Gärrestbehandlung kann die stoffliche Nutzung hygienisch und mit hoher Ausbeute erreicht werden. Es werden Untersuchungen zum biologischen Methanbildungspotential (BMP) der Substrate im Labormaßstab in Indien durchgeführt (CLRI). Das dazu notwendige, standardisierte Versuchsprotokoll wird mit Hilfe des ISAH am CLRI etabliert. CLRI wird Daten über die Stoffströme vor Ort erheben und gemeinsam mit ISAH aus- und bewertet. Ausgehend von den Laboruntersuchungen wird die Pilotanlage dimensioniert und von der Firma Lehmann UMT GmbH übernommen. Mit Hilfe des indischen Industriepartners Ramky inf. Ltd wird die Pilotanlage aufgebaut und betrieben. Lehmann UMT wird dabei eine technische Neuentwicklung zur Bioextrusion, die Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist, einsetzen. Als Ergebnis des Projektes werden Energie-, Stoffstrom- und CO2-Bilanzen erstellt, die als Entscheidungsgrundlage für potentielle Investoren dienen sollen. Das Projekt wird Modellcharakter für Entwicklungsländer aufweisen, da erstmals divergente Stoffströme kombiniert und sowohl unter hygienischen als auch energetischen Gesichtspunkten untersucht werden.

Use of rape as domestic and engine fuel substitute, fertiliser and cattle feed

Das Projekt "Use of rape as domestic and engine fuel substitute, fertiliser and cattle feed" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Entwicklungstechnologie durchgeführt. Objective: To use rape oil and straw as a substitute for diesel fuel for domestic and drying requirements, as fertiliser and a cattle feed. General Information: This project uses the rape produced from an area of 40 ha. Rape straw (150 to 200 t/y) will be pelletized and/or briquetted to obtain a fuel usable in an automatic loading combustion plant. The rape oil (4,000 l) obtained by a double screwpress will be used to fuel two different engines. After purification some will be used in a modified tractor engine, the remainder, after ethyl/methyl esterification, in a conventional diesel engine. Residual straw (30 to 200 t) will be ploughed-in for soil improvement while the high oil content (70 to 75 t) rape cake will be used as cattle feed. The oil extraction is made by use of a double screw press from Monforts + Reiners Co. The press is fed directly from the seed store. The oil flows with the pressing temperature of 60 deg. C. to settling tanks. The residues are passed back to the filling funnels. The oil passing through a 10 mu filter and is stored in the filling station for later use, either directly in the rape-oil tractor, or for transesterification. The rape meal (expeller cake) is automatically transported to a silo which is cleared regularly by the transporter of the animal feed mill. A small scale transesterification unit is being developed for on-farm operation. The use of new kinds of catalysts with long duration stability and a high degree of automatic operation and control of process parameters allows for operation of the chemical process by agrotechnologists without a special formation. The unit is designed for optimum process performance, high product quality, minimum energy requirements and high reliability of the equipment. The preceeding transesterification for the free acids with an acidic catalysts is continuous and is double batch for the basic catalytic step for transesterification of the triglycerides. A separation and wash-out step guarantees the quality of the final products: methylester as diesel fuel and glycerol for the chemical industry. The straw-pelletizer unit consists of a chipping unit which reduces the straw-bales into 2 to 5 cm long stalks. These are intermediately stored in a buffer from where they are transferred by a screw-conveyor to the pelletizer, which operates with dentate matrix and rollers. The high-density pellets are fed to a cooler and conveyed to a silo. The electric energy for the unit is generated by a methylester fuelled diesel-generator set.

Kohlevergasung - Abwaermenutzung (Phase 2, Stufe 1) (Prenflo)

Das Projekt "Kohlevergasung - Abwaermenutzung (Phase 2, Stufe 1) (Prenflo)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Krupp Koppers durchgeführt. Objectives: To operate a 48 Tons/day Prenflo plant on a long term basis to test the various components and to complete the development of the process. General Information The Prenflo process is an advanced coal gasification process, which allows high unit capacity, high efficiency, non-dependence on coal qualities and optimally low environmental impact. It is particularly suited for conversion of coal to electrical power by means of integration with a combined gas/steam turbine power plant. This project covers only the operation of a 48 Tons/day plant - known as phase 2 - for 24 months and consists of 3 stages: 1. the cold-commissioning; 2. the trial run; 3. the evaluation; Stage 1 started on 01. 01. 86. Stage 3 will be finished on 31. 12. 87. The plant is located on the site of the Technology Center of the Saarbergwerke AG in Fürstenhausen (Saarland, Germany) (see project LG/00018/83). The feedstock consists of pulverized coal fed pneumatically into a reactor where it reacts with oxygen and steam at 1,300-1,600 deg. C and is entirely converted in CO, H2 and some small amount of CO2. The ashes are eliminated through a water-bath below the reactor from which they are granulated and disposed of. The crude synthesis gas is fed into an oven where it releases most of its heat to produce 50 bar, 500 deg. C steam partly used as process steam and partly fed to the nearby plant. The gas is then dedusted, washed, cooled and desulfurised and fed into the network.

Production of hydrogen for the hydrogenation of heavy oil and coal (plant assembly phase)

Das Projekt "Production of hydrogen for the hydrogenation of heavy oil and coal (plant assembly phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veba Öl AG durchgeführt. Objective: To erect a demonstration gasifier including the metering and monitoring devices. General Information: The project started in 1981 with the design of the plant, the obtaining of the approval, the basic - and detail - engineering and the acquisition of the necessary material and equipment. The current phase includes the erection of the gasifier. The gasifier of the demonstration plant is designed to produce 40000 m3/h synthesis gas. This corresponds to a feed rate of 16 t /h. The gasification pressure is 60 bars. The dust free raw gas from the demonstration plant is directed to the raw gas shift conversion, H2S/CO2 - removal and pressure swing adsorption units. The safe feeding operation of liquid hydrogenation residues is insured by special suspension pumps. The dosage of the LTC coke and the hard coal will be carried out employing the extruder feeding system for solid fuels developed by VEBA OEL on pilot plant scale. The main component of the feeding system is a twin screw extruder. In the feeder the finely ground coal or coke are mixed intensively with about 15 per cent water or oil and pressurized to form a gas-tight plug. At the extruder outlet the pressurized feed-stock is pulverised in a specifically designed discharge head and transferred by steam via a specially designed burner into the gasification reactor. Achievements: A preplanning phase served to investigate different concepts with respect to process flow, the technical design of the main parts and the integration of the demonstration plant into the RUHR OEL refinery in Gelsenkirchen-Scholven. For two process variants the basic engineering was carried out for the main process steps; a pre-basic was worked out for the conventional units of the plant, i. e. grinding, crude gas shift conversion and H2S/CO2 scrubbing. Detailed documents including construction drawings were produced for the main parts e. g. the extruder feeding-system, the burner and the gasification reactor. In order to determine whether the gasification plant would qualify for approval by the authorities a preliminary application in accordance with P9 of the Federal Environmental Protection (Immission) Act was prepared and submitted. After a thorough examination of the application and a discussion on the objections the preliminary approval was guaranted. To conclude the investigations, the investment cost were determined and the economic viability was examined for both process alternatives. The investigations have shown that a large-scale plant for the gasification of hydrogenation residues and coal is technically feasible and does quality for approval. The low energy price level does for the time being, however, not permit a cost-covering operation of coal gasification or coal hydrogenation plants. Measures are, therefore, examined to improve the economic viability of gasification and hydrogenation units. The use of solid or liquid wastes (as e. g. sewage sludge, used plastic materials, used ...

Teilprojekt 7

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 7" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut IWAR, Fachgebiet Stoffstrommanagement und Ressourcenwirtschaft durchgeführt. Übergeordnetes Ziel von PLASTRAT ist die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Lösungsstrategien aus den Bereichen Technik, Green Economy und sozial-ökologischer Forschung, die zur Minderung von Plastikeinträgen in das limnische Milieu urbaner Siedlungsräume beitragen. Ziel aller Ansätze von PLASTRAT ist dabei die Ableitung von Bewertungsparametern zur Kategorisierung umweltfreundlicher Kunststoffspezies und definierter Maßnahmen zur Risikominimierung von Plastikrückständen in limnischen Systemen. Das Institut IWAR der TU Darmstadt ist hauptverantwortlich für das Arbeitspaket 1 (AP 1) Mikroplastik im 'urbanen Wasserkreislauf' (vom 01.08.2017 bis 31.10.2017) und AP 2.3 'De- / Adsorption von Stoffen auf Mikroplastik' (vom 01.08.2017 bis 31.07.2020). Für AP 1 wird die TU Darmstadt Informationen und Daten sammeln, die zur Planung und Umsetzung von AP 2.3 genutzt werden. Die Literaturrecherche umfasst Mikroplastik und Schadstoffe in Kläranlagen. Die Hauptaufgabe von IWAR ist AP 2.3, hier wird das Adsorptions- und Desorptionsverhalten ausgewählter Schadstoffe auf Mikroplastik mit bekannter Herkunft und Eigenschaften in einem Langzeittest untersucht. Die Materialien für den Desorptionsversuch des Feldversuchs werden in AP 2.3.1 vorbereitet. Genaue Orte für den Implementierungstest werden ausgewählt und der Implementierungstest in AP 2.3.2 ausgeführt. Die ersten Proben werden im ersten Quartal 2018 gesammelt und im IWAR-Labor analysiert. Die Dauer des Langzeittests beträgt max. 24 Monate. In AP 2.3.3 werden die Messergebnisse des Langzeittests (AP 2.3.2) zusammengetragen und den Stakeholder (AP 6) vorgelegt, zur Bewertung der Umweltfreundlichkeit von Mikroplastik sowie Parameter sowie der Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Risiken bestimmter Schadstoffe enthalten, die auf Kunststoffen in den Kläranlagen aufgeladen werden.

330 MWE power plant with pressurized fluidized bed combustion and combined cycle gas and steam turbine (Design Stage)

Das Projekt "330 MWE power plant with pressurized fluidized bed combustion and combined cycle gas and steam turbine (Design Stage)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dawid-Saar durchgeführt. Objective: To design a 330 MWe demonstration power plant with pressurised fluidised bed combustion and combined cycle of gas and steam turbine. General Information: The project involves the complete design of a demonstration power plant, characterized by: - the combination of a pressurized fluidised bed firing system with a steam generator directly connected, a multi-shaft gas turbine plant and waste heat utilisation systems arranged downstream and integrated into the steam circuit for an electric power output of a total of approximately 330 MW. - very compact construction by means of a high pressure stage (16 bar) and housing of particularly critical heat-exposed components such as firing system, dust separator etc. in a spherical pressure containment. In addition to the recognized advantages of the fluidised bed firing system, such as: - considerable improvement of the emission characteristics due to the binding of noxious matter to a large extent - especially of SO2 - by the addition of absorbent directly into the fluidised bed, - drastically reduced nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide formation as a result of low combustion temperatures and controlled combustion reaction. Further considerable advantages can be expected because of the complete plant design conceived in this case compared with conventional technology due to: - a marked increase in the degree of conversion of primary energy into electrical energy as compared with the usual hard coal fired power station with flue gas desulphurization plants from previously 38,6 per cent to 41,2 per cent, related to plant net power. - a reduction of the investment costs by 10-15 per cent with a simultaneously considerably reduced space requirement, a fact which is due in particular to the absence of flue gas desulphurization. - a considerable expansion of the fuel spectrum to include qualities containing large amounts of inerts and noxious matters (i.e. especially sulphur). - simple construction for flexible separation of heat. - significantly more compact design than AFBC. The total cost of the design phase, represented by this project, amounts to DM 10 million for which a 40 per cent subsidy has been granted.

Teilprojekt 4 und 5

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 4 und 5" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GmbH durchgeführt. MATRA-OSE: Sicherheitstechnik fuer Offshore-Strukturen im Eis. Bohrplattformen und Eissperren fuer flache eisbedeckte Seegebiete: Im Rahmen des Vorhabens sollen die sicherheitstechnischen Anforderungen an Bohrplattformen in diesem speziellen Einsatz formuliert und verallgemeinert werden, um ein entsprechendes Regelwerk fuer die Konstruktion solcher Bauwerke zu schaffen. Dazu werden besonders die Ergebnisse aus der Modellversuche ausgewertet und bewertet. Durch die projektbegleitende Auswertung und Formulierung der sicherheitstechnischen Anforderungen soll es gelingen die Problempunkte im Sicherheitskonzept solcher Anlagen herauszuarbeiten und in das Regelwerk einfliessen zu lassen. Hafen und Umschlagtechnik. Der Antragsteller beteiligt sich am Entwurf einer arktischen Hafenanlage und erarbeitet die sicherheitstechnischen Grundlagen. Im Rahmen eines managementorientierten Ansatzes werden dabei Kosten-Nutzenbetrachtungen ueber Sicherheitseinrichtungen angestellt, und die technische Umsetzbarkeit eiener erweiterten Modellierung des Gesamtsystems Petrochemie-Schiff-Hafen-Umschlag untersucht.

Einbau einer Abdeckung an der Breitbandwarmwalzanlage in den Eisen- und Stahlwerken Bremen

Das Projekt "Einbau einer Abdeckung an der Breitbandwarmwalzanlage in den Eisen- und Stahlwerken Bremen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Klöckner-Werke, Hütte Bremen durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is to use hydraulic movable covering hoods in the cogging train area of the hot wide strip mill to reduce the energy losses from the strip through radiation. General Information: The hot wide strip mill in Bremen produces about 3.3 million tons per year. The produced strips are of widths ranging from 600 to 2150 mm with thicknesses ranging from 1.5 to 30 mm. This fully continuous rolling mill has an unusually long path length of 400 m from the walking beam heating furnaces to the end shears. The material takes about 3 minutes to cover this distance during which time a large temperature loss occurs. In order to minimise this loss of energy the last 90 metres, up to the end shears, will be covered with insulating hood segments, each 6 metre in length and hydraulically controlled. The reflective lining of the hoods will be designed to withstand the strong radiation from the strip, mechanical movement and large temperature changes. They must also be resistant to the water vapour produced by cooling the rollers, although this problem could be alleviated by installing inside-cooled rollers. Installation of these hoods will mean either that to maintain the same temperature at the finishing mill, a lower temperature in the walking beam furnace can be used. Or, if the temperature of the walking beam furnace is kept the same as now, the material will reach the finishing mill at a higher temperature which reduces its deformation resistance resulting in a reduction in the amount of deformation energy required in the finishing mill. Achievements: The covering hoods in the cogging train area of the hot wide strip mill are operating since 14.09.1988 and they are used permanently. It came to light there were no problems with the hood design as well as with the insulating material. The expected improvement on rolling has been reached. So far, it has only been possible to roughly estimate the electrical energy savings, since the time the covering hoods were installed, the levels at the specific energy consumption have been reduced by approx. 4 per cent as predicted.

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