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Found 187 results.

Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurence in Europe (ESPREME)

Das Projekt "Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurence in Europe (ESPREME)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. Heavy metals from different sources accumulate in the environment. From a policy point of view, it has been difficult to tackle the environmental problems due to heavy metals partly because the problem has been viewed from different policy domains (air, water, soils etc.). Thus, it is not guaranteed that the policy mix applied under environmental regulation is optimal. A systems analysis would be required to define the sources of heavy metals, how they are dispersed in the environment and which adverse effects they might cause on human and ecosystems health. From a policy point of view, it is also important to identify what kinds of policy responses would be most cost-effective to reduce the impacts of heavy metals. Such information is required for carrying out cost-benefit analyses of reducing the occurrence of heavy metals in our society. Identifying the benefits would include a monetary valuation of the impacts with contingent valuation (CV) approaches (e.g. assessing the willingness-to-pay, WTP). The focus of the work described will be on priority metals, which are mercury, cadmium, chrome, nickel, arsenic and lead. Core aim of the research is to carry out cost effectiveness (CEA) and cost-benefit analyses (CBA) for reducing the heavy metals occurrence, in the EU Member States and candidate countries, including damage assessment to the environment and human health in the long term following the impact pathway analysis which assesses the impacts and damages of pollutants from their emissions over their dispersion to exposure and impacts. Finally, a feasibility study will be conducted to identify the potentials, strengths and weaknesses and uncertainties of currently available macro-economic models to identify further research needs in this field.

ALPCHANGE - Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in südösterreichischen Hochgebirgsräumen

Das Projekt "ALPCHANGE - Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in südösterreichischen Hochgebirgsräumen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Fernerkundung und Photogrammetrie durchgeführt. ALPCHANGE beschreibt quantitativ die durch den Klimawandel verursachte Landschaftsdynamik in alpinen Regionen Südösterreichs. Dies geschieht durch die integrative und umfassende Analyse aus Beobachtungsdaten der vier Landschaftsparameter Permafrost, Gletscher, Schnee und Geomorphologie. Diese Parameter reagieren zeitlich unterschiedlich auf geänderte Umweltbedingungen und liefern so Informationen in verschiedenen Zeitebenen: Schnee unmittelbar, Gletscher und geomorphologische Strukturen innerhalb von Jahren bis Jahrzehnten bzw. Permafrost innerhalb von Jahrzehnten bis Jahrhunderten. Diese Zusammenhänge werden mittels eines umfassenden Monitoring-Netzwerkes in den Hohen Tauern durchgeführt zum ersten Mal in Südösterreich. Die Interdisziplinarität dieses Forschungsansatzes Glaziologie, Hochgebirgsgeographie, Geophysik, Atmosphärenphysik, Geologie versammelt viele nationale wie auch internationale Institutionen in einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft. Wissenschaftler verschiedener Institute an der Universität Graz bzw. der Technischen Universität Graz sind seit Jahrzehnten in den Forschungsbereichen Klima- und Umweltwandel aktiv. ALPCHANGE ist unter anderem auch aus jenen Initiativen entstanden, die zur Gründung des Wegener Zentrums für Klima und Globalen Wandel (WegCenter) führten.

AZV Project West Greenland

Das Projekt "AZV Project West Greenland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Institut für Ökologie der Pflanzen durchgeführt. The AZV (Altitudinal Zonation of Vegetation) Project was initiated in the year 2002. On the basis of a detailed regional study in continental West Greenland the knowledge about altitudinal vegetation zonation in the Arctic is aimed to be enhanced. The main objectives of the project are: a) considering the regional study: characterize mountain vegetation with regard to flora, vegetation types, vegetation pattern and habitat conditions, investigate the differentiation of these vegetation characteristics along the altitudinal gradient, develop concepts about altitudinal indicator values of species and plant communities, extract suitable characteristics for the distinction and delimitation of vegetation belts, assess altitudinal borderlines of vegetation belts in the study area. b) considering generalizations: test the validity of the altitudinal zonation hypothesis of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map ( CAVM Team 2003), find important determinants of altitudinal vegetation zonation in the Arctic, develop a first small scale vegetation map of entire continental West Greenland. Field work consists of vegetational surveys according to the Braun-Blanquet approach, transect studies, soil analyses, long-time-measurements of temperature on the soil surface and vegetation mapping in three different altitudinal vegetation belts (up to 1070 m a.s.l.).

DE-LIGHT Transport

Das Projekt "DE-LIGHT Transport" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. DE-LIGHT Transport is a multi-national initiative supported by the European Commission's Framework 6 programme that is investigating the design and manufacturing of lightweight sandwich structures in the marine, rail and freight container industries. Sandwich materials, consisting of two thin facings separated by a low density core, can be used to produce structures that are both light and stiff. They also offer opportunities for parts reduction through design integration, improved surface finish and lower assembly and outfitting costs. DE-LIGHT Transport aims to further promote the use of sandwich materials by developing key technologies that will support the practical realisation of robust sandwich designs. Specifically, this will include: - A multi-material sandwich design tool. Previous work has often focussed on a particular type of sandwich construction (e.g. laser-welded steel or composite). This has tended to yield niche results with limited applicability. DE-LIGHT Transport will implement a more generic design approach that will allow the evaluation and optimisation of a wide range of material and structural mixes according to the requirements of a given application. - Strategies for joining, assembly and outfitting ? the bringing together and integration of separate sandwich panels and/or sub-components to produce finished structures. In particular, modular approaches for the off-line production of sandwich assemblies to exploit economies of scale will be developed. Testing and validation procedures ? to provide accurate and reliable methods of determining fitness for purpose. The above technologies will be demonstrated within the project through the design and manufacturing of six prototype structures. These will include deck and deckhouse structures for ships, a rail vehicle cab, and a freight container. Risk-based design principals will be applied throughout to ensure that the new designs comply with existing regulatory frameworks. It is anticipated that DE-LIGHT Transport will provide designers of vehicles and vessels with practical approaches to the implementation of sandwich solutions as an alternative to traditional stiffened-plate designs. In this way, the benefits of sandwich construction will be unlocked for a wider range of applications.

Mechanistic effect models for the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (CREAM)

Das Projekt "Mechanistic effect models for the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (CREAM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Ökologische Systemanalyse durchgeführt. There is widespread concern about how production and use of chemicals affect the environment. Yet food production and benefits of chemical products are vital for the functioning of European societies. In order to ensure sustainable use, EU regulations require extensive risk assessment before a chemical is approved for use. Current risk assessments focus on risk at the level of individual organisms, but according to EU directives the protection goal aims at achieving sustainable populations. Population-level effects depend not only on exposure and toxicity, but also on important ecological factors that are impossible to fully address empirically. Mechanistic effect models (MEMs) enable the integration of these factors, thus increasing the ecological relevance of risk assessments as well as providing vital understanding of how chemicals interact with ecosystems. Such understanding is crucial for improving risk mitigation strategies and ecosystem management. So far, however, regulators and industry have lacked understanding of the potential benefits that MEMs can deliver, and academics have been inconsistent in the approaches applied. This has led to scepticism about models, preventing a wider use of MEMs in risk assessment. Examples clearly demonstrating the power of MEMs for risk assessment are urgently needed, and industry, academia and regulatory authorities across Europe need scientists that are trained in both MEMs and regulatory risk assessment. CREAM will develop and experimentally validate a suite of MEMs for organisms relevant for chemical risk assessments. The consortium includes the main sectors involved (industry, academia, regulators) and will formulate Good Modelling Practice that will be followed in all individual projects, thus leading to consistency and transparency. CREAM will provide world class training for the next generation of ecological modellers, emphasizing transparency and rigorous model evaluation as core elements of the modelling process.

Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)

Das Projekt "Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. The project main goal is to contribute to our understanding of tsunami processes in the Euro-Mediterranean region, to the tsunami hazard and risk assessment and to identifying the best strategies for reduction of tsunami risk. Focus will be posed on the gaps and needs for the implementation of an efficient tsunami early warning system (TEWS) in the Euro- Mediterranean area, which is a high-priority task in consideration that no tsunami early warning system is today in place in the Euro-Mediterranean countries. The main items addressed by the project may be summarised as follows. The present Europe tsunami catalogue will be improved and updated, and integrated into a world-wide catalogue (WP1). A systematic attempt will be made to identify and to characterise the tsunamigenic seismic (WP2) and non-seismic (WP3) sources throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. An analysis of the present-day earth observing and monitoring (seismic, geodetic and marine) systems and data processing methods will be carried out in order to identify possible adjustments required for the development of a TEWS, with focus on new algorithms suited for real-time detection of tsunami sources and tsunamis (WP4). The numerical models currently used for tsunami simulations will be improved mainly to better handle the generation process and the tsunami impact at the coast (WP5). The project Consortium has selected ten test areas in different countries. Here innovative probabilistic and statistical approaches for tsunami hazard assessment (WP6), up-to-date and new methods to compute inundation maps (WP7) will be applied. Here tsunami scenario approaches will be envisaged; vulnerability and risk will be assessed; prevention and mitigation measures will be defined also by the advise of end users that are organised in an End User Group (WP8). Dissemination of data, techniques and products will be a priority of the project (WP9). Prime Contractor: Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna; Bologna, Italy.

Integrated Health, Social and Economic Impacts of Extreme Events: Evidence, Methods and Tools (MICRODIS)

Das Projekt "Integrated Health, Social and Economic Impacts of Extreme Events: Evidence, Methods and Tools (MICRODIS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von evaplan GmbH durchgeführt. Recent events such as the Pakistan earthquake, Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the European heat waves of 2003 reveal the vulnerability of societies to extreme events. The goal of this project is to strengthen prevention, mitigation and preparedness strategies in order to reduce the health, social and economic impacts of extreme events on communities. The objectives of the MICRODIS project are to strengthen the scientific and empirical foundation on the relationship between extreme events and their impacts; to develop and integrate knowledge, concepts, methods and databases towards a common global approach and to improve human resources and coping capacity in Asia and Europe through training and knowledge sharing. This integrated project involves 19 partners from Asia and Europe, including research, policy and ground roots institutions. The outputs will include an evidence-base on impacts, field methodologies and tools for data compilation, impact models, and integrated vulnerability assessments. It will also strengthen standardised data collection of extreme events and their impacts at local, regional and global levels. Prime Contractor: Université Catholique de Louvain; Louvain-la-neuve; Belgium.

Asessing the potential of various instruments for sutainable consumption practises and greening of the market (ASCEE)

Das Projekt "Asessing the potential of various instruments for sutainable consumption practises and greening of the market (ASCEE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) GmbH durchgeführt. The main objectives are : - to identify, structure and assess instruments addressing and promoting sustainable consumption and greening of the market; - to identify and evaluate best practice examples; - to develop policy strategies for transferring best practices; - to carry out a workshop; - to finalise insights by preparing a guideline for policy makers; - to prepare a scientific report and a summary. After a prephase connected with an internal kick-off meeting, the first phase analyses policy instruments, measures and actions and the gained experiences in WP 2 ' Basic instrumental overview . The instrumental overview is intended to be of a broader nature to collect insights into existing, but also discussed, proposed and/or rejected tools which have lead or could lead to a greening of the markets by addressing supply and/or demand. We will concentrate on promising tools and actions. The gained and collected information will be assessed along certain criteria developed beforehand in WP 3 'Assessment . WP 4 'Best practises and market transformation patterns will bring together the most instructive findings and consider what could be learned from them. The key question behind that approach is to look for the patterns behind successful greening strategies. The second phase is dedicated to the potentials for transferring of the results and their dissemination. WP 5 'Extension and transfer strategies picks up the results of the preceding work. It considers the findings and prepares strategies for the transfer of promising approaches. Results and proposals will be documented and discussed at a one-day workshop (WP 6 'Workshop ) which will collect insights, opinions and experiences of a broader auditorium. The discussion and results of the workshop will be documented and will contribute to the update of the preliminary findings. WP 7 'Dissemination brings together all findings and insights. Here we will prepare guidelines, a report, including a summary. Prime Contractor: Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung GgmbH; Berlin; Germany.

Integrated Observations from Near Shore Sources of Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System (NEAREST)

Das Projekt "Integrated Observations from Near Shore Sources of Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System (NEAREST)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. NEAREST is addressed to the identification and characterisation of large potential tsunami sources located near shore in the Gulf of Cadiz; the improvement of near real-time detection of signals by a multiparameter seafloor observatory for the characterisation of potential tsunamigenic sources to be used in the development of an Early Warning System (EWS) Prototype; the improvement of integrated numerical models enabling more accurate scenarios of tsunami impact and the production of accurate inundation maps in selected areas of the Algarve (SW Portugal), highly hit by the 1755 tsunamis. In this area, highly populated and prone to devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, excellent geological/geophysical knowledge has already been acquired in the last decade. The methodological approach will be based on the cross-checking of multiparameter time series acquired on land by seismic and tide gauge stations, on the seafloor and in the water column by broad band Ocean Bottom Seismometers and a multiparameter deep-sea platform this latter equipped with real-time communication to an onshore warning centre. Land and sea data will be integrated to be used in a prototype of EWS. NEAREST will search for sedimentological evidences of tsunamis records to improve or knowledge on the recurrence time for extreme events and will try to measure the key parameters for the comprehension of the tsunami generation mechanisms. The proposed method can be extended to other near-shore potential tsunamigenic sources, as for instance the Central Mediterranean (Western Ionian Sea), Aegean Arc and Marmara Sea. Prime Contractor: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR; Roma; Italy.

Ecological Effects of Energy Nurse Crops - Forest Restoration and Biomass Production

Das Projekt "Ecological Effects of Energy Nurse Crops - Forest Restoration and Biomass Production" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. Storms, droughts, and pest insect outbreaks regularily disturb forests, in particular those that are characterized by tree species that are not in accordance with site conditions. Ordinary restoration methods establishing juvenile target trees in open areas often face problems in terms of seedling survival owing to stress from frost, drought, sun, or pests. From an ecological point of view, delayed restoration success can result in increased nutrient elution and reduction of carbon stored in soils. To address this problem nurse crops comprising robust and fast growing tree species such as birch (Betula ssp.) or poplar (Populus ssp.) have been used to establish an overstory sheltering sensitive target tree species against weather extremes. This project aims to utilize forest biomass provided by nurse crops to support the production of renewable energy (Energy Nurse Crops, ENCs). However, exporting additional forest biomass affects the nutrient cycles and thus may undermine the principle of sustainability. Therefore, this project will investigate and evaluate the concept of ENCs and its consequences relative to ordinary restoration methods especially for forest ecosystems sensitve to windblow such as pure black spruce stands (Picea abies) stocking on periodically wet soils. Tree species such as birch or poplar are known to develop extensive root systems. Because ENCs reliably establish in open areas and because their roots can quickly penetrate soils, they may be able to retain much more nutrients on site than any target tree species could ever do when established under unfavourable growth conditions. Eventually the positive effects of nutrient retention and soil carbon fixation may outweigh the negative effects of nutrient export with biomass. To explore this question, field experiments quantifying nutrient elution, nutrient pools, carbon pools, biomass production, and root growth will be conducted in ENC stands of different age, site, and tree species. Introducing additional tree species such as birch or poplar may also affect forest ground vegetation composition and species abundance. A research approach addressing species diversity of forest ground vegetation will be considered in the future.

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