Das Projekt "Task 2.1: Peatland synthesis" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer, Institut für Ökologie und Landschaft durchgeführt. The GHG-Europe project aims to improve our understanding and capacity for predicting the European terrestrial carbon and greenhouse gas budget. More than 50 % of the European land surface is used for agricultural and forestry production. Land management directly impacts the terrestrial sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs). In the view of climate change it is crucial to know the amount of GHGs released into the atmosphere by anthropogenic activities. But also natural drivers such as climate variability influence the GHG balance of European ecosystems. The attribution of GHG emissions to anthropogenic and natural drivers is the ultimate challenge tackled in the GHG-Europe project and is the precondition to assess the potential for GHG reduction from agriculture and forestry in Europe.
Das Projekt "How is the evolution of stratospheric ozone affected by climate change, and how strong is the feedback? (SHARP-OFC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. One major goal of this project is to analyse updated observational trace gas data together with stateof- the art models (CTMs and CCMs) in order to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between ozone and climate change and the underlying dynamical and chemical processes. The extended satellite, balloon and aircraft observations combined with improved model calculations (CTM and CCM) are used to further reduce the uncertainties in the bromine budget, in particular the contribution from VSLS (very short lived substances) and to further elucidate on the role of iodine in the stratosphere. Furthermore detailed studies on the long-term evolution (trends and variability) of observed stratospheric trace gases with foci on profiles of O3, NO2 and aerosols retrieved from SCIAMACHY are proposed. Future evolution of stratospheric ozone will be investigated using updated EMAC CCM model runs, some of them in combination with an interactive atmosphere-ocean feedback. In addition to issues on the climate feedback on future ozone, particular emphasis will be given to the increasing role of N2O and GHG emissions.
Das Projekt "A8:Transporte und Flüsse durch die Bodengrenzschicht" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) durchgeführt. The major goal of this new subproject is to estimate transport and fluxes of solutes between the bottom boundary layer, the stratified interior ocean and the ocean mixed layer on the continental slope and shelf regions of the Peruvian and Mauritanian Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ). The objectives will be achieved by estimating diapycnal and advective fluxes using two different methodological approaches: The first is basedon the measurement of the radium isotope distribution in sediments and in the water column. The second approach will use a combination of oceanographic measuring systems for the determination of turbulences, currents and hydrography. Subproject A8 will contribute to the understanding of the solute budget of the OMZ's and establishes a link between the benthic and pelagic research foci within the SFB 754.
Das Projekt "DOAS Messungen von der NASA Global Hawk während des NASA-ATTREX Projektes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The present project addresses differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS) measurements in scanning limb geometry from aboard the unmanned high-flying aircraft NASA Global Hawk (GH). The DOAS measurements are made within the NASA sponsored ATTREX (Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment) project, by a 3 channel (UV/vis/nearer) optical spectrometer financed by NASA, but mostly built in Heidelberg. In fall 2011 and winter 2012/13 successful flights were already successfully performed and the DOAS instrument peformed. Within ATTREX three field campaigns are planned to take place in the Western Pacific (from EAFB, GUAM, and Darwin) in the years 2013 to 2014 (Jan./Feb. 2013, Jan./Feb. 2014 and June/July 2014). The field campaigns comprise about 50 GH sorties with 600 flight hours spent air-borne. Major scientific foci of the NASA-ATTREX project are the photochemistry, the microphysics of aerosols and cloud particles, and air mass transport into and within the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The DOAS measurements aim to measure the vertical profiles in the TTL of ozone relevant species such as O3, HONO, NO2, C2H2O2, CH2O, O4, BrO, OClO, IO, and OIO, and of some microphysical properties aerosols and clouds, i.e., the particle phase function, Mie scattering extinction coefficient, the ice water path (IWP) and probably the ice water content (IWC). Together with complementary observations made by other instruments aboard the GH, the DOAS measurements may serve to particularily provide new insights into (a) the photochemistry of halogen oxides (OClO, BrO and IO) in the TTL, in particular on the contribution of so called halogenated Very Short Lived Species (VSLS) to the budgets of stratospheric halogens, (b) the impact of lightning produced NOx and HOx (NO2, and HONO) and other of radicals (c.f. CH2O, BrO, IO) to the oxidation capacity of air in the outflow region of deep convection, and (c) to the abundance and micro-physical properties of frozen aerosols and cloud particles in the upper tropical troposphere and TTL.
Das Projekt "Sub project: Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. The release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from decomposing logs might be a significant contribution to their mass loss and an important C input to the soil underneath the logs. Here we will contribute to the BeLongDead initiative by investigating concentrations, properties and fluxes of DOM as influenced by tree species, forest management, climatic conditions and time of log exposure. Furthermore we will follow the fluxes of mineral N and establish DOM and N budgets of the logs by comparing throughfall fluxes and fluxes with runoff from the logs. The runoff water from the logs will be collected periodically at selected sites using small gutters placed underneath the logs. In total, runoff water from 120 logs will be sampled. All 13 tree species will be studied in the Hainich sites, while at Schorfheide and Schwäbische Alb sites only beech, spruce and oak logs are compared. The elemental composition of DOM (C, N), its spectroscopic properties and 13C signatures will be determined. In addition, the mineralization of DOM to CO2 by soil organisms is investigated in laboratory incubations. In cooperation with the other members of we will be able to achieve ground braking progress on the processes driving the decomposition of logs, the related DOM release and N turnover as influenced by tree species, wood properties, climate, insect and fungi invasion.
Das Projekt "Mini-DOAS Messungen während der HALO Southtrac Mission im Herbst 2019" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Mit dem Antrag soll die Teilnahme des mini-DOAS Instrumentes an der Southtrac Kampagne im Herbst 2019, sowie die Auswertung, Interpretation und Veröffentlichung der dabei gemessenen Daten beantragt werden. Das mini-DOAS Instrument ist ein passives Fernerkundungsinstrument mit dem gleichzeitig in Nadir- und Limb-Richtung Himmelsstreulicht im UV/vis/NIR von Bord des Forschungsflugzeuges HALO gemessen und spektral analysiert wird. Mit den Messungen können mit Hilfe der Differentiellen Optischen Absorptions Spektroskopie (DOAS) die Konzentrationen wichtiger Spurenstoffe auf Flughöhe, sowie Vertikalprofile und vertikale Säulen bestimmt werden, wobei einige der gemessenen Spurenstoffe mit anderen Messmethoden nicht (BrO, OClO, IO, C2H2O2, und C3H4O2) oder nur schwer (NO2, HONO, und CH2O) nachweisbar sind. Die Messungen im Nadir und Limb erlauben auch alle 3 Phasen des atmosphärischen H2O (u.a. den Wasser- und Eiswasserpfad), Eigenschaften des atmosphärischen Strahlungstransportes (u.a. relative Radianzen, Photonenweglängen, ...), sowie einige mikrophysikalische Eigenschaften von Aerosole und Wolkenteilchen zu bestimmen. Mit den Messungen des mini-DOAS Instrumentes sollen im Rahmen der Southtrac Kampagne drei spezielle wissenschaftlichen Ziele verfolgt werden (CHEM-1_Q1, CHEM-1_Q2 und CHEM-2_Q1), die im Einklang mit dem Kampagnenantrag stehen. Insbesondere (a) komplettieren unsere hochgenauen Messungen von BrO (und IO) das Budget der ozonschädlichen Brom- und Iodverbindungen (CHEM-1_Q1), und (b) helfen die Messungen von BrO und OClO den Ozonverlust in der oberen Troposphäre unteren Stratosphäre einzugrenzen (CHEM-1_Q2). Weiterhin dienen (c) die Messungen von NO2, HONO, aber insbesondere auch von CH2O und C2H2O2 die Abluft aus der Biomassenverbrennung nachzuweisen (CHEM-2_Q1).
Das Projekt "Qualitätssicherung von IPCC-AR6: Chapter Scientist für SYR-CWT (SWP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik durchgeführt. Aufgabe des IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) ist es, den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Thema Klimawandel umfassend, objektiv und transparent in Sachstandsberichten (bei spezifischen Themen in Sonderberichten) zusammenzutragen und aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht zu bewerten. In diesem Projekt wird die Erstellung des Syntheseberichts zum Sechsten IPCC-Sachstandsbericht (IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, AR6) unterstützt. Der Antragsteller ist eines von insgesamt 30 Mitgliedern des Kernautorenteams Synthesebericht (Core Writing Team, SYR-CWT) und mitzuständig für die drei Hauptabschnitte, die Zusammenfassung für politische Entscheidungsträger (Summary for Policymakers, SPM) und zwei von sechs thematischen Querschnittsgruppen (Cross-Section Topics, CST, namentlich 'Scenarios and Global Warming Levels' sowie 'Carbon budgets, net zero and negative emissions') des IPCC-Syntheseberichts. Er ist für die wissenschaftliche Qualität und die Erfüllung der Ansprüche an IPCC-Berichte bezüglich Sorgfalt, Vollständigkeit, Ausgewogenheit und Stil verantwortlich.
Das Projekt "Small Hydropower Systems Design for Rural Electrification" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik durchgeführt. Background: Ethiopia is a country endowed with huge hydropower potential. However, the potential has not been well exploited and the per capita consumption in the country stands as one of the lowest in the world. With this problem in mind, one of the primary objectives of the Energy policy of the government of Ethiopia has been to ensure a reliable supply of energy at the right time and at affordable prices, particularly to support the agricultural development led industrialisation strategy. While the objective is well tailored to the immediate need of rural communities, its implementation lagged much behind expectations. In order to accelerate the energy supply in Ethiopia, the government recently passed the law to allow private power developers to install and operate small to mini-hydropower plants. It is, therefore, hoped that there will be a significant number of independent power produces (IPPs) in the coming decades. While the decision to allow private investment is a good step forward, private investment alone may not produce the necessary break-through in Rural Electrification (RE) in Ethiopia. By its very nature, private investment is mainly profit-oriented which may be guaranteed by RE projects only in the long-run. This is so because the implementation of a self-standing hydropower plant for ruralenergy supply is a challenging task as it is faced by many constraints. There arises, therefore, the fear that the need for an organisation with a clear mandate and responsibility and with a substantial budget to promote RE may be obscured by the assumption that RE largely falls under the domain of private investment. The main objective of this research is, therefore, to find out if such fears are justified. The research bases itself on information on current power supply conditions in Ethiopia by taking an appropriate site for a case study. Objective of the research: The objective of this research is to give a reasonable judgement as to whether RE should be taken as part of the infrastructure development plans of the nation with strong financial support from the government or whether it should be largely left open for private investment. It is sought to find an answer to the question whether the role of RE should be undertaken by a mandated organisation with the necessary budget or whether RE should be dictated by the existing power market structure.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines statistischen Designs für die zweite Bodenzustandserhebung Wald (BZE 2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Project objectives: Some fundamental statistical questions are existing in the end of implementation phase for the second soil condition survey (BZE 2) in Germany. These are described in a memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey. In a first Step possibilities and the potential for stratification to reduce the sampling error will be show. Existing Follow-up Inventory Concepts will be discussed under the special context of BZE. Soil parameters vary on a very small spatial scale. To estimate the error arising from the kind of sampling design on a sampling plot samples on a scale from 0 to 20 meters will be collected and completed by data sets suited for such questions. These data are the base for geo-statistical analysis. The error due to the sampling design can be quantified by various simulations. In the preface of BZE a set of soil samples are analysed from different laboratories and by different laboratory methods. The Varity of these results could be seen as a scope of bias. All these errors lead to an overall error budget, which shows the proportion between the individual error sources and the source for future research. Project results: This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey under the scope, given by the memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. With the end of the project an objective scale for evaluating different versions for taking soil samples is available. First times, the relation of used resources and the realized sampling error for soil inventories can be evaluated. So there is the chance for a better estimation of error scope and for the decrease of costs in future inventories. Contribution of University of Hamburg: - developing and suggesting a mathematical statistical way for the evaluation of the second soil condition survey; - analyzing the potential of stratification to reduce the sampling error; - compiling an overall error budget estimated from errors of sampling design, local variability of soil parameters and different means of analyzing soil parameters in the laboratory.
Das Projekt "Sound Attenuation by Optimised Tread Brake" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Waggon Fabrik Talbot durchgeführt. General information: Objectives and content. Exterior noise caused by rail traffic is a major source of noise pollution in Europe. A large number of people living in the vicinity of railway routes are affected by rolling noise from trains, in particular from goods trains running through densely populated areas at night. Rolling noise of goods and passenger trains is generated by wheel and rail roughness (form irregularity). This roughness leads to wheel and rail vibration and noise radiation. The cast-iron block braking system usually applied on goods trains and still widely found on passenger stock causes a significant increase in wheel roughness in the wavelength range 1-25 cm, which is of most importance for noise generation. This gives rise to high rolling noise levels, compared to a wheel with no brake blocks acting on the wheel tread. Where disc brakes are used, the wheel roughness is found to be much lower and the rolling noise is significantly reduced. In many situations conventional tread brakes are preferred, for both technical and commercial reasons. Alternative materials to the conventional cast-iron brake block material have been tried and it appears possible to develop materials which do not roughen the wheel surface in the wavelength region of importance for noise generation. A number of practical problems have to be overcome, such as thermal build-up in the wheel, excessive wheel wear, wheel cracks, undesirable hollow wear of the wheel profile, lack of efficiency in wet conditions etc. The objective of this project is to develop suitable brake block materials, which prevent the build-up of periodic roughness on the wheel running surface. This should be readily applicable to existing freight rolling stock and locomotives without significant extra costs. The aim is to achieve reductions in rolling noise of 5-12 dB compared to traditional cast-iron block brake stock. This acoustical improvement would affect millions of people living around railway tracks. An important aspect of the development is the retrofit potential of the novel brake block. This means that in a relatively short time all freight wagons can be acoustically improved. The consortium consists of 13 organisations, which are complementary in the development of the novel brake blocks: end-users like railway companies, manufactures of goods wagons, bogies and locomotives, suppliers of brake blocks, scientific institutions which appropriate knowledge of tribilogy and acoustics. Together they constitute an ideal consortium to tackle the present problem. The time frame is about 3 years and the total budget is around 5.3 MECU. Prime Contractor: AEA Technology Rail BV; Utrecht; Nederland.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 71 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 71 |
License | Count |
offen | 71 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 71 |
Englisch | 65 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 55 |
Webseite | 16 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 68 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 68 |
Luft | 63 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 71 |
Wasser | 68 |
Weitere | 71 |