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No. 04/18 – BGE expert workshop on the site selection procedure (updated)

19 April 2018 On 16 and 17 April, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) invited the federal and state authorities of the 16 federal states to Braunschweig for a second expert workshop on the site selection procedure for a repository for high-level radioactive waste. The workshop dealt with the geodata of the federal states required for the application of the minimum requirements. The BGE sent out the data request to the responsible federal and state authorities before Easter. This data query is about identifying possibly suitable siting regions. With the minimum requirements from the StandAG, rock formations assumed to be suitable are queried: these are salt, clay, or crystalline rock (e.g. granite). The federal states are now asked to share their knowledge of such rock formations below 300 to 2000 metres. The regions where salt, clay, or crystalline are only suspected are also queried. Some federal states are still reluctant to share data to which third parties (e.g. private companies) have rights. The Repository Site Selection Act is clear on this point; the federal and state authorities must make the geodata available to the BGE for the implementation of the site selection procedure – irrespective of third-party rights. Like any other company in Germany, the BGE is legally obliged to respect the rights of third parties. If the requested geodata are not provided or are made unrecognisable as far as content or position are concerned, this means: these areas cannot be ruled out as a final repository site for the time being – just as if no data had been supplied at all. Another issue is why the BGE is requesting data on the minimum requirements for all of Germany even before a final evaluation of the exclusion criteria. The BGE experts base their approach on the Repository Site Selection Act as well as on the potential for setbacks at any time in the procedure. Only after applying the minimum requirements, the exclusion criteria, and the geoscientific consideration criteria will the “white map” evolve to contain areas where more intensive exploration is worthwhile. The BGE also provided insight into the scope and quantity of geodata used to apply the exclusion criteria. The BGE experts were able to input and display around 600,000 data records in a geographic information system. Only seven data sets contain information on large-scale uplift. There are around 400,000 data sets on fault zones. However, the state authorities often do not know whether these are “active fault zones”. Around 50,000 mining areas and 300,000 borehole data sets have been reported to the BGE. Around 10,000 data sets relate to seismic activity, 200 to volcanic activity, and 600 to groundwater age below 300 metres depth. (We made a mistake in this paragraph. It should read: “Around 50,000 mining areas and 130,000 borehole data sets have been reported to the BGE”. We apologise for the error.)

Site selection procedure

The site selection procedure is based on the Repository Site Selection Act (StandAG), which sent the search for a repository site for high-level radioactive waste in Germany back to square one when it entered into force in 2013. The Act was substantially amended in 2017 after the Repository Commission had spent two years discussing the selection criteria for a repository, as well as public participation in repository site selection, and subsequently presented corresponding proposals. For arising high-level radioactive waste, the site selection procedure aims to identify the repository site in Germany that ensures the best possible safety for at least a million years. ____________________ “In accordance with section 9a(3) sentence 1 of the Atomic Energy Act, the site selection procedure aims to identify a site in the Federal Republic of Germany with the best possible safety for a final disposal facility for domestically produced high-level radioactive waste by means of a participative, science-based, transparent, self-questioning and learning process.” (Repository Site Selection Act, section 1(2)) ____________________ By virtue of the Repository Site Selection Act 2017, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) is tasked with identifying this site. In addition to the BGE, which is the implementer for the site selection procedure, other actors are also involved in the procedure . Starting out with a blank map, the site selection procedure is carried out in three phases that progressively narrow down the search area. At the same time, the information on a potential site becomes increasingly detailed. At the end of each phase, the BGE’s proposals are reviewed by the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) (external link) . Based on this review, the Federal Environment Ministry notifies the Bundestag and Bundesrat, which decide how to proceed and will ultimately adopt a federal law stipulating the site where the repository is to be built. A repository site for high-level radioactive waste is to be identified by the BGE The site selection procedure has three phases Phase I: Sub-areas and proposal for siting regions Phase II: Surface exploration Phase III: Underground exploration Conclusion: Site proposal and decision In Step 1 of Phase I, the BGE evaluates data on the deep subsurface geology in Germany with a view to identifying what are known as “sub-areas”. In accordance with the Repository Site Selection Act, sub-areas are areas in which one can expect to find favourable geological conditions for the safe final disposal of high-level radioactive waste. To identify these areas, the BGE subjects the available data to the exclusion criteria, minimum requirements and geoscientific weighing criteria defined in the Repository Site Selection Act. This means that unsuitable areas are excluded and that areas only remain in the procedure if they meet all minimum requirements and also receive a positive evaluation in the geoscientific consideration process. At the end of Step 1 of Phase I, the BGE publishes the Sub-areas Interim Report. When this first update on the status of the BGE’s work was published, the BASE convened the Sub-Areas Conference (external link) , the first legally regulated procedure for public participation. The content of these conferences, of which there were three in total, was largely organised by the involved parties themselves – that is, by affected local authorities, scientists, representatives of social organisations, and members of the public. Step 2 of Phase I: Siting regions The publication of the Sub-areas Interim Report is followed by the preparation and carrying out of representative preliminary safety analyses for the potential sub-areas. Here, the question is to what extent one can expect the safe containment of radioactive waste if the best possible use is made of the geological conditions at the site. Section 27 of the Repository Site Selection Act (external link) contains the following provision: “The preliminary safety analyses ... shall consider the repository system in its entirety and evaluate its safety in accordance with the state of the art of science and technology. To this end, the behaviour of the repository system shall be analysed in various loading situations and taking account of uncertainties in the data, malfunctions, and future development opportunities with regard to the safe containment of radioactive waste. Preliminary safety analyses shall form one of the bases for the decision as to whether an area continues to be considered within the framework of the selection procedure.” Based on these findings, and on the findings of a renewed application of the geoscientific weighing criteria and of the first potential application of the planning-scientific weighing criteria, the BGE makes proposals as to which siting regions should undergo surface exploration. The BGE conveys these proposals, along with the corresponding exploration programmes, to the BASE. The German Bundestag and Bundesrat decide which siting regions will undergo surface exploration. Once the siting regions have been designated by the BGE, the BASE will begin establishing “regional conferences”, which have comprehensive information and monitoring rights in the subsequent site selection procedure. Sub-areas Interim Report (PDF, 25,5 MB) The BGE undertakes surface exploration of the siting regions selected by federal law in accordance with the site-specific exploration programmes, which are reviewed and approved by the BASE. Based on the exploratory findings, the BGE conducts further-developed preliminary safety analyses and once again applies the requirements and criteria set out in the Repository Site Selection Act. The BGE prepares socio-economic potential analyses for the siting regions, and these analyses are discussed by the regional conferences. The work of the BGE feeds into reasoned proposals regarding the sites for underground exploration. The BASE reviews the proposals and defines exploration programmes and examination criteria accordingly. It is then once again up to the Bundestag and Bundesrat to decide which sites will undergo underground exploration and in what manner. At this point, a judicial review can also be brought before the Federal Administrative Court. The BGE carries out underground exploration of the sites selected by federal law and, based on the exploratory findings, prepares comprehensive preliminary safety analyses. In this phase, the requirements and criteria defined in the Repository Site Selection Act are once again applied. The BGE conveys the results, including a comparative evaluation of the sites to be considered, to the BASE, which initiates an environmental impact assessment. The BASE reviews the BGE’s proposal, including the underlying site comparison, and evaluates which site provides the best possible safety, taking account of all private and public interests as well as the results of the participatory process. The BASE then conveys this site proposal to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The siting decision is made by the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

Grundsteuerreform - FAQ

Der Bodenrichtwert bezieht sich auf einen Quadratmeter Grundstücksfläche und wird aus regionalen Kaufpreisen und weiteren Tatbeständen ermittelt. Er ist ein Wert von Grundstücken eines Gebietes (Bodenrichtwertzone), die in den Grundstücksmerkmalen (z. B. Entwicklungszustand, Art der Nutzung) weitgehend übereinstimmen. Wertanteile für Aufwuchs, Gebäude, bauliche und sonstige Anlagen sind nicht enthalten. Der Bodenrichtwert ist Grundlage für die Berechnung von Grundstückswerten einschließlich der steuerlichen Bewertung des Grundbesitzes durch die Finanzverwaltung . Seine Rechtsgrundlage erhält der Bodenrichtwert aus dem Baugesetzbuch § 196 BauGB - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) und der Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung ImmoWertV - Verordnung über die Grundsätze für die Ermittlung der Verkehrswerte von Immobilien und der für die Wertermittlung erforderlichen Daten (gesetze-im-internet.de) . Die Bodenrichtwertzone ist ein räumlich zusammenhängendes Gebiet mit Grundstücken gleichartiger Eigenschaften (z. B. Entwicklungszustand, Art der Nutzung) und Werte. Für die Entwicklungsstufen Bauerwartungsland, Rohbauland und Bauland sind die Bauleitpläne der Gemeinden zu berücksichtigen, die für die städtebauliche Entwicklung und Ordnung nach dem Baugesetzbuch aufgestellt werden. Die Bodenrichtwertzonen  werden nach der Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung gebildet § 15 ImmoWertV - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) . Die Bodenrichtwerte werden vom Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte Sachsen-Anhalt unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Tatbestände ermittelt und beschlossen. Der Gutachterausschuss setzt sich aus ehrenamtlichen Mitgliedern zusammen, die verschiedenen Berufsgruppen angehören wie z. B. Architekten, Bausachverständige, Bankkaufleute, Immobilienmakler und land- und forstwirtschaftliche Sachverständige. Weitere Informationen lesen Sie hier Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte (sachsen-anhalt.de) . Der Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte Sachsen-Anhalt erhält eine Kopie von jedem Kaufvertrag über ein Grundstück, eine Eigentumswohnung oder ein Erbbaurecht von den Notaren. Anhand der hier dokumentierten gezahlten Kaufpreise werden Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland und land- und forstwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen ermittelt. Der Bodenrichtwert bezieht sich auf ein räumlich zusammenhängendes Gebiet mit Grundstücken gleichartiger Eigenschaften (z. B. Entwicklungszustand, Art der Nutzung) und Werte (Kaufpreise). Dieses Gebiet wird als Bodenrichtwertzone bezeichnet. Für die Entwicklungsstufen Bauerwartungsland, Rohbauland und Bauland sind neben den örtlichen Grundstückspreisen sowie weiteren Erfahrungen zum Verhalten der Marktteilnehmer die Bauleitpläne der Gemeinden zu berücksichtigen, die für die städtebauliche Entwicklung und Ordnung nach dem Baugesetzbuch aufgestellt werden. Da die Anzahl der Grundstückskaufverträge für jede Bodenrichtwertzone abhängig vom Marktgeschehen ist, sind neben den mathematisch-statistischen Methoden die Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse der Mitglieder des Gutachterausschusses für Grundstückswerte zum Grundstücksmarkt gefragt. Weitere Informationen über den Bodenrichtwert finden Sie auf der Website des LVermGeo Bodenrichtwerte (sachsen-anhalt.de) und auch hier Neuigkeiten (sachsen-anhalt.de) . Seine Rechtsgrundlage erhält der Bodenrichtwert aus dem Baugesetzbuch § 196 BauGB - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) und der Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung ImmoWertV - Verordnung über die Grundsätze für die Ermittlung der Verkehrswerte von Immobilien und der für die Wertermittlung erforderlichen Daten (gesetze-im-internet.de) . Es gibt Bodenrichtwerte für baureifes Land, Rohbauland, Bauerwartungsland und land- und forstwirtschaftliche Flächen. Diese Bodenrichtwerte werden für räumlich begrenzte Gebiete, den Bodenrichtwertzonen, mit im Wesentlichen gleichen Nutzungsverhältnissen (u. a. reines Wohngebiet, Mischgebiet, Gewerbegebiet, Ackerland) zusammen mit den wesentlichen wertbeeinflussenden Merkmalen (u. a. offene Bauweise, Anzahl der Geschosse, Grundstücksgröße, Ackerzahl) angegeben. In förmlich festgelegten Sanierungsgebieten und Entwicklungsbereichen nach dem Baugesetzbuch bezieht sich der Bodenrichtwert entweder auf den Grundstückszustand vor dem Beginn der Maßnahme (sanierungs- oder entwicklungsunbeeinflusster Zustand) oder nach Abschluss der Maßnahme (sanierungs- oder entwicklungsbeeinflusster Zustand). Die Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland und für land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen werden flächendeckend für Sachsen-Anhalt in einer digitalen Bodenrichtwertkarte zur Verfügung gestellt Bodenrichtwerte in Sachsen-Anhalt . Die für die Besteuerung des Grundvermögens erforderlichen Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland sind auch im Grundsteuer-Viewer einsehbar Grundsteuer-Viewer (sachsen-anhalt.de) . Einzelne Bodenrichtwerte sind nicht zu begründen. Für die Ermittlung der Bodenrichtwerte werden die örtlichen Grundstückspreise, das Verhalten der Marktteilnehmer, die Bauleitpläne der Gemeinden, die wertbeeinflussenden Besonderheiten (u. a. Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung, Daten zur Erschließung, Überschwemmungsgebiete) und die Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse der Mitglieder des Gutachterausschusses für Grundstückswerte berücksichtigt und gegeneinander abgewogen. Diese Faktoren führen zum Bodenrichtwert, der durch den Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte Sachsen-Anhalt beschlossen wird. Die Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland und für land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen werden regelmäßig alle zwei Jahre flächendeckend für Sachsen-Anhalt in einer digitalen Bodenrichtwertkarte zur Verfügung gestellt - Bodenrichtwerte in Sachsen-Anhalt -. Die für die Besteuerung des Grundvermögens erforderlichen Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland für den Stichtag 01. Januar 2022 sind auch im Grundsteuer-Viewer einsehbar. Grundsteuer-Viewer (sachsen-anhalt.de) . Die Bodenrichtwerte für die Entwicklungszustände baureifes Land, Rohbauland, Bauerwartungsland und land- und forstwirtschaftliche Flächen werden für räumlich begrenzte Gebiete, den Bodenrichtwertzonen, mit im Wesentlichen gleichen Nutzungsverhältnissen (u. a. reines Wohngebiet, Mischgebiet, Gewerbegebiet, Ackerland) zusammen mit den wesentlichen wertbeeinflussenden Merkmalen (u. a. offene Bauweise, Anzahl der Geschosse, Grundstücksgröße, Ackerzahl) dargestellt. Für die steuerliche Bewertung wird in der Regel der Bodenrichtwert für alle Flächen in der Bodenrichtwertzone verbindlich angesetzt. Über Ausnahmen entscheidet die Finanzverwaltung. Zuständig für Ihre Fragen zur Grundsteuer ist das Finanzamt, in dessen Bezirk sich Ihr Grundbesitz befindet. Ihr zuständiges Finanzamt können Sie dem Informationsschreiben zur Grundsteuerreform entnehmen oder hier suchen BZSt - Finanzamtsuche. Rechtsgrundlage der steuerlichen Bewertung unbebauter Grundstücke ist das Bewertungsgesetz § 247 BewG - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) . Der Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte Sachsen-Anhalt ermittelt Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland und für land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen. Das Verfahren der Bodenrichtwertermittlung bleibt dem Gutachterausschuss vorbehalten und das Ergebnis wird beschlossen. Hierbei wirkt der Gutachterausschuss als selbständiges und unabhängiges Kollegialgremium.  Die aktuellen Bodenrichtwerte für Bauland und werdendes Bauland beziehen sich auf den Stichtag 1. Januar 2022 und für die land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen auf den Stichtag 31. Dezember 2020. Diese Bodenrichtwerte werden grundsätzlich nicht rückwirkend geändert. Die Bodenrichtwerte für die Entwicklungszustände baureifes Land, Rohbauland, Bauerwartungsland und land- und forstwirtschaftliche Flächen werden für räumlich begrenzte Gebiete, die Bodenrichtwertzonen, mit im Wesentlichen gleichen Nutzungsverhältnissen (u. a. reines Wohngebiet, Mischgebiet, Gewerbegebiet, Ackerland) zusammen mit den wesentlichen wertbeeinflussenden Merkmalen (u. a. Lage, offene Bauweise, Anzahl der Geschosse, Grundstücksgröße, Ackerzahl) dargestellt. Ein Flurstück in mehreren Bodenrichtwertzonen kann somit Flächenanteile unterschiedlicher Entwicklungszustände, Nutzungsverhältnisse und / oder wertbeeinflussende Merkmale enthalten. Bodenrichtwerte sind grundsätzlich unverbindlich. Ihrer Funktion nach sind sie in erster Linie als Orientierungswerte für die am Grundstücksmarkt Beteiligten anzusehen. Da die Ermittlung des Bodenrichtwertes kein Verwaltungsakt ist, entfällt auch ein Widerspruchsverfahren. Im Gegensatz zu den Bodenrichtwerten unterliegen allerdings die vom örtlichen Finanzamt festgestellten Grundsteuerwerte und erlassenen Steuerbescheide der gerichtlichen Kontrolle. Gegen Grundsteuerwertbescheide und Steuerbescheide als Verwaltungsakte der Finanzverwaltung stehen dem Steuerpflichtigen Rechtsmittel zu. Der Bodenrichtwert wird ausschließlich für Grundstücke verwendet, die nicht land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzt werden. Zu diesem sogenannten Grundvermögen zählen alle unbebauten Baugrundstücke sowie u. a. Einfamilienhäuser, Geschäfts- und Mietgrundstücke und Wohnungseigentum. Durch Multiplikation der Grundstücksfläche mit dem jeweiligen Bodenrichtwert (§ 196 des Baugesetzbuchs § 196 BauGB - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) ) wird der jeweilige Bodenwert ermittelt. Aus dem so daraus ermittelten Bodenwert und der etwaigen darauf stehenden Bebauung ermittelt die Finanzverwaltung nach den im Bewertungsgesetz festgelegten Wertansätzen und Modellgrößen den sogenannten Grundsteuerwert. Das örtlich zuständige Finanzamt erteilt darüber einen Grundsteuerwertbescheid. Eine Überprüfung des Grundsteuerwerts ist im Rahmen eines Widerspruchverfahrens möglich. Für die Ermittlung der Grundsteuer bildet der Grundsteuerwert lediglich einen „Teilwert“. Die Grundsteuer ermittelt sich neben dem Grundsteuerwert zusätzlich aus der Steuermesszahl nach Grundsteuergesetz und dem durch die Kommune festgelegten Hebesatz. Weitere Erläuterungen erhalten Sie auf der Website des Ministeriums für Finanzen Grundsteuer (sachsen-anhalt.de) . Soweit es sich um Grundvermögen handelt und in Ausnahmefällen vom Gutachterausschuss kein Bodenrichtwert ermittelt wurde, ist von dem örtlich zuständigen Finanzamt der Bodenwert aus den Werten vergleichbarer Flächen abzuleiten (§ 247 Absatz 3 BewG § 247 BewG - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) ). Durch die Befugnis der Finanzverwaltung zur Ableitung des Werts des unbebauten Grundstücks aus den Werten vergleichbarer Flächen, wenn der Gutachterausschuss in Ausnahmefällen keinen Bodenrichtwert ermittelt hat, soll eine vollständige Bewertung aller wirtschaftlichen Einheiten sichergestellt werden. Zuständig für Ihre Fragen zur Grundsteuer ist das Finanzamt, in dessen Bezirk sich Ihr Grundbesitz befindet. Ihr zuständiges Finanzamt können Sie dem Informationsschreiben zur Grundsteuerreform entnehmen oder hier suchen BZSt - Finanzamtsuche . Grundsätzlich werden Abweichungen zwischen den Grundstücksmerkmalen des Bodenrichtwertgrundstücks und des zu bewertenden Grundstücks bei der Ermittlung des Grundsteuerwertes nach dem Bewertungsgesetz nicht berücksichtigt. Für den Grundsteuerwert ist der jeweils vorhandene Bodenrichtwert heranzuziehen, unabhängig von den individuellen Merkmalen des zu bewertenden Grundstücks (§ 247 Absatz 1 BewG § 247 BewG - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) ). Bei unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszuständen entscheidet das Finanzamt über Ausnahmen bei der steuerlichen Bewertung. Zuständig für Ihre Fragen zur Grundsteuer ist das Finanzamt, in dessen Bezirk sich Ihr Grundbesitz befindet. Ihr zuständiges Finanzamt können Sie dem Informationsschreiben zur Grundsteuerreform entnehmen oder hier suchen BZSt - Finanzamtsuche. Die im Grundsteuer-Viewer enthaltenen Bodenrichtwerte für Sachsen-Anhalt sind in einer Datenbank hinterlegt und werden durch einen FME-Prozess direkt aus dieser abgefragt. Eine Rest-API ist nicht verfügbar. Nach § 232 Bewertungsgesetz § 232 BewG - Einzelnorm (gesetze-im-internet.de) gehört zur Land- und Forstwirtschaft die planmäßige Nutzung der natürlichen Kräfte des Bodens zur Erzeugung von Pflanzen und Tieren sowie die Verwertung der dadurch selbst gewonnenen Erzeugnisse. Zum land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Vermögen gehören alle Wirtschaftsgüter, die einem Betrieb der Land- und Forstwirtschaft dauernd zu dienen bestimmt sind. Der Sammelbegriff umfasst neben der Landwirtschaft und der Forstwirtschaft auch den Weinbau, den Gartenbau und die sonstigen Betriebszweige. Nicht zum land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Vermögen gehören der Grund und Boden sowie Gebäude und Gebäudeteile, die Wohnzwecken oder anderen nicht land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Zwecken dienen.

safeND 2023 – Description of suggested sessions, panels and workshops

safeND 2023 – Description of suggested sessions, panels and workshops The following sessions, workshops and panels were suggested for safeND 2023. Sessions Topic 1: Decommissioning of nuclear facilities S01: International organizational models in nuclear decommissioning Nuclear decommissioning has often been overlooked in past literature but will gain relevance in future research as more and more NPPs reach the ends of their respective lifetimes. Countries whose commercial reactors are currently undergoing decommissioning span a wide spectrum in terms of organization, regulation, financial provisions , and production of decommissioning services. This leads to most countries approaching decommissioning differently (to some extent), and poses questions of financial security and liability. Further, in this still relatively nascent industry, information on best practice approaches from a technical but also an organization perspective remains limited - as world-wide only a hand full of reactors have so far been fully decommissioned. Additionally, due to unpredictability, lack of experience, and the long-term nature of operations, costs of nuclear decommissioning are seldom priced into economic analyses. This session will attempt to shed light on some of these issues regarding decommissioning . Possible presentations could focus on various organization models in different countries, present more accurate cost data as is currently available in literature and provide insight into challenges faced by regulators. S02: Nuclear decommissioning and waste minimization This session offers the possibility to present talks and posters concerning all aspects of decommissioning and waste minimization not covered by session S1. Topic 2: Interim storage, conditioning and transport of radioactive waste S03: Various aspects to interim storage, conditioning and transport In this session, current studies regarding interim storage , conditioning as well as transport can be presented in general and will be discussed. Topic 3: Site selection and final disposal of high-level and low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste S04: Global climate change and its impact on the nuclear safety of a repository Presentations on the following topics could be submitted here: Modelling/presentation of the last ice ages as well as their future prognosis; how valid and meaningful is the view into the future? Current developments in permafrost areas (on land and under marine conditions); can these also play a future role in D? Threats due to sea- level rise, etc. S05: Corrosion of canister materials in deep geological repositories In repository concepts based primarily on engineered and geotechnical barriers , it must be ensured that the radioactive materials are contained and isolated within these barriers over the envisaged reference period. Corrosion from the outside and from the inside of a canister is an aspect that significantly influences the safety functions and the safety analyses in any repository concept and must be evaluated in a resilient manner over a very long period of time depending on national regulations. The corrosion of the container and the processes at the external and internal interfaces must be well understood for integrating them in safety analyses. Modeling and evaluating the long-term stability of casing or canister materials is further part of the safety case. Topics that can be discussed (non-exhaustive list) in this session include treatment of corrosion issues in national disposal programs, the corrosion behavior of disposal canister materials and its long-term consequences, microbial issues, in-situ experiments versus laboratory scale corrosion rate determination, material quality aspects and modeling on long time scales. S06: Surface based site investigation: collecting a reliable data base for decision making Criteria-driven site selection requires geoscientific data in a variety of geological situations. Which data sets are the most relevant? How can they be collected efficiently and reliably? We want to discuss strategies and methods for the different host rock situations from data collection to integration into site descriptive models. S07: The role of geomechanics and structural modelling in the site selection process The use of the underground for a safe and permanent disposal of radioactive waste requires not only detailed knowledge of the host rock but also of the surrounding rock. This includes the structural setting, lateral variations in petrophysical rock properties as well as the impact of faults in the vicinity of the repository . All these factors play an important role not only for the site selection process and the construction phase of the repository , but also for its long-term safety. The characterisation of the regional geological structures and the rock properties must be carried out in a timely and coordinated manner. Exploration of the subsurface by geophysical methods (in particular 3D seismic surveys), geophysical borehole measurements ( e.g. present day stress state), determination of rock parameters based on cores, among others, are required. All these methods provide the data base for a robust subsurface model which can estimate, for example the current stress state. Based on such models, the necessary safety assessments of the initial state of the repository can be carried out. In addition, the model results are valuable as initial conditions for forward simulations that can be used to investigate long-term safety scenarios addressing future tectonic deformation as well as exogenic processes like erosion and ice loading. The aim of the session is to bring together researchers who are involved in the exploration of subsurface structures (seismology, structural geology, borehole geophysics), the determination of rock properties (petrophysics, rock mechanics ), subsurface engineering (drilling technology), as well as the application of such data for geomechanical simulations. S08: Handling uncertainties in safety analyses for a geological repository for nuclear waste Appropriate consideration and comprehensible assessment of uncertainties is a central aspect in conducting safety analyses for a geological repository for radioactive waste , including the preliminary safety analyses and their linkage with geoscientific considerations in the context of the German site selection procedure. The large temporal and spatial scales of the systems investigated as well as their heterogeneity and the complexity of the safety-relevant thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical (THMC) processes imply various sources of uncertainties. These result, for example, from the restricted ability to characterize the geological barrier and its future evolution under internal and external impacts as well as from inaccuracies and difficulties in measurements Additionally, the analysis of complex repository systems requires the use of abstracting models, which introduces further uncertainties connected to the judgements and simplifications made by the modelers. This session provides the opportunity to present and discuss advances on the following and related topics concerning uncertainties in safety investigations: Characterization and quantification of uncertainties in the geology and geophysical rock properties, Methods for reduction of uncertainties, for example through optimization of data acquisition and sampling, Dealing with scenarios uncertainties, like future climate conditions and glacial cycles, Model based probabilistic methods for analysis of impact of uncertainties on repository safety related quantities, Methodological and regulatory issues, Uncertainties related to human factors, and Adequate communication of methods and results to various stakeholders (reviewers, scientists with different backgrounds, interested public). S09: Geologic disposal of low- to high-level waste: Recent advances in computational methods and process coupling (THMCB) The disposal of heat generating radioactive waste is a worldwide concern. While each country has different regulations and available host rocks, the meshing, modeling, and assessment of disposal scenarios is required for both regulatory and planning side of commissioning a radioactive waste repository . As a result, numerical methods play a key role in the understanding and assessment of disposing of low- to high- level radioactive waste in deep geologic formations. As numerical methods continue to advance, so does our understanding of final disposal of waste. The aim of this session is to discuss recent and continued advances in numerical methods including but not limited to analytical methods, visualization, simulator development/capabilities, and meshing techniques aimed at untangling the complexities of the thermal, hydrological, mechanical, chemical, and biological processes associated with radioactive waste disposal in porous and fractured materials from the meter- to km - scale . S10: Deep geological disposal – geosciences behind regulatory, technical and social challenges: Best practices and lessons learned High level and long-lived radioactive waste , here referred to as nuclear waste (NW), are best disposed of in deep geological repositories (DGR). A DGR is a multi-barrier system of engineered and natural barriers (NB) that ensure long-term isolation of NW from the biosphere . NB comprise the host rocks and, depending on regulations, may include the surrounding geological formations. An important aspect in the development of DGR is the selection of a site where the geological characteristics of the NB and the hydrogeological conditions of the site allow waste isolation. National programs are developed to gather the geological information needed to design and construct a safe DGR. This data will then be used for supporting decisions at each DGR stage, notably about concept choices, site selection, licensing procedures for construction, waste emplacement and closure of DGRs. Technical designs, regulatory frameworks, evaluation and safety criteria are still evolving and differ from country to country. Additionally, every stage of the DGR procedure must be transparent and comprehensible for the public. Accordingly, social acceptance and public involvement strongly contribute to the complex process of DGR disposal . S11: Type and precision of public measurement of environment constraints A collection of measurements should be available before and while nuclear waste is conditioned and stored at all locations where this happens: 1) geothermic drills near the storage facility should detect increase in radiation, 2) earth quake detection should start long before the nuclear waste arrives, 3) air pollution should be part of the collection of environment conditions to be measured as well, 4) other indicative numbers for reliability?? All these values should be A) permanently, B) public, C) high available (no downtime), D) as long as nuclear waste is dangerous Topic 4: Safeguards, non-proliferation and security issues S12: The impact of armed conflicts on the safety and security of nuclear waste installations As we have learned from the Ukraine war, nuclear installations are sensible objects under the threat of warfare. This session deals with all aspects concerned with the safety of nuclear waste installations subjected to armed conflicts. S13: Safeguards and non-proliferation in nuclear waste management Open session for all types of contributions within the topic framework of the topic, which are not covered by session S12. Topic 5: Alternative disposal methods S14: Technical-economic analysis of “new” nuclear reactor concepts and interaction with waste disposal Current narratives of nuclear waste disposal are strongly influenced by future visions of nuclear reactors in a country or a region. Thus, some SMR -concepts (“small modular reactors”) suggest a decreasing production of waste for storage, and some reactor concepts are designed specifically to “burn” spent fuel. This covers mainly non-light water-cooled reactor types, which have not yet been developed commercial but are supposed to play an important role in many future energy and climate scenarios ( e.g. the Russian fast reactors). The objective of this session is to bring together papers that assess the technical and economic feasibility of “new” reactor concepts, to explore international experience in the field , and to relate this discussion to the core topic of safe-ND, i.e. nuclear disposal practices. We will seek both technical papers, but also economic assessments of nuclear future. The objective will be to link these developments to narratives of the nuclear fuel challenge. S15: Reactor-Based Nuclear Waste Management Disposal of radioactive waste in a deep geological repository is considered the preferred disposal option in most countries worldwide. An alternative disposal option is to modify the quantity and composition of the radioactive waste using reactors to enhance the safety of a repository . Presentations in this session could be, but are not limited to, on the following topics: partitioning and transmutation; state of science and technology of reactor for waste management ( e.g. Gen IV reactors and SMRs); impact of reactors on quantity and composition of nuclear waste; deployment scenarios focusing on nuclear waste management; state of science and technology of reprocessing and fuel fabrication technologies; S16: Borehole Disposal for Radioactive Waste – Recent Developments The disposal of radioactive waste in drilled boreholes has been in discussion for decades. Disposal has been applied for liquid wastes and spent sources in the past. Lately, it has re-entered discussion and developments have been made also for the disposal of highly active waste. In this session, recent developments affecting long-term and operational safety and other open questions can be presented and discussed. This may include concepts, legal implications or detailed studies regarding (geo-)technical or natural barriers as well as implications for scenarios and FEPs or studies on THMCB processes. S17: Disposal pathways as future pathways. Planning between pragmatic narrowing and thinking about the expected future What does the operator of a repository for highly radioactive waste plan for the near future in a repository site region? What happens in the decades until the first container is stored? What happens after the last container is stored? These are questions that have occupied the interested public in Germany since the announcement of the potentially suitable subareas in 2020. Demanding timeframes raise fears, on the one hand, that not enough care will be taken. On the other hand, the idea that there is no alternative and that nuclear waste disposal is characterized by major path dependencies is often heard. This session will address the question of how, between constraints and pragmatic narrowing, "thinking in alternatives" (Grunwald 2019) can help lead to a site selection process and subsequent operation of a deep repository . Strategically, it is a matter of linking conceptual frameworks with narratives and ideas about the future that seem possible and plausible today. If this succeeds, it opens up the possibility of breaking away from simplified notions of circumstantial linearity and opening up spaces for reflection that promote thinking about expectable futures. Possibilities of acting on the basis of convincing arguments, as favored in technology assessment, provide opportunities to further develop the necessary long-term governance (Kuppler / Hocke 2019, Böschen et al. 2021) in the technology conflict over nuclear waste disposal in Germany. The idea is to develop a resilient process that meets the requirements of safety and a learning process with substantial public participation (Smeddinck et al. 2022). According to initial agreements, the presentations are proposed in such a way that they can come from the transdisciplinary work package "Capacity to act and flexibility in a reversible process" of the research network TRANSENS (Transdisciplinary Research on the Management of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany; www.Transens.de) as well as from relevant research teams outside the network. Topic 6: Communication processes, long-term information preservation and semiotics S18: Communicating uncertainties in nuclear waste management We propose a session with two of our project colleagues giving talks on our recent efforts to address a range of uncertainties within the theme of nuclear waste management. Additionally, we welcome three talks external to our group on the same topic. Transporting the message of scientific uncertainty to a general audience is delicate, because lay people usually lack the conceptual portfolio to capture uncertainties ( e.g. quantification). Moreover, uncertainties can lead to mistrust and may be misused to inhibit or delay radioactive waste management. The public approaches the topic more intuitively and draws on experiential knowledge, prior attitudes and trust as heuristics. Moreover, individuals differ in their conception of ‘science’ and valid scientific knowledge. Some acknowledge the stepwise process in science and the lack of certainty in various questions. Others expect that one must be sure of “facts” before decisions are made. However, we argue that decisions must be drawn from uncertain knowledge; otherwise, we will never meet the objective to dispose of high- level nuclear waste. In one talk, we report results of an experimental study that investigated preferences for and trust in different visualizations of simulation results and tested different forms of communication (verbal, numeric, visual). The most salient result is that across all experimental conditions the attitude towards a deep ground repository for high- level nuclear waste is the decisive parameter. A second talk deals with uncertainties and their communication concerning the deep disposal projects in Germany for low- and intermediate radioactive waste . It focuses on the lessons learned to help with the communication of uncertainties related to the repository for high- level radioactive waste , which has yet to be planned. S19: Long term information and awareness preservation The session will include presentations on new insights concerning material properties of information carriers and considerations on Nuclear Cultural Heritage in general. It might also include a presentation on nuclear semiotics. Topic 7: Participation processes S20: Participation processes for projects involving nuclear safety and disposal In this session, current studies regarding participation processes for projects involving nuclear safety and disposal can be presented in general and discussed. Topic 8: Historical, economic, ecological and legal analyses S21: Safety in law - legal bases for safety-related decisions in international comparison. Or: What’s safe Law is both catalyst and drive for safety. Different countries apply different legal approaches to safety. The goal of this session is to gain an overview on safety-related provisions and definitions in several countries and through a comparison provide some lessons-learnt that are useful for further enhancing safety related policy. S22: Historical research regarding nuclear waste management: Learning from the past? In this session, current studies about the historical research regarding nuclear waste management in general will be discussed. The topics should focus on learning from the past. S23: Towards literacy in long-term governance of nuclear waste: a proposition for Strategic Monitoring Deep geological repositories of nuclear waste are an intricate and contentious policy field with an impact up to a million years. This contribution aims to explore how society and technology can set up and implement sustainable ways – in the long run – to cope with the issue. It also requires long-term, decades long, institutional involvement of the technoscientific community, waste producers, public administrators, non-governmental organizations, and the public. The demonstration of long-term safety is challenging and monitoring may contribute to substantiate evidence, support decision making and legitimize the programs. What, where and when to monitor is determined by its goal setting: It may be operational, confirmatory (in the near field ) or environmental ( far field ). As it is “difficult to make predictions, especially about the future” (Danish saying) , this contribution, too, does not pretend to present the silver bullet, but Strategic Monitoring as proposed contributes to process, implementation or policy and institutional surveillance to sustain a once launched program. It addresses not only the controversial long-lasting “problem” (of nuclear waste) but investigates some ways to approach for “solutions” or solution spaces, not just technical but also institutional and personal, and this for the long term. It includes the tailored transfer of knowledge, concept and system understanding, experience and documentation to various audiences above. It is an integrative tool of targeted yet adaptive management and may be applicable to other long-term sociotechnical fields. Workshops Topic 2: Interim storage, conditioning and transport of radioactive waste W01: Trade-offs in nuclear waste management concerning intra- vs. intergenerational justice We propose a workshop in two parts (each approx. 90 min) to discuss general dilemmas due to the long time range until an operable solution for the waste problem is found and the pressure put on communities hosting interim storage sites. In a first part, we highlight the twofold responsibility concerning the current generation’s decision-making in perspective of living and coming generations. According to own survey data and debate with citizens, we see the need to discuss the relative relevance of directly affected generations during the next decades (until the repository’s closure, which affects about four to five generations) compared to justice for generations (five plus) in the following decades and centuries. In the second part we explore the consequences of the delayed final storage in Germany upon the current interim storage sites. Following dialogs with citizens (in Brokdorf, Oct. 2022 and in Lubmin Mar. /Apr. 2023) we investigate trade-offs between guaranteeing the safety in these sites and developing and implementing new concepts for long-term storage at these or new sites before beginning with final storage. In terms of safety and fairness, invasive monitoring of casks or storage in a new centralized interim repository would be welcomed by some. However, both possible measures stay in conflict with long-term practices ( e.g. approving licenses for several decades or the long-term planning for the final repository ). Important questions arise: How much time may current generations take to identify the most suitable site? How can addressing all three time horizons specified in the Site Selection Act help to contextualize delays in the initial steps? What are the risks and chances associated with delayed deep geological disposal (economic, social, political, etc. )? To what extent may intragenerational (current generations) justice discount for generations in the far future? How can the prolongation of interim storage be justified? Topic 3: Site selection and final disposal of high-level and low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste W02: Discourse deep geological repository – defining retardation moments and questioning the feasibility of prognostic approaches The geoscientific discourse shall use examples or scenarios from the international environment to highlight any given possibilities for prognosis; at best, it shall name aspects of delay in the procedure, and shed light on repository -related research. The aim of ensuring that the geogenic conditions in the repository -relevant underground guarantee safety for the radioactive waste and, consequently, for the biosphere and society, is to be presented and discussed from an international perspective. Geoscience-related strands of arguments that seem plausible for independent research as well as operators and supervision, in particular, should be subject to critical scrutiny. W03: How to estimate the 3D stress state for a deep geological repository When stresses yield a critical value, rock breaks or pre-existing faults are reactivated generating pathways for fluid migration. Thus, the stress state is a key parameter to assess the stability of deep geological repositories. The prediction of the 3D stress state is achieved with 3D geomechanical models based on the prediction of the 3D structure and distribution of rock properties. Furthermore, point-wise measurements of the stress state are needed to fit the model to these data. In this workshop we present a range of methods that determine individual components of the stress state in the Earth’s crust. As example, we will use borehole image logs to identify borehole breakouts and drilling induced tensile fractures at the borehole wall. These are used to derive the orientation of the minimum and maximum horizontal stress. Furthermore, we will present methods for the estimation of stress magnitudes. These are essential data for the calibration of a 3D geomechanical model. We will give a brief overview on different methods and then focus on the analysis of mini-hydraulic fracture tests as well as on the sleeve fracturing and sleeve re-opening method. The combination of these are the only robust methods in a borehole to derive ranges of the magnitudes of the minimum and maximum horizontal stress. Finally, we will show the usage of the estimated data for the prediction of the stress state in the subsurface. In particular, we will present and discuss the uncertainties of the results itself. As a major challenge, the uncertainty that results from the assumption that a data point taken from less than a cubic meter is a good representation for a large rock volume, i.e. a whole lithological layer, is addressed. We will show first results of a comprehensive borehole campaign in northern Switzerland where the location of the deep geological repository in Nördlich Lägern is proposed. W04: Optimizing the safety case through transdisciplinary research? The primary goal of the management of radioactive waste is safety. On the disposal path leading to a repository for radioactive waste , Safety Cases for disposal facilities have an important function as a basis for management-related, licensing, and political decisions. In the German site selection process, the preliminary safety analyses play a central role: they have to inform siting decisions at three important steps of the process. Many stakeholders therefore have high expectations of these safety assessments. Past experience suggests that their expectations are not always met by the current Safety Cases, which have grown historically and therefore follow internationally established conventions, are extensive, complex and difficult to comprehend. Transdisciplinary research has the potential to provide the implementer BGE , the regulator BASE and other actors in waste management with valuable information for the design and review of safety analyses that better meet the expectations of different stakeholders and actors. It provides new impulses, opens up other perspectives on questions concerning the Safety Case and introduces novel proposals for solutions. In this way, it contributes to robust safety assessments and a resilient safety of repositories for radioactive waste . On the basis of tangible results from the research project TRANSENS (Transdisciplinary Research on the management of high- level radioactive waste in Germany), we want to discuss how the Safety Case can be optimized in a transdisciplinary way. At the same time, we will introduce and try out transdisciplinary tools and formats. The workshop offers the opportunity to exchange ideas on topics such as the design of a digital Safety Case, extensions of the FEP catalogue or the benefits of extended peer communities, as well as to experience transdisciplinary research first-hand. W05: Identifying safety-relevant knowledge gaps concerning radionuclide mobility – bringing together fundamental research and application Radionuclide mobility in a nuclear waste repository is strongly influenced by their chemical form (oxidation state, speciation), determining their solubility and chemical interactions with mineral surfaces. To date, significant efforts have been made to investigate mechanisms (e. g. sorption, diffusion) underlying radionuclide retention. However, knowledge gaps persist, especially under complex environmental conditions as may be expected in a deep geological repository ( e.g. complexation of radionuclides with organic compounds, influence of elevated temperature, the effects of high ionic strength, etc. ). In order to make reliable predictions about radionuclide mobility, and consequently about post-closure repository safety, it is necessary to identify, evaluate and, where necessary, close these knowledge gaps. This workshop aims to bring together experts in both fundamental research and its applications to repository safety. It intends to facilitate knowledge exchange between the two fields, promoting a more coordinated and goal-oriented repository safety research. Participants are invited to share their knowledge about the need for further experimental and computational investigations on one hand and the data requirements for reliable transport models and implications for safety assessment on the other hand. Draft for agenda: I. Introduction II. Impulse presentations (each 10+5 min.): 1) Fundamental research on radionuclide chemistry, solubility, complexation and sorption using wet chemistry, spectroscopy and modelling (invited speaker) 2) Safety assessment for nuclear waste repositories – selection of input parameters (invited speaker) III. Discussion (each topic 20 min.) 1) Topic 1: Identification, evaluation and prioritization of knowledge gaps relevant for repository safety concerning radionuclide mobility 2) Topic 2: Interplay between fundamental research and application – how to enhance interconnectivity IV. Wrap-up W06: Impact of extended interim storage of high-level radioactive waste on the safety of final disposal Interim storage of high- level radioactive waste will in several countries take much longer than the originally planned few decades. Does the extended timeline of interim storage significantly change the input parameters for final disposal ? Does this affect the long-term safety of deep geological repositories? Are there aspects that could previously be neglected but need to be re-evaluated in order to not negatively affect planning and implementation of geological storage? In this session we want to link discussions regarding extended interim storage to the long-term safety in geological depositories. Aspects of the discussion could be: Does the embrittlement of the fuel cladding lead to difficulties in transportation and conditioning of the inventory? Could the decreasing thermal power of the inventory lead to temperatures at the time of backfilling and closure of the final disposal site that will negatively affect safety relevant aspects, e.g. salt creep and compaction ? We are looking forward to a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary discussion that may go well beyond the given examples. Topic 6: Communication processes, long-term information preservation and semiotics W07: Geodata for the public - best practice examples from GIS and web applications This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to present, share and learn from each other by selected GIS and web applications related to the site selection process (StandAV) in germany. In this context, BASE would also like to present and discuss selected own applications for its tasks in the site selection procedure. SafeND would be a good opportunity to present this application to a broader audience and to discuss opportunities and challenges of GIS and web applications. Who can be reached, who will not be reached? Topic 7: Participation processes W08: Uranium mining – challenges and learnings for nuclear disposal in view of participation and safety Uranium mining is the very start of the nuclear fuel chain. In spite of this, it is the most neglected part of the entire chain, especially when considering sustainability and environmental protection. This workshop addresses this gap and links the lessons we can learn from uranium mining to nuclear waste disposal . Uranium mining is a safety challenge from the first day a mine is in operation to the last day of land rehabilitation. Environmental and health issues are at stake during the entire lifetime of a mine. The remnants of the mining activities can be regarded as long-term liabilities, which must be monitored for many generations. Uranium mines are often contentious for the local population, specifically indigenous people. Their right of participation in the decision-making processes is often not given justice by mining companies and governmental authorities. Participation, however, is crucial both for positive societal outcomes, such as development and low conflict levels, as well as for building of trust. This is also true for the quest for nuclear waste disposal sites. Based on insights from processes of uranium extraction we can draw conclusions for the site selection process of a final repository , specifically regarding licensing, operation and land rehabilitation processes. So, it is worth having a detailed look at the beginning of the nuclear fuel chain, as one moves forward to resolve the issues upcoming during nuclear waste disposal . Safety and participation issues will be in the focus of this session. It will gather academics and practitioners from different fields in a transdisciplinary setting. Short inputs will introduce topics, followed by a structured discussion. The workshop is complemented by a post-conference field trip to Wismut facilities. This workshop will improve the transdisciplinary capabilities of the participants and will provide opportunities for exchange and networking. W09: Learning through public engagement The site selection act ( StandAG ) defines the selection of a repository as a learning process ("lernenden Verfahren") in § 1. Learning is also an essential aspect of transdisciplinary (td) research projects, besides capacity and network building as well as situation improvement. Learning can take place during all phases of the research process and at all levels ( i.e. , from the individual to the institution). However, how and what is learned is specific to the project context and topic ( e.g. agriculture, urban planning, renewable energies). TRANSENS is one of the few td-research projects internationally in the field of nuclear waste management. Therefore, we would like to identify the specific (learning) effects of stakeholder integration ( e.g. , public, practitioners) in the field of nuclear waste disposal . In an interactive workshop we will - taking into account the perspectives of citizens, practitioners and scientists - explore the following questions: What are the learning experiences of the td-approach in and around TRANSENS ( i.e. of scientists and td-partners) so far? Which learning experiences are specific to nuclear waste management? Which learning experiences and insights can be transferred from TRANSENS to the site selection process in Germany and neighboring countries? From the interaction we expect the identification of key experiences and their specific relevance for the nuclear waste management. W10: Let’s do science communication: how can science communication support the search for a nuclear waste repository? Germany is looking for a repository for high- level radioactive waste . This is a task for society as a whole, which requires a broad participation process and, above all, a scientific basis. The process is still at the beginning, but as the possible siting regions are being narrowed down, public attention will increase significantly in the years to come. The complex and scientific process must be transparent, comprehensible and understandable for everyone: Science communication is an essential factor for success. In the workshop, we will discuss the role of science communication in the repository search procedure. How can scientific content be communicated? What formats should be adapted for science communication? A game plan that depicts the phases and sequence of the procedure and presents the most important information of the scientific process will form the basis for the workshop. In the format of a World Café, the participants will experience to which extent their science communication plays a role as an essential factor in the procedure: There will be two scenarios – a failure and a success story – which will be influence by science communication. The player will go through each step on the search for a repository and discuss their influence as the communicating scientist on the success of the search. How can people be influence by communication of risk topics, do they trust science? Additionally, to the personal experience, scientific questions regarding needed information during the phases of the search will be generated in that format. How can science of science communication support the different steps of the search? W11: Exploring potentials for transdisciplinary coproduction in for the case of nuclear waste disposal Citizen science and other transdisciplinary approaches become more important in environmental policy and within academia. Scientists benefit from citizens’ to generate more societally robust knowledge. In the contested theme of nuclear waste management (NWM) such approaches can be particularly valuable but also face challenges. Within our transdisciplinary research project (www.transens.de) we work jointly with 14 citizens (Citizen Working Group = CWG), who are interested in the topic without being activists or carrying a specific agenda. The CWG helps us enrich the research process with experiential knowledge. In parallel to gaining scientific knowledge, trust can be build due to the close collaboration. However, the CWG becomes more ‘scientific’ over time and does no longer resemble the general public. Moreover, we established a local measurement lab at the city of Remlingen near the Asse II site. This lab is open to the local public for measuring environmental samples using techniques such as gamma spectroscopy. One aim is to enable citizens to measure their samples in a scientifically sound way. In the workshop, we would like to discuss the benefits and challenges of such collaborations going beyond the aforementioned examples. Potential key question are: Is there a possibility for multiplication/upscaling of small- scale approaches? How to assure the quality of the citizens’ work (measurements) and interpretation of results? Participation and in particular co-determination leads to a certain responsibility for the outcome. Are the citizens aware of it and willing to assume it? To what extent is extended participation with empowerment for decision making still in line with representative democracy? W12: Fostering Interdisciplinary Knowledge No safe Nuclear waste disposal without interdisciplinarity, both in research and in practice. On this there seems to be growing consensus. But how to build and foster ‘true’ interdisciplinary programs? In this workshop we will explore what interdisciplinary knowledge means and how it is obtained. How to get people with divers disciplinary backgrounds to work together and develop insights across disciplinary borders? How can compatibility between different, discipline-dependent research, communication and publication cultures be achieved and how necessary is such compatibility? Is it realistic to strive for such full integration, or is multidisciplinarity (representing loosely coupled disciplinary insights and views) the more likely outcome of any such attempt? For that purpose, we will invite beforehand a number of people with varying disciplinary backgrounds and experience in interdisciplinary research settings to provide short (preferably rather provocative) testimonies, on which the participants can further reflect in a series of guided round table discussions. These will be set-up in ‘world café’ style: one plenary room with several tables (or flip chart ‘corners’), small groups moving from one table to another discussing a specific issue. Depending on the timeslots available that could be 3x 20 minutes, 4x 15 minutes, or variations of that. We’d like to focus the discussions around criteria, best practices, challenges and pitfalls when venturing into or evaluating interdisciplinary projects and programs. Insights from the discussion rounds will at the end be presented (and again discussed) in plenary, with the aim to come to suggestions for realistic expectations regarding interdisciplinary approaches, including identifying key elements for breaking down disciplinary boundaries. Topic 8: Historical, economic, ecological and legal analyses W13: Putting nuclear waste on the sustainability agenda - integration into the concept of planetary boundary The concept of planetary boundaries provides a framework in which the finiteness of the planet is translated into boundaries in which human activities can thrive and thus generate transformation pathways for sustainable development. The boundary of climate change requires a strong decarbonization with large investments in low-carbon technologies. Nuclear power is often classified internationally as a "clean" technology because of its low-emission operation. However, although no greenhouse gas emissions are produced during nuclear fission , radioactive waste is produced instead and must be stored safely for extremely long periods of time to avoid contact with humans and the environment. Surprisingly, radioactive waste is underrepresented in the concept of planetary boundaries. In 2015, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) recommended to establish fissile material as a part of global guard rails (a similar concept to planetary boundaries) and to stop production of new fissile material by 2070 as a new Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). These recommendations have not yet found their way into the international scientific discourse . Previous to the workshop it is envisaged to prepare a paper that provide arguments and possible indicators necessary to integrate nuclear waste into the concept of planetary boundaries taking the approach of WBGU guard rails into account. This preliminary work serves as a basis for discussion for the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the provided arguments for their suitability to meet the criteria to establish nuclear waste as a control variable of the planetary boundary called “novel entities”. Furthermore, it shall be discussed which one of the possible indicators to quantify a control variable of planetary boundaries and what challenges need to be addressed in future work. Panels Topic 4: Safeguards,non-proliferation and security issues P01: Safeguarding nuclear waste managing; Part I and Part II This two-part panel focuses on approaches, concepts, methods, and technologies for safeguarding nuclear waste management. The first part discusses the current state and challenges in safeguarding spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories and elaborates the recent progress of safeguards developments and implementation, as well as existing gaps. The second part then looks at future challenges of safeguarding nuclear waste management in the medium and long term and develops some priorities in order to meet these challenges. Both parts will be held as panels of 60 min, including three inputs of 10 min each (all speakers TBC) and a facilitated discussion of 30 min. Part I: Status, progress, and gaps (60 min) Input Inspectorate; IAEA or Euratom: Which safeguards approaches are currently developed for or implemented at spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories? Input National Safeguards Authority; STUK or SSM: How to make best use of safeguards concepts, such as Safety-Security-Safeguards (3S), Safeguards-by-Design (SBD), etc. in nuclear waste management? Input research entity; JRC, VTT, or Jülich: What are the most important R&D activities regarding safeguards methods and technologies in nuclear waste management (TRL 4-8)? Part II: Future challenges and priorities (60 min) Input Inspectorate; IAEA or Euratom: Which challenges are on the horizon regarding safeguards implementation at spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories in the medium and long term? Input Operator; Posiva or SKB: What are medium- and long-term challenges of safeguards implementation from the operator's point of view? Input research entity; NN: Technology foresight: What are the most promising methods and technologies for safeguarding nuclear waste management in the medium- and long-term future (TRL 1-3)? Topic 5: Alternative disposal methods P02: “Novel” Nuclear Reactors as Alternative Disposal Option States and private industries are researching and developing reactor concepts that are not based on the current light or heavy water cooled reactor technology. One important aspect of these so called novel or advanced nuclear reactor designs, both large gigawatt types and small modular reactors, is their potential for radioactive waste management. The prospects for their development and industrial use also largely depend on possible improvements to reactor safety, on the proliferation resistance of the fuel cycle and on the economics of those reactor concepts. The panelists will discuss chances and impediments to the implementation and use of advanced reactor concepts and their fuel cycles and their use as an alternative disposal option. The discussion will be open for the audience to participate. Panelist can be experts on Reactor based nuclear waste management Nuclear safety and security State of science and technology of advanced nuclear reactors (technology readiness level ) Nuclear power economics Topic 6: Communication processes, long-term information preservation and semiotics P03: Preserving awareness for oversight – towards a resilient system at social level over centuries and millennia A resilient system at social level can be understood as one where society, at any point in time, takes responsibility for the repository system and acts to preserve the basic conditions for future generations to take responsible decisions. The idea of societal responsibility is included in the notion of oversight, which has become a crucial ingredient of ICRP’s system of radiological protection where geological disposal is concerned. Oversight, after closure, is described as “‘watchful care’ and refers to society ‘keeping an eye’ on the technical system and the actual implementation of plans and decisions” ( ICRP -122). The concept of oversight has been further developed by the NEA in the context of exploring strategies for the preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across generations, which is generally seen as a precondition for exercising oversight in the future. While societal decisions on how to organise and exercise post-closure oversight may be decades away, the discussion on RK&M preservation strategies has started. At a recent conference in Dessel, Belgium, organised by NEA’s Expert Group on Awareness Preservation (EGAP), new ideas and aspects were presented. The discussions revealed, however, that participants felt that a “common vision” in the community (meaning both international expert community and any interested parties) would be beneficial to help focus discussions on RK&M preservation strategies later on. Topic 8: Historical, economic, ecological and legal analyses P04: The role of law in nuclear waste management Different states - different approaches. While there are countries that - following their traditions - form laws as binding manual for the regulator, there is also the approach to grant freedom of decision up to a certain distinct and legally discuss decisions afterwards. How do the approaches look alike? What is their difference - and, most important, what is the common ground of law concerning nuclear waste management? The goal of this session is to gain an overview on legal approaches for the same challenges in several countries and to understand procedures in other jurisdictions. S01: International organizational models in nuclear decommissioning Nuclear decommissioning has often been overlooked in past literature but will gain relevance in future research as more and more NPPs reach the ends of their respective lifetimes. Countries whose commercial reactors are currently undergoing decommissioning span a wide spectrum in terms of organization, regulation, financial provisions , and production of decommissioning services. This leads to most countries approaching decommissioning differently (to some extent), and poses questions of financial security and liability. Further, in this still relatively nascent industry, information on best practice approaches from a technical but also an organization perspective remains limited - as world-wide only a hand full of reactors have so far been fully decommissioned. Additionally, due to unpredictability, lack of experience, and the long-term nature of operations, costs of nuclear decommissioning are seldom priced into economic analyses. This session will attempt to shed light on some of these issues regarding decommissioning . Possible presentations could focus on various organization models in different countries, present more accurate cost data as is currently available in literature and provide insight into challenges faced by regulators. S02: Nuclear decommissioning and waste minimization This session offers the possibility to present talks and posters concerning all aspects of decommissioning and waste minimization not covered by session S1. S03: Various aspects to interim storage, conditioning and transport In this session, current studies regarding interim storage , conditioning as well as transport can be presented in general and will be discussed. S04: Global climate change and its impact on the nuclear safety of a repository Presentations on the following topics could be submitted here: Modelling/presentation of the last ice ages as well as their future prognosis; how valid and meaningful is the view into the future? Current developments in permafrost areas (on land and under marine conditions); can these also play a future role in D? Threats due to sea- level rise, etc. S05: Corrosion of canister materials in deep geological repositories In repository concepts based primarily on engineered and geotechnical barriers , it must be ensured that the radioactive materials are contained and isolated within these barriers over the envisaged reference period. Corrosion from the outside and from the inside of a canister is an aspect that significantly influences the safety functions and the safety analyses in any repository concept and must be evaluated in a resilient manner over a very long period of time depending on national regulations. The corrosion of the container and the processes at the external and internal interfaces must be well understood for integrating them in safety analyses. Modeling and evaluating the long-term stability of casing or canister materials is further part of the safety case. Topics that can be discussed (non-exhaustive list) in this session include treatment of corrosion issues in national disposal programs, the corrosion behavior of disposal canister materials and its long-term consequences, microbial issues, in-situ experiments versus laboratory scale corrosion rate determination, material quality aspects and modeling on long time scales. S06: Surface based site investigation: collecting a reliable data base for decision making Criteria-driven site selection requires geoscientific data in a variety of geological situations. Which data sets are the most relevant? How can they be collected efficiently and reliably? We want to discuss strategies and methods for the different host rock situations from data collection to integration into site descriptive models. S07: The role of geomechanics and structural modelling in the site selection process The use of the underground for a safe and permanent disposal of radioactive waste requires not only detailed knowledge of the host rock but also of the surrounding rock. This includes the structural setting, lateral variations in petrophysical rock properties as well as the impact of faults in the vicinity of the repository . All these factors play an important role not only for the site selection process and the construction phase of the repository , but also for its long-term safety. The characterisation of the regional geological structures and the rock properties must be carried out in a timely and coordinated manner. Exploration of the subsurface by geophysical methods (in particular 3D seismic surveys), geophysical borehole measurements ( e.g. present day stress state), determination of rock parameters based on cores, among others, are required. All these methods provide the data base for a robust subsurface model which can estimate, for example the current stress state. Based on such models, the necessary safety assessments of the initial state of the repository can be carried out. In addition, the model results are valuable as initial conditions for forward simulations that can be used to investigate long-term safety scenarios addressing future tectonic deformation as well as exogenic processes like erosion and ice loading. The aim of the session is to bring together researchers who are involved in the exploration of subsurface structures (seismology, structural geology, borehole geophysics), the determination of rock properties (petrophysics, rock mechanics ), subsurface engineering (drilling technology), as well as the application of such data for geomechanical simulations. S08: Handling uncertainties in safety analyses for a geological repository for nuclear waste Appropriate consideration and comprehensible assessment of uncertainties is a central aspect in conducting safety analyses for a geological repository for radioactive waste , including the preliminary safety analyses and their linkage with geoscientific considerations in the context of the German site selection procedure. The large temporal and spatial scales of the systems investigated as well as their heterogeneity and the complexity of the safety-relevant thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical (THMC) processes imply various sources of uncertainties. These result, for example, from the restricted ability to characterize the geological barrier and its future evolution under internal and external impacts as well as from inaccuracies and difficulties in measurements Additionally, the analysis of complex repository systems requires the use of abstracting models, which introduces further uncertainties connected to the judgements and simplifications made by the modelers. This session provides the opportunity to present and discuss advances on the following and related topics concerning uncertainties in safety investigations: Characterization and quantification of uncertainties in the geology and geophysical rock properties, Methods for reduction of uncertainties, for example through optimization of data acquisition and sampling, Dealing with scenarios uncertainties, like future climate conditions and glacial cycles, Model based probabilistic methods for analysis of impact of uncertainties on repository safety related quantities, Methodological and regulatory issues, Uncertainties related to human factors, and Adequate communication of methods and results to various stakeholders (reviewers, scientists with different backgrounds, interested public). S09: Geologic disposal of low- to high-level waste: Recent advances in computational methods and process coupling (THMCB) The disposal of heat generating radioactive waste is a worldwide concern. While each country has different regulations and available host rocks, the meshing, modeling, and assessment of disposal scenarios is required for both regulatory and planning side of commissioning a radioactive waste repository . As a result, numerical methods play a key role in the understanding and assessment of disposing of low- to high- level radioactive waste in deep geologic formations. As numerical methods continue to advance, so does our understanding of final disposal of waste. The aim of this session is to discuss recent and continued advances in numerical methods including but not limited to analytical methods, visualization, simulator development/capabilities, and meshing techniques aimed at untangling the complexities of the thermal, hydrological, mechanical, chemical, and biological processes associated with radioactive waste disposal in porous and fractured materials from the meter- to km - scale . S10: Deep geological disposal – geosciences behind regulatory, technical and social challenges: Best practices and lessons learned High level and long-lived radioactive waste , here referred to as nuclear waste (NW), are best disposed of in deep geological repositories (DGR). A DGR is a multi-barrier system of engineered and natural barriers (NB) that ensure long-term isolation of NW from the biosphere . NB comprise the host rocks and, depending on regulations, may include the surrounding geological formations. An important aspect in the development of DGR is the selection of a site where the geological characteristics of the NB and the hydrogeological conditions of the site allow waste isolation. National programs are developed to gather the geological information needed to design and construct a safe DGR. This data will then be used for supporting decisions at each DGR stage, notably about concept choices, site selection, licensing procedures for construction, waste emplacement and closure of DGRs. Technical designs, regulatory frameworks, evaluation and safety criteria are still evolving and differ from country to country. Additionally, every stage of the DGR procedure must be transparent and comprehensible for the public. Accordingly, social acceptance and public involvement strongly contribute to the complex process of DGR disposal . S11: Type and precision of public measurement of environment constraints A collection of measurements should be available before and while nuclear waste is conditioned and stored at all locations where this happens: 1) geothermic drills near the storage facility should detect increase in radiation, 2) earth quake detection should start long before the nuclear waste arrives, 3) air pollution should be part of the collection of environment conditions to be measured as well, 4) other indicative numbers for reliability?? All these values should be A) permanently, B) public, C) high available (no downtime), D) as long as nuclear waste is dangerous S12: The impact of armed conflicts on the safety and security of nuclear waste installations As we have learned from the Ukraine war, nuclear installations are sensible objects under the threat of warfare. This session deals with all aspects concerned with the safety of nuclear waste installations subjected to armed conflicts. S13: Safeguards and non-proliferation in nuclear waste management Open session for all types of contributions within the topic framework of the topic, which are not covered by session S12. S14: Technical-economic analysis of “new” nuclear reactor concepts and interaction with waste disposal Current narratives of nuclear waste disposal are strongly influenced by future visions of nuclear reactors in a country or a region. Thus, some SMR -concepts (“small modular reactors”) suggest a decreasing production of waste for storage, and some reactor concepts are designed specifically to “burn” spent fuel. This covers mainly non-light water-cooled reactor types, which have not yet been developed commercial but are supposed to play an important role in many future energy and climate scenarios ( e.g. the Russian fast reactors). The objective of this session is to bring together papers that assess the technical and economic feasibility of “new” reactor concepts, to explore international experience in the field , and to relate this discussion to the core topic of safe-ND, i.e. nuclear disposal practices. We will seek both technical papers, but also economic assessments of nuclear future. The objective will be to link these developments to narratives of the nuclear fuel challenge. S15: Reactor-Based Nuclear Waste Management Disposal of radioactive waste in a deep geological repository is considered the preferred disposal option in most countries worldwide. An alternative disposal option is to modify the quantity and composition of the radioactive waste using reactors to enhance the safety of a repository . Presentations in this session could be, but are not limited to, on the following topics: partitioning and transmutation; state of science and technology of reactor for waste management ( e.g. Gen IV reactors and SMRs); impact of reactors on quantity and composition of nuclear waste; deployment scenarios focusing on nuclear waste management; state of science and technology of reprocessing and fuel fabrication technologies; S16: Borehole Disposal for Radioactive Waste – Recent Developments The disposal of radioactive waste in drilled boreholes has been in discussion for decades. Disposal has been applied for liquid wastes and spent sources in the past. Lately, it has re-entered discussion and developments have been made also for the disposal of highly active waste. In this session, recent developments affecting long-term and operational safety and other open questions can be presented and discussed. This may include concepts, legal implications or detailed studies regarding (geo-)technical or natural barriers as well as implications for scenarios and FEPs or studies on THMCB processes. S17: Disposal pathways as future pathways. Planning between pragmatic narrowing and thinking about the expected future What does the operator of a repository for highly radioactive waste plan for the near future in a repository site region? What happens in the decades until the first container is stored? What happens after the last container is stored? These are questions that have occupied the interested public in Germany since the announcement of the potentially suitable subareas in 2020. Demanding timeframes raise fears, on the one hand, that not enough care will be taken. On the other hand, the idea that there is no alternative and that nuclear waste disposal is characterized by major path dependencies is often heard. This session will address the question of how, between constraints and pragmatic narrowing, "thinking in alternatives" (Grunwald 2019) can help lead to a site selection process and subsequent operation of a deep repository . Strategically, it is a matter of linking conceptual frameworks with narratives and ideas about the future that seem possible and plausible today. If this succeeds, it opens up the possibility of breaking away from simplified notions of circumstantial linearity and opening up spaces for reflection that promote thinking about expectable futures. Possibilities of acting on the basis of convincing arguments, as favored in technology assessment, provide opportunities to further develop the necessary long-term governance (Kuppler / Hocke 2019, Böschen et al. 2021) in the technology conflict over nuclear waste disposal in Germany. The idea is to develop a resilient process that meets the requirements of safety and a learning process with substantial public participation (Smeddinck et al. 2022). According to initial agreements, the presentations are proposed in such a way that they can come from the transdisciplinary work package "Capacity to act and flexibility in a reversible process" of the research network TRANSENS (Transdisciplinary Research on the Management of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany; www.Transens.de) as well as from relevant research teams outside the network. S18: Communicating uncertainties in nuclear waste management We propose a session with two of our project colleagues giving talks on our recent efforts to address a range of uncertainties within the theme of nuclear waste management. Additionally, we welcome three talks external to our group on the same topic. Transporting the message of scientific uncertainty to a general audience is delicate, because lay people usually lack the conceptual portfolio to capture uncertainties ( e.g. quantification). Moreover, uncertainties can lead to mistrust and may be misused to inhibit or delay radioactive waste management. The public approaches the topic more intuitively and draws on experiential knowledge, prior attitudes and trust as heuristics. Moreover, individuals differ in their conception of ‘science’ and valid scientific knowledge. Some acknowledge the stepwise process in science and the lack of certainty in various questions. Others expect that one must be sure of “facts” before decisions are made. However, we argue that decisions must be drawn from uncertain knowledge; otherwise, we will never meet the objective to dispose of high- level nuclear waste. In one talk, we report results of an experimental study that investigated preferences for and trust in different visualizations of simulation results and tested different forms of communication (verbal, numeric, visual). The most salient result is that across all experimental conditions the attitude towards a deep ground repository for high- level nuclear waste is the decisive parameter. A second talk deals with uncertainties and their communication concerning the deep disposal projects in Germany for low- and intermediate radioactive waste . It focuses on the lessons learned to help with the communication of uncertainties related to the repository for high- level radioactive waste , which has yet to be planned. S19: Long term information and awareness preservation The session will include presentations on new insights concerning material properties of information carriers and considerations on Nuclear Cultural Heritage in general. It might also include a presentation on nuclear semiotics. S20: Participation processes for projects involving nuclear safety and disposal In this session, current studies regarding participation processes for projects involving nuclear safety and disposal can be presented in general and discussed. S21: Safety in law - legal bases for safety-related decisions in international comparison. Or: What’s safe Law is both catalyst and drive for safety. Different countries apply different legal approaches to safety. The goal of this session is to gain an overview on safety-related provisions and definitions in several countries and through a comparison provide some lessons-learnt that are useful for further enhancing safety related policy. S22: Historical research regarding nuclear waste management: Learning from the past? In this session, current studies about the historical research regarding nuclear waste management in general will be discussed. The topics should focus on learning from the past. S23: Towards literacy in long-term governance of nuclear waste: a proposition for Strategic Monitoring Deep geological repositories of nuclear waste are an intricate and contentious policy field with an impact up to a million years. This contribution aims to explore how society and technology can set up and implement sustainable ways – in the long run – to cope with the issue. It also requires long-term, decades long, institutional involvement of the technoscientific community, waste producers, public administrators, non-governmental organizations, and the public. The demonstration of long-term safety is challenging and monitoring may contribute to substantiate evidence, support decision making and legitimize the programs. What, where and when to monitor is determined by its goal setting: It may be operational, confirmatory (in the near field ) or environmental ( far field ). As it is “difficult to make predictions, especially about the future” (Danish saying) , this contribution, too, does not pretend to present the silver bullet, but Strategic Monitoring as proposed contributes to process, implementation or policy and institutional surveillance to sustain a once launched program. It addresses not only the controversial long-lasting “problem” (of nuclear waste) but investigates some ways to approach for “solutions” or solution spaces, not just technical but also institutional and personal, and this for the long term. It includes the tailored transfer of knowledge, concept and system understanding, experience and documentation to various audiences above. It is an integrative tool of targeted yet adaptive management and may be applicable to other long-term sociotechnical fields. W01: Trade-offs in nuclear waste management concerning intra- vs. intergenerational justice We propose a workshop in two parts (each approx. 90 min) to discuss general dilemmas due to the long time range until an operable solution for the waste problem is found and the pressure put on communities hosting interim storage sites. In a first part, we highlight the twofold responsibility concerning the current generation’s decision-making in perspective of living and coming generations. According to own survey data and debate with citizens, we see the need to discuss the relative relevance of directly affected generations during the next decades (until the repository’s closure, which affects about four to five generations) compared to justice for generations (five plus) in the following decades and centuries. In the second part we explore the consequences of the delayed final storage in Germany upon the current interim storage sites. Following dialogs with citizens (in Brokdorf, Oct. 2022 and in Lubmin Mar. /Apr. 2023) we investigate trade-offs between guaranteeing the safety in these sites and developing and implementing new concepts for long-term storage at these or new sites before beginning with final storage. In terms of safety and fairness, invasive monitoring of casks or storage in a new centralized interim repository would be welcomed by some. However, both possible measures stay in conflict with long-term practices ( e.g. approving licenses for several decades or the long-term planning for the final repository ). Important questions arise: How much time may current generations take to identify the most suitable site? How can addressing all three time horizons specified in the Site Selection Act help to contextualize delays in the initial steps? What are the risks and chances associated with delayed deep geological disposal (economic, social, political, etc. )? To what extent may intragenerational (current generations) justice discount for generations in the far future? How can the prolongation of interim storage be justified? W02: Discourse deep geological repository – defining retardation moments and questioning the feasibility of prognostic approaches The geoscientific discourse shall use examples or scenarios from the international environment to highlight any given possibilities for prognosis; at best, it shall name aspects of delay in the procedure, and shed light on repository -related research. The aim of ensuring that the geogenic conditions in the repository -relevant underground guarantee safety for the radioactive waste and, consequently, for the biosphere and society, is to be presented and discussed from an international perspective. Geoscience-related strands of arguments that seem plausible for independent research as well as operators and supervision, in particular, should be subject to critical scrutiny. W03: How to estimate the 3D stress state for a deep geological repository When stresses yield a critical value, rock breaks or pre-existing faults are reactivated generating pathways for fluid migration. Thus, the stress state is a key parameter to assess the stability of deep geological repositories. The prediction of the 3D stress state is achieved with 3D geomechanical models based on the prediction of the 3D structure and distribution of rock properties. Furthermore, point-wise measurements of the stress state are needed to fit the model to these data. In this workshop we present a range of methods that determine individual components of the stress state in the Earth’s crust. As example, we will use borehole image logs to identify borehole breakouts and drilling induced tensile fractures at the borehole wall. These are used to derive the orientation of the minimum and maximum horizontal stress. Furthermore, we will present methods for the estimation of stress magnitudes. These are essential data for the calibration of a 3D geomechanical model. We will give a brief overview on different methods and then focus on the analysis of mini-hydraulic fracture tests as well as on the sleeve fracturing and sleeve re-opening method. The combination of these are the only robust methods in a borehole to derive ranges of the magnitudes of the minimum and maximum horizontal stress. Finally, we will show the usage of the estimated data for the prediction of the stress state in the subsurface. In particular, we will present and discuss the uncertainties of the results itself. As a major challenge, the uncertainty that results from the assumption that a data point taken from less than a cubic meter is a good representation for a large rock volume, i.e. a whole lithological layer, is addressed. We will show first results of a comprehensive borehole campaign in northern Switzerland where the location of the deep geological repository in Nördlich Lägern is proposed. W04: Optimizing the safety case through transdisciplinary research? The primary goal of the management of radioactive waste is safety. On the disposal path leading to a repository for radioactive waste , Safety Cases for disposal facilities have an important function as a basis for management-related, licensing, and political decisions. In the German site selection process, the preliminary safety analyses play a central role: they have to inform siting decisions at three important steps of the process. Many stakeholders therefore have high expectations of these safety assessments. Past experience suggests that their expectations are not always met by the current Safety Cases, which have grown historically and therefore follow internationally established conventions, are extensive, complex and difficult to comprehend. Transdisciplinary research has the potential to provide the implementer BGE , the regulator BASE and other actors in waste management with valuable information for the design and review of safety analyses that better meet the expectations of different stakeholders and actors. It provides new impulses, opens up other perspectives on questions concerning the Safety Case and introduces novel proposals for solutions. In this way, it contributes to robust safety assessments and a resilient safety of repositories for radioactive waste . On the basis of tangible results from the research project TRANSENS (Transdisciplinary Research on the management of high- level radioactive waste in Germany), we want to discuss how the Safety Case can be optimized in a transdisciplinary way. At the same time, we will introduce and try out transdisciplinary tools and formats. The workshop offers the opportunity to exchange ideas on topics such as the design of a digital Safety Case, extensions of the FEP catalogue or the benefits of extended peer communities, as well as to experience transdisciplinary research first-hand. W05: Identifying safety-relevant knowledge gaps concerning radionuclide mobility – bringing together fundamental research and application Radionuclide mobility in a nuclear waste repository is strongly influenced by their chemical form (oxidation state, speciation), determining their solubility and chemical interactions with mineral surfaces. To date, significant efforts have been made to investigate mechanisms (e. g. sorption, diffusion) underlying radionuclide retention. However, knowledge gaps persist, especially under complex environmental conditions as may be expected in a deep geological repository ( e.g. complexation of radionuclides with organic compounds, influence of elevated temperature, the effects of high ionic strength, etc. ). In order to make reliable predictions about radionuclide mobility, and consequently about post-closure repository safety, it is necessary to identify, evaluate and, where necessary, close these knowledge gaps. This workshop aims to bring together experts in both fundamental research and its applications to repository safety. It intends to facilitate knowledge exchange between the two fields, promoting a more coordinated and goal-oriented repository safety research. Participants are invited to share their knowledge about the need for further experimental and computational investigations on one hand and the data requirements for reliable transport models and implications for safety assessment on the other hand. Draft for agenda: I. Introduction II. Impulse presentations (each 10+5 min.): 1) Fundamental research on radionuclide chemistry, solubility, complexation and sorption using wet chemistry, spectroscopy and modelling (invited speaker) 2) Safety assessment for nuclear waste repositories – selection of input parameters (invited speaker) III. Discussion (each topic 20 min.) 1) Topic 1: Identification, evaluation and prioritization of knowledge gaps relevant for repository safety concerning radionuclide mobility 2) Topic 2: Interplay between fundamental research and application – how to enhance interconnectivity IV. Wrap-up W06: Impact of extended interim storage of high-level radioactive waste on the safety of final disposal Interim storage of high- level radioactive waste will in several countries take much longer than the originally planned few decades. Does the extended timeline of interim storage significantly change the input parameters for final disposal ? Does this affect the long-term safety of deep geological repositories? Are there aspects that could previously be neglected but need to be re-evaluated in order to not negatively affect planning and implementation of geological storage? In this session we want to link discussions regarding extended interim storage to the long-term safety in geological depositories. Aspects of the discussion could be: Does the embrittlement of the fuel cladding lead to difficulties in transportation and conditioning of the inventory? Could the decreasing thermal power of the inventory lead to temperatures at the time of backfilling and closure of the final disposal site that will negatively affect safety relevant aspects, e.g. salt creep and compaction ? We are looking forward to a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary discussion that may go well beyond the given examples. W07: Geodata for the public - best practice examples from GIS and web applications This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to present, share and learn from each other by selected GIS and web applications related to the site selection process (StandAV) in germany. In this context, BASE would also like to present and discuss selected own applications for its tasks in the site selection procedure. SafeND would be a good opportunity to present this application to a broader audience and to discuss opportunities and challenges of GIS and web applications. Who can be reached, who will not be reached? W08: Uranium mining – challenges and learnings for nuclear disposal in view of participation and safety Uranium mining is the very start of the nuclear fuel chain. In spite of this, it is the most neglected part of the entire chain, especially when considering sustainability and environmental protection. This workshop addresses this gap and links the lessons we can learn from uranium mining to nuclear waste disposal . Uranium mining is a safety challenge from the first day a mine is in operation to the last day of land rehabilitation. Environmental and health issues are at stake during the entire lifetime of a mine. The remnants of the mining activities can be regarded as long-term liabilities, which must be monitored for many generations. Uranium mines are often contentious for the local population, specifically indigenous people. Their right of participation in the decision-making processes is often not given justice by mining companies and governmental authorities. Participation, however, is crucial both for positive societal outcomes, such as development and low conflict levels, as well as for building of trust. This is also true for the quest for nuclear waste disposal sites. Based on insights from processes of uranium extraction we can draw conclusions for the site selection process of a final repository , specifically regarding licensing, operation and land rehabilitation processes. So, it is worth having a detailed look at the beginning of the nuclear fuel chain, as one moves forward to resolve the issues upcoming during nuclear waste disposal . Safety and participation issues will be in the focus of this session. It will gather academics and practitioners from different fields in a transdisciplinary setting. Short inputs will introduce topics, followed by a structured discussion. The workshop is complemented by a post-conference field trip to Wismut facilities. This workshop will improve the transdisciplinary capabilities of the participants and will provide opportunities for exchange and networking. W09: Learning through public engagement The site selection act ( StandAG ) defines the selection of a repository as a learning process ("lernenden Verfahren") in § 1. Learning is also an essential aspect of transdisciplinary (td) research projects, besides capacity and network building as well as situation improvement. Learning can take place during all phases of the research process and at all levels ( i.e. , from the individual to the institution). However, how and what is learned is specific to the project context and topic ( e.g. agriculture, urban planning, renewable energies). TRANSENS is one of the few td-research projects internationally in the field of nuclear waste management. Therefore, we would like to identify the specific (learning) effects of stakeholder integration ( e.g. , public, practitioners) in the field of nuclear waste disposal . In an interactive workshop we will - taking into account the perspectives of citizens, practitioners and scientists - explore the following questions: What are the learning experiences of the td-approach in and around TRANSENS ( i.e. of scientists and td-partners) so far? Which learning experiences are specific to nuclear waste management? Which learning experiences and insights can be transferred from TRANSENS to the site selection process in Germany and neighboring countries? From the interaction we expect the identification of key experiences and their specific relevance for the nuclear waste management. W10: Let’s do science communication: how can science communication support the search for a nuclear waste repository? Germany is looking for a repository for high- level radioactive waste . This is a task for society as a whole, which requires a broad participation process and, above all, a scientific basis. The process is still at the beginning, but as the possible siting regions are being narrowed down, public attention will increase significantly in the years to come. The complex and scientific process must be transparent, comprehensible and understandable for everyone: Science communication is an essential factor for success. In the workshop, we will discuss the role of science communication in the repository search procedure. How can scientific content be communicated? What formats should be adapted for science communication? A game plan that depicts the phases and sequence of the procedure and presents the most important information of the scientific process will form the basis for the workshop. In the format of a World Café, the participants will experience to which extent their science communication plays a role as an essential factor in the procedure: There will be two scenarios – a failure and a success story – which will be influence by science communication. The player will go through each step on the search for a repository and discuss their influence as the communicating scientist on the success of the search. How can people be influence by communication of risk topics, do they trust science? Additionally, to the personal experience, scientific questions regarding needed information during the phases of the search will be generated in that format. How can science of science communication support the different steps of the search? W11: Exploring potentials for transdisciplinary coproduction in for the case of nuclear waste disposal Citizen science and other transdisciplinary approaches become more important in environmental policy and within academia. Scientists benefit from citizens’ to generate more societally robust knowledge. In the contested theme of nuclear waste management (NWM) such approaches can be particularly valuable but also face challenges. Within our transdisciplinary research project (www.transens.de) we work jointly with 14 citizens (Citizen Working Group = CWG), who are interested in the topic without being activists or carrying a specific agenda. The CWG helps us enrich the research process with experiential knowledge. In parallel to gaining scientific knowledge, trust can be build due to the close collaboration. However, the CWG becomes more ‘scientific’ over time and does no longer resemble the general public. Moreover, we established a local measurement lab at the city of Remlingen near the Asse II site. This lab is open to the local public for measuring environmental samples using techniques such as gamma spectroscopy. One aim is to enable citizens to measure their samples in a scientifically sound way. In the workshop, we would like to discuss the benefits and challenges of such collaborations going beyond the aforementioned examples. Potential key question are: Is there a possibility for multiplication/upscaling of small- scale approaches? How to assure the quality of the citizens’ work (measurements) and interpretation of results? Participation and in particular co-determination leads to a certain responsibility for the outcome. Are the citizens aware of it and willing to assume it? To what extent is extended participation with empowerment for decision making still in line with representative democracy? W12: Fostering Interdisciplinary Knowledge No safe Nuclear waste disposal without interdisciplinarity, both in research and in practice. On this there seems to be growing consensus. But how to build and foster ‘true’ interdisciplinary programs? In this workshop we will explore what interdisciplinary knowledge means and how it is obtained. How to get people with divers disciplinary backgrounds to work together and develop insights across disciplinary borders? How can compatibility between different, discipline-dependent research, communication and publication cultures be achieved and how necessary is such compatibility? Is it realistic to strive for such full integration, or is multidisciplinarity (representing loosely coupled disciplinary insights and views) the more likely outcome of any such attempt? For that purpose, we will invite beforehand a number of people with varying disciplinary backgrounds and experience in interdisciplinary research settings to provide short (preferably rather provocative) testimonies, on which the participants can further reflect in a series of guided round table discussions. These will be set-up in ‘world café’ style: one plenary room with several tables (or flip chart ‘corners’), small groups moving from one table to another discussing a specific issue. Depending on the timeslots available that could be 3x 20 minutes, 4x 15 minutes, or variations of that. We’d like to focus the discussions around criteria, best practices, challenges and pitfalls when venturing into or evaluating interdisciplinary projects and programs. Insights from the discussion rounds will at the end be presented (and again discussed) in plenary, with the aim to come to suggestions for realistic expectations regarding interdisciplinary approaches, including identifying key elements for breaking down disciplinary boundaries. W13: Putting nuclear waste on the sustainability agenda - integration into the concept of planetary boundary The concept of planetary boundaries provides a framework in which the finiteness of the planet is translated into boundaries in which human activities can thrive and thus generate transformation pathways for sustainable development. The boundary of climate change requires a strong decarbonization with large investments in low-carbon technologies. Nuclear power is often classified internationally as a "clean" technology because of its low-emission operation. However, although no greenhouse gas emissions are produced during nuclear fission , radioactive waste is produced instead and must be stored safely for extremely long periods of time to avoid contact with humans and the environment. Surprisingly, radioactive waste is underrepresented in the concept of planetary boundaries. In 2015, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) recommended to establish fissile material as a part of global guard rails (a similar concept to planetary boundaries) and to stop production of new fissile material by 2070 as a new Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). These recommendations have not yet found their way into the international scientific discourse . Previous to the workshop it is envisaged to prepare a paper that provide arguments and possible indicators necessary to integrate nuclear waste into the concept of planetary boundaries taking the approach of WBGU guard rails into account. This preliminary work serves as a basis for discussion for the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the provided arguments for their suitability to meet the criteria to establish nuclear waste as a control variable of the planetary boundary called “novel entities”. Furthermore, it shall be discussed which one of the possible indicators to quantify a control variable of planetary boundaries and what challenges need to be addressed in future work. P01: Safeguarding nuclear waste managing; Part I and Part II This two-part panel focuses on approaches, concepts, methods, and technologies for safeguarding nuclear waste management. The first part discusses the current state and challenges in safeguarding spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories and elaborates the recent progress of safeguards developments and implementation, as well as existing gaps. The second part then looks at future challenges of safeguarding nuclear waste management in the medium and long term and develops some priorities in order to meet these challenges. Both parts will be held as panels of 60 min, including three inputs of 10 min each (all speakers TBC) and a facilitated discussion of 30 min. Part I: Status, progress, and gaps (60 min) Input Inspectorate; IAEA or Euratom: Which safeguards approaches are currently developed for or implemented at spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories? Input National Safeguards Authority; STUK or SSM: How to make best use of safeguards concepts, such as Safety-Security-Safeguards (3S), Safeguards-by-Design (SBD), etc. in nuclear waste management? Input research entity; JRC, VTT, or Jülich: What are the most important R&D activities regarding safeguards methods and technologies in nuclear waste management (TRL 4-8)? Part II: Future challenges and priorities (60 min) Input Inspectorate; IAEA or Euratom: Which challenges are on the horizon regarding safeguards implementation at spent fuel storage facilities, encapsulation plants and geological repositories in the medium and long term? Input Operator; Posiva or SKB: What are medium- and long-term challenges of safeguards implementation from the operator's point of view? Input research entity; NN: Technology foresight: What are the most promising methods and technologies for safeguarding nuclear waste management in the medium- and long-term future (TRL 1-3)? P02: “Novel” Nuclear Reactors as Alternative Disposal Option States and private industries are researching and developing reactor concepts that are not based on the current light or heavy water cooled reactor technology. One important aspect of these so called novel or advanced nuclear reactor designs, both large gigawatt types and small modular reactors, is their potential for radioactive waste management. The prospects for their development and industrial use also largely depend on possible improvements to reactor safety, on the proliferation resistance of the fuel cycle and on the economics of those reactor concepts. The panelists will discuss chances and impediments to the implementation and use of advanced reactor concepts and their fuel cycles and their use as an alternative disposal option. The discussion will be open for the audience to participate. Panelist can be experts on Reactor based nuclear waste management Nuclear safety and security State of science and technology of advanced nuclear reactors (technology readiness level ) Nuclear power economics P03: Preserving awareness for oversight – towards a resilient system at social level over centuries and millennia A resilient system at social level can be understood as one where society, at any point in time, takes responsibility for the repository system and acts to preserve the basic conditions for future generations to take responsible decisions. The idea of societal responsibility is included in the notion of oversight, which has become a crucial ingredient of ICRP’s system of radiological protection where geological disposal is concerned. Oversight, after closure, is described as “‘watchful care’ and refers to society ‘keeping an eye’ on the technical system and the actual implementation of plans and decisions” ( ICRP -122). The concept of oversight has been further developed by the NEA in the context of exploring strategies for the preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across generations, which is generally seen as a precondition for exercising oversight in the future. While societal decisions on how to organise and exercise post-closure oversight may be decades away, the discussion on RK&M preservation strategies has started. At a recent conference in Dessel, Belgium, organised by NEA’s Expert Group on Awareness Preservation (EGAP), new ideas and aspects were presented. The discussions revealed, however, that participants felt that a “common vision” in the community (meaning both international expert community and any interested parties) would be beneficial to help focus discussions on RK&M preservation strategies later on. P04: The role of law in nuclear waste management Different states - different approaches. While there are countries that - following their traditions - form laws as binding manual for the regulator, there is also the approach to grant freedom of decision up to a certain distinct and legally discuss decisions afterwards. How do the approaches look alike? What is their difference - and, most important, what is the common ground of law concerning nuclear waste management? The goal of this session is to gain an overview on legal approaches for the same challenges in several countries and to understand procedures in other jurisdictions.

Regulating informality - the influence of planning standards on long term suitability of urban settlements - the cases of Dar es Salaam/Tanzania and Durban/South Africa

Das Projekt "Regulating informality - the influence of planning standards on long term suitability of urban settlements - the cases of Dar es Salaam/Tanzania and Durban/South Africa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dortmund, Fachgebiet Stadt- und Regionalplanung durchgeführt. In Sub-Saharan Africa urbanisation is progressing at a rate unprecedented in human history. In most countries, the state is not in a position to apply a responsive legal framework and to mobilise adequate resources to guide urbanisation. A major obstacle are the outdated legal framework and the inappropriate planning concepts inherited from colonial governments which often contradict post colonial policies (Ambe 1999) and are unsuitable to respond to rapid urban growth. Consequently, insufficient formal building land is released to the market and informal settlements emerge resulting often in dysfunctional urban fabrics. In Dar es Salaam, informal settlements cover more than 70Prozent of the city area because the public sector cannot provide sufficient land and settlers have to buy plots on the informal land market. In Durban, where 25 to 30Prozent of the population live in informal settlements, the rate has remained relatively constant despite large scale provision of housing through government programmes. Both cases show the need for a new approach to statutory planning in order to guide urban development effectively and to create more functional settlements. Using a mainly empirical approach this study will analyse factors that determine space standards and land use in prevalent types of formally planned and informal settlements. It aims to identify parameters to ascertain the long-term suitability of settlements, understood as being functional and flexible to respond to future demands resulting from socio-economic development. Starting point of the research are the livelihood strategies of the residents. The aim is to evolve a responsive framework for statutory planning including spatial standards for settlements that reflect the current reality of urbanisation under poverty while addressing future needs.

Possible Future Developments in the European Transport Sector and their Implications for Transport and Business Activities in the Port of Rotterdam Area until 2050

Das Projekt "Possible Future Developments in the European Transport Sector and their Implications for Transport and Business Activities in the Port of Rotterdam Area until 2050" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Der Hafenbetrieb Rotterdam hat das Wuppertal Institut damit beauftragt mögliche Treibhausgasreduktionspfade für die Transportaktivitäten in der Hafenregion bis 2050 detaillierter aufzuzeigen und zu untersuchen. Die wichtigsten Fragestellungen, die innerhalb der Studie analysiert werden, sind: - Wie kann der Gütertransport in der Hafenregion dekabonisiert werden? - Wie wirkt sich eine dekabonisierte Welt in 2050 auf die Transport- und Logistikaktivitäten am Rotterdamer Hafen aus? - Wie kann der Hafenbetrieb Rotterdam die Dekarbonisierung des (maritimen) Gütertransports unterstützen? - Wie kann der Rotterdamer Hafen sein Geschäftsmodell an eine klimaschonende Zukunft anpassen? Dies ist ein Folgeprojekt einer früheren Studie, in der das Wuppertal Institut für den Hafenbetrieb Rotterdam verschiedene Klimaschutzszenarien für das Industriecluster der Hafenregion untersuchte. Generell zeigt sich der Hafenbetrieb Rotterdam, auf dessen Gebiet jährlich mehr als 30 Millionen Tonnen CO2 ausgestoßen werden, seit Jahren stark interessiert, wie sich die unternehmensrelevanten Treibhausgasemissionen deutlich senken lassen. Mit einer starken Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen könnte die Hafenregion einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umsetzung des Pariser Klimaabkommens und zum Erreichen der Emissionsreduktionsziele der Europäischen Union (EU) leisten mit etwa 80 bis 95 Prozent Reduktion bis 2050 gegenüber 1990.

Monocrystalline solar cell cost-effective production technology

Das Projekt "Monocrystalline solar cell cost-effective production technology" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayer, Geschäftsbereich Anorganische Industrieprodukte durchgeführt. General Information/Objectives: The major aim of this project is the development of a low cost, high efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cell process and the demonstration of its applicability in an industrial type environment. The project deals with a broad solar cell production cycle from crystallisation up to an encapsulated solar cell. The detailed objectives are as follows: - screening the current and future environmental regulations, - decrease amount of wet chemicals used in cell fabrication, - development of Czochralski monocrystalline silicon material with reduced oxygen content, - determination of cost efficient wafer thickness and size, - achievement of 19 per cent efficient large area (10x10cm2) encapsulated Czochralski monocrystalline silicon solar cells. Technical Approach The project is divided into 6 tasks, each with a task leader who organises experiments of limited duration, and takes care of their execution, complying with the time schedule and milestones. 1 Crystallisation and wafering: development of Cz-Si material with a low oxygen content, large and thin substrates with different bulk resistivities (Bayer). 2 Environmental issues, cleaning and etching: study the environmental restrictions and stimulate the development of solar cell processes with an unavoidable minimum of hazardous processing materials (Siemens Solar). 3 Design and optimisation of solar cell processes: development of a commercial process fulfilling requirements of efficiency and low cost (IMEC). 4 Measurements and modelling: create a reliable basis for all possible characterisations and modelling of substrate materials and solar cells developed during the project (Univ. Napoli). 5 Cell-module interaction: studying the different encapsulating materials, accelerated stability tests and cell-module interaction (Soltech). 6 Implementation in a production line: implementation of developed processes in the BP Solar, Siemens Solar and Bayer production pilot lines, assessment of efficiency and cost (BP Solar). Expected Achievements and Exploitation The optimisation of materials and processing steps should result in a solar cell process compatible with mass production. An efficiency of 19 per cent on large area (10x10cm2) Czochralski monocrystalline silicon should be achieved as well as a significant reduction of the hazardous materials both in the processing and waste materials. The project will result in a large reduction in the cost/Wp since it aims at significant increase of solar cells efficiency while involving only low cost, industrial type processing techniques and the solar cell processing itself only takes a relatively small fraction of the overall module cost. The optimised process will be implemented in the production lines of the industrial partners. Prime Contractor: Interuniversitair Mikro-Electronika Centrum VZW, Materials and Packaging Department; Leuven; Belgium.

Biodiversity and Climate

Das Projekt "Biodiversity and Climate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität, Abteilung Aquatische Ökotoxikologie durchgeführt. Since July 2008, our Department is a cooperation partner and member of the new Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) in Frankfurt. BiK-F is a joint Centre between Senckenberg Nature Research Society, Goethe University and several further partners. The Centre is supported by the State of Hesse in the framework of the Initiative for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE) with approximately 22 million € for research within the first three years The mission of BiK-F is to carry out internationally outstanding research on the interactions of organismal biodiversity and climate. Using a broad spectrum of state-of-the-art methods from satellite-supported remote sensing of climate, area and ecosystem reactions to advanced genomics and mass spectrometry, the scientists of the centre document and analyse past and present patterns and processes with the goal of providing reliable predictions of future developments. Our Department is responsible for the BiK-F projects B2.8 (Indigenous and invasive species: An investigation of displacement potential under climate change conditions) and C4.2 (Effects of multiple stressors on aquatic organisms and ecosystems).

Geobiologische Interaktionen zwischen Hydrothermalfluiden und symbiotischen Primärproduzenten an Spreizungsachsen

Das Projekt "Geobiologische Interaktionen zwischen Hydrothermalfluiden und symbiotischen Primärproduzenten an Spreizungsachsen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für marine Mikrobiologie durchgeführt. In den letzten 2 Jahren des SPP 1144 werden wir unsere Untersuchungen an endosymbiontischen Bakterien in Evertebraten, einer der wichtigsten Gruppen von Primärproduzenten an Hydrothermalquellen des Mittelatlantischen Rückens (MAR), abschließen. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Geologen und Geochemikern soll der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen geologischen Strukturen und Gradienten in Ventfluiden auf symbiontische Diversität, Biomasse und Aktivität aufgeklärt werden. Diese Forschung wird zu einer der Kernfragen des SPP 1144 beitragen: Welche Wechselwirkungen bestehen zwischen hydrothermalen und biologischen Prozessen? Eine weitere Kernfrage des SPP 1144 ist: Wie beeinflussen Achsenmorphologie und Meeresströmungen die Verbreitung von Ventorganismen entlang der Rückenachse? Biogeographische Analysen der Symbionten von Muscheln und Garnelen sollen zeigen, ob geologische und hydrologische Barrieren zwischen den nördlichen und südlichen Hydrothermalquellen zu einer räumlichen Isolierung von symbiotischen Bakterien führen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung liefern einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Kopplung geologischer und biologischer Prozesse an gemäßigt spreizenden Rückenachsen.

Net.Excel: Network of Excellence in Nuclear Waste Management

Das Projekt "Net.Excel: Network of Excellence in Nuclear Waste Management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH - Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung durchgeführt. The objective of the project is to develop a common and systematic basis for priorities and co-ordination of future European research, technical development and demonstration (RTD) for Radioactive Waste Management, and suggest areas and priorities for joint RTD-projects. The basis will make it possible to enhance the cost effectiveness by avoiding unnecessary duplication, by coordinating different activities focused on similar goals, and by an effective utilisation of European skills and know-how.

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