In the period from February 13th to March 2nd 1980 4,037 km of magnetic, gravity and bathymetric lines and 1,195 km of digital reflection seismic lines were recovered on the 2nd leg of METEOR cruise no. 53. Heat flow measurements have been performed on 13 stations; on two stations sonobuoy refraction measurements and dredging have been carried out. From a preliminary interpretation of the seismic monitor records the Mazagan Plateau is part of the Moroccan Meseta. Seawards of this stable swell lies the 75 km wide, downfaulted rift graben characterized by salt diapirs. A submarine body, 150 square kilometres large, lying at the foot of the Mazagan Escarpment in water depths of 3000 m - 3800 m beneath sea level, from which western flank few granitic fragments were retrieved, is interpreted as a subsided and tilted block of the Mazagan Plateau. The north-trending magnetic anomalies, discovered during METEOR cruise no. 46 within the Essaouira continental margin segment have also been recognized within the Tafelney Plateau segment, situated between latitudes 30°45'N and 31°30'N off Morocco. Two neo-volcanic zones were found west of the Conception Bank and west of the Betancuria Massif/Fuerteventura Is. The Mesozoic and Tertiary depositional sequences are highly deformed by small piercement structures interpreted as dykes within these zones.
The dominant plant species of European heathlands Calluna vulgarisis considered vulnerable to drought and enhanced nitrogen (N) loads. However, impacts may vary across the distribution range of Callunaheathlands. We tested the hypothesis that Callunaof southern and eastern marginal populations (MP) are more resistant to drought events than plants of central populations (CP), and that this is mainly due to trait differences such as biomass allocation patterns. Furthermore, we hypothesised that N fertilisation can offset differences in drought susceptibility between CP and MP. We conducted a full-factorial 2-year greenhouse experiment with Calluna plants of CP and MP and quantified growth responses in terms of biomass production, allocation and tissue ä13C signatures. Biomass production, shoot-root ratios and tissue ä13C values of 1-year-old plants were higher for CP than for MP, indicating a higher drought susceptibility of CP. These trait differences were not observed for 2-year-old plants. N fertilisation increased shoot-root ratios of 1- and 2-year-old plants and across populations due to a stimulation of the aboveground biomass allocation. As a consequence, population-related differences in drought susceptibility were offset for N-fertilised plants. We concluded that Callunaplants originating from different populations developed adaptive traits to local climates, which determined their drought sensitivity. However, the higher drought resistance of MP can be attenuated by an N-induced increase in shoot-root ratios. This suggests that analyses on plant growth responses to global change should include multi-factor approaches with a focus on different populations throughout a species distribution range.Quelle:
The aim of this interdisciplinary research project in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, entitled "Elimination of pharmaceuticals and organic micropollutants from waste water" involved the conception of cost-effective and innovative waste-water cleaning methods. In this project in vitro assays, in vivo assays and chemical analyses were performed on three municipal waste-water treatment plants (WWTP). This publication focuses on the study of the in vitro bioassays. Cytotoxic, estrogenic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the original as well as enriched water samples were monitored before and after wastewater treatment steps using MTT and PAN I, ER Calux and A-YES, micronucleus and Comet assays as well as AMES test. In most cases, the measured effects were reduced after ozonation, but in general, the biological response depended upon the water composition of the WWTP, in particular on the formed by-products and concentration of micropollutants. In order to be able to assess the genotoxic and/or mutagenic potential of waste-water samples using bioassays like Ames test, Comet assay or micronucleus test an enrichment of the water sample via solid-phase extraction is recommended. This is in agreement with previous studies such as the "ToxBox"-Project of the Environmental Agency in Germany. © 2022 Informa UK Limited
Anthropogenic deposition of reactive nitrogen (N) has increased during the 20th century, and is considered an important driver of shifts in ecosystem functions and biodiversity loss. The objective of the present study was to identify those ecosystem functions that best evidence a target ecosystem̷s sensitivity to N deposition, taking coastal heathlands as an example. We conducted a three-year field experiment in heathlands of the island Fehmarn (Baltic Sea, North Germany), which currently are subject to a background deposition of 9 kg N ha-1 yr-1. We experimentally applied six levels of N fertilisation (application of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1), and quantified the growth responses of different plant species of different life forms (dwarf shrubs, graminoids, bryophytes, lichens) as well as shifts in the C:N ratios of plant tissue and humus horizons. For an applicability of the experimental findings (in terms of heathland management and critical load assessment) fertilisation effects on response variables were visualised by calculating the treatment ĺeffect sizes̷. The current year̷s shoot increment of the dominant dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris proved to be the most sensitive indicator to N fertilisation. Shoot increment significantly responded to additions of = 5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 already in the first year, whereas flower formation of Calluna vulgaris increased only in the high-N treatments. Similarly, tissue C:N ratios of vascular plants (Calluna vulgaris and the graminoids Carex arenaria and Festuca ovina agg.) only decreased in the highest N treatments (50 and 20 kg N ha-1 yr-1, respectively). In contrast, tissue C:N ratios of cryptogams responded more quickly and sensitively than vascular plants. For example, Cladonia spp. tissue C:N ratios responded to N additions = 5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in the second study year. After three years we observed an increase in cover of graminoids and a corresponding decrease of cryptogams at N fertilisation rates of = 10 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Soil C:N ratios proved to be an inappropriate indicator for N fertilisation at least within our three-year study period. Although current critical N loads for heathlands (10-20 kg N ha-1 yr-1) were confirmed in our experiment, the immediate and highly sensitive response of the current year̷s shoots of Calluna vulgaris suggests that at least some ecosystem functions (e.g. dwarf shrub growth) also might respond to low (i.e. < 10 kg N ha-1 yr-1) but chronic inputs of N. Quelle:
Climate change and nitrogen deposition affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, but interactive effects of these global change drivers are poorly understood. We analysed single and interactive effects of nitrogen (N) fertilisation and drought on the growth performance of Calluna vulgaris. We measured biomass production and allocation, tissue nutrient (N, phosphorus (P) and carbon (C)) concentrations, N allocation patterns (using 15N tracer) and plant's water status (using ä 13C signatures) as response variables in a 2-year greenhouse experiment. N fertilisation increased biomass production and biomass shoot:root ratios. 15N allocation patterns indicated an increasing aboveground N allocation following N fertilisation. Tissue ä 13C signatures were higher in N-fertilised plants. Plant responses to drought were weak. We found strong antagonistic interaction effects of N fertilisation and drought for biomass production. ä13C values peaked when N-fertilised plants were subjected to drought, indicating that N fertilisation increased the evaporative demands of Calluna plants, likely due to increased biomass shoot:root ratios, which in turn resulted in higher drought susceptibility. As an important consequence, even slight drought events may weaken the competitiveness of Calluna when interacting with enhanced airborne N loads. Single-factor studies, thus, need to be complemented by multi-factor analyses to assess conceivable impacts of co-occurring global change drivers.Quelle:
Magdeburg/Iden. Landwirtschaftsministerin Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert hat heute einen neuen Deckstall in der Lehrwerkstatt Schwein im Zentrum für Tierhaltung und Technik der Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau (LLG) in Iden in der Altmark eröffnet. ?Die Sauen werden hier jetzt in der Gruppe gehalten? erklärt Dalbert. ?Es ist das erklärte Ziel, sowohl politisch als auch gesellschaftlich, Sauen nicht mehr im Kastenstand zu halten. Tierhaltung muss artgerecht sein. Wir müssen die Haltungsbedingungen so gestalten, dass es den Tieren gut geht. Das haben wir in Iden mit dem Umbau des Stalles jetzt umgesetzt.?Nur noch während der Besamung für drei bis maximal fünf Tage werden die Sauen in Iden künftig fixiert. Danach kommen die Tiere in die Gruppenhaltung. ?Eine Fixierung der Sauen darf über das absolut notwendige Mindestmaß nicht hinausgehen. Das gilt für die Zeit der Besamung zum Schutz der Tiere während der Rausche, aber zum Beispiel auch bei tiermedizinischer Behandlung?, meint die Landwirtschaftsministerin. Mit der Eröffnung des umgebauten Deckstalls im Zentrum für Tierhaltung und Technik der LLG geht das Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Energie mit gutem Beispiel voran.?Mit dem Schweinezüchterverband sind wir uns grundsätzlich einig, in eine zukunftsfähige Gruppenhaltung von Sauen umzusteigen. Bei der Umstellung von einer rechtskonformen Kastenhaltung zu einer Gruppenhaltung der Sauen ergibt sich für die Halter nach Berechnungen meines Ministeriums nicht grundsätzlich ein erhöhter Platzbedarf?, berichtet Dalbert. Aus rechtlicher Sicht kommen keine Übergangsfristen für die Haltung in Kastenständen, die den derzeitigen Vorgaben der Tierschutz-Nutztierhaltungsverordnung nicht entsprechen, in Betracht. In Sachsen-Anhalt bewerten die Vollzugsbehörden den Einzelfall und setzen dafür Fristen. Dabei werden folgende Kriterien berücksichtigt.- Umstellungskonzept- wirtschaftliche Situation (Bindungsfristen für bestehende Fördermaßnahmen, Liquidität), - ggf. erforderliche Genehmigungen (Baurecht, BImSchG)- bisherige Zuverlässigkeit des TierhaltersDas Landwirtschaftsministerium kann den Umstellungsprozess aktuell über die Premiumförderung des Agrarinvestitionsförderungsprogramms unterstützen. Der Agrarministerkonferenz wird ein Rahmenpapier zur zukünftigen Ausgestaltung der Gruppenhaltung vom Bund vorgelegt werden, welches Grundlage für die Förderung sein soll. Künftig wird Sachsen-Anhalt die Premiumförderung nur noch für Gruppenhaltung bei Sauen anbieten. Unterstützt wird das politische Ziel einer artgerechten Tierhaltung auch durch das ?Magdeburger Urteil? zur Bemessung der Kastenstandbreite. Mit dem Urteil vom November 2015 hatte das Oberverwaltungsgericht Magdeburg festgestellt, dass die Tiere genügend Platz haben müssen, um sich darin insbesondere liegend ungehindert ausstrecken zu können. Dieses Urteil wurde vom Bundesverwaltungsgericht im November 2016 bestätigt und gilt seitdem bundesweit. ?Aus dieser Rechtsvorschrift hat sich für Schweinehalter eine Handlungspflicht ergeben?, betont die Landwirtschaftsministerin. Impressum:Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Energiedes Landes Sachsen-AnhaltPressestelleLeipziger Str. 5839112 MagdeburgTel: (0391) 567-1950Fax: (0391) 567-1964Mail:
Das Projekt "Wirkungen und Mechanismen von Bt-Transgenen Pflanzen auf die biologische Vielfalt von Nichtziel-Insekten: Bestaeuber, Pflanzenfresser und deren natuerliche Feinde" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Institut für Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz durchgeführt. The effects of transgenic, insect-resistant (Bt-) crops on biodiversity of non- target herbivorous insects and their natural enemies, and pollinators will be investigated. Four toxin/crop combinations will be used for testing effects of insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis expressed in the crop plants on associated insects, on different organizational levels. Both in the laboratory and in limited field experiments, effects of transgenes on the biodiversity of the associated insect community will be studied. The mode of action of Bt toxin in a beneficial insect will be studied in more detail. Molecular tools consisting of cDNA microarrays will be developed for fast and efficient observation of effects, based on changes in gene expression patterns. The project will deliver contributions to a solid scientific foundation for EU policies and regulations for release of transgenic crops, and tools for monitoring effects on biodiversity.
Das Projekt "Effect of weed management strategies on the risk of enteric pathogen transfer into the food chain and lettuce yield and quality" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Institut für Organischen Landbau durchgeführt. The risk of pathogen transfer from soil to plant, here: lactuca sativa var. capitata, under organic farming conditions is to be investigated within the scope of the QLIF project. When brute fertilisers are applied during production, a health risk by consuming raw eadibles, as e.g. lettuce, is often discussed because of the demanding high standard of sanitation. The type of fertiliser might promote transfer of Enterobacteriaceae, and among these possibly human pathogens. Splash-effects during rainfall and irrigation as well as transfer of soil particles during mechanical weed control. Risks of the pathogen transfer into lettuce will be examined by use of different fertilisation and weed control management strategies, the latter being compared regarding their effectiveness in reducing pathogen transfer. Different field trials with organic fertilisation will be performed in 2006 and 2007. The contents of Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and E. coli are used as sanitation indicators for the assessment of the effectivity of weed control strategies. Therefore, the contents will be measured in soil as well as in plants. Furthermore, the quality of lettuce will be acquired by analyses of nutrient composition and morphological measurements.
Das Projekt "SP 1.1 A combined BaPS-13C stable isotope technique to study the interaction between C and N turnover in alkaline agricultural soils of the North China Plain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre, Fachgebiet Biogeophysik durchgeführt. In the intensively managed double-cropping production system of the North China Plain, the excessive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has resulted in adverse environmental impacts such as leaching of nitrate to shallow groundwater or gaseous losses of the greenhouse gas N2O. An understanding of N cycling in soil is essential for deriving sustainable fertilization strategies. Nitrogen transformations in soil are closely linked to the carbon (C) cycle. All heterotrophic decomposing micro organism simultaneously assimilate C and N during decomposing plant residues or soil organic matter. An understanding of this linkage is important, for example, for assessing the feedback of a changed N fertilization practice on the soil organic matter pool. To study and quantify the C and N fluxes in soil, we need a set of reliable and accurate methods. During the last decade a novel method, the Barometric Process Separation, has been used to measure gross nitrification rates in soil. Recently, it has been shown that the use of the BaPS method becomes problematic at soil pH greater than 6. At pH values above 6 the BaPS calculation is strongly affected by the CO2,aq term, i.e. the dissolution of gaseous CO2 during incubation. So far, no methods are available to accurately quantifying this term. In our study, we aim at developing a novel combined Barometric Process Separation (BaPS)-13C stable isotope technique, which allows an accurate quantification of the CO2,aq term. In parallel, we will study to which extent the incorporation of plant residues of different quality immobilises surplus soil nitrate and its potential to reduce nitrate leaching in soils with a nitrate-dominated mineral N pool. Moreover, we will study the mid- and short term interaction of C and N turnover at the process-level to get a better understanding on the feedback mechanism between both matter cycles.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung von Kryotechniken für die Zucht von Honigbienen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von AMP - Lab. Labor für Angewandte Molekulare Physiologie GmbH durchgeführt. Ziel ist die Schaffung von Methoden zur Dauerlagerung von Honigbienen-Sperma. Eine solche Methode wäre ein wertvolles Instrument, um die Krise der Bienenwirtschaft durch Zucht krankheitsresistenter Linien zu lindern. Natürliche Ressourcen würden mittelbar durch die Stützung der Bestäubung durch Bienen geschützt. Da zur Konservierung des Spermas neuartige Ansätze getestet werden, sind außerdem bedeutende Innovationen im Bereich der Lagerung auch anderer Zelltypen zu erhoffen. Das Projekt ist auf drei Jahre angelegt. Arbeitsplanung: Zunächst sollen Verfahren zur schnellen und zuverlässigen Bestimmung der Qualität von Drohnensperma entwickelt und validiert werden. Diese werden dann verwendet, um drei Ansätze zur Lagerung des Spermas zu erproben. Dabei handelt es sich um herkömmliches 'slow freezing' (Ausfrieren von Zellwasser durch kontrollierte Abkühlung), Kryoprotektiva-arme Vitrifikation (Überführung in einen glasähnlichen Zustand durch sehr rasche Abkühlung) und Lagerung unter anhydrobiotischen Verhältnissen (Unterbrechung der Lebensvorgänge durch Ersatz von Wasser durch zellstabilisierende Stoffe, die später wieder entfernt werden können). Speziell der letzte Ansatz ist völlig neuartig. Zur Ergebnisverwertung im Bienensektor ist mittelfristig die Erarbeitung eines Kits zur Spermalagerung für den Gebrauch durch Züchter geplant, längerfristig auch die Einrichtung einer Kryo-Bank für Zuchtzwecke und zum Erhalt der gefährdeten Biodiversität von Hautflüglern. Neben der Vermarktung des Kits für die Konservierung von Bienensperma besteht der größte Nutzen für den Industriepartner AMP-Lab in der möglichen Übertragung der Ergebnisse auf die Konservierung von Sperma anderer Nutztiere (Schwein und Geflügel) oder auf Stammzellen von Insekten (wichtig in der Grundlagenforschung) oder auch des Menschen (wichtig für autologe Stammzelltherapien).
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Land | 2 |
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Language | Count |
Deutsch | 267 |
Englisch | 124 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 1 |
Keine | 183 |
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Boden | 206 |
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Weitere | 270 |