Das Projekt "BALTIC 21: Enhancement of Sustainable Management and Economic Development of the Small Scale Private Forest Sector in Estonia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Background: In the framework of the Forest Sector Programme of BALTIC 21 the Institute for World Forestry of the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products launched a project with the Estonian Private Forest Centre (PFC) in 2002. Main goals are the strengthening of the forest associations and the enhancement of sustainable forest management in the small scale forest sector in Estonia. The project consists of extension, training and forest technical components. Although the interest of forest owners in associations is increasing, only 2 percent of all private forest owners are organized in associations. The situation is characterized by reluctance and criticism against all types of cooperatives and a low general interest of new forest owners towards their new property. With this background a concept for transferability of know-how and experiences made in Germany was elaborated between the cooperating partners. Objectives: Key issues of the cooperation were: - Strengthening the existing forest owners associations in Estonia; - Improvement of the effectiveness of the existing extension service; - Enhancement of sustainable management practice through the establishment of demonstration plots; - Initiating a dialogue between forest owners and hunters on compensation issues for game damage; Creating awareness on forest related EU regulations concerning subsidisation. Results: The means of implementation mainly comprised mutual visits and information exchange on the relevant topics. In several workshops and conferences information was disseminated among Estonian forest advisors who act as multiplier for forest owners. On the practical level various long-term demonstration sites for thinning regimes and afforestation techniques were established. Advantages and shortcomings of forest owners associations, legal aspects in hunting and EU regulations on subsidisation and the NATURA 2000 process were analyzed and evaluated by several Estonian-German tandem teams of consultants.
Das Projekt "Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Environment (SPICE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. The Indonesian Archipelago harbours the most diverse marine habitat on earth, but also the presently most endangered. Overfishing, deleterious fishing practices and land-based sources of pollution result in a dramatic decline of the reef-based ecosystems. Coral reefs thrive in clear oligotrophic water. Deteriorating water quality due to increased terrigenous inputs of sediments, nutrients and pollutants are believed to be among the major causes of the demise of Indonesian coral reefs over the last decades. The pelagic cycling of material, production and development of larvae in shallow coastal waters as well as the exports of material to the benthos and adjacent deep water ecosystem are yet poorly understood. In this program 12 Indonesian and 14 German universities and institutions are involved. From the German side it is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) is responsible for the overall coordination. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the scientific basis for the protection of coral reefs in Southeast Sulawesi, harbouring some of the richest but also most endangered coral reefs in the world. In the Spermonde Archipelago off Makassar coral reef losses amounted to 20 Prozent over the last 12 years, eroding the income base for many thousands of families. Regulations related to the marine environment and its valuable resources have not been effectively implemented, and public awareness among the growing local population is still very limited. The aim of the AWI plankton group is to assess the significance of suspended matter for the reef organisms and to demonstrate that environmental changes are an important factor for phyto- and zooplankton communities and hence, for their consumers. To achieve this goal, quantitative studies of plankton occurrence and distribution are essential on various spatial and temporal scales. Further topics are the duration of the pelagic phase of economically important benthic organisms and the life cycles of dominant zooplankton species.
Das Projekt "Networking Forest Plantations in a crowded world - optimising ecosystem services through improved planning and management strategies (NETFOP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. The natural forests of the world are under intense pressure as their area decreases from year to year. The loss of natural forest and its biodiversity goes along with a declining number of goods and services provided by these ecosystems. The establishment of forest plantations could provide one possible solution to influence this trend. However, these plantations cannot always compensate for the natural diversity and often do not meet the expected supply of goods and services. This project is cooperation between the Forest Research Institute Dehra Dun (India), Alterra Wageningen (the Netherlands) and the Silviculture Institute in Freiburg. It aims to develop suitable methodologies for the assessment of ecosystem goods and services provided by planted forests in selected study areas in India and Germany. The study areas in both countries cover different vegetation zones in the mountain areas (Forests of Himalayan Range in the State of Uttaranchal in India and in the Black Forest in Germany). These areas comprise of 20 km long and 30 km wide strips. Within the study area the requirements of local stakeholders as well as provision of actual ecosystem goods and services from different landscape units will be studied. In the former case, participatory appraisal methods will be applied to evaluate uses of ecosystem goods and services according to local perceptions. In India, this work will be mainly based on research at village level, while in Germany focus group discussions with representatives of different stakeholders will be organised. The actual ecosystem goods and services will be assessed through an inventory of each landscape unit (especially forests and plantations) within the action range of the villages. The collected data will be processed in a landscape model to assess the importance of forest plantations in providing goods and services, compared to other landscape units. On the basis of these results, management options will be identified to adjust plantation management according to the local demands of ecosystem goods and services. Furthermore, the results will promote general awareness about the importance of biodiversity in providing ecosystem goods and services.
Das Projekt "Identification and assessment of training needs, methods and activities for the wider use of environmental technologies in key sectors (ETTAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecologic, Institut für Internationale und Europäische Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. With a focus on transport, the project intends to increase the understanding among relevant actors of the benefits of environmental technologies for a wider application of these technologies. It will build on the ETAP actions on targeted training and awareness raising. Pursuing this aim, the following support activities will be undertaken: 1) conceptualising and organising of 3 workshops with relevant stakeholders for stock taking, identifying obstacles and possible solutions as well as best practice examples; 2) organising a concluding conference on the basis of experiences made in the course of the project (to produce recommendations); intended for senior executives within the sector in order to ensure that the learning from the project is communicated at a level that can help to ensure as broad a take-up and dissemination as possible. 3) Producing Background Notes and Policy Briefs on training needs and awareness raising. The Background Notes will serve as a basis for the Conference discussions; the Policy Briefs will disseminate the projects findings and recommendations beyond the project to a wider public. 4) Specifying a low-cost, easily disseminated e-learning solution that addresses the overall objective of the project: increasing awareness amongst those working in this sector of underlying issues and dilemmas as well as of solutions and good practice. This activity also includes recommendations for routines to maintain the awareness and competence in order to ascertain continuous, long-term effects of the efforts.
Das Projekt "TACIS Central Asia 2005 Action Programme - Track I - Regional Projekt: Unterstützung zur Einrichtung des Pamir-Alai grenzübergreifenden Schutzgebietes (PATCA) zwischen Kirgistan und Tadschikistan" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V., Bundesgeschäftsstelle durchgeführt. The PATCA Project will help Kyrgyzstan (KG) and Tajikistan (TJ) to meet the requirements of a number of ratified international conventions, most importantly the Biodiversity Convention as well as the respective Biodiversity Action Plans of KG and TJ and the national Environment Action Plans of KG and TJ through the establishment of the PATCA. Overall Objective: The primary goals of PATCA are not only the preservation of the biodiversity of the region but also the improvement of the livelihood of the local population whilst at the same time protecting and safeguarding the traditions and unique historical-cultural heritage developed over centuries of survival in this harsh environment. Purpose: To assist the Governments of KG & TJ in establishment and management of PATCA through: - Technical Assistance (TA) to: national park system in KG (State Agency on Environment Protection & Forestry) & TJ (State Committee for Environment & Forestry); and, Tajik (Pamir) National Park (TJ) & Alai National Park (KG) - Production of PATCA Management Plan (MP). Project Expected Outputs: - the legal establishment and practical operation of PATCA (within PNP and ANP) including development and official approval of PATCA interstate cooperation agreement between KG and TJ - PATCA management plan development, approval and commencement of implementation - Identification of necessary equipment and training in use of an appropriate equipment. Target Groups: The project is expected to result in a wide variety of beneficiaries, especially when taking into account the long-term implications for sustainable development of communities in the PATCA area. In more direct terms the main beneficiaries of the project are as follows: - The State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry under Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Committee of Environment Conservation and Forestry of Tajikistan through establishment of the PATCA and in more broad terms, support with development, equipment and establishment of the PATCA management plan; - Local Governments - Villages and local population in the two countries - Tour operators - Environmental NGOs - Teachers, educational establishments and major stakeholder groups - Scientists through research possibilities in a poor researched area and training of new methods, establishment of data base - The public at large through increased awareness on and improved protection and safeguarding of the regions biological heritage. The end-beneficiaries of this project will be the population in and around the PATCA, and all concerned with biodiversity conservation in this and the surrounding area. Prime Contractor: AGRECO G.E.I.E., Bruxelles, BE.
Das Projekt "Study of Environmental Arctic Change - Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capability for Long-term Environment Studies (SEARCH FOR DAMOCLES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. We are proposing an SSA 'SEARCH for DAMOCLES' that is based on recent initiatives started in Europe and the USA in the field of Arctic marine ecosystems and Global change, with specific emphasis on Arctic Ocean long-term observatories. The SSA will capitalize on opportunities and significant benefits arising from coordination of large scale research programmes such as the European Integrated Project DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental studies) and the US research program SEARCH (Study of Environmental ARctic Change). 'SEARCH for DAMOCLES', positioned in the domain of Arctic Science, will be particularly timely in the context of the International Polar Year and will significantly contribute to the coordinated implementation of the DAMOCLES and SEARCH work programmes in the field of Global Change and Ecosystems. Close synchronization of these programmes will enhance the acquisition of pan-arctic data sets, and their analysis, the dissemination and archiving of results, as well as heightening public awareness. International workshops and conferences including other partners such as Canada, Russia, and Asian countries (Japan, China, and South Korea), will enable translation of the results into planning of integrated, future activities that will be based on the SSA 'SEARCH for DAMOCLES'. The coordination and synchronization of Arctic programs such as DAMOCLES and SEARCH, through an SSA is a unique opportunity to ensure the necessary pan-arctic coverage of observations and data evaluation for understanding Arctic system variability, avoiding major gaps and unnecessary overlaps. This EU-US SSA will also contribute to promotion and facilitation of future RTD activities via prospective studies, exploratory measures and pilot actions. The EU-US SSA 'SEARCH for DAMOCLES' is proposed for 3 years covering the 3 last years of the 4-year DAMOCLES Integrated Project (2006-2009) and the 2 years of the IPY (2007-2008). Prime Contactor: Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI; Paris; France.
Das Projekt "Nationale und internationale Hochwasserschutzpolitik am Rhein. Eine Mehrebenen-Politikfeldanalyse" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik, Arbeitsbereich Forst- und Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. Die Hochwasserereignisse im Dezember 1993 und Januar 1995 am Rhein, Juli/August 1997 an der Oder sowie im August 2002 an der Elbe und die hervorgerufenen Schäden haben in Deutschland zu der Erkenntnis geführt, dass baulich-technische Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen nicht ausreichen, sondern dass ein vorsorgeorientiertes, die Ziele einer dauerhaft umweltgerechten Entwicklung verfolgendes Hochwassermanagement erforderlich ist. Dazu zählen der technische Hochwasserschutz, die weitergehende Hochwasservorsorge und die Flächenvorsorge zum natürlichen Rückhalt als vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz. Allerdings treten Defizite bei der Operationalisierung dieser politischen Ziele und Strategien auf der Umsetzungsebene auf. Es bleibt bisher die Frage unbeantwortet, ob es sich dabei um Regelungs- oder Vollzugsdefizite handelt. Das Forschungsvorhaben am Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik verfolgt das Ziel, die Bedingungen für die Implementation von existierenden politischen Initiativen zum vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz zu untersuchen. Bedeutsam für die Untersuchung ist dabei die Betrachtung von Akteuren der verschiedenen politischen Ebenen und Sektoren im Durchführungsprozess, deren Kommunikations- und Machtstrukturen sowie der eingesetzten Instrumente, um hieraus Erkenntnisse über die politische Steuerung und deren Wirkung gewinnen zu können. Die Politikfeldanalyse sieht den Vergleich der Hochwasserschutzpolitik der Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Baden-Württemberg vor und wird unter Verwendung von Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung durchgeführt. Im Ergebnis sollen Effizienzfaktoren ermittelt und schließlich Handlungsempfehlungen für die Implementation von ressort- und grenzübergreifenden Planungsprozessen in komplexen politischen Systemen abgeleitet werden.
Das Projekt "Wirksamkeit und Lernfähigkeit internationaler Regierungsorganisationen in der Umweltpolitik (MANUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Bereich Innenpolitik und Systemvergleich, Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. Das Projekt hatte sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Rolle und den Einfluss von internationalen Verwaltungsapparaten, die zwischenstaatlichen Organisationen zur Seite stehen, auf die globale Umweltpolitik zu untersuchen. Zwei Fragen sollten in dem Projekt beantwortet werden. Welche Art eigenständigen Einflusses haben internationale Verwaltungsapparate und welches Ausmaß hat ihr Einfluss? Was erklärt mögliche Unterschieden in ihrem Einfluss? In dem Projekt wurden vergleichende Fallstudien zu neun internationalen Verwaltungsapparate durchgeführt, die untersuchten, ob und inwieweit die einzelnen internationalen Verwaltungsapparate durch ihre Aktivitäten Verhaltensänderungen bei anderen Akteuren herbeiführen konnten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass internationale Verwaltungsapparate als Akteure einen beträchtlichen eigenständigen Einfluss auf die globale Umweltpolitik ausübten, der teilweise über die anfänglichen Erwartungen hinausging. Die internationalen Verwaltungsapparate entfalteten Wirkungen in allen drei, in dem Projekt unterschiedenen Einflussbereichen: kognitiv, institutionell und exekutiv. Indem sie Information und Wissen zur Verfügung stellten und verbreiteten, veränderten sie den Wissenstand und die Problemwahrnehmung von Regierungen und anderen Akteuren, beeinflussten politische und wissenschaftliche Diskurse und unterstützen andere Akteure in der Einschätzung und Auswahl geeigneter Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung von Umweltproblemen (kognitive Einflüsse). Sie trugen zur Entstehung, Etablierung und Gestaltung von internationalen Verhandlungen bei und förderten die Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher politischer Akteure (institutionelle Einflüsse). Schließlich, halfen sie Staaten bei der wirksamen Umsetzung umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen (exekutive Einflüsse). Die Fallstudien zeigten aber auch, dass die Einflüsse der einzelnen internationalen Verwaltungsapparate variierten. Von den möglichen, untersuchten Erklärungen für diese Unterschiede hatten die Organisationsstruktur und -kultur, die Expertise und der Führungsstil der Leitung des Verwaltungsapparates sowie die Problemstruktur, d.h. die Regulierungskosten und die Dringlichkeit des behandelten Umweltproblems, die größte Erklärungskraft. Das Institutionengefüge, d.h. der rechtliche und institutionelle Rahmen sowie die Ressourcen und Kompetenzen des Verwaltungsapparates, hatten vergleichsweise weniger Erklärungskraft.
Das Projekt "Methodology Development towards a Label for Environmental, Social and Economic Buildings (LENSE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bauphysikbüro Prof. Kornadt und Partner durchgeführt. LEnSE is a research project that responds to the growing need in Europe for assessing a building's sustainability performance. The project draws on the existing knowledge available in Europe on building assessment methodologies. LEnSE aims to develop a truly holistic methodology that addresses the overall, integrating concept of sustainability. The main objective of LEnSE is to develop a methodology for the assessment of the sustainability performance of existing, new and renovated buildings, which is broadly accepted by the European stakeholders involved in sustainable construction. This methodology will allow for future labelling of buildings, in analogy with the Energy Performance Directive. The work should result in increased awareness of the European stakeholders and will allow adequate policy implementation on sustainable construction. The project consists of three main themes. The first theme is the identification and scope of the issues which need to be included in a sustainability assessment. This has to be wide enough to be acceptable and limited enough to be practicable. A broad consensus on these issues will be reached through strategic consultation of the relevant stakeholders. The second theme is the actual development of the assessment methodology. The content of the assessment will be developed for a limited, but representative range of key issues. Guidelines on how to address local variations will be provided. This work will be validated by the development of a prototype tool and tested on case study buildings. The key stakeholders on the European and national level will be highly involved in the development of the methodology, to guarantee a wide acceptance and implementation of the project results. These consultations will include national meetings with stakeholders and trans-national expert workshops. Thematic -stepping stone- publications, will serve as strategic reference and discussion documents for the stakeholder consultation rounds. Prime Contractor: Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction; Bruxelles; Belgium.
Das Projekt "Enhancing public awareness on the results of Global Change and Ecosystems research actions through television media (GLOBALCHANGE-TV)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Elmar Bartlmä durchgeführt. The strategic objective of GLOBALCHANGE-TV is to contribute to the development of public awareness on European Global Change and Ecosystems research in all European countries through television media. This objective will be reached through the following activities: - Pilot an innovative media-driven TV communication model for the Global Change and Ecosystems Priority projects. - Fill the existing communication gap between the technical content vehiculed by the Global Change and Ecosystems research and the understanding skills of the general public - Identify the key results of the Global Change and Ecosystems Priority, through the permanent consultation of its relevant constituencies (including the Commission Services and an in-depth punctual research towards individual Global Change and Ecosystems projects. - Create a series of a minimum of 10 high-quality free-of-rights Video News Releases (VNRs) for the general public on the basis of the key results of the research. - Include GLOBALCHANGE-TV audiovisual productions into the scientific and news TV broadcasting mainstreams of major national TV channels in all 25 EU countries. - Collect actual broadcasts made by European TV stations and include them on a DVD at the end of the project, for future use and exploitation. - Monitor the progress of the project and assess its achievements and success, by assessing the overall media impact of the project. The expected, measurable results of the GLOBALCHANGE-TV project are: - To have each of its audiovisual production broadcast by at least 8 major national TV stations throughout Europe. - To reach an overall public TV audience of several tens of millions people. - To track as many broadcasts as possible and to retrieve, for each broadcast, broadcasters' edit. - To provide a measure of the overall media impact of the project. Prime Contractor: Icons S.R.L.; Castelnuovo Bocca Dadda; Italy.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 25 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 25 |
License | Count |
offen | 25 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 25 |
Englisch | 24 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 17 |
Webseite | 8 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 20 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 24 |
Luft | 18 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 25 |
Wasser | 17 |
Weitere | 25 |