Das Projekt "Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management for rural areas in Bulgaria" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. The Municipalities of Stara Zagora and Varna will be the targets for a 2,5 year project by WECF and its NGO partners from Bulgaria and the Netherlands; the Earth Forever Foundation, the Institute of Ecological Modernization and WASTE and IRC Netherlands. The project receives financial support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs MATRA programme. The Institute of Wastewater Management (TUHH) is supporting this project with respect to the introduction of ecological sanitation and extensive wastewater treatment technologies like planted soil filters. Workshops are given and technical knowledge regarding the design, construction and operation of these facilities is provided. This will help to improve the current situation in the villages and will provide an example for further distribution of appropriate wastewater management in Bulgarian villages. Currently, only a very small part of the population is connected to a central sewer system, which discharges the wastewater without any further treatment into the environment. The remaining families are depending on outdoor pit latrines, soakaways and septic tanks which are very often subject to clogging. Thus, overflowing and discharging of wastewater onto streets is a very common problem.
Das Projekt "Litter decomposition in mixed spruce-beech stands" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. It is the declared aim of many state forest agencies to convert monocultures of Norway spruce (Picea abies), which are wide-spread in central Europe, to mixed stands of spruce and broadleaved trees, which in most cases would be European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Mixed species stands of these species may have a higher degree of ecological stability because they are less susceptible to windthrow and because nutrient cycling is tighter than in pure stands of spruce. Needle litter of Norway spruce is often less decomposable as that of the original forest, which was replaced by the plantations. As a result the forest floor layer tends to accumulate in many spruce monocultures. The build-up of the forest floor to humus forms such as moder and raw humus represents unfavourable biological soil conditions and a partial discoupling of the nutrient cycling. Additional consequences of this process may be soil acidification and podzolisation in pure spruce stands, which may further destabilise ecosystem processes. Introduction of beech, which can provide leaf litter of greater decomposability may reverse these processes and lead to more favourable humus forms that represent greater biological activity. However, it has been shown that the admixture of beech to spruce effectively leads to a reduced forest floor layer only for some soil types. This points to the importance of identifying the soil types and stand conditions for which the introduction of beech into spruce forest can lead to a significant improvement of the humus form and thus nutrient cycling. The proposed work will contribute to this by identifying sites, where admixture of F. sylvatica to P. abies stands will improve litter decomposition and thus the humus form. Specifically the research will examine how a range of environmental and litter quality factors influence the decomposition of beech and spruce litter, how litter quality is influenced by site quality, and what proportions of beech litter of a certain quality may be required to improve spruce needle decomposition.
Das Projekt "PV-H2-Boot Solgenia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung, HTGW, Institut für Angewandte Forschung , Energiewandlung in Solarsystemen (IAF,EWIS) durchgeführt. 1. Introduction: In view of the increasing problem of energy supply, the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz developed a research boat powered by photovoltaic and fuel cells. The core question of the research project is, if such a combination represents a viable option for recreational and commercial boating. To answer this question, long-time performance-studies of each component by itself and in combination with others in marine environment are necessary. An Information-Management-System (IMS) interfacing to about ninety parameters was developed, providing the basis for analysis. 2. Energy Supply System: The energy supply system consists of two energy conversion units (PV-generator and fuel cell) and two energy storage units (battery and hydrogen tank). A DC/AC-inverter together with an asynchronous motor converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy for the propeller. The voltages between the three fuel cell modules as well as the PV-generator and the battery are adjusted by DC/DC-converters (see figure 1). The hydrogen will be provided by an electrolysis unit within the laboratory driven by a PV-generator and stored on land. One of the research aims is to adapt the hydrogen production depending on solar radiation to the hydrogen demand by the stationary fuel cells (in the laboratory) and the mobile fuel cells (in the boat). 3. Information management system (IMS): The requirements which the IMS has to fulfil are quite complex: 1. a real-time control-system has to operate the boat and process the parameters, 2. a graphical user interface has to provide meaningful and clear information for skipper as well as service and scientist, 3.measured data has to be periodically transmitted to a data bank at the institute for further processing. Use of the Internet gives independence of location. 4. Energy management: Energy management is one of the main tasks of the IMS. One of the research aims is to develop and optimize the management rules. The energy system itself consists of one controllable (fuel cell) and one not controllable energy converter (PV-generator) as well as of two energy storage devices (battery and H2-tank). Parameters affecting the energy management are among others: speed of boat, distance to travel, battery capacity and solar radiation. These parameters are either measured directly or calculated by the IMS. The Solgenia additionally will be used as laboratory unit in teaching: The students shall become familiar with the fundamental problems of managing renewable energies. 5. Graphical user interface: An industrial touch panel PC serves as man-machine-interface. The graphical user interface was divided into two basic groups: skipper and service/scientist. The menu for the latter group was protected by password to prevent an inexperienced skipper from creating any mischief. etc.
Das Projekt "Development of a modelling system for prediction and regulation of livestock waste pollution in the humid tropics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut), Fachgebiet Pflanzenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen (490e) durchgeführt. Introduction: In Malaysia, excessive nutrients from livestock waste management systems are currently released to the environment. Particularly, large amounts of manure from intensive pig production areas are being excreted daily and are not being fully utilised. Alternatively, the excess manure can be applied as an organic fertiliser source in neighbouring cropping systems on the small landholdings of the pig farms to improve soil fertility so that its nutrients will be available for crop uptake instead of being discharged into water streams. Thus, there is a need for better tools to analyse the present situation, to evaluate and monitor alternative livestock production systems and manure management scenarios, and to support farmers in the proper management of manure and fertiliser application. Such tools are essential to quantify, and assess nutrient fluxes, manure quality and content, manure storage and application rate to the land as well as its environmental effects. Several computer models of animal waste management systems to assist producers and authorities are now available. However, it is felt that more development is needed to adopt such models to the humid tropics and conditions of Malaysia and other developing countries in the region. Objectives: The aim is to develop a novel model to evaluate nutrient emission scenarios and the impact of livestock waste at the landscape or regional level in humid tropics. The study will link and improve existing models to evaluate emission of N to the atmosphere, and leaching of nutrients to groundwater and surface water. The simulation outputs of the models will be integrated with a GIS spatial analysis to model the distribution of nutrient emission, leaching and appropriate manure application on neighbouring crop lands and as an information and decision support tool for the relevant users.
Das Projekt "Improving the Livelihood of the Rural Population through the Production of Bushmeat in Ghana" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Background: Ghanas transition forests, neighbouring savannahs and timber plantations in the Ashanti region face a constant degradation due to the increased occurrence of fires. In most cases the fires are deliberately set by rural people for hunting purposes. Main target is a cane rat, here called grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus), whose bushmeat is highly esteemed throughout the country. The animal is a wild herbivorous rodent of subhumid areas in Africa south of the Sahara. The grasscutter meat is an important source of animal protein. Existing high-value timber plantations (mainly Teak, Tectona grandis) are affected by fires for hunting purposes. Thus resulting in growth reduction, loss of biomass or even complete destruction of the forest stands. It became obvious that solutions had to be sought for the reduction of the fire risk. Objectives: Since 2004 the Institute for World Forestry of the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products, Hamburg, Germany is cooperating with a Ghanaian timber plantation company (DuPaul Wood Treatment Ltd.) the German Foundation for Forest Conservation in Africa (Stiftung Walderhaltung in Afrika) and the Center for International Migration with the purpose to improve the livelihood of the rural population in the surroundings of the forest plantation sites and simultaneously to safeguard and improve the timber plantations. The introduction of grasscutter rearing systems to local farmers accompanied by permanent agricultural and agroforestry practices appeared to be a promising approach for the prevention of fires in the susceptible areas. Additionally a functioning grasscutter breeding system could contribute to the improvement of food security, development of income sources and the alleviation of poverty. The following measures are implemented: - Identification of farmers interested in grasscutter captive breeding, - Implementation of training courses for farmers on grasscutter rearing, - Delivery of breeding animals, - Supervision of rearing conditions by project staff, - Development of a local extension service for monitoring activities, - Evaluation of structures for grasscutter meat marketing. Results: After identification of key persons for animal rearing training courses were successfully passed and animals were delivered subsequently. Further investigations will evaluate the effects of the grasscutter rearing in the project region. This will be assessed through the - Acceptance of grasscutter rearing by farmers, - Success of the animal caging, - Reproduction rate, - Meat quality, - Marketing success of meat, - Reduction of fire in the vicinity of the timber plantations, - Improvement of peoples livelihood.
Das Projekt "Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land- and Water Use in the Region Khorezm" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung durchgeführt. Project objectives: (1.) Concepts for landscape restructuring in Khorezm, an intensively used agricultural region in the Aral See basin. The concepts are to contribute to a more effective and at the same ecologically sustainable land and water use. (2.) Based on the concepts for sustainable management of natural resources, proposals for both legal-administrative and ecological restructuring measures are to be developed. (3.) At the same time, scientific collaboration based on a close partnership between Germany and Uzbekistan in the field of development research is to be established. Here, special attention is to be given to the training of young scientists. The basic idea of the project is to designate part of the area currently used for agriculture for ecological purposes. Possible losses in agricultural production are to be compensated for through more efficient but sustainable land and water use based on the introduction of modern and profitable agricultural production systems.
Das Projekt "Energy+ Pumps - Technology Procurement for Very Energy Efficient Circulation Pumps" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Mit diesem von der EU (Intelligent Energy - Europe - Programm) geförderten Pilotprojekt wurde das Instrument der Kooperativen Beschaffung (englisch: co-operative procurement) am Beispiel hocheffizienter Umwälzpumpen länderübergreifend in neun Ländern Europas erprobt. Ziel des Projekts war es, den Marktdurchbruch für die neuen EC-Motor-Pumpen zu beschleunigen. Mit diesen Pumpen kann bis zu 80 Prozent des Pumpstroms und rund 1 Prozent des gesamten Stromverbrauchs in Deutschland eingespart werden. Ab 2013 werden sie der europäische Standard sein. Zweimal jährlich veröffentlichte das Projekt Listen mit interessierten Käufern und Unterstützer-Organisationen sowie mit Pumpen und Brennwertkesseln, die die Anforderungen an Energieeffizienz und andere Eigenschaften erfüllen. Energy+ Pumpen verbrauchen höchstens soviel Strom wie dem Grenzwert der Klasse A des freiwilligen Labels des Herstellerverbands Europump entspricht. Die jüngsten Listen vom November 2008 enthalten 26 Pumpen von acht Herstellern aus Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien und der Schweiz. Hinzu kommen rund 50 institutionelle Käufer und 27 Unterstützerorganisationen, die durch ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit als Multiplikatoren für das Projekt fungieren. Die ersten Listen wurden bei der führenden Messe ISH in Frankfurt am Main vorgestellt. Im März 2008 wurden die Gewinner eines Wettbewerbs für die effizienteste Pumpe (zwei Modelle von Grundfos, eines von WILO) und den stromsparendsten Brennwertkessel (Solvis Max) in Mailand präsentiert. Zudem wurde die Stadt Salzburg für die beste Kampagne zur Markteinführung der Energy+ Pumpen ausgezeichnet. Schließlich wurden Beratungshilfsmittel und ein Kurs für Installateure entwickelt und in den beteiligten Ländern eingesetzt. In Deutschland wurde das Projekt von der Verbraucherzentrale NRW, ProKlima Hannover, dem Bund der Energieverbraucher und E.ON Westfalen Weser unterstützt.
Das Projekt "Umweltfreundliche Behandlung von Hühnermist und Nutzbarmachung als Düngemittel in Asiatischen Ländern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Arbeitsbereich Abfallwirtschaft durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, mögliche Behandlungsverfahren für Hühnermist unter den speziellen Gegebenheiten in Asiatischen Ländern zu identifizieren. Ein Behandlungsverfahren zum Pelletieren von Hühnermist wurde bereits an der TUHH entwickelt und soll weiter optimiert werden, um den speziellen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Es wird ein technologischer Austausch und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit potentiellen Anwendern in Asien durchgeführt. Weiterhin sollen Trainingskurse, ein Workshop sowie eine internationale Konferenz abgehalten werden. Ein Video und eine ausführliche Broschüre sollen die Ergebnisse der Arbeit veranschaulichen und dokumentieren. Inhalt: Hühnermist stellt ein nicht zu verkennendes Problem in den Ländern Asiens da. Eine nicht fachgerechte Entsorgung stellt ein Risiko für Umwelt und Mensch da und kann zu Umweltbelastungen sowie zur Ausbreitung von Krankheiten führen. Die Anzahl kleinerer Hühneraufzuchtbetriebe ist in Asiatischen Ländern sehr hoch. Bestimmungen für eine umweltgerechte Entsorgung sind i.d.R. nicht vorhanden. Gerade kleine und mittelständische Betriebe zählen zum Zielpublikum dieses Projektes. Die Nutzbarmachung von Hühnermist unter Anwendung einfacher Behandlungsverfahren soll verdeutlich werden und damit in einem Zuge eine hygienische Weiterverwendung des Mistes erreicht werden. Das Projekt umfasst Laborversuche, Pflanzentests und praxisnahe Ausbringungsversuche. Weiterhin soll ein Informationsnetzwerk aufgebaut werden, in welchem der Stand der Technik dargestellt wird aber auch Adressen von Firmen und Herstellern zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ergebnisse: Mit 5l Glasreaktoren kann eine Pelletierung des Hühnermistes erreicht werden. Entscheidend für Masse, Größe und Stabilität der Pellets ist der Feuchtegehalt des eingebauten Materials, die Betriebsgeschwindigkeit, die Belüftung sowie die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit der in den Reaktoren eingebauten Ruder. Verglichen mit industriell gefertigten Produkten wird eine geringere Stabilität der Pellets erreicht. Dies kann allerdings eine bessere Nährstofffreisetzung zu folge haben und soll im weitern untersucht werden.
Das Projekt "Regeneration of the Robinson Crusoe's island original Forest (Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. The Juan Fernandez Archipelago National Park, and World Biosphere Reserve, is composed of three oceanic islands located 680 km west of continental Chile at 33 degree S. Its biota and in particular the flora is characterised by its diversity and high degree of endemism (63,9 percent), resulting from a long process of local evolution without anthropic influence. The Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI) is the only permanently inhabited of the archipelago, presenting human influence since 1574 (629 inhabitants). From this moment on, fires, selective cuttings and the introduction of exotic species of flora and fauna have affected enormously the forest communities. Currently 75 percent of the endemic vascular flora is considered in verge of extinction, being urgent its conservation. The original forest communities of the RCI constitute an important part of the endangered species habitat. Unfortunately there is still unclear the natural ecology of the dominant tree species. This evidence is crucial to consider in any conservation and restoration proposal. The objective of this study is to analyse where occurs the regeneration of the main tree species of the RCI original forest (Myrceugenia fernandeziana (Hook. & Arn.) Johow, Fagara mayu (Bertero ex Colla) Engl., and Drimys confertifolia Phil.). Using a forest area as case study (Plazoleta el Yunque sector) it will be assesed i) if the regeneration follows a light gradient, ii) if the species demand certain characteristics on its regeneration habitat (e.g substrate, rocks, coverage) and iii) how the main weeds (Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, Rubus ulmifolius Schott) affect the natural regeneration in gaps. As expected outcomes is considered the understanding of regeneration niche characters for the main tree species, and the identification of key site aspects (indicators) for the original forest self replacement. This knowledge might contribute basic information, to propose further conservation and restoration activities for this ecosystem.
Das Projekt "Greenpeace European Energy Scenario" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. The project aims at developing energy scenarios for the EU-25 as a whole, and for selected individual Member States (France, Poland, Hungary, Germany). The normative scenarios are developed in a back-casting process, driven by ambitious CO2-reduction targets and the phasing-out of nuclear energy throughout Europe. The project develops energy demand projections based on key macroeconomic indicators, and elaborates supply scenarios for the heat and electricity sector. The mobilisation of renewable energy technologies takes into account their respective technical potentials, actual costs, cost reduction potentials, and technology maturity. The time horizon of the scenarios is until the year 2050. The resulting scenarios are evaluated based on their contribution to the reduction of CO2-emissions, electricity generation costs, and the total costs of electricity supply. Employment effects resulting from the introduction of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies into the supply system are assessed.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 37 |
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Förderprogramm | 37 |
License | Count |
offen | 37 |
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Deutsch | 37 |
Englisch | 36 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 28 |
Webseite | 9 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 35 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 31 |
Luft | 23 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 37 |
Wasser | 27 |
Weitere | 37 |