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Weather Extremes: Assessment of impacts on Transport Systems and Hazards for European Regions (WEATHER)

Das Projekt "Weather Extremes: Assessment of impacts on Transport Systems and Hazards for European Regions (WEATHER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., Zentralverwaltung durchgeführt. Weather Das EU-Projekt WEATHER soll einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung des aktuellen Wissens über die Auswirkungen von extremen Wetterereignissen auf Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und insbesondere auf die verschiedenen europäischen Verkehrssysteme leisten. Als Ausgangspunkt dienen die vorhandenen Klimaszenarien und deren Implikationen für bestimmte Regionen in Europa. Dabei werden der Analyse der Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sowie der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Verkehr und anderen Sektoren ökonomische Wachstumsmodelle zugrunde gelegt. Die Vulnerabilität der einzelnen Transportsysteme wird hinsichtlich der Infrastruktur, dem Betrieb und der Intermodalität beurteilt. Best Practices im Notfallmanagement werden einerseits mit Hilfe der zahlreichen weltweiten Schadensfälle und andererseits mit der Sammlung von Anpassungsoptionen im Transportsektor gegenüber häufigeren und / oder extremeren Wetterereignissen identifiziert. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt des Projektes liegt in der Quantifizierung der zu erwartenden Schäden, Notfall- und Anpassungskosten sowie der Vorteile aus Anpassungsaktivitäten und einem verbesserten Notfallmanagement. Darüber hinaus werden die politischen Instrumente identifiziert, die zur Implementierung der empfohlenen Maßnahmen und zur Demonstration des Wettbewerbspotentials sowie der Innovationskraft eines europäischen Leitmarktes für Notfall- und Anpassungstechnologien geeignet sind. Die Toolbox des Projektes umfasst u. a. Literaturrecherche, Experteninterviews, Workshops, Kostenrechnungsmodelle und Fallstudien. Die Laufzeit des Projektes beträgt 27 Monate. Das Projektteam besteht aus acht führenden Forschungsinstituten aus dem Bereich Transport, die alle über fundierte Erfahrungen in den entsprechenden Forschungsfeldern des WEATHER Projektes verfügen.

Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels (ADAM4EVE)

Das Projekt "Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels (ADAM4EVE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. Materials and structures are called adaptive if they can change certain properties in a predictable manner due to the forces acting on them (passive) or by means of built in actuators (active). Those materials and structures are referred to as smart if they provide best performance when operation circumstances change. The project ADAM4EVE focuses on the development and assessment of applications of such materials and structures in the shipbuilding industry. The types of materials and structures are: - adaptable ship hull structures for optimised hydrodynamic properties depending on varying cruise speed, - adaptive materials for noise and vibration damping of ship engines to avoid induction of vibrations into the ship hull and - adaptive outfitting materials that improve ships' serviceability and safety. Technical developments in the project are structured in three groups: - Materials and structures development: Based on available research results and known applications from other industries, adaptive and smart materials and structures will be adopted and further developed in order to make them applicable in the maritime industry. - Solution development: Driven by different shipyards, several application case studies will be performed, in order to achieve customised solutions for particular vessel types and their individual requirements; classification societies will assure that the solutions comply with existing rules and regulations. - Enabling and assessment of technologies: This group of activities provides support to the other ones on the field of testing, assessment of safety as well as economical and ecological impact, and advice for production, operation and dismantling. Due to the novelty of the solutions to be pursued, further development of the required validation methods and tools is intended, as well as suggestions for standardisation.

Wireless charging for Electic Vehicles (UNPLUGGED)

Das Projekt "Wireless charging for Electic Vehicles (UNPLUGGED)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von fka Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen durchgeführt. UNPLUGGED project aims to investigate how the use of inductive charging of Electric Vehicles (EV) in urban environments improves the convenience and sustainability of car-based mobility. In particular, it will be investigated how smart inductive charging infrastructure can facilitate full EV integration in the urban road systems while improving customer acceptance and perceived practicality. UNPLUGGED will achieve these goals by examining in detail the technical feasibility, practical issues, interoperability, user perception and socio-economic impacts of inductive charging. As one special variant, inductive en-route charging will be investigated thoroughly.

Versatile, Efficient and Longer Wagon for European Transportation

Das Projekt "Versatile, Efficient and Longer Wagon for European Transportation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Land- und Seeverkehr, Fachgebiet Schienenfahrzeuge durchgeführt. Project VEL-Wagon will be a key milestone for the efficiency of intermodal freight wagons since it will demonstrate that fewer elements and less dead weight can result in the same or even more transport output. Coherently, the project will design a versatile platform element for a multipurpose function and intermodal use that will bring about an important gain of flexibility, accessibility and efficiency of railway services. The project will investigate the current status of the European freight railway market and, more importantly, it will look at the trend thereof and its associated logistics. In synchronisation, a wagon engineering activity will be launched for determining the final costs of a solution matching the market requirements. The basic working paradigm is the markets need for longer and lighter wagons with fewer axles. This has already been corroborated in a recent study commissioned by FERRMED and corresponds with the intermodal market trend of using increasingly longer intermodal loading units. Indeed, in advanced and modern logistics, due to the transportation of finished and semi-finished products, the value of the cargo has increased and its density has decreased. The project will examine the limits of light wagon construction and the future infrastructure response to the everyday-more-challenging railway traffic. The investigation will be initiated with concrete wagon concepts to be examined, namely, 4-axle rigid platforms of 80 to 90 feet length. The outcome will be a compromised solution between economic aspects and technical constraints. Intentionally, the result will pave the way for further investigations of max allowable axle load in Europe, since, in respect to infrastructure solicitation, fewer axles with somewhat higher load may be equivalent to more axles with regular load. The research intention of VEL-Wagon is necessary for understanding and paving the way for the future European transportation sustainability.

Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies (LEMCOTEC)

Das Projekt "Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies (LEMCOTEC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. The main objective of the LEMCOTEC project will be the improvement of core-engine thermal efficiency by increasing the overall pressure ratio (OPR) to up to 70 leading to a further reduction of CO2. Since NOx increases with OPR, combustion technologies have to be further developed, at the same time, to at least compensate for this effect. The project will attain and exceed the ACARE targets for 2020 and will be going beyond the CO2 reductions to be achieved by on-going FP6 and FP7 programmes including Clean Sky: - CO2: minus 50Prozent per passenger kilometre by 2020, with an engine contribution of 15 to 20Prozent, 2.) NOx: minus - 80Prozent by 2020 and 3.) Reduce other emissions: soot, CO, UHC, SOx, particulates. - The major technical subjects to be addressed by the project are: Innovative compressor for the ultra-high pressure ratio cycle (OPR 70) and associated thermal management technologies, 2.) Combustor-turbine interaction for higher turbine efficiency & ultra-high OPR cycles, 3.) Low NOx combustion systems for ultra-high OPR cycles, 4.) Advanced structures to enable high OPR engines & integration with heat exchangers, 5.) Reduced cooling requirements and stiffer structures for turbo-machinery efficiency, 6.) HP/IP compressor stability control. - The first four subjects will enable the engine industry to extend their design space beyond the overall pressure ratio of 50, which is the practical limit in the latest engines. Rig testing is required to validate the respective designs as well as the simulation tools to be developed. - The last two subjects have already been researched on the last two subjects by NEWAC. The technology developed in NEWAC (mainly component and / or breadboard validation in a laboratory environment) will be driven further in LEMCOTEC for UHPR core engines. These technologies will be validated at a higher readiness level of up to TRL 5 (component and / or breadboard validation in a relevant environment) for ultra-high OPR core-engines.

Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping (TARGETS)

Das Projekt "Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping (TARGETS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH durchgeführt. The TARGETS proposal has been initiated in response to the COOPERATION work programme of the European Commission, Theme 7, Transport and Aeronautics. In particular, it addresses area SST.2010.1.1-2 / Energy Efficient Ships, in that it seeks to provide substantial improvements to ship energy consumption during the operation of cargo vessels. The prime goal of TARGETS - Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping - is a global analysis of the most important causes of energy consumption on board of cargo ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach. Having identified resistance and propulsion aspects as primary causes of energy consumption, work will be dedicated to the improvement of such characteristics. In addition, a global energy consumption simulation system will be developed to be applied during new vessel design as well as during operation. Assembling leading European fluid dynamics and energy specialists and major EU shipping operators covering a broad range of cargo transport operations, containers, bulk and tanker, the TARGETS project will contribute designs, tools and operational guidelines for an energy efficient operation of cargo ships, and hence make a significant contribution to the reduction of green house gas emissions.

Validation of radical engine architecture systems (DREAM)

Das Projekt "Validation of radical engine architecture systems (DREAM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. Since the publication of the ACARE goals, the commercial and political pressure to reduce CO2 has increased considerably. DREAM is the response of the aero-engine community to this pressure. The first major DREAM objective is to design, integrate and validate new engine concepts based on open rotor contra-rotating architectures to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions 7Prozent beyond the ACARE 2020 objectives. Open rotors are noisier than equivalent high bypass ratio turbofan engines, therefore it is necessary to provide solutions that will meet noise ICAO certification standards. The second major DREAM objective is a 3dB noise emission reduction per operation point for the engine alone compared to the Year 2000 engine reference. These breakthroughs will be achieved by designing and rig testing: Innovative engine concepts a geared and a direct drive contra-rotating open rotor (unducted propulsion system) Enabling architectures with novel active and passive engine systems to reduce vibrations These technologies will support the development of future open rotor engines but also more traditional ducted turbofan engines. DREAM will also develop specifications for alternative fuels for aero-engines and then characterise, assess and test several potential fuels. This will be followed by a demonstration that the selected fuels can be used in aero-engines. The DREAM technologies will then be integrated and the engine concepts together with alternative fuels usage assessed through an enhanced version of the TERA tool developed in VITAL and NEWAC. DREAM is led by Rolls-Royce and is made of 47 partners from 13 countries, providing the best expertise and capability from the EU aeronautics industry and Russia. DREAM will mature technologies that offer the potential to go beyond the ACARE objectives for SFC, achieving a TRL of 4-5. These technologies are candidates to be brought to a higher TRL level within the scope of the CLEAN SKY JTI. Prime Contractor: Rolls Royce PLC; London; United Kingdom.

Coordination Action on PPP Implementation for Road-Transport Electrification (CAPIRE )

Das Projekt "Coordination Action on PPP Implementation for Road-Transport Electrification (CAPIRE )" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The Coordination Action CAPIRE will prepare and support the realization of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) sustaining and putting into practice the European Green Cars Initiative. Its activities will be focussed on two major fields: a careful consideration of options for the aims, shape, and implementation paths a PPP, and the identification of technology roadblocks and the respective research needs within FP7. Major outcomes will be an appropriate and proven PPP implementation model and a dedicated roadmap based on an elaborated and deep analysis of R&D needs, respective milestones and supporting measures. The goal is to increase by a joint approach of the involved economic sectors and the public authorities the competitiveness of global European Automotive Industry in the domain of energy efficient, safe, non-polluting and CO2-free vehicles. To be broad enough, this strategy has to be based on the three following technology pillars: - Passenger cars and LCV: to reduce local pollution, emission of green house gases, and noise by accelerating electrification of vehicles and provision of a dedicated infrastructure for the connection to CO2-free energy sources - Trucks and Buses: to improve overall efficiency of transport of people and goods by accelerating the improvement of ICE technologies and their potential partial electrification. - Logistics: to increase the efficiency of goods transport by optimizing loading rate of trucks and mixing different energy saving transport vectors as rail transport and road transport. The results of CAPIRE shall serve as a guideline for automotive R&D and European road transport policy related to the Green Cars topic. Their deployment will require a strong cooperation between OEMs, automotive & technology suppliers, road and traffic operators, energy and service providers, Universities and public authorities to reach the ambitious target related to key technologies in a medium and long term perspective. Prime Contractor: Renault SAS Prepresented by Gie Regienov; Boulogne-Billancourt; France.

Knowledge for ignition, acoustics and instabilities (KIAI)

Das Projekt "Knowledge for ignition, acoustics and instabilities (KIAI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. For the time being, the European engine industry does not have at its disposal methodologies adapted to predict the unsteady behaviour of low NOx combustors. Consequently and in order to be able to set up the development of low NOx technologies, KIAI will deliver reliable unstationary CFD tools which will allow a deep comprehension of unsteady phenomena. The main objective of the KIAI project is to provide reliable methodologies to predict the stability of industrial low NOx combustors, as well as their ignition process from spark to annular combustion. When used at an early stage in the conception cycle of low NOx combustors, KIAI CFD methodologies will play a key role and considerably accelerate the delivery process of lean combustion technology with a proven capability to reach the 80Prozent NOx emissions reduction required for introduction into service before 2020 with the necessary reliability, safety and economical viability. As already demonstrated by past and ongoing studies and European projects, low NOx technologies lead to crucial unsteady phenomena that are neither controlled nor predictable at the moment. The scientific objectives of KIAI are directly linked to a better understanding and prediction of these unsteady phenomena: - Predict the coupling between the acoustics and the flame - Determine the acoustic boundary conditions of multiperforated plates surrounding the combustion chamber - Account for non-premixed spray flows in the combustion process - Explore aerodynamic unsteadiness in strutted pre-diffusers adapted to high mass flow injectors and develop a liquid film break-up model for an injector - Evaluate the sensitivity of LES predictions to small technological variations of geometry. Prime Contractor: SNECMA MOTEURS SA; Paris; France.

Holistic and sustainable abatement of noise by optimized combinations of natural and artificial means (HOSANNA)

Das Projekt "Holistic and sustainable abatement of noise by optimized combinations of natural and artificial means (HOSANNA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Müller-BBM Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung durchgeführt. Objective: Noise pollution is a major environmental problem within the EU. The social costs of traffic noise have been estimated to 0.4Prozent of total GDP. Road traffic is the dominant source, and also rail traffic noise is significant. At the same time, road and rail traffic are expected to steadily increase, and the source strength is not expected to significantly decrease within the near future. To reduce the outdoor traffic noise to a sufficiently low level for a good acoustic environment is a major challenge of high need. Here, we will focus on noise propagation abatement for the outdoor environment. Following the EU Directive on environmental noise, a series of major action have been taken in noise abatement, but the sustainability has rarely been paid attention. The main idea of our project is to optimize the use of green areas, green surfaces and other natural elements in combination with artificial elements in urban and rural environments for reducing the noise impact of road and rail traffic. The project offers a variety of powerful abatement strategies that will make a cost effective improvement by its combination of approaches concerning: ground and road surface treatments; trees, forests and tall vegetation; greening of buildings and other surfaces; and innovative barriers. The noise impact will be assessed in terms of sound levels (including spectra and time patterns) as well as perceived environment (including annoyance, well-being and other health related aspects). The main objectives of the project are: to show by full scale evaluation that the proposed abatement methods work; to deliver noise prediction methods applicable to the proposed abatements, which can also can be used in noise mapping software; to deliver assessment methods for the perceived noise environment; to deliver a good practice guide for the end-users; and to show the cost benefit, including the positive effect on urban air quality and CO2 neutrality, of the resulting noise abatement methods. Prime Contractor: Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB; Goeteborg; Sverige (Schweden).

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