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Design Options for Sectoral Carbon Market Mechanisms and Their Implications for the EU ETS

Das Projekt "Design Options for Sectoral Carbon Market Mechanisms and Their Implications for the EU ETS" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Die UN-Klimakonferenz in Durban entschied 2011, einen neuen Marktmechanismus (NMM) zu etablieren, der breite Segmente der Volkswirtschaft von Entwicklungsländern adressieren soll. Die detaillierten Modalitäten und Verfahren sind noch zu entwickeln. Das Projekt entwarf verschiedene Designoptionen für den neuen Mechanismus und untersuchte, welche Auswirkungen der NMM in spezfischen Sektoren in spezifischen Entwicklungsländern haben könnte. Drei Designvorschläge für den neuen Marktmechanismus: Die Entwicklung der Designvorschläge basierte auf drei vorrangigen Kriterien: Ökologische Effektivität und Integrität, Möglichkeiten zur Evolution in Richtung eines cap-and-trade Emissionshandelssystems, das mit dem EU-EHS kompatibel ist, und ökonomische Effizienz. Die drei Vorschläge sind: - Government Crediting System: Gemäß diesem Vorschlag würde das Gastgeberland einen sektoralen Emissionsschwellenwert definieren und Politiken und Maßnahmen umsetzen, um Emissionen zu reduzieren. Wenn die Emissionen unter den Schwellenwert reduziert werden, erhält das Gastgeberland Emissionszertifikate, mit denen es die Politikumsetzung (ko-)finanzieren kann. Die Emissionen werden auf aggregierter anstatt auf Anlagenebene abgerechnet. - Handelbarer Emissionsintensitätsstandard: Gemäß diesem Vorschlag wird der sektorale Emissionsschwellenwert auf die einzelnen Anlagen herunter gebrochen. Das heißt, jede Anlage erhält einen eigenen Emissionsschwellenwert. Den Gastgeberländern wird empfohlen, die Anlagenbetreiber verbindlich zum Erreichen der Schwellenwerte zu verpflichten. - Anlagenbasiertes Emissionshandelssystem: In diesem System würde das Gastgeberland ein sektorales Emissionsziel annehmen und entsprechend im Voraus Emissionszertifikate erhalten. Das Land würde ein anlagenbasiertes Emissionshandelssystem für den Sektor einführen, um das Ziel zu erreichen. Fallstudien: Die Fallstudien bestanden darin, den zweiten Vorschlag theoretisch in fünf Sektoren in fünf Entwicklungsländern anzuwenden. Wesentliche Ergebnisse waren: - Vorhersagen zukünftiger Emissionen weisen erhebliche Unterschiede auf. Internationale Standards sind daher nötig, wenn Emissionsschwellenwerte in unterschiedlichen Sektoren und Ländern vergleichbare Anstrengungen zur Generierung von Emissionszertifikaten reflektieren sollen. - Konsistente und verlässliche Emissionsdaten sind zentral für das Design und die Durchführung des NMM. Solche Daten sind jedoch leider nicht immer verfügbar. - Einige Sektoren weisen ein großes ökonomisch nutzbares Emissionsreduktionspotenzial auf. Es ist nötig, zu untersuchen, warum diese Möglichkeiten bisher nicht genutzt worden sind. Dies ist erforderlich, um sicher zu stellen, dass die Anwendung des NMM - und damit die Einführung finanzieller Anreize - tatsächlich Investitionen stimulieren und einen Einfluss auf die Emissionen haben kann. usw.

F 2.3: Impact valuation of land allocation and rural finance policies

Das Projekt "F 2.3: Impact valuation of land allocation and rural finance policies" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Despite significant progress, hunger eradication and poverty alleviation remain an enormous concern to the Vietnamese Government, especially in the Upland areas. Targeting micro-finance, agricultural technology, education, health, and safety net services to the poor are among the major instruments of Vietnams poverty reduction strategy. In the 1st phase, sub-project F2 analysed the factors that determine households access to credit and savings services. One of the major findings was that the poor were more frequently excluded, despite the policy objective of the state-funded rural banking system to target the poor with credit. During the second phase subproject F2 explored the risk management of vulnerable households and identified a number of risk strategies, some of which depend on informal social networks. Major idiosyncratic and covariant risks as well as the households adaptive and coping risk management strategies could be identified for rural ethnic minority livelihoods, including unsustainable practices of farming and exploitation of natural resources. Overall, the results of F2 from the first and second phase show that households in the upland areas of Northern Vietnam - despite the efforts of the Governments rural development policies to target the poor with credit, safety net services, and agricultural technology - remain highly vulnerable and poor. These results of F2 suggest to explore three research questions during the third phase. First, the apparently low poverty outreach of credit raises the research question of whether other major rural development policy instruments that provide entitlements and knowledge to rural households (such as land allocation, education, basic health services, and agricultural extension) actually reach the poor (or poorest), and -if not - whether the targeting efficiency of rural development policy can be improved by the identification of more accurate poverty indicators than the ones currently used in the issuance of the so-called Poor Household Certificates. Second, since land and capital have been identified by previous research of the Uplands Program as the most binding micro-economic constraints in Northern Vietnam, project F2 will investigate in the third phase the impact of the land allocation and micro-credit policy on the adoption of crop and livestock technologies, on on-farm and off-farm income, household food security, and poverty. Third, the role of social capital and its contribution to social security will be explored by Prof.Dr. Gertrud Buchenrieder at Martin-Luther University Halle/IAMO through an associated research project.

Development of a new small scale methodology and a Project Design Documents (PDDs) in order to generate CO2 certificates by the implementation of a plant oil cooker (Fuel-Switch Project) in Indonesia

Das Projekt "Development of a new small scale methodology and a Project Design Documents (PDDs) in order to generate CO2 certificates by the implementation of a plant oil cooker (Fuel-Switch Project) in Indonesia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the project was to switch from unsustainable biomass and fossil fuels to sustainable produced plant oil in order to gain carbon credits. Carbon credits co-finance the project by subsidizing the price of the cooker and eventually plant oil. Services provided: 1) Development of a new methodology: 'Thermal energy from plant oil for the user of cooking stoves; 2) Development of a new baseline and monitoring methodology to generate carbon certificates; 3) Application of a new approach: Programme of activities (development of CP

SP 3.3 Property rights and access to credit, inputs and agricultural knowledge in the North China Plain: implications for technical efficiency, sectoral change, and rural income inequality

Das Projekt "SP 3.3 Property rights and access to credit, inputs and agricultural knowledge in the North China Plain: implications for technical efficiency, sectoral change, and rural income inequality" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen, Fachgebiet Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik für den Ländlichen Raum durchgeführt. Agricultural and rural development policies as well as formal and informal institutional arrangements concerning farmers access to land, capital, agricultural knowledge, and agricultural inputs influence the intra-sectoral changes of agriculture in the North China Plain. The general objective of the subproject is to analyze the determinants of the change in the number and types of farms over time and the implications of the observed lack of structural change in the farming sector on sustainability in its three dimensions. The central hypothesis is that the transition from the current unsustainable high-input, low-output part-time smallholder agriculture to a more efficient commercially oriented full-time agriculture is hindered by a range of policies and institutional arrangements. Especially for part-time farm households in Hebei province which derive their major share of total household income from rural non-farm sources as well as from migration of household members to urban areas, we hypothesize that land possession and related farming is mainly motivated by subsistence and old-age security motives and as a strategy to diversify incomes out of agriculture. We apply methodological features from innovative recent micro-economic policy studies. Different types of households are classified along the continuum of increasing dependence on agriculture as a source of livelihood, using secondary panel from the Research Center for Rural Economy (RCRE). Further we use the data to estimate econometric models to explain fertilizer use/ demand by farm households (Probit and Tobit models), technical efficiency in grain production (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) and cropping shares, yield levels and land cultivated (simultaneous-equation models). Cooperation with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is planned regarding the analysis of data from the Rural Household Survey of the NBS which includes more detailed information on off-farm income sources compared to RCRE, among other topics. We will conduct qualitative interviews with local administrative officials, farmers, extension officers and input suppliers to gain valuable insight into perceptions, aspirations, and expectations of institutional stakeholders regarding the structure, conduct and performance of fertilizer market and agricultural extension.

Identification of opportunities for carbon finance projects in forest-related sectors in Russia

Das Projekt "Identification of opportunities for carbon finance projects in forest-related sectors in Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of this assignment is to develop and demonstrate the use of a practical methodology for the identification of viable forest-based project concepts with carbon finance components (RMUs, ERUs and AAUs with Green Investment Schemes) in Russia, and to use this to identify and develop one concrete investment project proposal for financing by EBRD. Services provided: Definition of a methodology for identifying forest-based projects that have the potential for carbon financing. Provision of a business model that would allow EBRD to make an investment, describing the various possible revenue streams from forest-based projects that could lead to a viable project, which may include, inter alia, carbon financing, sale of wood products, and innovative concepts related to the environmental value of forest-based activities (e.g. water, biodiversity). Establishment of a screening procedure for EBRD to use to identify viable forest-based project ideas that have a realistic chance of attracting carbon financing. Using this methodology, the potential for forest-based projects with carbon financing in EBRDs existing project pipelines is assessed. Analysis of EBRD's activities and project portfolio in Russia in order to identify opportunities for using carbon credits (RMUs, ERUs and AAUs with Green Investment Schemes) from forestry projects. Description and analysis of the relevant aspects of the institutional system, key stakeholders and potential clients, including regulatory agencies, forest agencies, climate policy agencies, industry groups, project sponsors and developers, etc. Description per country of the appropriate and detailed way forward in bringing forestry projects to the attention of the government, with a look at obtaining the necessary approvals. Based on this analysis, development of a concrete proposal for a forest-based investment project with a carbon finance component. Assistance to the Banking team with initial project preparation, contribution to a Concept Review Memorandum (CRM) to be drafted by the Banking team, provided that the project is deemed feasible by that team. Preparation of a Project Idea Note (PIN) that can be brought to the attention of the Multilateral Carbon Credit Fund, using a PIN template to be provided by EBRD, which will be used as the basis for a Project Design Document that will be developed by the MCCF Carbon Manager.

Private Sector Sustainable Energy Facility ('TurSEFF') - Project Consultant (Inception Phase)

Das Projekt "Private Sector Sustainable Energy Facility ('TurSEFF') - Project Consultant (Inception Phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. Turkey is urgently required to reduce its high energy intensity. Promotion of energy efficiency across economic sectors is one of the operational priorities for the Bank during the initial phase of operation in Turkey. In this context, the EBRD is developing the Turkey Private Sector Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (the 'Facility' or 'TURSEFF'). This will take the form of a framework operation of USD 200 million2 under which credit lines will be provided by EBRD to at least four banks in Turkey for on-lending to (i) commercial energy efficiency investments; (ii) stand-alone small scale renewable energy investments; (iii) buildings sector energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; (iv) energy efficiency and renewable energy in the residential sector; and (v) investment loans for eligible manufacturers, suppliers and installers of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology, equipment and materials. The objective of the Facility is to ensure that Participating Banks (PBs) become familiar with appraising and financing bankable sustainable energy investment projects and that technical expertise is developed to identify and prepare technically and environmentally feasible energy efficiency projects. As a result, the Facility is expected to instigate a self-sustaining market for investment in small and medium sized sustainable energy projects in Turkey. Services provided: Promotion of TurSEFF through targeted public awareness and marketing campaigns; Definition and update of technical criteria of the Facility; Development of a pipeline and portfolio of Sub-projects; Capacity building among local PBs to identify eligible project opportunities (via training of loan officers); Establishment of a database of applicants for Sub-loans and assist both the PBs and the Sub-borrowers; Development of energy efficiency, renewable energy and Buildings Sector Sub-projects; Establishment of an efficient electronic tracking, monitoring and reporting system; Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and assessment of the scope for a carbon credit transaction; Elaboration of Project Identification Notes (PIN) for carbon projects; Elaboration of an innovative concept for bundling carbon revenues.

Pre-Feasibility Study: Biodiesel CDM Project (Morocco)

Das Projekt "Pre-Feasibility Study: Biodiesel CDM Project (Morocco)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. Due diligence concerning a Biodiesel project dealing with: Establishment of Biodiesel plantations; creation of nurseries, oil expelling plants and bio-diesel refineries. Implementation and management of all downstream activities including all by products and Carbon Credit Trading. Services provided: Assessment of site selection and energy infrastructure; Assessment of technical feasibility, estimation of required process energy and process emissions; Estimation of the projects energy balance, estimation project emissions; Estimation of investment plan, operational costs, legal framework and Jatropha oil application options; Assessment of technology risk, summary on open questions; Assessment of irrigation infrastructure, technology suitable for the project, investment costs for irrigation infrastructure; Identification and review of project boundaries and baseline scenarios; Collection of data on project emissions, assessment of public relation status, dialogue with DNA and local government representatives; Calculation of project emissions, assessment of methodological requirements; Assessment of legal framework for CDM projects; Identification of trial plot, EIA requirements and risks; Assessment of social impacts, project risks.