Since the eighties BGR carries out helicopter borne measurements in Germany as well as in neighbouring and distant countries. In particular a series of continuous areas on the German North Sea coast are flown during the last years within the context of the D-AERO project. The helicopter of type Sikorsky S-76B is operated for the airborne geophysical survey of the earth's subsurface. Usually airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric measurements are carried out. The 13 GML files for each airborne geophysical survey area together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format ( The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements of data specification Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0), Sub-theme Geophysics.
The WMS D-AERO (INSPIRE) comprises airborne geophysical surveys for mapping the shallow subsurface in Germany. Since the eighties BGR carries out helicopter borne measurements in Germany as well as in neighbouring and distant countries. In particular a series of continuous areas on the German North Sea coast are flown during the last years within the context of the D-AERO project. The helicopter of type Sikorsky S-76B is operated for the airborne geophysical survey of the earth's subsurface. Usually airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric measurements are carried out. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0, sub-theme Geophysics) the information with respect to the airborne geophysical surveys is INSPIRE-compliant. The WMS D-AERO (INSPIRE) contains for each airborne geophysical survey one layer, e.g. GE.flightLine.G081Cuxhaven. The flightlines are displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. Via the getFeatureInfo request, the user obtains the content of the INSPIRE attributes platformType und profileType. Additionally, the WMS contains a campaign layer (GE.airborneGeophysicalSurvey) with the INSPIRE attributes campaignType and surveyType.
Der Dienst stellt die Gebiete geophysikalischer Untersuchungen, unterteilt in die einzelnen Messverfahren Geoelektrik, Geomagnetik, Gravimetrie, Seismik sowie die Stationen der Erdbebenüberwachung dar. Die Informationen zu den geophysikalischen Untersuchungen beinhalten Angaben zum Gebiet, Zeitraum der Messungen, Ergebnisberichte und Bezeichnungen der Ablage im Fachinformationssystem Geophysik. Die seismologischen Überwachungsstationen in Sachsen-Anhalt enthalten Informationen zu Namensraum und Identifikation, Plattform- und Stationstyp, den Rang der Station in überregionalen Messnetzen und Links auf Aufzeichnungsergebnisse und Dokumentationsseiten zum Verbundsystem. Messdaten sind nicht Bestandteil dieser Datensätze.
SeaCause cruise SO186-2, aboard the RV Sonne, was carried out off northern Sumatra between 21st January and 24th February 2006, with mobilisation and demobilisation in Singapore and Penang, Malaysia, respectively. The geophysical survey acquired multichannel seismic data (MCS) using a 240 channel, 3 km Sercel streamer, and a tuned airgun array comprising 16 airguns with a total capacity of 50.8 litres. Bathymetry data, using the 12 kHz Simrad swath system, subseabed data using the hull mounted high resolution Parasound profiler together with gravity and magnetic data were also acquired. The main scientific objective of the survey was to investigate the southern part of the rupture zone of the 26th December 2004 9.3 magnitude earthquake, that caused the catastrophic tsunami of that date, and the rupture zone of the 8.7 magnitude earthquake of March 28th 2005. Specifically, to identify the segment boundary between the two earthquakes, as recognised by the distribution of their aftershocks. This was to be achieved by mapping the structure of the subduction zone including the dip angle of the subducted plate, the architecture of the accretionary prism and the structure of the forearc basins, particularly their strike-slip fault systems. Also to be investigated was whether there was a contribution to the 2004 tsunami from major submarine failures. During the survey a total of 5358 line kilometres of MCS data were acquired, mainly on lines oriented orthogonal to the subduction zone and extending from the ocean basin across the trench and accretionary prism to the forearc basins offshore Sumatra. The orthogonal survey lines were located on average approximately 40 km apart. The survey was planned using the bathymetry from the HMS Scott, RV Natsushima and RV Sonne cruises carried out in 2004. The morphology of the trench and sediment thickness varies from north to south. In the north the trench is poorly defined with shallow seabed dip but with sediment thickness of ~3.5 secs (TWT). The seafloor dips increase southwards, but sediment thickness decreases to ~2.5 secs (TWT) off Nias. Both the ocean basin and trench sediments are dissected by numerous normal faults, oriented subparallel to the plate boundary, with many that penetrate the oceanic crust. In the south Fracture Zones were identified. The structure of the deformation front on the seaward margin of the accretionary prism is highly variable. While the younges main thrust are predominantly landward vergent there are examples for seaward verging thrusts. The frontal fold develops in some cases already in the french while in most cases the frontal fold is at the beginning of the accretionary wedge. At some locations there are large sediment slumps on the frontal thrusts, the slope angle of the prism varies between 6 to 15 degrees, an angle that explains the large scale slumping. The width of the accretionary prism is widest in the north of the area at 140 km and narrows southwards until in the vicinity of the islands it is 40 km. In the north and central parts of the survey area the passage from the deformation front landwards into the older prism is rapid and the seabed gradients steep. The dip of the oceanic crust remains low and there is an obvious twofold increase (6-7 seconds TWT) in the sediment thickness. The basal decollement of the thrusts at the deformation front is in the lower sediment layer overlying oceanic basement. This is traced northeastward. A possible explanation for the increase in thickness of the prism is therefore considered to be the formation of a thrust duplex. Perhaps this is due to the subducted sediment thickness. In this region the prism forms a plateau and the internal pattern of the uppermost sediments shows striking similarities to the trench fill. Offshore of Simeulue Island the prism structure changes and it forms the more usually seen taper. The offscraped sediment forms a thinner section, the thrusts are more steeply dipping. The dip of the subducted plate here is greater than in the north. Three forearc basins were surveyed. In the north the western margin of the Aceh Basin lies along the West Andaman Fault. Within the main basin the sediments are internally undeformed. Farther south in the Simeulue Basin the northern and central parts there are numerous, active steeply dipping faults. In southern part of the basin there is a transpressional fault similarly to the Mentawi Fault off southern Sumatra. There are notable ‘bright spots’ in the upper section that may indicate the presence of hydrocarbon gas. There are also widespread Bottom Simulating Reflectors indication the presence of gashydrates and there may be also one double BSR. At the southern end of the surveyed area the Nias Basin may be subdivided along its length into two parts by a northnorthwest to southsoutheast trending carbonate platform development. The basin has had a varying subsidence history, in the south the subsidence was completed before the northern part started.
Die Datenebene enthält Informationen zu Messgebieten, Profillinien und Messkampagnen geophysikalischer Untersuchungen entsprechend der Fachbereiche getrennt für Geoelektrik, Gravimetrie, Geomagnetik und Seismik. Geoelektrik: Übersicht über lokale Messgebiete, die von verschiedenen Firmen bearbeitet, sowie Untersuchungen, die vom LAGB beauftragt oder selbst durchgeführt wurden. Vor 1990 betreffen die von Firmen durchgeführten Untersuchungen zumeist Messungen des VEB Geophysik Leipzig, nach 1990 Messungen verschiedener Ingenieurbüros, die nach Lagerstättengesetz/Geologiedatengesetz an das LAGB gemeldet wurden. Seismik: Die Profilanlage seismischer Messungen ist unterteilt in 2D-reflexionsseismische Messungen zur Erkundung geologischer Strukturen und der Rohstoffexploration in bis ca. 5 km Tiefe sowie die Messungen der Refraktionsseismik und Weitwinkelreflexionsseismik, welche den Aufbau der Erdkruste in bis zu 40 km Tiefe untersuchen. Die tiefenseismischen Profile werden weiterhin durch die eingesetzten Messmethoden unterschieden. Untersuchungsgebiete reflexionsseismischer 3D-Messungen markieren Gebiete der detaillierten Exploration von mit Hilfe mehrerer Quellen gleichzeitig angeregter seismischer Signale, welche an flächenhaft ausgebrachten Geophonen registriert werden. Gravimetrie und Geomagnetik: Aufgeführt sind die Messgebietsumrisse und Informationen der Regionalmessungen in Sachsen-Anhalt.
Within the framework of the research project SINDBAD (Seismic and Geoacoustic Investigations Along the Sunda-Banda Arc Transition) marine geophysical investigations have been carried out with RV SONNE from October 9th, 2006, to November 9th, 2006, off the eastern Sunda Arc and at the transition to the Banda Arc in Indonesia. The research cruise SO190 Leg 1 started in Jakarta, Indonesia and ended in Darwin, Australia. During this cruise, multichannel seismics (MCS), magnetics (M), and gravimetry (G) measurements have been carried out. Simultaneously, SIMRAD (multibeam echosounder) and PARASOUND (sediment echosounder) data have been collected using RV SONNEs onboard systems. During the expedition, a total of 4,933 km of profiles with MCS, M, and G have been acquired. Six of the 20 profiles are long overview profiles perpendicular to the deformation front and cover the entire forearc from the forearc basin across the outer arc high, the deformation front onto the oceanic lithosphere. Additional profiles have been acquired along strike in the Lombok forearc basin and in the Savu Basin. The main goal of the project SINDBAD is to investigate the relation between the variability of the lower plate and the tectonic evolution of the overriding plate (formation of an outer arc high, development of forearc basins, and accretion and erosion processes of the overriding plate). The "raw materials" – seafloor sediments, oceanic crust (at the Banda Arc also continental crust) and mantle lithosphere – are carried into the subduction system at the trench. The influence of these "raw materials" on the overriding plate is controlled by a number of factors: e.g. the convergence rate, the obliqueness of convergence and the physical and chemical properties of the lower plate (e.g. its age, its sediment-cover and –thickness, its fluid content and the composition of the crust). Forearc basins are today attracting increased attention because of their hydrocarbon potential. The forearc basins of the eastern Sunda Arc are still frontier areas which are almost unexplored. An additional goal of this project is therefore the assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Lombok Basin. In contrast to the Sumatra subduction zone, only a small amount of pelagic sediment is carried into the subduction system offshore East Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa and Sumba. This results e.g. in a less pronounced development of the outer arc high, which is subaerial off Sumatra, but entirely below the sea surface in the eastern Sunda Arc. The Roo Rise, which is subducting off East Java, is a morphological high that lies about 1500 m higher than the Argo Abyssal Plain which is subducting further to the east. Despite of these pronounced differences, the deformation front in both areas shows similarities. While the foot of the slope shows lower dip than the upper slope, both areas are characterized by landward dipping thrust sheets. In both areas the outer arc high is characterized by active faults (the recent activity is indicated by deformed basin sediments on the outer arc high) and therefore no indications for a static backstop have been found. The accretionary character of the deformation front is clearly indicated in both areas, while subrosion in association with the subsidence of the Lombok Basin can not be excluded based on the preliminary interpretations. The trench in both areas is devoid of sediments, which indicates erosional processes caused by currents along the trench strike. However, a depocenter for these sediments could not be localized yet. While a forearc basin is not clearly developed off East Java, the Lombok forearc basin with water depths of more than 4000 m extends from off Bali to off Sumbawa. On the southern slope of the basin prograding sedimentary sequences indicate uplift, probably caused by the subducting Roo Rise or a growth of the outer arc high. Additionally, carbonate platforms on the acoustic basement indicate phases of rapid subsidence of the basin. The sediment thickness reaches a total of about 3.5 sec TWT. A few seismic "bright spots", but no bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) have been identified in the basin. The profiles striking along the basin axis indicate paleo-depocenters in the western part of the profile, while the recent depocenter is located in the eastern part of the basin. On the northern flank of the Lombok basin, indications for submarine volcanism (recent activity is unknown) are indicated by a seamount reaching above the seafloor associated with a clear magnetic anomaly. East of the Lombok Basin the island of Sumba is located, which is regarded as a microcontinent that has been attached to the island arc during the Late Oligocene. Sumbas geographical location in front of the island arc is usually characterized by the location of a forearc basin and correlates with the seaward displacement of the deformation front (Roti Basin) at the transition from ocean/island arc subduction of the Sunda Arc to continent/island arc collision of the Banda Arc. An uplift of about 0.5 cm/a is reported for Sumba, associated with the underplating of the continental Scott Plateau. The uplift is especially evident in the MCS data. To the east of the Lombok Basin depocenter, a transition zone with deep reaching faults is observed, associated with eastward dipping sedimentary and basement structures. This transition zone is also indicated by anomalies in the magnetic and gravity data, the latter indicating isostatic undercompensation. On the western flank of Sumba, deformed sedimentary sequences indicate gravitational gliding in association with the uplift of Sumba. East of Sumba, two profiles into the Savu Basin have been acquired. Here the uplift of Sumba is indicated by the erosion of sedimentary sequences which have been deposited in the basin followed by uplift and subsequent erosion. Further indications of "inversion structures" are given by a reactivated thrust fault that in the past has served as the southern boundary of the Savu Basin und indicates recent activity by associated deformed basin sediments. The oceanic crust of the Argo Abyssal Plain and the Roo Rise is characterized by thin sediments. On a connection profile between two long profiles on the Argo Abyssal Plain a basin with about 1.4 sec TWT of sediment has been observed, that, indicated by a magnetic anomaly, can be correlated with an age jump of about 15 Ma, thereby indicating a paleo plate boundary.
In the framework of the IDOE-SEATAR (International Decade of Ocean Exploration - Studies of East Asia Tectonics and Resources) Program, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources carried out a geophysical survey in the Sulu Sea during the period from March 11, 1982 to April 15, 1982 using the German research vessel R/V SONNE. The SONNE cruise no. SO-23 continued SEATAR-related studies of BGR which have been carried out during the Southeast Asian Cruise of the VALDIVIA (VA-16) in 1977. During SONNE cruise no. SO-23, multi-channel reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 21 lines with a total length of 3,300 km in the Sulu Sea. In the NW Sulu Basin, situated between the shelf of East Palawan in the north and the volcanic Cagayan Ridge in the south, a 50 - 100 km wide graben-like basin exists which is filled with thick Neogene and pre-Middle Miocene sediments. The basin trends east-northeast. At longitude 119°E it bends to a north-south direction. The dominating structural element within the sedimentary graben-like basin is a diapiric-chaotic zone about 25 km wide, which was only detectable west of longitude 120°E. The base of the elongated diapiric-chaotic zone, which might represent a tectonically mobilized equivalent of the Crocker Formation (Middle Miocene - Lower Oligocene) is difficult to define in the seismic monitor records. The configuration and the internal structural style of individual structures of the diapiric-chaotic zone, which can be followed over length of about 150 km, seem to resemble those of the oil-bearing province offshore western Sabah. In the eastern part of the NW-Sulu Basin east of longitude 119°E, several north-trending anticlines of presumably Middle Miocene age and locally volcanic intrusions of presumably Plio-Pleistocene age have been observed. During the second leg of the cruise SO-23 in the southeastern part of the South China Sea (April 16, 1982, to May 9, 1982) multi-channel seismic reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 19 lines with a total length of 3,570 km in the southeastern part of the South China Sea, including the area of the Dangerous Grounds. In addition, 2,280 km of profile was surveyed with only magnetics, gravity, and sea-beam measurements. A complex structural style was observed in the investigated part of the Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea, which is believed to be part of a microcontinental block which rifted from the continental margin of Asia in the Early Paleogene/Late Mesozoic time. There are prospective depocenters and structures trending NE-SW, E-W, and N-S in the southwestern part, i.e. the area west of longitude 117.5°E (units 2, 3, 4). Unit 4 contains a series of half-grabens with thick sedimentary infill. An imbricated melange of pre-Middle Miocene age seems to exist only off southern Palawan. The dominating structural trend in the area northeast of Reed Bank is NW-SE. Oceanic crust characterized by NW-trending magnetic lineations (anomalies 8 to 12 ?) was observed north of latitude 12°N and between longitude 118°E and the Manila Trench.
As recommended by the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies on East Asia Tectonics and Resources and the proposal of the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences of the Philippines to extend the research of the previous R/V SONNE survey SO-23, the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) carried out a geophysical survey in the southeastern part of the South China Sea (Dangerous Grounds) and in the northwestern part of the Sulu Sea in two legs from 29th April to 29th June 1983 on SONNE cruise SO-27. Multichannel reflection seismic measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, Sea-Beam, and 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler measurements on 34 lines with a total length of 7,204 km. In addition, 26 lines with a total length of 2,800 km were surveyed with only the last four named methods. SONNE cruise SO-27 was financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT). Six seismic sequences (DG-1 to DG-6) (DG = Dangerous Grounds) could be distinguished in the surveyed part of the South China Sea. The oldest recognizable sequence is the sequence DG-6, an equivalent of the Pre-Nido Formation of the northwest shelf of Palawan. Seismic unconformity Violet marks the top of the DG-6 sequence, which consists of a complex system of tilted horsts and half-grabens. The half-grabens are presumably filled with clastic sediments of Eocene age (seismic sequence DG-5). The top of seismic sequence DG-5 is bounded by unconformity Blue, which is interpreted as representing the end of the rift phase and the onset of seafloor spreading in the South China Sea about 32 m.y. ago. The overlying seismic sequence DG-4 is characterized by an internal reflection pattern with low frequencies. Lithologically, this sequence consists of shallow-water carbonates with reef complexes of Oligocene to Early Miocene age and has to be regarded as equivalent to the oil-containing Nido Formation of the Palawan shelf. A rapid subsidence of large parts of the survey area during the late (?) Early Miocene ended the growth of the shallow water carbonate platform, indicated by the unconformity Blue. The overlying seismic sequence DG-3 is interpreted as consisting of a transitional facies between a shallow water and a bathyal depositional environment. The top of this sequence is marked by unconformity Red, which most probably represents the end of the drifting phase (seafloor spreading) in the South China Sea during the Middle Miocene. The most prominent structural feature of the shelf and slope of central and southern Palawan is a thick sedimentary wedge originally interpreted as a melange. Our data show that the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform of the Dangerous Grounds extends beneath the Palawan Trough, as well as beneath the central and southern Palawan shelf, underlying the melange. Based on the finding that i) Rhaeto-Liassic rocks are present in the Dangerous Grounds, ii) the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform continues from the Dangerous Grounds through the Palawan Trough to the central and southern Palawan shelf, and iii) there is thinned continental crust 20 km thick below the continental slope of southern Palawan, we believe the Dangerous Grounds, together with Palawan and the Caiman Islands belong to a uniform continental fragment which separated from the proto-chinese continental margin when the South China Sea opened during the Oligocene. Previously, the melange of central and southern Palawan, which contains ophiolites, was interpreted as being autochthonous. In our opinion, the melange is an allochthonous mass which has been overthrusted onto the eastern margin of the Dangerous Grounds-Palawan-Caiman microcontinent from the Northwest Sulu Basin. The Ulugan Bay fault is interpreted as the northeastern front of this allochthonous mass. The area of prospective carbonate plays is considerably enlarged by the discovery that the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform with Nido-type reef structures extends below the allochthonous sediments of central and southern Palawan. We expect that hydrocarbon-bearing structures of the Sabah-type, i. e. thick, folded Neogene sediments, will be found in the western part of the northwestern Sulu basin. If our interpretation is correct, a new chapter of hydrocarbon exploration may be about to begin around Palawan in the Philippines.
In the period from October 16, 1978 to December 9, 1978 geophysical investigations have been carried out on SONNE cruises SO-7A and SO-7B on the Lord Howe Rise off eastern Australia and in the northern Coral Sea by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Hannover) in co-operation with the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics (Canberra), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Wellington), Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby). A total of 10,500 km of bathymetric, magnetic and gravity profiles, 7,000 km of digital seismic reflection profiles and 50 sonobuoy refraction profiles were recorded during this survey. Objective of cruise SO-7A was to determine the depth and nature of the basement of the Lord Howe Rise, the configuration of the early rift basin, and the thickness and internal structure of the enclosed sediments. A new sea-mount in the southern Norfolk Basin rising some 2200 m above sea floor characterized by a free air anomaly of about 80 mgal and by a magnetic anomaly of some 500 nT was found. A complex horst and graben zone often associated with volcanic intrusions underlies the western flank of the Lord Howe Rise. Within some grabens the "breakup"-unconformity seems to exist, supporting the model that the Lord Howe Rise and the Dampier Ridge were once part of the Australian continent. The thickness of pre-breakup sediments is normally small on the Lord Howe Rise. Only in some grabens the thickness of these sediments exceeds 1 second reflection time. The Oligocene/Eocene unconformity and a Miocene unconformity are clearly recognizable in all our seismic records. Best explanation of these unconformities seems to be relative falls in sea level due to swelling and subsidences of oceanic crust. Strong variations in the character of the acoustic basement have been observed. Besides blocks with flat-lying acoustic basement zones with hummocky and irregular basement surface exist which may relate to areas of stretched continental basement contaminated by basaltic intrusions. The eastern edge of the Lord Howe Rise is characterized by an edge anomaly rising to +1000 nT. The general magnetic and gravity features of the western flank of Lord Howe Rise and the Dampier Ridge are: A generally quiet magnetic field with isolated large anomalies, consistent with the faulted acoustic basement of low or moderate susceptibility, with low susceptibility, dense intrusives in places, and also high susceptibility intrusions or flows. Gravimetric/magnetic "edge anomalies" between the outer and western edge of the Lord Howe/Dampier Ridge and the Tasman Sea are apparently absent. The objective of cruise SO-7B was to search for marginal graben zones off the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus associated with the initial rifting of the Coral Sea Basin. In the seismic records at least two regional unconformities are recognizable which represent periods of erosion or non-deposition during Oligocene/Eocene respectively in Miocene time. Further an older unconformity exists in block-faulted regions of the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus. Beneath the present continental slopes the Miocene and Oligocene/Eocene unconformities lie close together and are sometimes coincident. The transition from oceanic crust of the Coral Sea Basin to continental crust of the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus occurs in the surveyed area over a narrow ( 50 km) zone and is associated with a sediment filled graben. The graben-zone observed beneath the present slope of the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus contains more than 2 sec (reflection time) thick sediments of pre-Oligocene/Eocene age. The oceanic crust, as it approaches the plateaus, either rapidly deepens or abruptly stops and/or changes its seismic character so as not to be recognizable. In the seismic records from the outer part and slope of the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus, 5 to 10 km wide, convex, reflectionless zones exist. These features are interpreted as drowned fossil reefs. All observed reefs lie beneath the Oligocene/Eocene unconformity indicating these present deep-water areas were at shallow depths in pre-Eocene time. In the surveyed area post-Oligocene fossil reefs do not exist suggesting these areas were already at upper bathyal depths in the Oligocene. Assuming a seismic velocity for reefal material of 4000 m/s, the reefs on the outer Papuan Plateau have an approximate thickness of 3000 meters. Assuming a reef-growth rate of 25 m/m.y. the growth of the reefs started in upper Jurassic time (120 m.y. + 29 m.y. (assumed age of the Oligocene/Eocene unconformity) yields to 149 m.y.). The basement of the Papuan and Queensland Plateaus is probably crystalline Paleozoic rocks. This is suggested for the Queensland Plateau in particular by their relatively shallow depth, refraction velocities of 6.0 - 6.3 km/s (Ewing et al.) and 5.0 (this survey) and high intensity magnetics. A complex system of horst and graben structures exist on the Queensland and Papuan Plateaus. A larger graben appears to trend in an East-West direction on the southern Papuan Plateau. This graben is about 1 second (reflection time) deep and varies in width from 5 to 20 km.
The SONNE cruise SO-49/1 from 6th April to 7th May 1987 was designed to investigate the Cotabato subduction zone off Mindanao and the geological structure of the eastern part of the Sulu Sea including the convergent continental margins off Zamboanga Peninsula, Negros, and Panay by a geophysical survey. On the 1st leg multichannel seismic reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, sea beam and 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler measurements on 16 lines with a total length of 2,700 km. The SONNE cruise SO-49/1 was financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT). The geophysical survey in the Celebes Sea and in the Sulu Sea was carried out as a co-operative project by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), the Bureau of Mines and Geoscience (BMG) and the Bureau of Energy Development (BED). 16 German scientists and technicians and 4 Philippine scientists attended SONNE cruise SO-49/1. The seismic lines surveyed across the Cotabato Trench/Celebes Sea and the Sulu Trench/Sulu Sea illustrate the active deformation of the layered sediments of the Celebes Sea and the SE Sulu Basin along the trenches: The seismic data suggest an active development of imbricate thrust sheets at the toe of the accretionary wedges and a simultaneous duplex-kind shortening within the wedges above the downgoing oceanic crust of the Celebes Sea and the SE Sulu Basin. The surface of the downgoing oceanic crust forms a major detachment plane or sole thrust. By these processes mass is added to the accretionary wedges resulting in thickening and growing of the wedges. The sedimentary apron overlaying the wedge is only mildly affected by these processes because the surface of the accretionary wedges forms a roof thrust. The collected geophysical data suggest that the oceanic SE Sulu Basin previously extended northward into Panay Island. It was closed by eastward subduction of oceanic crust beneath the upthrusted/updomed Cagayan Ridge. The Negros Trench, a 4.000 to 5,000 m deep bathymetric depression, is thought to represent the collision suture of the opposed subduction systems. The Cagayan Ridge which divides the Sulu Sea into the NW Sulu Basin and the SE Sulu Basin continues into the Antique Ridge of Panay. Approximately 45 suitable and problem-oriented sampling locations have been defined and documented for the subsequent geological and geochemical program by on-board analysis and interpretation of the seismic near trace records and the recordings of the 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler and the sea beam system. On cruise SO49/2 from 10th May to 21st June 1987, the research vessel SONNE of the Federal Republic of Germany undertook geoscience cruises in the South China Sea. The multidisciplinary study of the tectonic and natural resources of the region was a cooperative project between the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) in the frame of the Agreement between the State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany on Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology. The first part of cruise SO49/2 was primarily to acquire multichannel seismic data, together with gravity, magnetic, sea beam, and 3.5 kHz measurements, and consisted of 4,112 km of traverses across the deep eastern and western sub-basins of the South China Sea from the Dangerous Grounds to the Chinese continental margin. The observed complex crustal deformation in the Southwestern South China Sea basin and in particular deep intracrustal reflection suggest a large-scale simple-shear kinematic mechanism for the development of at least the western sub-basins. The second part of cruise SO49/2 had primarily geological, geochemical and geothermal objectives and 21 dredge stations, 17 geochemical stations and 6 heat flow stations were carried out. The aims of the sampling were firstly to determine the lithologies and ages of the seismic sequences, and secondly to collect unconsolidated sediments for geochemical study of sorbed hydrocarbon gases in combination with heat flow measurements. Late Oligocene shallow-water carbonates dredged from 700 m to 2700 m of water depth indicate a strong subsidence of the investigated area. The underlying basement consists of continental crust with basaltic intrusions. The hydrocarbon gases of the outer continental slope originated by thermogenic processes from source rocks with a predominantly high maturity of the organic substances.
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