The European Climate Law mandates the European Commission to propose a 2040 emissions reduction target by early 2024. In light of the latest report from the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, the German Environment Agency follows suit and recommends adhering to scientific advice, aiming for the most plausible climate ambition, and setting a domestic 2040 net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 95%, compared to 1990. With this 2040 interim target in mind, the paper further discusses the interaction between emissions reductions and sinks, the implications for the current architecture of climate policy (consisting of the three pillars: emissions trading, effort sharing and LULUCF regulations) as well as aspects of regular target reviewing and tightening. Veröffentlicht in Scientific Opinion Paper.
Rising energy prices, poor energy performance of buildings and low incomes can leave households unable to meet their energy needs, adequately heat their homes or pay their energy bills. These households are referred to as energy poor or vulnerable households. However, a standardised definition and robust indicators of energy poverty are currently lacking in Germany. This study therefore addresses the concepts of energy poverty and vulnerability, presents definitions and indicators, and looks at policies and measures to support affected groups. The study emphasises that energy poverty should not be seen as part of general poverty, but as a distinct structural problem. Due to budget constraints or lack of decision-making power, affected households are unable to respond adequately to an increase in fossil fuel prices, for example as a result of CO2 pricing, by investing in energy-efficient refurbishment or renewable heat. To prevent a worsening of social inequalities as a result of the European carbon pricing scheme for buildings and transport (ETS2), the Social Climate Fund will be established at EU level to complement the ETS2. The National Social Climate Plans, due in mid-2025, require EU member states to define energy poverty and vulnerability, develop indicators to identify these groups, and design policies and measures to help these groups transition to climate-friendly technologies. Using a range of indicators, the study concludes that around 3 million households in Germany are vulnerable to rising fossil fuel prices. This represents around 10% of the 30 million households that use fossil fuels for heating. More than 80% of these vulnerable households live in multi-family dwellings and almost all of them are tenants. The study examines different instruments to support vulnerable households and also looks at good practice examples from other countries. Socially differentiated financing of efficiency and decarbonisation measures, similar to the French MaPrimeRénov' programme, could also help those households to invest that have so far hardly benefited from state funding programmes in Germany. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 01/2025.
Rising energy prices, poor energy performance of buildings and low incomes can leave households unable to meet their energy needs, adequately heat their homes or pay their energy bills. These households are referred to as energy poor or vulnerable households. However, a standardised definition and robust indicators of energy poverty are currently lacking in Germany. This study therefore addresses the concepts of energy poverty and vulnerability, presents definitions and indicators, and looks at policies and measures to support affected groups. The study emphasises that energy poverty should not be seen as part of general poverty, but as a distinct structural problem. Due to budget constraints or lack of decision-making power, affected households are unable to respond adequately to an increase in fossil fuel prices, for example as a result of CO2 pricing, by investing in energy-efficient refurbishment or renewable heat.To prevent a worsening of social inequalities as a result of the European carbon pricing scheme for buildings and transport (ETS2), the Social Climate Fund will be established at EU level to complement the ETS2. The National Social Climate Plans, due in mid-2025, require EU member states to define energy poverty and vulnerability, develop indicators to identify these groups, and design policies and measures to help these groups transition to climate-friendly technologies.Using a range of indicators, the study concludes that around 3 million households in Germany are vulnerable to rising fossil fuel prices. This represents around 10% of the 30 million households that use fossil fuels for heating. More than 80% of these vulnerable households live in multi-family dwellings and almost all of them are tenants.The study examines different instruments to support vulnerable households and also looks at good practice examples from other countries. Socially differentiated financing of efficiency and decarbonisation measures, similar to the French MaPrimeRénov' programme, could also help those households to invest that have so far hardly benefited from state funding programmes in Germany.
Das Projekt "Impact Evaluation of the Indonesian Domestic Biogas Programme (IDBP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. RWI, Kompetenzbereich Umwelt und Ressourcen durchgeführt. In its transition from a lower income to a middle income country, Indonesia faces the challenge of rapidly scaling up its energy sector. At the same time, Indonesia is a country well endowed with both renewable and non-renewable energy resources. Renewable decentralized energy sources such as domestic biogas are especially suitable to meet this challenge due to the country's archipelagic nature. In this context, the Indonesian Domestic Biogas Programme (IDBP), funded by the Netherland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the Dutch NGO Hivos, aims at disseminating around 8 000 domestic biogas digesters by the end of 2012. The purpose is to provide clean energy for cooking and lighting and thereby improve the living conditions of rural households. The target population are dairy farmers with a sufficient number of cows that produce the dung for biogas production. The total investment required per digester is around 500 Euros of which one fourth is subsidized by the programme with the remaining costs being carried by the farmers who usually receive a credit provided by the farmers' cooperative. As part of the series of impact evaluations of development activities supported by the Netherlands on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RWI and ISS assess IDBP's socio-economic impacts. The idea is to conduct a difference-in-difference approach based on household surveys before and after the intervention. Possibly, this will be combined with a cross-section based pipeline comparison approach in the follow-up phase of the evaluation in order to make the impact evaluation less dependent on the assumptions underlying the difference-in-difference analysis. In May 2011, a baseline survey was conducted in the province of East Java, where 75 percent of ISBP's digesters have been built. In total, 695 cooperative members in 60 villages were included in the survey. For the difference-in-difference approach, two groups of households were interviewed: First, the treatment group consisting of dairy cooperative members who had applied for the program and were about to obtain a biogas digester. Second, the control group consisting of dairy cooperative members with comparable features that have not applied for a digester. For the pipeline comparison approach, a second treatment group was defined, consisting of 101 farms, which were already using biogas digesters at the time of the baseline survey. For this pipeline approach, the applicants serve as control group. In a follow-up survey conducted one year after the baseline survey, all households of the 2011 sample will be revisited. By comparing the over-time difference in the performance of biogas using households to those households that do not own a biodigester, insights can be gained about how biogas usage changes the socio-economic living conditions of the households. Various aspects, e.g. expenditures and income.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung optischer Konzentratoren fuer kleine PV-Anlagen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. General Information: Objectives Photovoltaic systems have advantages as sources of small amounts of electrical power in remote areas, but conventional solar panels are expensive. This project aims to reduce the cost of solar electricity by developing small optical systems to concentrate the sunlight onto solar cells to increase their electrical output. A typical unit of 2m2 aperture will give 200-300 watts, enough for household electrification (lights, radio and television) for a farm, school or a few houses, or for small scale water pumping. It should be possible to make concentrator systems at half the cost of current planar solar panels. Technical Approach Many concentrators have been developed in the past, but they have usually been as expensive as conventional solar panels, because concentrator solar cells have cost much more than one-sun cells, and the optical and tracking systems have been expensive. Recent developments, such as BP Solar's laser-grooved buried-grid cells, have made it possible to manufacture solar cells, little different in design and cost from one-sun cells, that can be used at concentration ratios up to 40x. Using these cells with minimum-specification optical and tracking systems, there is considerable scope for cost reduction. The collaborators, Reading University, Universidad Politechnical de Madrid, and ZSW, Stuttgart will examine a wide range of possible concentrators, from fixed non-imaging systems with concentration ratios of 2 or 3x, which are expensive in cells but cheap in structure, through cylindrical lens and mirror systems with concentration ratios of 10 to 20x and single axis tracking, to spherical lens systems with concentration ratios around 40x that require two axis trackers. For each system, performance will be estimated using computer ray-tracing programs, taking due account of material properties, manufacturing imperfections, and the daily and annual motion of the sun. The manufacturing cost of each system will be estimated on a common basis, and the cost per watt calculated. Four systems will be chosen to be manufactured as 2 m2 prototypes. They will be built in Reading, and tested for a full 6 months at ZSW's test site at Widderstall. Expected Achievements and Exploitation It is expected that the best concentrators will cost about 2 ECU per Watt-peak, compared with 5 ECU/Wp for planar arrays. Such a cost reduction will make pv systems much more attractive to users. The principal users of these small systems will be villagers and small farmers in remote areas, mostly in developing countries, so there will be considerable opportunities for export... Prime Contractor: University of Reading, Department of Cybernetics; Reading/UK.
Das Projekt "Teilvorhaben: Biologisch wirksame und energieeffiziente Leuchten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Lichtforum NRW GmbH durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes soll ein integratives Lichtsystem entwickelt werden, dass gesundheits- und leistungsfördernd wirkt und gleichzeitig die Energieeffizienz verbessert. Das Arbeitsziel des Lichtforum NRW besteht aus zwei Teilaspekten. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Projektpartnern werden technische Komponenten, die in intelligenter Weise für ein biologisch wirksames Lichtklima sorgen, in Produkte der Wohnraumbeleuchtung integriert. Die spezifischen Anforderungen der Wohnraumleuchten werden dabei berücksichtigt. Über die einzelne Applikation Wohnraum hinausgehend, werden vom Lichtforum NRW durch Akzeptanzuntersuchungen und Expertenworkshops allgemeine Erkenntnisse in das Projekt eingebracht, die ein Produktsystem bzw. einen Produktbetrieb (emotionale Lichtwirkung) mit hoher Nutzerakzeptanz in Aussicht stellen.
Das Projekt "Studien zur Überprüfung von Umsetzungsmaßnahmen zu Ökodesign und Energiekennzeichnung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Gegenstand des Rahmenvertrags ENER/C3/2012-418 'Los 2' der Europäischen Kommission ist die Durchführung von Studien zur Überprüfung unterschiedlicher bestehender Umsetzungsmaßnahmen in Bezug auf Ökodesign und Energiekennzeichnung sowie die zugehörige technische Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission. Dabei kommt die Methodik für energieverbrauchsrelevante Produkte (MEErP) für Vorstudien im Rahmen der Ökodesign- und Energiekennzeichnungsrichtlinien zur Anwendung. Untersucht werden beispielsweise Haushaltsgeräte, Pumpen und Beleuchtungsprodukte. Die technische Unterstützung der Generaldirektion für Energie der Europäischen Kommission (DG ENER) liegt in der Erhebung und Auswertung umfangreicher Datenmengen sowie ihre Überprüfung und Aktualisierung anhand vorhandender Normen. Diese ergeben sich aufgrund der komplexen technischen, ökologischen, ökonomischen, rechtlichen und sozialen Aspekte bei der Ausarbeitung und Implementierung von neuen Durchführungsmaßnahmen und der Überprüfung bestehender Ökodesign- und Energiekennzeichnungsvorschriften. Innerhalb des Rahmenvertrags wurde von VHK (Van Holsteijn en Kemna, Niederlande - Projektleitung), weiteren Partnern, und Wuppertal Institut die 'Omnibus' Review Study on Cold Appliances, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Washer-Driers, Lighting, Set-top Boxes and Pumps' erarbeitet. Das Wuppertal Institut hat darin die Produktgruppe Wasserpumpen bearbeitet. Die Studie steht auf der Webseite des EuP-Netzwerks zur Verfügung.
Das Projekt "Maßnahmen zur Optimierung der Entsorgung von quecksilberhaltigen Gasentladungslampen und anderer Lampenarten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ökopol Institut für Ökologie und Politik GmbH durchgeführt. Ausgangslage: Die Beleuchtung in privaten Haushalten erfolgt zunehmend mit Gasentladungslampen wie stabförmigen Leuchtstofflampen und Kompaktleuchtstofflampen (umgangssprachlich Energiesparlampen). Hintergrund ist der durch EU-Recht eingeleitete, schrittweise Ausstieg aus der energieineffizienten Glühlampentechnik. Die Funktionalität der meisten Gasentladungslampen - insb. der stabförmigen Leuchtstofflampen und der Kompaktleuchtstofflampen - ist dabei an die Verwendung von Quecksilber als Leuchthilfsmittel gekoppelt. Die Entsorgung der quecksilberhaltigen Altlampen erfolgt entsprechend dem ElektroG seit 2005 in der Verantwortung der Hersteller, wobei die öffentlich rechtlichen Entsorger für die Erfassung aus den privaten Haushalten primär verantwortlich sind. Zusätzlich haben verschiedene Hersteller ein freiwilliges Rücknahmesystem aufgebaut. Inzwischen werden jährlich in Deutschland über 100 Mio. Stück Kompaktleuchtstofflampen verkauft - mit steigender Tendenz. Infolge der zunehmenden Verwendung dieser Lampen sowie deren langer Lebensdauer fallen zeitversetzt vermehrt Altlampen an, die aufgrund der Quecksilbergehalte sorgfältig und bruchsicher zu erfassen und zu verwerten sind. Ziel des Vorhabens: Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Ermittlung des Standes bei der Entsorgung von Gasentladungslampen. Diese umfasst die Sammlung der Altlampen bei den verschiedenen Anfallstellen unter Darstellung der Erfassungssysteme und der Abhollogistik einschließlich der Umladeprozesse bis hin zur Behandlung und Verwertung. Betrachtet werden sollen dabei insbesondere die (potenziell) entstehenden Emissionen von Quecksilber. Auf dieser Basis sollen Empfehlungen zur Optimierung des bestehenden Systems der Erfassung, Behandlung und Verwertung der Altlampen abgeleitet werden. Methodik: Methodisch sollen die jeweiligen Akteure Gelegenheit zur Mitwirkung bei der Ermittlung des Standes der Entsorgung erhalten sowie ggf. eigene, individuelle Aktionen zugrunde gelegt werden. Es sollen die ...
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