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Innovative gemeinwohlorientierte Initiativen und ihr Beitrag zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation

Die Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung sind enorm. Deshalb setzt ihre Bewältigung die Beteiligung aller gesellschaftlichen Akteure voraus. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in den vergangenen Jahren verstärkt die Rolle sozial-ökologischer Formen von Zusammenleben und Gemeinwohlorientierung für die Umwelt- und Gesellschaftspolitik der Gegenwart und Zukunft betont. Diese Initiativen - wie Mehrgenerationenwohnen, Co-housing und Co-working, offene Werkstätten und kreative Nachbarschaftszentren, Gemeinschaftsgärten und Online-Plattformen für Tausch, Verleih und Co-creation - entstehen häufig "aus der Gesellschaft heraus" und in den Lebenswelten der Bürger/innen. Diese innovativen und am Gemeinwohl orientierten Initiativen waren Gegenstand des vom Umweltbundesamt und dem Bundesumweltministerium geförderten Forschungsvorhabens "Umweltpolitische Unterstützungs- und Förderstrategien zur Stärkung sozial-ökologischer Formen von Zusammenleben und Gemeinwohlorientierung". Der vorliegende Bericht präsentiert die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Interviews, die mit insgesamt 27 Vertreter/innen gemeinwohlorientierter Initiativen (15) und mit sogenannten Intermediären (12), das heißt Personen, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen Initiativen und Verwaltung, Politik und Förderern agieren, durchgeführt wurden. Im vorliegenden Bericht orientiert sich die Analyse der Befunde an folgender übergreifender Frage: Welchen Beitrag können innovative gemeinwohlorientierte Initiativen zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation leisten und welches Potenzial besitzen die Initiativen, gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse anzustoßen oder zu beeinflussen? Quelle: Forschungsbericht

Von der Nische in den Mainstream

Gute Beispiele nachhaltigen Handelns haben eine wichtige Funktion für den Wandel hin zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft, weil sie Vorbild und Anregung für Menschen und Institutionen sind. Sie agieren, ohne auf bessere Rahmenbedingungen zu warten, und zeigen, dassNachhaltigkeittrotz aller Zwänge des Alltags und des Marktes möglich ist. Doch wie können gute Beispiele nachhaltigen Handelns zum Mainstream gemacht werden? Und wie kann (Umwelt-)Politik dies unterstützen? Im Rahmen dieser Konzeptstudie wurde dieses Forschungsfeld systematisch für die Ressortforschung erschlossen. Die Konzeptstudie gliederte sich entlang folgender Forschungsfragen:<BR> Was sind "gute" Beispiele für nachhaltiges Handeln?<BR> Wie könnte eine Ordnungsstruktur aussehen, um die gesamte Bandbreite für nachhaltiger Verhaltensweisen und Praktiken zu erfassen?<BR> Wie verbreiten sich bestimmte Verhaltensweisen und Praktiken in der Gesellschaft?<BR> Welche Motive und persönlichen Voraussetzungen müssen vorhanden sein, um Nachhaltiges Handeln zu beginnen (oder gar eine Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative zu starten) und Nachhaltiges Handeln dauerhaft beizubehalten.<BR>Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de<BR>

Appearance of decay in forest no longer mantained as assessed by visitors of a national park

Das Projekt "Appearance of decay in forest no longer mantained as assessed by visitors of a national park" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft durchgeführt. A major concern for landscape conservation strategies is the public attitude towards nature in general and towards efforts to let nature return to the cultvated landscape. In this context we investigate the attitudes of national park visitors towards declining forest patches that shift from a pioneer stage to a more mature stage. It was shown that the phenomenon of decaying forests is perceived positively if the visitors are well-informed with on-site information of the underlaying natural processes.

Forest management in the Earth system

Das Projekt "Forest management in the Earth system" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. The majority of the worlds forests has undergone some form of management, such as clear-cut or thinning. This management has direct relevance for global climate: Studies estimate that forest management emissions add a third to those from deforestation, while enhanced productivity in managed forests increases the capacity of the terrestrial biosphere to act as a sink for carbon dioxide emissions. However, uncertainties in the assessment of these fluxes are large. Moreover, forests influence climate also by altering the energy and water balance of the land surface. In many regions of historical deforestation, such biogeophysical effects have substantially counteracted warming due to carbon dioxide emissions. However, the effect of management on biogeophysical effects is largely unknown beyond local case studies. While the effects of climate on forest productivity is well established in forestry models, the effects of forest management on climate is less understood. Closing this feedback cycle is crucial to understand the driving forces behind past climate changes to be able to predict future climate responses and thus the required effort to adapt to it or avert it. To investigate the role of forest management in the climate system I propose to integrate a forest management module into a comprehensive Earth system model. The resulting model will be able to simultaneously address both directions of the interactions between climate and the managed land surface. My proposed work includes model development and implementation for key forest management processes, determining the growth and stock of living biomass, soil carbon cycle, and biophysical land surface properties. With this unique tool I will be able to improve estimates of terrestrial carbon source and sink terms and to assess the susceptibility of past and future climate to combined carbon cycle and biophysical effects of forest management. Furthermore, representing feedbacks between forest management and climate in a global climate model could advance efforts to combat climate change. Changes in forest management are inevitable to adapt to future climate change. In this process, is it possible to identify win-win strategies for which local management changes do not only help adaptation, but at the same time mitigate global warming by presenting favorable effects on climate? The proposed work opens a range of long-term research paths, with the aim of strengthening the climate perspective in the economic considerations of forest management and helping to improve local decisionmaking with respect to adaptation and mitigation.

Soil aeration - the key factor of oak decline in Southwest Germany?

Das Projekt "Soil aeration - the key factor of oak decline in Southwest Germany?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Professur für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. Many research efforts to identify the key factors of oak decline in Europe conclude that it is a 'complex disease'. This result can hardly be falsified because of its fuzziness. A significant contribution of pathogene fungi is not without controversy, because the primary pathogenicity is not proven (Johnsson, 2004). Our starting point is the resarch of Gaertig et al. (2002) who found that on a spatial integration level of 28 oak stands in Baden-Wuerttemberg the symptoms of oak health are significantly correlated with soil aeration. Large-scale changes of soil structure in oak stands during the last decades can be attributed to the mechanization of logging (Vossbrink and Horn, 2004) as well as to a decrease of earthworm activity in acidified soils. In the proposed project we want to establish a relationship between roots and aeration-relevant parameters in a three-dimensional space. This laborious procedure is necessary because the soil-air access is highly heterogeneous and by this way forms a three-dimensional pattern. This makes one-dimensional models unefficient. By modelling the soil air access in a three-dimensional space we want to test the aeration hypothesis. Important indicators of rooting are clustering of fine roots, necrosis, or space discrimination. By assessing simultaneously soil-chemical and soil-physical parameters in the same spatial resolution, alternative hypotheses can be tested. As modelling tools point statistics, non parametric regression (GAM), and a three dimensional solution of the instationary gas-diffusion equation will be used.

Improvement of oil palm wood by bio resin application

Das Projekt "Improvement of oil palm wood by bio resin application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften, Institut für Forstnutzung und Forsttechnik, Professur für Forstnutzung durchgeführt. Reinforcement of oil palm wood by using Bioresin to improve its physical, mechanical and machinery properties. Concerning the utilization of oil palm wood, which is available in large number throughout the year, especially when the mature plants has reached its economic life span (approx. 25 years). Normally, this mature plant should be replanting. According to the projection of oil palm plantation development in Indonesia, there are more than 16 million cubic meter of this bulky material starting 2010. This large amount of biomass, if no real effort, will become a serious problem. Unfortunately, the current replanting method (push-felled) sounds risky and in several companies follow by burning method, which is really not solve problem, but creating the other serious problem, such as air pollution. The oil palm wood characteristics as a monocotyledons species is naturally quite different compare to the common wood (dicotyledonous). Originally the oil palm tree has various densities along the trunk and its density decreased linearly with trunk height and towards the centre of the trunk. Green oil palm trunk is also very susceptible to fungal and insect attack due to the high sugar and starch content. Hence, the utilization of this material is not fully utilized yet and still poses a serious environmental problem. Yet, compared to the various intensive researches and the economically important of the oil palm, processing technology and diversification of palm oil based products mainly from CPO and PKO, the oil palm solid waste, particularly the oil palm wood, has received relatively little research attention. This might be due to lack or insufficient the scientific information and Know-How of this material and might be also due to the difficulties of using with the OPT. Although several investigations have already conducted in the field of OPT, but a sufficient knowledge shall be achieved in order to design and establish the new tailor-made wood products based on oil palm wood. Hence, this study was directed to focus the characteristics of OPT including anatomical, physical, mechanical and machinery properties, and in order to use the OPT for structural purposes, the wood properties of OPT were improved and reinforced with Bioresin through the development of wood modification techniques.

Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity

Das Projekt "Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Clouds play a key role in the Earth's climate system by regulation of the incoming and outgoing radiation, chemical and dynamical processes. Ice clouds at high altitudes in the tropics, the so called tropical tropopause layer, are particularly important since this is the main region where air ascends slowly from the troposphere into the dry stratosphere. Thus, these ice clouds affect the stratospheric water vapour content which in itself is a main driver of radiative and chemical processes, e.g. ozone depletion, there. These clouds can either be of convective nature, or occur in convective overshooting cloud turrets, or they form in situ by large scale upwelling and cooling as subvisible cirrus. Although the latter occur frequently, little is known about the exact microphysical formation mechanisms and how they can be maintained. Previous modelling efforts using various different mechanisms, however, have failed to agree with the observed properties. This project aims to improve our knowledge of the impact clouds in the tropical tropopause layer have on stratospheric humidity, by studying their formation, maintenance, and occurrence frequencies.A set of state-of-the-art numerical models will be used to simulate the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer, taking advantage of their particular strengths. These models are the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, the GLObal Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP), and the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). First, the questions related to the formation and maintenance of subvisible cirrus will be addressed. In a second step the impact of subvisible cirrus and overshooting convection on the stratospheric humidity will be assessed. Both the direct effects (e.g. injection of ice particles into the stratosphere) and indirect effects (e.g. change in dynamical processes) will be studied. In order to estimate the net effect, occurrence frequencies of both cloud types will be derived from a complementary set of ground based remote sensing observations from the Darwin site and satellite observation from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project. The data of airborne in situ measurements which I analyzed during my PhD will help to constrain and test the model simulations. A better understanding of the complex processes related to the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer will improve their representation in numerical models and thus, enhance the quality of model predictions. This will improve our ability to constrain climate predictions due to highly uncertain ice cloud processes. Additionally, knowing the impact of these clouds on stratospheric humidity will enable an improved quantification of their climate impact.

Integriertes Energie und Klimaprogramm für die EU - Analyse zu zusätzlichen Instrumenten und Maßnahmen für verstärkten Klimaschutz im Bereich Effort Sharing der EU mit Zielhorizont 2020 bis 2050

Das Projekt "Integriertes Energie und Klimaprogramm für die EU - Analyse zu zusätzlichen Instrumenten und Maßnahmen für verstärkten Klimaschutz im Bereich Effort Sharing der EU mit Zielhorizont 2020 bis 2050" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Gegenwärtig wird innerhalb der EU die Diskussion geführt, ob die EU ihr 2020-Klimaschutzziel von -20 Prozent auf -30 Prozent gegenüber 1990 erhöht. Die EU-Kommission hat hierzu am 26.5.2010 eine Mitteilung veröffentlicht. Die Maßnahmen im Emissionshandelsbereich, die zu einer Verschärfung der Klimaziele nötig sind, sind weitgehend bekannt - nämlich Einsparung von ca 1,4 Mrd Tonnen CO2. Für den Nicht-Emissionshandelsbereich (Effort Sharing) hingegen erörtert die Mitteilung eine Reihe von Maßnahmen und Instrumenten, die entweder auf mitgliedsstaatlicher oder EU-weiter Ebene dazuführen könnten, dass die EU das Klimaziel von -30 Prozent bis 2020 erreicht. Die Vorschläge der Kommission sind aber nicht weiter konkretisiert. Hier bedarf es der Konkretisierung durch neue Vorschläge und zusätzliche Maßnahmen, die dazu geeignet sind, sowohl die 2020 Ziele erreichbar zu machen als auch die drastischen Emissionsminderungen bis 2050 realisierbar zu machen. Ausgehend von den ersten vagen Vorschlägen der Kommission sowie auf der Basis der Maßnahmen und Instrumente des deutschen IEKP sowie der Ergebnisse des deutschen Energiekonzepts soll das Vorhaben untersuchen, welche zusätzlichen und neu zu schaffenden Maßnahmen und Instrumente geeignet und realistisch sind, um auf europäischer Ebene im Verbund oder auf mitgliedsstaatlicher Ebene im Nichthandelsbereich für eine Senkung der THG-Emissionen zu sorgen. Hierfür sind insbesondere kurz-, mittel- und insbesondere langfristig wirkende Maßnahmen notwendig, die über die unmittelbare Erreichung der 2020 Ziele hinaus die ambitionierten 2050 Klimaschutzziele mit Zwischenzielen für 2030 und 2040 erreichbar werden lassen. Hierzu soll das Vorhaben möglichst auf bereits vorhandene ökonomische Analysen aufbauen und darlegen, mit welchen konkreten zusätzlichen Instrumenten sich ein verschärfte EU-Klimaschutzziele erreichen lassen. Hierbei sollen maximale Wachstumsimpulse zu Grunde gelegt werden. Dabei sollen auch Zweitrundeneffekte, die durch die Verwendung eingesparter Ausgaben für d

International Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)

Das Projekt "International Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR), Forschungsbereich 2: Marine Biogeochemie, Forschungseinheit Chemische Ozeanographie durchgeführt. Since 2004, the International Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) project is an international research initiative aiming to understand the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere. Achievement of this goal is important to understand and quantify the role that ocean-atmosphere interactions play in the regulation of climate and global change. SOLAS celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2014. In the first decade, the SOLAS community has accomplished a great deal towards the goals of the original Science Plan & Implementation Strategy and Mid-term Strategy (Law et al. 2013) as highlighted by the open access synthesis book on 'Ocean Atmosphere Interactions of Gases and Particles' edited by Liss and Johnson and the synthesis article in Anthropocene from Brévière et al. 2015. However there are still major challenges ahead that require coordinated research by ocean and atmospheric scientists. With this in mind, in 2013, SOLAS has started an effort to define research themes of importance for SOLAS research over the next decade. These themes form the basis of a new science plan for the next phase of SOLAS 2015-2025. SOLAS being a bottom-up organisation, a process in which community consultation play a central role was adopted. After two sets of reviews by our four sponsors (SCOR, Future Earth, WCRP and iCACGP), the SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan and Organisation (SPO) was officially approved.

D 1.2: Reducing alternation and production of off-season fruits in Lychee, Longan and Mango

Das Projekt "D 1.2: Reducing alternation and production of off-season fruits in Lychee, Longan and Mango" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. The aim and vision of sub-project D1.2 was and is to encourage hillside farmers to plant erosion resistant fruit trees instead of erosion susceptible annual plants. For that reason, experiments to overcome the irregular bearing behaviour of the three most common fruit tree species in Northern Thailand (Litchi, Longan and Mango) from the first SFB period will be continued in order to make their planting more attractive to the farmers. Considerable progress has been made in D1 during the past 3 years to induce flowers and fruit in Longan trees by the application of KClO3 . With this technique, it was not only possible to induce year around flowers and fruit (off season fruit) but also to overcome the generally rather irregular fruiting behaviour of these trees. A similar technique is now being developed for Mango by using an inhibitor of the bio-synthesis of the plant hormone gibberellin. Only Litchi still resist this kind of manipulation by an 'off season technique' (OST). Great effort will therefore be devoted establishing a similar system for this species as well. Reliably, this can only be done by gaining a much better knowledge of the - most certainly hormonal - regulatory system that governs flower induction in trees. Investigations into the hormonal changes taking place during natural and induced flower induction is, therefore, one of the central objectives in this sub-project, with the goal to better understand the process of flower induction. Until now most of the progress in this area is entirely empirical in nature and a more specific manipulation therefore difficult. While the ability to produce off season fruit all year around and under various weather conditions has brought about a great number of new possibilities, new challenges will still be faced with regard to these methods. These circumstances will affect the whole production chain from the orchard to the market and consumer. In order to better investigate and understand these new situations, a large model experiment with Mango will be set up and problems like tree pruning, water and nutrient demand, phytopathological problems, demand on work force, fruit processing and drying etc. will be investigated by the interdisciplinary co-operation of 8 sub-projects within the SFB. The results obtained during these investigations will be shared with hillside farmers enabling them to take advantage of these new possibilities, which will provide for more reliable yields and allow them to market fruit year around. In general, these new opportunities should encourage farmers to plant more trees and thus reduce erosion. However, to make this system not only reliable and economic but also ecologically and socially beneficial to the society all potential benefits as well as risks have to be evaluated carefully from all different aspects.

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