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Scientific support of the Sino-German GTZ program 'Sustainable Management of forests in Western China', in particular the activities of component 2 'Sustainable Forestry'

Das Projekt "Scientific support of the Sino-German GTZ program 'Sustainable Management of forests in Western China', in particular the activities of component 2 'Sustainable Forestry'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. In China, as in many other parts of the world, huge parts of the primary forests already have been destroyed, which has serious economic, environmental and social impacts. In the attempt to diminish these problems and to stimulate a sustainable development of the forest sector, the Chinese government defined a forest policy characterized mainly by two strategic components: (1) investments in afforestation and reforestation and (2) a logging ban for the remaining natural forests. But, although China planted more than 16 Mio ha new forests, there is still a yearly gap of 70 Mio m3 timber and pulpwood. In addition in the rare cases of effective law enforcement, the logging ban provoked significant problems for the forest dependent poor local population. Taken this situation into account, this project has a closer look at a third option, to transform more than 50 Mio ha degraded primary and secondary forests into sustainably managed stands. Their management based on natural dynamic and avoiding large-scale cuts would offer an opportunity to effectively enhance and use their existing production potential, while maintaining biodiversity and protecting environmental resources, such as water which is especially important in many regions of China. Above all, sustainable management of these forests would help to satisfy the demands of the local population especially in remote hilly regions and thus would help to alleviate poverty. The Component 2 of the GTZ Sino-German Program 'Sustainable Management of Forests in Western China' aims at supporting the sustainable development of the forest sector in China taking into view, the maintenance of Chinese natural and planted forests and its economic and social function. The Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) is the strategic partner of this component. The Institute of Silviculture will provide scientific support and technical advice to Component 2, in particular through (1) providing advice in strategic and technical questions, (2) doing research on the concept of 'close-to-nature forestry' and by (3) offering possibilities for training.

IMPEL-TFS (The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law - Transfrontier Shipment of Waste) Enforcement Actions II

Das Projekt "IMPEL-TFS (The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law - Transfrontier Shipment of Waste) Enforcement Actions II" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BIPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen GmbH durchgeführt.

Development of an auditing system for forest management projects in the Brazilian Amazon

Das Projekt "Development of an auditing system for forest management projects in the Brazilian Amazon" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. Auch in Amazonien ist gesetzlich eine pflegliche und nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung vorgeschrieben. Deren Umsetzung bedarf allerdings einer effektiven Kontrolle durch die zuständige Umweltbehörden. Dafür fehlten aber bisher objektive und einfach handhabbare Instrumente. Auf der Grundlage von sogenannten Kriterien und Indikatoren zur Messung von Nachhaltigkeit wurde nun gemeinsam mit IBAMA ein solches Instrument entwickelt, getestet und implementiert. Seit dem Jahr 2007 wird es von der brasilianischen Forstbehörde zur Evaluierung von Forstmanagementprojekten in ganz Amazonien eingesetzt.

Assessment and guidance for the implementation of EU waste legislation in Member States

Das Projekt "Assessment and guidance for the implementation of EU waste legislation in Member States" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BIPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen GmbH durchgeführt. Elaboration of various Guidance Documents (R1-Efficiency, Definitions, Waste Hierarchy, Exemptions and Separate Collection, Mixing Ban) - Elaboration of an EU-Guidance Document for the calculation of the R1-Efficiency factor for municipal solid waste incineration plants in collaboration with the working group on R1-Efficiency consisting of MS representatives, other stakeholders including the industry and NGOs - Organisation and realisation of Awareness Raising Events on the legal implementation of the new Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) and its practical enforcement in 15 Member States - Guidance for implementation and enforcement of the Waste Shipment Regulation (1013/2006/EC) (Article 18, Annex 7, Article 49 and 50), Proposal for a guideline on financial guarantee under the waste shipment regulation, including stakeholder involvement - Revision on guidance document for waste management planning, including stakeholder involvement - Identification of need for minimum treatment standards for waste streams and treatment methods not covered by IPPC, pursuant to Article 27, elaboration of a corresponding proposals for need of action, including stakeholder involvement - Elaboration and Management of an Electronic forum for information exchange as regards the waste shipment regulation.

Assessment of Effects of EU Aflatoxin Standards along Cereals Value Chain in Russia: German Methodological Proficiency Complemented by Russian Local Knowledge

Das Projekt "Assessment of Effects of EU Aflatoxin Standards along Cereals Value Chain in Russia: German Methodological Proficiency Complemented by Russian Local Knowledge" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre durchgeführt. Globalization raised the importance of food safety and quality concerns. Developed countries implement precautionary food regulation policies to protect their affluent consumers from unsafe food imported from developing and transition countries. However, the alarming number of trade disputes at WTO evidences cases of abuse of such policies. While claims on protectionist nature of food regulations are valid in principle, yet there is little empirical evidence about their economic effects. The questions of 1) quantification of trade impact of food standards and 2) investigation of national food regulation systems are absolutely essential for the new trade agenda. These problems for developing countries are on the focus of trade policy debate, whereas for transition countries are not considered seriously. Such a research for these recently liberalized markets gains a special significance. - The proposed research will employ Gravity Model for quantitative estimation of impact of EU aflatoxin standards on transition countries- exports.- Russian food regulations for cereal value chain, their enforcement and monitoring mechanisms will be investigated through value chain and cost-benefit analysis.- Compliance of Russian norms with EU standards will be estimated applying comparative advantage analysis.The study area is Stavropol region of the Russian Federation. Local experts will contribute to the construction of the research data set and analysis. The results of the research will assist 1) international policy makers in designing new global trade agenda and 2) Russian producers, exporters and decision makers in improving cereal value chain.

Teilvorhaben: Compliance und Enforcement von CBW-Verbotsnormen.

Das Projekt "Teilvorhaben: Compliance und Enforcement von CBW-Verbotsnormen." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK) durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben fragt nach Möglichkeiten, die Normen gegen Chemie- und Biowaffen (CBW) umfassend zu stärken. Diese sind in den vergangenen knapp zwei Jahrzehnten zunehmend unter Druck geraten, beispielsweise durch den wiederholten Einsatz chemischer Waffen in Syrien. Das Vorhaben untersucht aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive die Einflussfaktoren, Ausprägungen und Auswirkungen von Normenkontestation in den CBW-Verbotsregimen. Dort wo die Analyse auf eine Schwächung der Normen hinweist, entwickeln die Verbundpartner*innen Vorschläge zu deren Stärkung und einer erhöhten Resilienz. Teilvorhaben HSFK: Compliance und Enforcement von CBW-Verbotsnormen Für den Erfolg und die Wirksamkeit internationaler Abrüstungsregime zählen die Einhaltung der Verbotsnormen (Compliance) sowie ihre Durchsetzung (Enforcement) zu den zentralen Fragen. Gleichzeitig gehen von diesen Themen große Herausforderungen für die CBW-Kontrolle aus. Das Teilvorhaben wird die einschlägigen konzeptionellen Ansätze der Rüstungskontroll- und Abrüstungsforschung für CBW aufbereiten und daraus Erkenntnisse über die nötigen Voraussetzungen, Mittel und Rahmenbedingungen zur Stärkung der Normeinhaltung und -durchsetzung im Bereich CBW gewinnen. Alle bestehenden Maßnahmen werden inventarisiert, ihre praktische Anwendung untersucht und die Beziehungen zu internationalen und nationalen Rechtsinstrumenten beleuchtet. Eine systematische Analyse der Diskurse über Compliance und Enforcement in den internationalen CBW-Regimen soll die zentralen Positionen aufdecken und das Verständnis der politischen Dynamiken in den Regimen erleichtern. Anhand der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden abschließend Empfehlungen und Handlungsoptionen dazu erarbeitet, wie die Einhaltung und Durchsetzung der CBW-Normen nachhaltig unterstützt und gestärkt werden kann.

Europäische Investment Bank - Wasser Management

Das Projekt "Europäische Investment Bank - Wasser Management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Jena-Optronik GmbH durchgeführt. BACKGROUND: The Kingdom of Jordan belongs to the ten water scarcest countries in the world, and climate change is likely to increase the frequency of future droughts. Jordan is considered among the 10 most water impoverished countries in the world, with per capita water availability estimated at 170 m per annum, compared to an average of 1,000 m per annum in other countries. Jordan Government has taken the strategic decision to develop a conveyor system including a 325 km pipe to pump 100 million cubic meters per year of potable water from Disi-Mudawwara close to the Saudi Border in the south, to the Greater Amman area in the north. The construction of the water pipeline has started end of 2009 and shall be finished in 2013. Later on, the pipeline could serve as a major part of a national water carrier in order to convey desalinated water from the Red Sea to the economically most important central region of the country. The conveyor project will not only significantly increase water supplies to the capital, but also provide for the re-allocation of current supplies to other governorates, and for the conservation of aquifers. In the context of the Disi project that is co-funded by EIB two Environmental and Social Management Plans have been prepared: one for the private project partners and one for the Jordan Government. The latter includes the Governments obligation to re-balance water allocations to irrigation and to gradually restore the protected wetlands of Azraq (Ramsar site) east of Amman that has been depleted due to over-abstraction by re-directing discharge of highland aquifers after the Disi pipeline becomes operational. The Water Strategy recognizes that groundwater extraction for irrigation is beyond acceptable limits. Since the source is finite and priority should be given to human consumption it proposes to tackle the demand for irrigation through tariff adjustments, improved irrigation technology and disincentive to water intensive crops. The Disi aquifer is currently used for irrigation by farms producing all kinds of fruits and vegetables on a large scale and exporting most of their products to the Saudi and European markets and it is almost a third of Jordan's total consumption. The licenses for that commercial irrigation were finished by 2011/12. Whilst the licenses will be not renewed the difficulty will be the enforcement and satellite based information become an important supporting tool for monitoring. OUTLOOK: The ESA funded project Water management had the objective to support the South-North conveyor project and the activities of EIB together with the MWI in Jordan to ensure the supply of water for the increasing demand. EO Information provides a baseline for land cover and elevation and support the monitoring of further stages. usw.

Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)

Das Projekt "Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fundacion Labein durchgeführt. The Focus Area Cultural Heritage (FACH) is one of the 7 Focus Areas (FAs) of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP). So far, a first version of the FACH Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) has been launched in Dec 2005 and integrated into the ECTP and its SRA through the ECTP Support Group (SG). An Action Plan for its sound integration into the ECTP and FP7 is starting now. The overall objective of CHRAF is to support the FACH activities regarding Cultural Heritage (CH) research, its dissemination, coordination and integration into the ECTP and FP7. Partial objectives: - To help identify priorities and develop strategies regarding CH Research as input to the ECTP and its SRA as well as to future FP7, - To support the organisation and co-ordination of the FACH of the ECTP and its Working Groups (WGs) in relation to the other ECTP FAs and its WGs, - To promote the exchange of information and dissemination of results of FP5-FP6 projects in CH research. Main measurable results: - 3 updated & upgraded versions of FACH SRA implemented within the ECTP, - Synthesis of clear research priorities recommendations for FACH s SRA implementation in FP7 work programme for 2007, 2008 and 2009, - A secretariat for the FACH, set up and recommendations for future structure of the FACH within the ECTP and relations with other Fora and European Platforms CH related, - Mapping FP5-FP6 projects in CH and information exchange activities, - Assessment of results regarding FP5-FP6 projects in CH & recommendations for further exploitation, - Dissemination and exploitation plans & deployment. The consortium is formed by 4 partners from 3 member states: VINCI and UL FGG, as FACH co-ordinators and members of the ECTP s SG, CSTB as ECTP secretariat and Labein, as a relevant FACH and ECTP member. FACH s relevant members will participate in the project as subcontractors. In total it will represent 10 research institutes, 7 universities and 6 industries or SMEs. 1017903 The PICTURE project aims at providing a substantial contribution to the fight against illegal trade and theft of coins which appears to be a major part of the illegal antiques market. For this goal, state-of-art Information Technology will be used. The project will develop standardized inventories by defining a domain ontology based on CIDOC-CRM, the standard ontology for Cultural Heritage, and a multilingual thesaurus. Data management tools will be created as well, and a specialized web search tool. The recognition of coins will be based on new algorithms of pattern recognition and image processing, in a field (classification and identification of ancient coins) as yet unexplored. The project will disseminate its results also by means of a demonstrator freely accessible on the Internet. Substantial contribution to the project will come from stakeholders, some of which are present in the partnership, which includes the Italian law enforcement organisation Carabinieri and three major national museums wit