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What Matters 2010

Engines have become more efficient over the past ten years, but this increase in efficiency has been offset to a large extent by greater comfort and higher performance. German automakers will have to adjust their policy. - Future mobility – today‘s best investment - Environmental protection – a barrier to investment for agriculture? - Emissions trading – the engine of climate policy Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.

Irlands Parlament stimmt für Divestment

Das irische Parlament stimmte am 26. Januar 2017 dafür, dass der staatliche „Strategic Investment Fund“ seine Gelder aus fossilen Investments abziehen soll. Das Gesetz wurde von dem parteilosen Abgeordneten Thomas Pringle initiiert. Der staatliche Fond verfügt über Gelder in Höhe von acht Milliarden Euro, von den rund 17 Prozent in Geldanlagen mit fossilen Energien angelegt sind. Nach der Zustimmung des Finanzausschusses kann das Gesetz in Kraft treten. Nach dem Inkrafttreten blieben dem staatlichen Fonds fünf Jahre, um seine Gelder aus fossilen Investitionen abzuziehen. Neue Investitionen in dem Sektor wären künftig untersagt.

Development of the iron and steelmaking sector under the EU ETS

This report aims to describe key developments of the iron and steelmaking sector in the period from 2005 to 2019. It identifies key drivers behind the trends in emissions, production levels, investments, and the market environment on the country and installation level by giving an overview of the EU-28 level as well as detailed information for eight selected European countries: Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. By providing key information from past developments, this report sets a solid basis for future projections and the design of climate policy. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 56/2024.

Forms and Channels of Carbon Leakage

This paper structures and summarises some of the debates around carbon leakage: Carbon leakage as a problem for the effectiveness of unilateral (or non-harmonised) climate policy, for its economic efficiency in terms of reducing emissions at least cost, for the competitiveness of businesses, and as a possible contradiction for the emerging discussion on radical innovations and industrial restructuring towards a low-carbon economy. A second part of this paper discusses the different channels through which carbon leakage may occur. This includes production (or operational) leakage, investment leakage, leakage transmitted through resource markets and finally indirect leakage. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 16/2018.

China’s Pilot Emissions Trading Systems and Electricity Markets (Hubei and Shenzhen)

Electricity generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in many countries. Most emissions trading systems (ETS) therefore address emissions from electricity generation. The de-sign of an ETS and the structure and regulation of the electricity sector have a large impact on the environmental effectiveness and the quality of the carbon price signal. This report analyses the interaction of carbon and electricity markets in two pilot systems in China: Hubei and Shenzhen. The two pilot systems have adopted very different design features due to the specific local circum-stances. Due to strong government regulation of China’s electricity sector, carbon pricing has played a very limited role in driving low carbon investments. A more market-oriented electricity trading market and deregulation of electricity pricing for certain end-users seems necessary for an effective ETS in China. However, this will depend on the political acceptability of electricity price increases resulting from a strong carbon price signal. This case study is part of the project “Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market” that aims to identify the impact of market structures and regulations on carbon markets and to investigate the interdependencies between carbon and energy markets in Europe, California, China, South Korea, and Mexico. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 37/2021.

The Mexican Emission Trading System and the Electricity Market

Electricity generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in many countries. Most emissions trading systems (ETS) therefore address emissions from electricity generation. The de-sign of an ETS and the structure and regulation of the electricity sector have a large impact on the environmental effectiveness and the quality of the carbon price signal. This report analyses the potential interaction of carbon and electricity markets in Mexico. The Mexican ETS started as pilot scheme in 2020 with the aim to gather experience in the implementation of an ETS without having impacts on the economy. Due to this, no carbon price has been established yet and the political uncertainty about future climate and energy policy is high. While it is unlikely that the trading sys-tem will have a noticeable impact in the short term on demand, supply, or investments, a carbon price has the potential to spur renewable energy growth under an appropriate electricity market regulation. The potential for short-term fuel switching is low, as natural gas is already the cheapest fossil fuel in the merit order. This case study is part of the project “Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market” that aims to identify the impact of market structures and regulations on carbon markets and to investigate the interdependencies between carbon and energy markets in Europe, California, China, South Korea, and Mexico. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change.

Umweltschutz unter TTIP

Das geplante Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - TTIP) hat unter anderem das erklärte Ziel, durch die sogenannte Regulatorische Kooperation die Standards in der EU und den USA so weit wie möglich zu vereinheitlichen. Für den Umweltschutz in der EU birgt eine nicht sachgerechte Gestaltung der Regulatorischen Kooperation jedoch erhebliche Risiken: Umweltstandards könnten sinken und die Umwelteigenschaften von Produkten gefährdet werden. Veröffentlicht in Position.

Carbon Bubble – Analyses, economic risks, measures and instruments

Conditions for investment in climate protection are quite favorable. Nevertheless, financial resources continue to flow into fossil energy sources. This is accompanied by risks. To assess these risks, ⁠ UBA ⁠ has had a method developed which allows financial institutions to roughly estimate transitory climate risks. Simulating the economic development of certain key industries shows that climate risks are expected to increase in the year 2030. This goes hand in hand with increasing financing costs of activities that involve high environmental risks while ecologically sustainable investments are getting financially more attractive. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 23/2021.

Globale Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien steigen auf Rekordhoch von 286 Milliarden US-Dollar

Die weltweiten Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien stiegen 2015 um fünf Prozent auf ein Rekordhoch von 286 Milliarden US-Dollar. Damit waren sie mehr als doppelt so hoch wie Investitionen in Kohle- und Gaskraftwerke. Das geht aus einem am 24. März 2016 in Frankfurt am Main vorgestellten Bericht "Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016" vom UN-Umweltprogramm UNEP, dem Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance und dem Finanzdatendienstleister Bloomberg New Energy Finance hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen im Jahr 2016 gehört der Anstieg von Investitionen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern. Diese übertrafen mit einem Investitionsvolumen von 156 Milliarden US-Dollar zum ersten Mal die Investitionen in Industrieländern. Dafür ist insbesondere China verantwortlich mit einem Anstieg von 17 Prozent und einem weltweiten Investitionsanteil von mehr als einem Drittel. Aber auch Indien, Südafrika, Mexiko und Chile wiesen ein großes Investitionswachstum auf.

TTIP: Risiken für den Umweltschutz

TTIP: Risiken für den Umweltschutz Das geplante Freihandelsabkommen TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) könnte bei falscher Ausgestaltung zu einer Aufweichung strengerer EU-Umweltstandards führen. Blei und Quecksilber etwa sind in der EU für Elektrogeräte verboten, in den USA aber in einzelnen Bundesstaaten noch erlaubt. Ein Positionspapier des ⁠ UBA ⁠ zu TTIP hält eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit den USA aber gleichwohl für sinnvoll: etwa beim Abbau umweltschädlicher Subventionen.

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