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Normalized peak intensities obtained from the molecular analysis of organic matter from purple glacier ice- and red snow-algae dominated surface habitats collected close to the QAS-M Promice weather station on the southern tip of the Greenland Ice Sheet


oWLK-GCM objective weather types derived from General Circulation Models (Reanalysis data and Global Climate Model Simulations)

Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.

oWLK-GCM objective weather types derived from General Circulation Models (Reanalysis data and Global Climate Model Simulations)

Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). Furthermore, the NAO-index is also provided. On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.

oWLK-GCM objective weather types derived from General Circulation Models (Reanalysis data and Global Climate Model Simulations)

Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). Forthermore, the NAO-index is also provided. On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.

GTS Bulletin: PPOA89 EDZW - Pictorial information (Binary coded) (details are described in the abstract)

The PPOA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (P): Pictorial information (Binary coded) T1T2 (PP): Pressure A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (P89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: Surface weather chart with plotted observations (manually modified))

GTS Bulletin: PPTA89 EDZW - Pictorial information (Binary coded) (details are described in the abstract)

The PPTA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (P): Pictorial information (Binary coded) T1T2 (PP): Pressure A1 (T): 45°W - 180° northern hemisphere A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (P89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: Surface weather chart with plotted observations (manually modified))

GTS Bulletin: QPWA89 EDZW - Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) (details are described in the abstract)

The QPWA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (Q): Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) T1T2 (QP): Pressure A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (Q89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: Surface weather chart with plotted observations (manually modified))

GTS Bulletin: QPOA89 EDZW - Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) (details are described in the abstract)

The QPOA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (Q): Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) T1T2 (QP): Pressure A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (Q89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: Surface weather chart with plotted observations (manually modified))

GTS Bulletin: QPTA89 EDZW - Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) (details are described in the abstract)

The QPTA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (Q): Pictorial information regional (Binary coded) T1T2 (QP): Pressure A1 (T): 45°W - 180° northern hemisphere A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (Q89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: Surface weather chart with plotted observations (manually modified))

HVZ - Hochwasservorhersagezentrale

- Analyse der hydro- meteorologischen Lage - Überwachung der Wasserstände und Durchflüsse hochwasserrelevanter Pegel des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, der Nachbarländer und des Bundes. - Prognose von Hochwasserentwicklungen, Information Betroffener - Herausgabe von Hochwasserwarnungen, Hochwasserstandsmeldungen, Hochwasservorhersagen, Hochwasserinformationen gemäß der Hochwassermeldeordnung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Inhalt: Geofachdaten (gewässerkundliche Daten) verwendete Standards: Geodatenviewer, Shape, PDF Formen: Web-Applikation mit Viewer und Download-Service

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