Das Projekt "Immobilisation of arsenic in paddy soil by iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften durchgeführt. Arsenic-contaminated ground- and drinking water is a global environmental problem with about 1-2Prozent of the world's population being affected. The upper drinking water limit for arsenic (10 Micro g/l) recommended by the WHO is often exceeded, even in industrial nations in Europe and the USA. Chronic intake of arsenic causes severe health problems like skin diseases (e.g. blackfoot disease) and cancer. In addition to drinking water, seafood and rice are the main reservoirs for arsenic uptake. Arsenic is oftentimes of geogenic origin and in the environment it is mainly bound to iron(III) minerals. Iron(III)-reducing bacteria are able to dissolve these iron minerals and therefore release the arsenic to the environment. In turn, iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria have the potential to co-precipitate or sorb arsenic during iron(II)- oxidation at neutral pH followed by iron(III) mineral precipitation. This process may reduce arsenic concentrations in the environment drastically, lowering the potential risk for humans dramatically.The main goal of this study therefore is to quantify, identify and isolate anaerobic and aerobic Fe(II)-oxidizing microorganisms in arsenic-containing paddy soil. The co-precipitation and thus removal of arsenic by iron mineral producing bacteria will be determined in batch and microcosm experiments. Finally the influence of rhizosphere redox status on microbial Fe oxidation and arsenic uptake into rice plants will be evaluated in microcosm experiments. The long-term goal of this research is to better understand arsenic-co-precipitation and thus arsenic-immobilization by iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria in rice paddy soil. Potentially these results can lead to an improvement of living conditions in affected countries, e.g. in China or Bangladesh.
Das Projekt "Work Package II - Material processing at Haean Basin scale: The role of hyporheic exchange and the riparian zone in NO3 and DOC export from catchments" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie durchgeführt. The hydrogeochemical dynamics in mountainous areas of the Korean Peninsula are mainly driven by a monsoon-type climate. To examine the interplay between hydrological processes and the mobilization and subsequent transport and export of nitrate and DOC from catchments, a field study was initiated in the Haean catchment in north-eastern South Korea under highly variable hydrologic conditions. In order to identify nitrate and DOC source areas, a subcatchment (blue dragon river) within the Haean basin, which includes different types of landuses (forest, dry land farming, and rice paddies), was selected. In 2009, high frequency surface water samples were collected at several locations during summer storm events. A similar but more comprehensive sampling routine was completed in 2010. In order to investigate the groundwater level fluctuations relative to the hydraulic potentials, a piezometer transect was installed across a second order stream of the subcatchment. The results so far suggest deep groundwater seepage to the aquifer with practically no base flow contributions to the stream in the mid-elevation range of the catchment. In 2009 the focus of research was within the subcatchment, in 2010 additionally a second piezometer transect was installed at a third order stream in the lower part of the catchment (main stem of the Mandae River) where more dynamic groundwater/surface water interactions are assumed due to expected higher groundwater levels in this part of the basin. In order to investigate these interactions piezometers equipped with temperature sensors and pressure transducers were installed directly into the river bed. Based on the observed temperature time series and the hydraulic potentials the water fluxes between the groundwater and the river can be calculated using the finite-difference numerical code, VS2DH. VS2DH solves Richard s equation for variably-saturated water flow, and the advection-conduction equation for energy transport. The field data collected at the second piezometer transect suggest that the investigated river reach exhibits primarily losing surface conditions throughout most of the year. Gaining groundwater conditions at the river reach are evident after monsoonal extreme precipitation events. At the transect streambed aggradation and degradation due to bedload transport was observed. Significant erosion has been reported throughout the catchment after extreme events. Results indicate that the event-based changes in streambed elevation, is an additional control on groundwater and surface water exchange. The streambed flux reversals were found to occur in conjunction with cooler in-stream temperatures at potential GW discharge locations. The export of nitrate and DOC were found to be variable in time and strongly correlated to the hydrologic dynamics, i.e. the monsoon and pre- and post-monsoon hydrological conditions. usw.
Das Projekt "Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future and platform data management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung durchgeführt. Predicting future climate change is in itself already difficult, especially in such complex ecosystems as the Andean mountain rain and dry forest as well as the Paramo. The common tools to simulate global climate change are global circulation models (GCM). Because of their coarse resolution they are not able to capture atmospheric processes affecting the local climate. For this reason a dynamical downscaling approach will be used to develop a highly resolved spatial and temporal Climatic Indicator System (hrCIS) to derive ecologically relevant climate change indicators affecting the ecosystems of South Ecuador. A local-limited area model (LAM) will be used to (i) generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for present day (hrCISpr) based on reanalysis data and (ii) to generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for projected future (hrCISpf) based on the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenario data. The output of the LAM for present day will be validated with in-situ measurement data and satellite-derived products to ensure the accuracy of the model for the simulations of the projected future. On the basis of statistical analysis of both climatologies changes in climate indicators such as air temperature and precipitation regime will be described. The proper storage, curation and accessibility of environmental data is of crucial importance for global change research particularly for monitoring purposes. This proposal will offer an adequate data management system for the Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research. This will be archived by extending the web-based information management system FOR816DW (a data warehouse for collaborative ecological research units) with features like automatic upload interfaces, a workbench for integrative analysis and an user defined alert system, which will facilitate environmental monitoring for scientist as well as stakeholders. Beside the development of these innovations a main objective is the transfer of knowledge and information (know how, source code, and collection data) to our partners in Ecuador. For this, and to bring together the existing data sources, we cooperate with university and non-university parties in the joint establishment of a Data access platform for environmental data of the region. This will include considerations on long-term accessibility, which is envisaged by a data transfer to the planned German national data infrastructure GFBio.
Das Projekt "Watershed sediment yield modelling for data scarce areas; a case study, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau durchgeführt. The main goal of the research was to device an alternative solution for watershed sediment yield modelling for data scarce areas where the existing physically based models can not be applicable. Awash River Basin in Ethiopia was selected as case study area. GIS data on soil, land use, precipitation, temperature, stream flow and suspended sediment yield was collected from the Federal Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia (FMWRE) and from the National Metrology Service Agency (NMSA) offices. Soil data obtained from FMWRE and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) world soil 1974 database was used for derivation of the soil erodibility factor (ERFAC) estimation equation. The ratio of silt to sand and clay content was considered as the governing factor for soil erodibility in developing the ERFAC equation. The SWAT2005 model was selected for calibration and validation of stream flow and sediment yield. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to prioritize model calibration parameters. From the sensitivity analysis, curve number II (CN2), soilwater available to plants (SOL-AWC) and ground water base flow factor (ALPHA-BF) were selected as major stream flow calibration parameters. Similarly CN2, SURLAG (surface lag), slope and sediment routing factor (SPCON) were taken as the major sediment calibration parameters. Parameters related to the soil properties and river channel characteristics were given special attention during the model calibration. Eleven years (1990-2000) stream flow and sediment data were used for model calibration and six years data (2001-2006) were used for model validation. Calibration has been done at three gauging stations located in the Awash River basin. The statistical indicators, Coefficient of determination (R2), Nash-Sutclife efficiency (NSE), Root mean square error observations standard deviation (RSR were applied to evaluate the calibration and validation results. The values of these indicators were used to ratethe performance of the model. Watershed geomorphologic and topographic factors were extracted from the SWAT2005 watershed configuration, using a GIS tool and empirical equations. The relative importance of the factors was determined using Pearsons correlation coefficient based on the sediment yield output obtained from the SWAT2005 model calibration. The results show that, the sediment yield is highly correlated with stream flow, watershed area and watershed slope. Based on the identified parameters and the SWAT2005 model output, an alternative sediment yield estimation equation was derived and checked for its validity.
Das Projekt "Risk assessment of extreme precipitation in the coastal areas of Chennai as an element of catastrophe prevention" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Professur für Physische Geographie durchgeführt. In the South-Indian city of Chennai (formerly called Madras), disastrous tropical monsoon linked with excessive precipitation frequently lead to wide-flat floods in the coastal plains. Caused by rapid urbanisation, the population in urban and periurban areas is more and more affected by these events. Besides the marginalised population living in disfavoured areas, increasingly also the more wealthy population that settles in flood prone areas is affected. Interdisciplinary assessments are needed to explain the complex causes of floods. The project analysed environmental aspects of risk exposure as well as socioeconomic aspects of risk perceptions and response strategies. By combining natural-scientific with socio-scientific approaches, a holistic perspective of the complex reasons and impacts of flooding could be covered. The project consisted of the following steps: 1. Analysis of flood risk exposure: Physio-geographic, hydrological and meteorological realities in risk areas were assessed using remote sensing (RS) data and geographical information systems (GIS). 2. Analysis of risk perception and management: Affected marginalised poor segments of the population, affected middle class groups as well as local planning authorities were interviewed to analyse local perceptions of floods and dominant management strategies. 3. Development of a flood risk map: The results of the risk assessment were integrated in an interactive flood risk map. The map - using several different layers - functions as a flood risk management tool including often neglected socioeconomic and socio-cultural parameters which reflect local vulnerability. 4. Holding of two workshops: A policy workshop with different stakeholders involved in flood management and affected by floods was held in Chennai in August 2007. This workshop was to foster communication and dialogue between different stakeholders and to create awareness on the current situation and problems in the area. A roundtable with the partners from India and organisations dealing with flood management and flood relief measures took place in October 2007 in Freiburg in order to present and discuss the findings and to strengthen future co-operation, communication and networks.
Das Projekt "The fate of phosphorus in forest and treeline ecosystems in Ecuador" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Forschungsbereich Geographie durchgeführt. Even remote areas such as tropical montane forests suffer from continuously high atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition. In studies on ecosystem responses to atmospheric nutrient deposition, P cycling has played an underrated role compared to N, although P is thought to limit organism growth in main parts of the Tropics. Furthermore, the responses of tropical montane forests to atmospheric nutrient deposition might depend on the predicted climate change i.e., shifts in temperature and precipitation. Altitudinal gradients represent an ideal means to study environmental changes in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador, because climate scenarios and unpublished trends in longer-term climate data predict increasing temperatures and decreased moisture which parallels the altitudinal gradient from 4000 m to 1000 m asl.Previous experiments, including the NUMEX experiment in Ecuador, showed that the main proportion of P added to forests to simulate atmospheric deposition was retained in soil. While total P pools in soil respond slowly to low P addition rates, the biological and geochemical processes underlying retention in the organic layer or in soil are expected to react faster. Our overarching objective is to assess the fate of fertilized P in the organic layer and in mineral soil and to elucidate the processes involved in P cycling in soil (immobilization and release rates by microorganisms, sorption/desorption, precipitation/dissolution) along the NUMEX-X altitudinal gradient (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000m; the latter including a Polylepis and a Páramo ecosystem). We will assess P fractions in soil and use a combination of 33P tracer studies and incubation experiments to disentangle biological and geochemical processes controlling P retention. The mechanistic understanding gathered by this proposal is crucial for predictions of ecosystems responses to the continuously high atmospheric N (and P) deposition, because single mechanisms might respond differently (and oppositionally) in the long run. Because the processes involved in P cycling are expected to respond faster to environmental changes than e.g., P pools in soil, these different responses are an essential basis to evaluate effects of environmental change and finally, to develop early-warning ecosystem indicators for environmental change.
Das Projekt "The impact of precipitation intensity and vegetation in the catchment area on autochthonous and allochthonous carbon transfer in stream biofilm food webs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Tierökologie und Spezielle Zoologie - Tierökologie durchgeführt. In rivers and streams, biofilms are major sites of carbon cycling. They retain large amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and consequently are most important for the development of aquatic organisms on higher trophic levels. Besides autochthonous primary production, which supports heterotrophic production in biofilms, large amounts of organic carbon (OC) are derived from the surrounding catchment areas. More precipitation and more frequent and severe floods due to climate change will increase the transport of material into streams. Moreover, catchment characteristics including vegetation affect the transport and nature of DOC into aquatic ecosystems. Thus, carbon dynamics depend on how a stream is embedded within and interacts with its surrounding terrestrial environment. Despite its importance for carbon cycling it is not understood to which extent autochthonous or allochthonous carbon is used in biofilms and how increased addition of allochthonous carbon determines the relative use of both carbon sources. The combined application of 13C and 14C analysis on differently labeled DOC sources intend to answer to which extent DOC from different sources is used by bacteria in biofilms and finally transported to higher trophic levels. The use of 13C and 14C signals on carbon compounds and biomarkers is an excellent method to determine carbon sources for microorganisms and the transport of labeled material within the food web.
Das Projekt "Model coupling and complex structures - Evaporation-driven transport and precipitation of salts in porous media" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung durchgeführt. Degradation of the soil productivity due to salt accumulation (salinization) is a major concern in arid, semi-arid and coastal regions. Soil salinization is an old issue but encouraged irrigation practices have been rapidly increasing its intensity and magnitude in the past few decades. Studies have shown that excess of the irrigated water contributes significantly to evaporation from the bare soil surface and therefore to the salinization. In some parts of the world soil salinity has grown so acute that the agricultural lands have been abandoned. Evaporation salinization is mainly influenced by interaction between the flow and transport processes in the atmosphere and the porous-medium. On the atmosphere side, wind velocity, air temperature and radiation have a strong impact on evaporation. Furthermore, turbulence causes air mixing, influences the vapor transport and creates a boundary layer at the soil-atmosphere interface which indeed influences evaporation. On the porous-medium side, dissolved salt is transported under the influence of viscous forces, capillary forces, gravitational forces and advective and diffusive fluxes. The water either directly evaporates from the water-filled pores or it is transported to air due to diffusive processes. Continuous evaporation promotes salt accumulation and precipitation resulting in soil salinization. In the scope of this work we attempt to develop a model concept capable of handling flow, transport and precipitation processes related to evaporative salinization of an unsaturated porous-medium.
Das Projekt "Scientific Support for Regional Downscaling of Precipitation and Temperature Data for Climate Change Impact Assessment in the Nile Equatorial Lakes Region" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau durchgeführt. The goal of this study was to enable a prognosis on the future rainfall conditions of the Nile Equatorial Lakes regions by delivering time-series of monthly rainfall sums for the time-period from 2021 to 2050 that can be used for all kinds of applications. One example might be the dimensioning of hydraulic structures. In these very long lasting investments, future climatic conditions have to be considered during present planning and construction.The principal sources of information on future climate conditions are General Circulation Models (GCMs). These are physically based atmospheric models that resemble a numerical weather prediction system but on a much coarser scale. This forecast cannot be perfect. Especially, it cannot predict single values, e. g. if January 2050 will be rather wet or dry, but only climatic references, i.e. state, if Januaries in general will become wetter or dryer in the future. Even if the predictions of a GCM were perfect, its output could not be used directly for hydrological purposes, due to its coarse resolution. The monthly precipitation values that are provided by the GCM present the spatially averaged precipitation over a grid cell of several thousand square kilometres. This 'block rainfall' can differ significantly from rainfall measured at the ground. Rain gauges are influenced by local effects like micro climatic conditions or orographic effects of mountain ranges that GCMs are not able to resolve.This study combined the information from different data sources. As global trend information, monthly precipitation values from two GCMs (ECHAM5 and HadCM3) were used. Three CO2-emission scenarios (A1b, A2 and B1) were considered in this data. As local ground reference observed monthly rainfall sums from several rain gauges in East Africa as well as from three reanalysis projects (Climate Research Unit, University of Delaware and GPCC) were used.At each rain gauge or observation point in the reanalysis a technique called 'Quantile-Quantile-Transformation' was applied to establish a relationship between the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the GCMs and that of the ground references during the calibration period from 1961-1990. The CDFs were fitted by non-parametric Kernel-Smoothing. To account for potential shifts in the annual cycles of GCMs and ground references, the transformations was done separately for each month.Assuming that the relation between Global Model and local response will be constant in the future, the global predictions of the GCM can be downscaled to local scale, leading to future rainfall scenarios that are coherent with observed past rainfall.Combining the data from three CO2-emission scenarios of two GCM with three reanalysis data sets, an ensemble of 18 different rainfall time-series was created for each observation point. The range of this ensemble helps to estimate the possible uncertainties in the prognosis of future monthly precipitation sums from 2021 to 2050.
Das Projekt "Indonesian Throughflow variability on sub-orbital timescales during Marine Isotopes Stages (MIS) 2 and 3" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Abteilung Angewandte Geophysik durchgeführt. This project will provide quantitative estimates of the flow of low-salinity warm water through the Indonesian Gateway on suborbital timescales during MIS 2 and 3 (focusing on Dansgaard Oeschger (D-O) oscillations) and will assess the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) s impact on the hydrography of the eastern Indian Ocean and global thermohaline circulation during this critical interval of high climate variability. ITF fluctuations, associated with sea level change, temperature and salinity variations in the West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) strongly influence precipitation over Australia, the strength of the southeast-Asian summer monsoon, and the intensity of warm meridional currents in the Indian Ocean. We will test the hypothesis that increased ITF is associated with warm interstadials of MIS 3, whereas a strong reduction in ITF occurred during stadials. We will use as main proxies planktonic and benthic foraminiferal isotopes in conjunction with Mg/Ca temperature estimates and radiogenic isotopes (mainly Nd) as tracers of Pacific water masses along depth transects in the Timor Passage and the eastern Indian Ocean. This project will provide the paleoceanographic framework that will be crucial to validate and refine circulation models of D-O events and high-frequency climate variability on a global scale.
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