Das Projekt "Assessment of Climate and Air Quality Change Effects on Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe (CEFES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. The objective of CEFES is to perform a focused assessment and evaluation of data in EU forest monitoring networks to provide policy relevant information on: - The interactive effects of climate change with air quality change (nitrogen (N) deposition and ozone (O3) exposure) on European forest ecosystems and their services (wood production, C sequestration, biodiversity and the protective functions of forests in view of an adequate soil and water quality). - The way in which adaptive and sustainable forest management strategies can be used to mitigate climate and air quality change effects on forest structures and functions and keep forests sustainable in the long-term. The evaluations will be based on available data from forest monitoring systems at the European scale (mainly available data at ICP forests Level II and Level I plots with additional data derived in the LIFE+ FUTMON project) in combination with available databases on air quality and meteorology, and key data assessed in CEFES itself. More specifically, the objectives are to evaluate the above mentioned datasets and to assess the climate (precipitation, temperature) and air quality (N and acid deposition, O3) pressures and their effects on: - the protective functions of soil and water resources in terms of changes in (i) hydrological budgets and ground water recharge and (ii) soil acidification and N leaching to ground water and surface water; - forest growth, carbon (C) sequestration and the related CO2 exchange; - tree species diversity and ground vegetation, in terms of its nature conservation value; - forest ecosystem health, phenology and regeneration potential. Building on to these evaluations, CEFES aims to identify regionally specific adaptive management strategies in order to mitigate the impact of climate change on forest structures and functions. Considering the LIFE+ objectives, the project aims to contribute specifically to monitoring and evaluation of environmental policy and legislation by: - Evaluation of climate change scenarios, as described by the IPCC scenarios, and air quality change scenarios, as determined by policies related to (i) the Air Quality Framework Directive and related Daughter Directives of the EU and (ii) the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. - Provision of policy relevant information on effects of climate change in relation to air quality change on forest ecosystems in Europe and giving recommendations for adaptation measures at the forest management level. - Provision of data that contributes to the reporting needs (specifically as defined in the criteria and indicators of the Ministerial Conferences of Protection of Forest Ecosystems, MCPFE) and obligations at national and European level.
Das Projekt "Analyse der Datenerhebungen nach ElektroG und UStatG über das Berichtsjahr 2015 zur Vorbereitung der EU-Berichtspflichten 2017" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von cyclos GmbH durchgeführt. Gemäß der Richtlinie 2012/19/EU (WEEE-2-Richtlinie) sind die Mitgliedstaaten nach Artikel 16 Abs. 4 und 5 verpflichtet, der EU-Kommission jährlich über die Umsetzung der Sammel- und Verwertungs-ziele von Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräten Bericht zu erstatten.
Artikel 16 Abs. 4 der europäischen Richtlinie 2012/19/EU über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte legt fest, dass die Mitgliedstaaten jährlich Daten von den Akteuren über die im Mitgliedstaat auf den Markt gebrachten Elektro(nik)geräte sowie die gesammelten, zur Wiederverwendung vorbereiteten1, dem Recycling und der Verwertung zugeführten und den ausgeführten getrennt gesammelten Elektro(nik)altgeräten erheben. Die Mitgliedstaaten berichten der Europäischen Kommission die aggregierten Daten in Form eines Berichts entsprechend der Kommissionsentscheidung 2005/369/EG und dem Eurostat-Leitfaden 'Guidance for the compilation of the data according to Commission Decision 2005/369/EC'.
Die Berichterstattung über das Jahr 2015 muss die Bundesregierung der Europäischen Kommission zum 30.06.2017 vorlegen. Die Berichtspflicht, die durch die 'ENTSCHEIDUNG DER KOMMISSION vom 3. Mai 2005 über Bestimmungen zur Überwachung der Einhaltung der Vorschriften durch die Mit-gliedstaaten und zur Festlegung von Datenformaten für die Zwecke der Richtlinie 2002/96/EG des Eu-ropäischen Parlaments und des Rates über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte (2005/369/EG)' präzisiert wurde, umfasst die Mitteilung der Rückgabe- und Verwertungsmengen sowie der Verwertungsquoten. Grundlage hierfür sind Daten der stiftung elektro-altgeräte register® (ear) sowie des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Destatis).
Die Zusammenführung der dokumentierten Daten beider Meldewege erfolgt für das Berichtsjahr 2015 im vorliegenden Bericht. Die ermittelten Daten über die zurückgenommenen und behandelten Mengen an Elektro(nik)altgeräten zeigen, dass Deutschland fast alle festgelegten Ziele und Quoten der WEEE-Richtlinie 2002/96/EG respektive WEEE-Richtlinie 2012/19/EU erfüllt. Eine Ausnahme bildet die Kategorie 5a (Gasentladungslampen), bei der die vorgesehene Recyclingquote von 80 % mit 77,23 % nicht erreicht wurde. In Vorgriff auf die höheren Mindestzielvorgaben von ebenfalls 80 % gemäß Richtlinie 2012/19/EG Anhang V Teil 2 wurde auch der Anteil der Kategorie 1, der recycelt und zur Wiederverwendung vorbereitet wird, mit 78,58 % nicht erreicht.
Die Auswertung zeigt auch, dass die Anforderungen der novellierten WEEE-Richtlinie 2012/19/EU, die teilweise ab 2016 gelten, aktuell noch nicht vollständig eingehalten werden. Dies betrifft u.a. die Erreichung einer Mindestsammelquote von 45 % ca. 42,47 % im Jahr 2015.
Das Projekt "STrengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements (STAR-FLOOD)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Utrecht durchgeführt. Urban regions in the EU face increasing but uncertain flood risks due to urbanization and the effects of climate change. In European (a.o. the Flood Risk Directive) and in national and regional policies, attempts are made to diversify and align different Flood Risk Strategies (FRSs). In our proposal, five such strategies are distinguished: risk prevention; flood defense; mitigation; preparation; and recovery. We assume that vulnerable urban agglomerations will be more resilient if multiple FRSs are applied simultaneously, linked together and aligned. At the same time, the application of a diverse cluster of FRSs has to be appropriate, i.e. attuned to the physical and social context. The latter asks for innovative Flood Risk Governance Arrangements (FRGAs). In the proposed program, insights from governance and legal scholars will be integrated and combined, leading to policy design principles for FRGAs as well as concrete recommendations for policy and law at the level of the EU, its member states, regional authorities, and public-private partnerships. Across different EU countries and regions, we expect to identify different mixes of FRSs. We will analyze, explain and evaluate the emergence and dominance of the FRGAs through which these FRSs are institutionally embedded. For this, a comparative analysis of FRGAs in six EU member states will be carried out. This analysis will reveal good practices, provide understanding of the resilience of FRSs as well as their appropriateness in different physical, social and legal contexts. The design principles thus derived, will be brought together in a design-oriented framework for ex-ante evaluation of FRGAs. As part of the program, various target group specific knowledge dissemination activities will be carried out, aimed at regional stakeholders, high level policymakers and EU officers. To this end, Grontmij, a consultancy company, and CEPRI (The European centre for flood risk prevention) have been included in the consortium, apart from universities in the six EU member states.'
Das Projekt "An environmental Standards Information Portal for Europe (SIPE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hydroscan NV durchgeführt. The aim of SIPE is to promote and increase the use of research results in support of Standards (related to the compartments air, water, soil and waste) to stakeholders from RTD, Standardisation bodies, policy and enterprises/SMEs. A dedicated www-based Standards Information Portal (SIPE-RTD) will be developed and implemented. Easy transfer of information is facilitated by an input module (SIPIS) and a document repository. An Interfacing Group, consisting of stakeholders representatives will be invited to comment on the initial concept and to steer the development of the portal. They shall be instrumental to ensure that SIPE-RTD develops into a fit-for-use and sustainable entity. EC FP-funded research projects in support of Standards and their results, and Standards related to the mentioned sectors will be listed. EC Directives in these areas and their policy tasks will be collated. The same set of keywords will be used to describe all data sets. This pool of (Standards related) keywords will be interlinked by algorithms into a Categorisation scheme of keywords. This scheme will be the basis for the interactions within and between the stakeholder communities, and be used for gap analyses. Information on RTD projects (and their results), information on Standards and Directives will be entered into SIPE-RTD. Short descriptions in non-scientific language will be entered together with web-links. To maximise dissemination to all stakeholders the target audiences will be defined and their networks/professional organisations will be mapped. Dissemination will be two-way: inform all stakeholders on the activities of the SIPE project and inform all on the benefits of SIPE-RTD as an important tool in communication between different Standards communities. The Interfacing Group and a Stakeholder Network will test and validate SIPE-RTD and support dissemination to their respective audiences.
Das Projekt "Science and Technology Advancing Governance of Good Environmental Status (STAGES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Centro Tecnologico del Mar - Fundacion Cetmar durchgeführt. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive is designed to deliver Good Environmental Status (GES) in EU marine waters by 2020. This Directive requires that Member States (MS) with marine territories put in place measures to achieve and maintain GES within a defined timeframe and according to eleven key descriptors of environmental status. However, there is a significant knowledge deficit which may hinder full implementation of the MSFD and the achievement of GES in EU waters.STAGES (Science and Technology Advancing Governance on Good Environmental Status) project is designed to directly address this knowledge deficit. The project has to overarching goals: i) to synthezise per major MSFD themes the information from research projects and ii) to develop a platform to ensure that the knowledge generated through European science and technology can be channeled to a broad range of relevant end users, to inform and facilitate implementation of the MSFD and the achievement of GES. To achieve this, STAGES will target a number of critical gaps in the knowledge transfer process. Firstly, STAGES will identify and synthesize relevant existing EU research results and make them available in a usable format for decision and policy making authorities. Through comprehensive scientific foresight targeted at MSFD knowledge gaps, STAGES will identify needs for futher research. STAGES will also develop innovative solutions to achieve an effective collaboration between the broad range of stakeholders necessary to support MSDF implementation, including policy and governance, science, industry and civil society. Moreover, the role and input of MSFD stakeholders will be central to the activities of the project and to the proposals for a science policy interface which will be delivered by the project. The partnership has been constructed to include a combination of EU/international organizations which can represent a broad constituency of MSFD stakeholders, and national organizations with responsibility to support research and provide advice on MSFD implementation at MS level.