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Ökologie des Wildschweins Sus scrofa in der Nähe von Schutzgebieten

Das Projekt "Ökologie des Wildschweins Sus scrofa in der Nähe von Schutzgebieten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Forstzoologisches Institut, Professur für Wildtierökologie und Wildtiermanagement durchgeführt. In strict nature reserves and core zones of protected areas hunting and forestry operations are often restricted or banned. However, regarding the management of Wild boar, such hunt-free zones are discussed controversially and can lead to conflict. Hunters whose areas border no-hunting zones (and who have to reimburse farmers for crop damages caused by Wild boar) are concerned that the boars may evade effective population management by staying within the limits of the no-hunting zone, and farmers fear increased crop damage in the surroundings of such areas. Some conservationists are also concerned because Wild boars increasingly root protected habitats and can cause damage to rare plant assemblies. The three-year project Wild boar problem in the vicinity of protected areas by the Game Research Institute (Wildforschungsstelle) at the Centre for Agriculture Baden-Württemberg (LAZBW) aims at investigating if and how no-hunting zones might affect Wild boar activity, movement patterns, home range size, and habitat use, as well as crop damage caused by boars, by comparing these aspects between hunting-free zones and unprotected areas. Although there have already been a number of telemetry studies on Wild boar, including space use in the context of hunting activity, to date there is no study that has specifically investigated spatial and ecological aspects in and around protected areas. My dissertation Ecology of Wild boar Sus scrofa in the vicinity of protected areas is being carried out within the scope of the Game Research Institutes project and apart from the aims outlined above, further aspects of Wild boar ecology will be investigated, especially the role of Wild boar as bio-engineer and habitat creator for other species vs. unwanted damages at protected sites. Twenty-seven Vectronic GPS-GSM satellite collars with integrated activity sensors are available to tag Wild boars in three study areas: the non-protected Altdorfer Forest near Aulendorf with regular hunting activity and forestry, the nature reserve Wurzacher Ried with its ca. 700 ha core zone that is a strict reserve with no human activity, and the Biosphere Reserve Swabian Jura, especially in the surroundings of the former military training area near Münsingen and the 170 ha no-usage-area Föhrenberg.

Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicine (DRUID)

Das Projekt "Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicine (DRUID)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) durchgeführt. Objective: As consumption of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, drugs and certain medicines are likely to endanger the drivers aptitude and impaired driving is still one of the major causes for road accidents, some active steps have to be taken to reach the goal of a 50% reduction in the number of road deaths in the EU. The objective of DRUID is to give scientific support to the EU transport policy to reach the 2010th road safety target by establishing guidelines and measures to combat impaired driving. DRUID will - conduct reference studies of the impact on fitness to drive for alcohol, illicit drugs and medicines and give new insights to the real degree of impairment caused by psychoactive drugs and their actual impact on road safety - generate recommendations for the definition of analytical and risk thresholds - analyse the prevalence of drugs and medicines in accidents and in general driving, set up a comprehensive and efficient epidemiological database.

European Research Project for Optimised Ballasted Tracks (EUROBALT)

Das Projekt "European Research Project for Optimised Ballasted Tracks (EUROBALT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAN Technologie AG, System Electronics durchgeführt. Achievements:The EUROBALT project has led to the advancement of knowledge in the behaviour of ballasted track in several different areas. The measurements have shown the importance of the track stiffness in the whole process of the track degradation. Even though a complete understanding has not been achieved in this particular area, this concept will be now considered by the railways companies. Different tools have also been improved or developed in order to measure the track stiffness, under traffic or by separate investigation (STEDEF measurement technique or PANDROL double integration). Modelling the ballast has been investigated with first studies with new approaches (ENPC). Moreover, two models have been developed, with the same goal of predicting track geometry deterioration. Even though the validation has been limited, it is a big step forward in the study of the phenomena (INRETS 'VOCO + BALTAS' and TUB SIRaGe). As for the models of track damage modelling, different problems were studied and models were developed or improved. These models will also allow a better understanding of the phenomena of track deterioration and the prediction of maintenance and renewal requirement and costs (BRR models). The monitoring studies led to : the development of a prototype able to recover in real time the long wave faults on a track, using versine based measurement cars (MAN technique), the development of a calculation method to define the forces applied on a track section when a train passes, using the data obtained from the new piezofoil sensors developed within the project (MAN method and TUB piezofoil sensors applications). What is also important is the knowledge gained by the different participants, particularly the railways companies. The different approaches used to characterise the behaviour of the ballast showed that the parameters are numerous and not easy to resolve. It can be stated, however, that the concepts of track elasticity or track elasticity variation is one of the key factors in track geometry deterioration. Further studies must be led now to describe more precisely its importance, define means of measurement, and develop the track specifications necessary to realise the benefits that are possible. The EUROBALT project is a big step forward in providing a more precise knowledge of the ballasted track. A complete understanding, however, remains elusive, and is likely to require significant further investigations. . Prime Contractor: Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer Francais (SNCF); Paris; France.

B 3.2: Irrigation and fertigation strategies for water saving and optimum nutrient supply in subtropical fruit orchards utilising stress responses

Das Projekt "B 3.2: Irrigation and fertigation strategies for water saving and optimum nutrient supply in subtropical fruit orchards utilising stress responses" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. Irrigation and fertigation are main management tools in fruit tree production. Due to the scarcity of water and its susceptibility to contamination with agrochemicals, the objective of subproject B3.2 is to reduce water and fertilizer application without reducing farmers benefits. Results from SFB-phase II indicate, that moderate levels of water and nutrient stress can be used to improve orchard productivity (eustress). (A) Irrigation: Deficit irrigation techniques, namely Partial Rootzone Drying (PRD) and Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) have a big potential for water saving without reducing fruit yield and quality. (B) Fertigation: Zn and B stress effect flower induction, which has to be considered for improved orchard management. (C) Participatory field application: An adapted irrigation control unit was developed and indigenous knowledge on deficit irrigation was identified. In SFB-phase III, drought and nutrient stress phenomena and their interactions will be further investigated to develop innovative Irrigation and Fertigation Strategies (IFS) by a close interaction of on-station and participatory on-farm experiments. One of the objectives is the increase of Water Use Efficiency (WUE) and improvement of fruit quality by applying controlled water and nutrient stress but preventing stress related long-term damage (Topic A). On-station fruit trees will be exposed to spatial and temporal varying water and nutrient supply regimes. Stress response such as sap-flow, xylem pH, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential will be monitored. Optimum combination of stress response signals will be identified using sensor fusion methodology. Threshold values for eustress will be determined and validated in on-farm applications. A coequal objective is the development of a controlled water and fertilizer saving fertigation management system, guaranteeing high yields with less alternating fruit set and an improved fruit quality (Topic B). Fruit trees will be cultured in nutrient solutions with different Zn and B supply and at different temperatures to determine the critical Zn and B nutritional status for flower induction and the underlying phytohormonal regulation. It will be determined during which phenological phases drought stress and nutrient deficiency can be beneficial for flower induction, yield formation and fruit quality. In a participatory approach, IFS-strategies will be applied in on-farm trials at various locations to develop adapted IFS-recommendations jointly with the involved farmers. Telecommunication will be used to disseminate results to practical farming (Topic C).

Catenary Interface Monitoring Coherent sensing technology for electrical railway infrastructure and rolling stock for interoperable cross boundary transportation (CATIEMON)

Das Projekt "Catenary Interface Monitoring Coherent sensing technology for electrical railway infrastructure and rolling stock for interoperable cross boundary transportation (CATIEMON)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Objective: In a deregulated EU rail market monitoring of the vehicle and infrastructure interface is mandatory for enhanced availability of operation reducing costs. Especially when a rolling stock is crossing boundaries between independent infrastructure grids, cond ition monitoring becomes crucial. A monitoring tool on OCLs overhead contact lines - for infrastructure managers is needed for an separate measurement of contact force and surface condition of the vehicle current strip. The rolling stock operator needs a complementary device to measure not only the vertical contact force, but moreover the friction force, in order to analyse the vehicle and OCL interface condition. In SMITS a monitoring system for contact force on the interface current collector lt;- gt; c ontact wire has been developed. A sensor technology has been started to explore showing the potential for an extended range of rail monitoring tools. An innovative coherent sensor technology approach shall be investigated and two independent monitoring too ls for vehicle and infrastructure be developed. These shall be validated at new rail tracks specified for TSI interoperable cross boundary transportation: the Ltschberg Basis Tunnel, CH and the HSL Zuid high speed line, NL, both ready for operation in 2007 . Demonstration tests in operation will be performed along the Korridor X infrastructure passing through different countries rail networks. The outcome of the project will enable managers to specify driving conditions for the usage of their infrastructure to avoid excessive wear improving availability. Complementary rolling stock operators can monitor OCL condition giving them an informative argument in case of damage. Condition-dependent user fees as well as threat of penalty will force vehicle and infrast ructure managers to maintain the vehicle and infrastructure interface on a superior level of availability. The operational costs will be reduced and availability of transportation capacity enhanced.

Short-term in vitro assays for long-term toxicity (PREDICTOMICS)

Das Projekt "Short-term in vitro assays for long-term toxicity (PREDICTOMICS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayer AG durchgeführt. The development of new pharmaceutical compounds will be more efficient if human relevant toxicology information early in the selection process is available. While acute toxicity can be reasonably detected during the early preclinical stages of drug development, long-term toxicity is more difficult to predict, relying almost exclusively on animal experiments Animal experimentation of this kind is expensive and time consuming, raises ethical issues and do not necessarily represent a toxicological relevance to man. This project address the urgent need to develop in vitro based systems which are capable of predicting long term toxicity in humans. The major objectives of this project are:1)To develop advanced cell culture systems which as best possible represents the human liver and kidney in vivo. This will be achieved using combined strategies namely:co-cultures of resident cell types,targeted cell transformation,stem cell technology and new developments in organotypic cell culture (i.e. perfusion cultures and 3D cultures).2)To identify specific early mechanistic markers of toxin induced cell alterations by using integrated genomic,proteomic and cytomic analysis.3)To establish and prevalidate a screening platform (cell systems together with analysis tools) which is unambiguously predictive of toxin induced chronic renal and hepatic disease.This proposal is unique in it's mechanistic integration of the three levels of cellular dynamics (genome, proteome and cytome) together with advanced cell culture technology to detect early events of cellular injury. Only with such an integrated approach will in vitro techniques ever be applicable to predicting chronic toxicity in man. This project,if successful will(1) contribute to the replacement of animal testing in drug development, (2) increase ... Prime Contractor: Fundacion Hospital Universitario 'La Fe', Experimental Hepatology Unit, Research Center; Valencia; Espana.

Entwicklung eines mobilen Verfahrens zur Abwasser- und chemikalienfreien Fassadenreinigung mit Niedrigtemperatur-Atmosphärendruckplasmen

Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines mobilen Verfahrens zur Abwasser- und chemikalienfreien Fassadenreinigung mit Niedrigtemperatur-Atmosphärendruckplasmen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Europäische Forschungsgemeinschaft Reinigungs- und Hygienetechnologie e.V. durchgeführt. Derzeit werden verschmutzte Fassaden meist mit Strahlverfahren gereinigt, bei denen entweder Wasser oder Gemische aus Wasser, Luft und festen Strahlmitteln eingesetzt werden. In Spezialfällen (z.B. bei der Graffitientfernung) werden auch toxikologisch und ökologisch nachteilige organische Lösemittel eingesetzt, wobei aufwändige Zusatzmaßnahmen des Arbeits- und Umweltschutzes erforderlich sind. Ein Nachteil der praxisüblichen wässrigen Strahlverfahren sind die hohen Personal- und Betriebskosten. Derartige Verfahren erfordern hohe Wassermengen, so dass in großem Umfang schadstoffbelastete Abwässer resultieren. Diese dürfen aufgrund der umweltrechtlichen Vorschriften nicht unaufbereitet in die Kanalisation bzw. in die Oberflächengewässer geleitet werden, sondern müssen je nach Schadstoffbelastung zusammen mit den eingesetzten Strahlmitteln aufwändig und zu hohen Kosten aufgefangen und aufbereitet bzw. entsorgt werden. Ferner führt der Einsatz wasserintensiver Fassaden-Reinigungs-verfahren je nach Porosität der Materialien zu starker Durchfeuchtung mit entsprechenden Folgeschäden. Darüber hinaus kann trotz der möglichen Anpassung der Strahlwirkung an Untergrund und Anschmutzung eine Materialschädigung der zu reinigenden Oberfläche durch Abrasion nicht vollständig verhindert werden. Eine Alternative zu den genannten Reinigungsverfahren bietet die Plasmatechnologie. Wie im abgeschlossenen Forschungsprojekt gezeigt, können typische Fassadenmaterialien, wie Klinker, Sandstein, Feinsteinzeug, Marmor, Granit, Eloxal und Edelstahl mit kaltem Atmosphärendruckplasma gereinigt werden. Ein mobiles Abwasser- und chemikalienfreies Reinigungsverfahren, das zugleich materialschonend ist, wurde hiermit entwickelt. Als typische Anschmutzungen wurden Graffitianschmutzungen (Acryl- und Kunstharzlacke) und künstliche Atmosphärenschmutze eingesetzt. Die angeschmutzten Proben wurden einer definierten Bewitterung (abwechselnde UV- Bestrahlung und Betauung) für 30 Tage ausgesetzt. Zur Erzielung einer guten Reinigungswirkung mittels Plasma wurden verschiedene Prozessgase (Druckluft, Argon, Stickstoff) eingesetzt und Prozessparameter variiert, darunter Düsengeometrie, Abstand Düse-Substrat, Vorschubgeschwindigkeit und Anzahl der Überfahrten. Bei Anwendung von Druckluft als Prozessgas wurde unter Einsatz eines hochenergetischen Druckluft-Plasmastrahls unter bestimmten Verfahrensbedingungen ein effektiver Abtrag von schwarzem, grünem und rotem Acryl- und Kunstharzlack, aber auch von Algen und Pilzen von bis zu 100% erreicht. Weißer und silbernen Acryllack konnten hingegen nur zu maximal 70% entfernt werden. Die untersuchten Materialien wurde dabei sowohl mechanisch als auch thermisch nicht geschädigt. Während der Plasmabehandlung wurden relativ niedrige Oberflächentemperaturen von 60 bis 80°C für mineralische bzw. 70° bis 115°C für metallische Substrate gemessen usw

Plant growth in a changing environment: Effect of biotic stress on plant growth

Das Projekt "Plant growth in a changing environment: Effect of biotic stress on plant growth" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Botanisches Institut, Abteilung Pflanzenphysiologie durchgeführt. Plant growth is affected by climate change in major ways. Higher temperatures and CO2 levels have a direct and dramatic effect of photosynthesis. Rising temperatures are also predicted to increase the potential for damage inflicted to plants by insects. An in-depth understanding of the underlying mo-lecular events leading to a quantitative modeling of growth processes will lead to the development of improved agricultural strategies. In this subproject, we will establish in situ techniques to meas-ure overall plant growth (including roots) non-invasively, in realistic conditions and with high tem-poral resolution. Growth will be described with several morphological parameters concomitantly with the determination of global gene expression signatures. By studying Arabidopsis growth in di-verse environmental conditions (and mutants) we anticipate identifying molecular signatures of the growth process. This will be achieved by performing a meta-analysis of micro-array data generated from plants harvested at various times of the day (with distinct growth rates); mutants with altered growth rates, and plants exposed to various biotic and abiotic stresses leading to growth alterations. Common molecular patterns emerging from such a study will enable us to identify the underlying gene regulatory network. This will allow us to construct quantitative models of growth control at the whole plant level. Specific Aims 1) Develop a mathematical model that captures the hypocotyl elongation pattern based on 'ex-ternal coincidence' controlled abundance of growth-promoting bHLH transcription factors. Further develop this model to the whole plant level. See also SP1. 2) Measure leaf growth quantitatively through the development of an imaging platform that enables us to monitor rosette growth day and night with high spatial and temporal resolu-tion. 3) Obtain quantitative data on the intimate links between shoot and root growth. Develop novel imaging techniques to monitor root growth in the soil and identify more easily monitorable traits that correlate with root growth. 4) Test the consequences of changes in the environment (biotic and abiotic) on plant growth. This will be determined at the morphological level implementing the techniques developed in points 1 & 2 and at the global gene expression level. 5) Identify sets of genes which are co-regulated and correlate quantitatively with growth rates. By combining network inference from transcriptome analysis with high-resolution imaging of growth we will be able to identify its molecular signatures. We will identify 'transcrip-tion modules' from large sets of micro-array data (1) (2) (3), whose function can then be analyzed. Iteration of such cycles will lead to the establishment of a robust model, which will initially be determined in Specific Aim 1.

Untersuchungen zur Qualitätssicherung der Dichtheitsprüfung im Rahmen der Zustandserfassung der Grundstücksentwässerung - Entwicklung von Abnahmekriterien

Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur Qualitätssicherung der Dichtheitsprüfung im Rahmen der Zustandserfassung der Grundstücksentwässerung - Entwicklung von Abnahmekriterien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bietergemeinschaft Kanalsanierung - Franz Fischer Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Ingenieurbüro Reinhard Beck GmbH & Co. KG INFA-ISFM e.V. durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektes war die Erarbeitung eines Qualitätshandbuchs mit einheitlichen Standards zur Qualitätssicherung bei Dichtheitsprüfungen privater Abwasserleitungen. Als Grundlage wurden ausführliche Interviews mit 38 Städten und Gemeinden in NRW und 2 Städten in Hessen geführt und 214 Dichtheitsnachweise in verschiedenen Kommunen Nordrhein-Westfalens hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität ausgewertet. In den Interviews zeigten sich Unterschiede und Unsicherheiten bezüglich der möglichen Vorgaben zur Prüfmethode, zur Dokumentation und zur Vorlagepflicht sowie eine unterschiedliche Interpretation des Umgang mit Regenwasserleitungen im Mischsystem. Unsicherheiten bestehen auch bei der Kalkulation des Personalbedarfs und bei der Festlegung des Umfangs einer Prüfung von eingereichten Dichtheitsnachweisen. Bei der durchgeführten Qualitätsprüfung der Dichtheitsnachweise anhand eines erarbeiteten Bewertungskataloges stellte sich die Qualität der Prüfungen insgesamt als ausreichend bis zufrieden stellend dar, wobei die optischen Inspektionen etwas besser abschnitten. Verbesserungspotential besteht bei der Schadensansprache und bei der Art und Tiefe der Dokumentation der Prüfungen. Dies betrifft vor allem die Dokumentation untersuchter und auch nicht untersuchter Leitungsstränge und die digitale Aufzeichnung des Messverlaufs bei Prüfungen mit Wasser oder Luft. Unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der geprüften Dichtheitsnachweise werden technische Anforderungen an die Durchführung der Dichtheitsprüfung und an den Umfang und den Inhalt der im Rahmen der Dichtheitsprüfung zu erstellenden Unterlagen definiert. Darüber hinaus werden Kriterien für die Wahl der Prüfmethode anhand der Schutzziele Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz, Schutz der öffentlichen Abwasseranlage und Eigentumsschutz aufgezeigt. Eine Verbesserung der Qualität lässt sich vor allem durch eine systematische Kontrolle der Unterlagen durch die Kommunen erreichen. Für die verschiedenen Prüfumfänge wird der Bearbeitungsaufwand abgeschätzt, wobei über eine Kombination einer einfachen Plausibilitätsprüfung mit einer detaillierten inhaltlichen Prüfung, die stichprobenartig, aber systematisch durchgeführt wird, der Aufwand erheblich reduziert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse der Überprüfung sollten mit den Sachkundigen diskutiert und für eine weitere Nutzung standardisiert dokumentiert werden. Auf dieser Basis können auch Schulungsschwerpunkte ermittelt und Nichtempfehlungen oder Ausschlüsse ausgesprochen werden. Eine weitere Option sind Zusammenschlüsse.

Assessment of soil damage induced by drying

Das Projekt "Assessment of soil damage induced by drying" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut des sols, roches et fondations, Laboratoire de mecanique des sols durchgeführt. Drying, through its effects on soils, is likely to affect any man-made structure and building supported by the ground, as well as the safety of earth structures (such as flood embankments and dams) and land use. The related human and financial costs are incalculable. Studies on climate global change clearly suggest an increasing recurrence of drought events in some parts of the world, making the subject a burning issue. The broad objective of the research is twofold: (i) to gain a better understanding of the consequences of drying the soil, the mechanisms which induce damage and the variables which control it; (ii) to develop a comprehensive predictive model, able to assess such processes. Because of the deformable nature of soils, drying primarily induces shrinkage. More generally, drying is responsible for a large set of processes, which could be sorted as follows: (i) soil de-formation, (ii), strength modification, (iii), structure alteration, (iv), mechanical damage, and (v) fracture. The risks of degradation of buildings, of earth-structures and land use stem from these phenomena. In spite of the existing modelling capabilities, the prediction of the consequences of drying on soil behaviour is still oversimplified. This is primarily because of the lack of global conceptual models for the highly complex processes that occur during drying. We intend to tackle the problem by considering the fundamental couplings between the water retention behaviour and the mechanical behaviour. The structure changes and damages induced by drying will be the focus of our attention. In order to support our understanding of the processes and their modelling, it is planned to conduct experiments, and to measure the evolution of deformation, water saturation, particle arrangement and fracturing related to drying. The work and its planned dissemination will help communities to assess the potential environmental impact and risk on their territory more easily. This research will develop a coherent and experimentally-supported theory. Understanding soil drying shrinkage and damage and developing abilities to predict its behaviour will allow engineers to reduce the principal threat to landforms and structures. This alone will be greatly beneficial to a large portion of the population.

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