Das Projekt "Schaffung eines europaeischen Netzes fuer den Energiedatenaustausch" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. Several European and global energy system models including PRIMES, POLES, SAFIRE, MARKAL and TIMES have been developed during the last decade. Increased harmonisation of scenario assumptions, easier accessibility of input data and results would improve future modelling activities and increase the value of obtained results for policy advisory. The key element of this proposal is the establishment of a European energy data exchange network (EDEN) with the common European energy database accessible via the Internet. It will contain model related energy data including energy technology data for conventional, renewable and new technologies, documented scenario assumptions, detailed results from energy system models as well as historical data on energy consumption and conversion for all EU countries.
Das Projekt "Dreifach-Stromerzeugungs-Mikrosystem fuer Raumklimatisierung im Mittelmeerklima" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: The energy demand of a large number of European users could be satisfied with good efficiency by means of micro CHP systems. In this context, countries with Mediterranean climate show two specific features: high (and growing) cooling load and high relative humidity, which requires further energy for decreasing indoor temperatures. The main objective of MITES is the development of an innovating micro scale tri-generation system, equipped with an air desiccant system (a gel-wheel and a liquid-membrane DEC technology will be tested) adapted to the Mediterranean conditions. The prototype will be installed in a building owned by the coordinator (AMG Palermo, local gas utility). Thus its output will be around 30 kWel and 50 kWth. The performance's monitoring should lead to the optimisation of: production costs, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Description of the work: The proposed work consists of a set of interconnected activities: - design of the tri-generation architecture; - test of two types (solid and liquid) DEC technologies; - installation of the tri-generation system; - monitoring and evaluation (S and T and economic); - Life Cycle Analysis of the tri-generation system; - a wide market survey to be carried out at European level, together with energy audit of 50 potential users located in Sicily, will give detailed information about the most suitable configuration of the tri-generation system for meeting the market needs. - dissemination of results. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: The development of MITES Project - to be carried out by a partners' consortium made up of a local gas utility and two research centres - will be completed in three years. S and T results should demonstrate the energy, economic and environmental effectiveness of such a tri-generation system specifically conceived for the Mediterranean conditions. The optimised configuration of the tri-generator combined with the DEC system should be produced at industrial scale and launched at European and Mediterranean level. The database coming from the European market survey could be useful for further actions in CHP filed. Project's outcomes will be disseminated through various deliverables and media (brochure, guidelines and software tool for technical design, final conference, web site). Prime Contractor: Azienda Speciale AMG, Palermo; Palermo/Italy.
Das Projekt "Nachhaltige Entwicklung historischer Stadtbereiche mittels aktiver Integration innerhalb der Staedte" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Planungs-, Bau- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Fakultät Bauwesen, Fachgebiet Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims at establishing a flexible and consistent Environmental Assessment methodology to assist with the conservation of urban fragment heritage. This methodology will be designed for use by municipalities and local authorities to help them to assess the suitability of new urban developments, which will promote sustainable exploitation of urban and architectural cultural heritage. The methodology will also help to match existing urban fragments with current socio-economic requirements, through an active integration of this heritage within new development projects. Prime Contractor: Universite de Liege, Department d'architecture, Faculte des Sciences Appliquees, Laboratoire d'Etudes Methodologiques Architecturales; Liege/Belgium.