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Das Projekt "The Virtual Tank Utility in Europe (VIRTUE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: VIRTUE is an Integrated Project in response to the call on Virtual environment for an integrated fluid dynamic analysis in ship design; Objective 2 Advanced design and production techniques in the Sustainable Surface Transport of the workprogramme Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems. It constitutes an EU-wide initiative of leading marine CFD players to create a 'Virtual Basin' by integrating advanced numerical fluid analysis tools to tackle multi-criteria hydrodynamic performance optimisation of ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach, aiming to complement model testing in real basins and hence substantially enhance the provision of current services to the marine industry and to nurture development of innovative design techniques and concepts. This coherent and all-embracing hydrodynamic analysis system will help increase the competitiveness of the EU shipbuilding and shipping industries, promote a truly European co-operation with strong structuring and integration effects, strengthen SMEs through involvement in leading edge developments as a means to gaining and sustaining competitive advantage and leadership and enhance quality and safety in waterborne transportation. VIRTUE's scientific and technological objectives to achieve these ambitious goals include to: -improve hydrodynamic testing through improved reliability of CFD tools -Enhance existing CFD tools in terms of performance and accuracy and further validation -Formally integrate numerical tools, using proven approaches, into an environment for complete modelling and simulation of ship behaviour at sea- Provide smooth and versatile communication and data exchange link between marine CFD service providers, such as model basins, and the end user -Provide the means - CFD tools, integration platform and optimisation techniques -to cover the whole range of hydrodynamic problems and to facilitate and support multi-disciplinary design
Das Projekt "Cell wall hemicelluloses as mobile carbon stores in plants" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät durchgeführt. Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are the most important carbon reserves in most tissues and species. Beside NSC, cell wall hemicelluloses as the second most abundant polysaccharides in plants have often been discussed to serve as additional carbon reserves during periods of enhanced carbon-sink activity. By using a refined extraction method hemicelluloses were quantitatively and qualitatively determined in tissues of different plant functional groups and the ecophysiological importance of hemicelluloses as mobile carbon pools was investigated in two studies. In the first study hemicelluloses were investigated in newly synthesized tissues of 16 species of four different plant functional groups that were grown under extremely low (140 ppm), medium (280 ppm) or high (560 ppm) CO2 concentrations inducing a massive carbon-under or -oversupply. The changed carbon source-sink activities were evidenced by significant increments of biomass and NSC under elevated CO2 concentrations in tissues of all species. In contrast, hemicellulose concentrations remained remarkably stable with varying CO2 supply. Nevertheless, the monosaccharide spectrum of hemicelluloses showed a significant increase in glucose monomers in leaves of woody species as carbon supply increased. In contrast to the growing tissues of the first experiment the second study investigated the potential carbon reserve function of hemicelluloses by using the naturally occurring fluctuation in carbon-sink activity during bud break in mature forest trees (two deciduous species Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L. and two evergreen species Picea abies L., Pinus sylvestris L.). NSC concentrations in branch sapwood of the deciduous trees declined strongly immediately before bud break and increased after bud break. Previous seasons' needles exhibited a significant increase in NSC concentrations shortly before bud break which declined again after flushing. Short-term fluctuations in hemicellulose concentrations were found in branch sapwood of Carpinus and previous seasons' needles of Picea and Pinus and correlated with those of NSC suggesting a mobile reserve function of hemicelluloses. The observed variations in hemicellulose concentrations in previous seasons' needles were due to variations in hemicellulose-bound glucose. In conclusion, this thesis showed that during 'de-novo' synthesis of cell-walls, hemicellulose concentrations do not vary strongly with changing carbon supply. Hemicelluloses are therefore unlikely to play a significant role as additional carbon sinks at future elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. On the other hand, apart from their predominant structural function, hemicelluloses can serve as additional carbon reserves in mature tissues during times of exceptionally high carbon demand.
Das Projekt "Diffusion and advection with sorption of anions, cations and non-polar molecules in organo-clays at varying thermo-chemical conditions - validation by analytical methods and molecular simulation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Bodenkunde durchgeführt. The sorption of anions in geotechnical multibarrier systems of planned high level waste repositories (HLWR) and of non-ionic and organic pollutants in conventional waste disposals are in the center of recent research. In aquatic systems, persistent radionuclides such as 79Se, 99Tc, 129I exist in a form of anions. There is strongly increasing need to find materials with high sorption capacities for such pollutants. Specific requirements on barrier materials are long-term stability of adsorbent under various conditions such as T > 100 C, varying hydrostatic pressure, and the presence of competing ions. Organo-clays are capable to sorb high amounts of cations, anions and non-polar molecules simultaneously having selectivity for certain ions. This project is proposed to improve the understanding of sorption and desorption processes in organo-clays. Additionally, the modification of material properties under varying chemical and thermal conditions will be determined by performing diffusion and advection experiments. Changes by sorption and diffusion will be analyzed by determining surface charge and contact angles. Molecular simulations on models of organo-clays will be conducted in an accord with experiments with aim to understand and analyze experimental results. The computational part of the project will profit from the collaboration of German partner with the group in Vienna, which has a long standing experience in a modeling of clay minerals.
Das Projekt "Growth and nutrition of Acacia mangium seedlings in a greenhouse experiment" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Objectives: The original forest extent in the savannas (lavrados, a type of vegetation similar to the cerrados) in Northern Brazil is unknown. Prolonged use of fire for hunting and cattle ranching has left behind heavily degraded areas. Natural forests are extremely fragmented and soils are strongly compacted. The privately initiated afforestation project of Ouro Verde Ltda has already established more than 10,000 ha Acacia mangium plantations. The objective of this project is to get more information on the autecology of Acacia mangium and to integrate them into rehabilitation programmes for degraded land. In a greenhouse experiment tree seedlings of two provenances are grownunder controlled conditions at different fertiliser levels and soil textures. Their response to these treatments is investigated by means growth parameters. Results: Investigation of the nutrient - especielly phosphorus - supply of the leaves; Investigation of the above and belowground biomass production (leaf, stem, root); Examination of the influence of water and nutrient supply as well as of soil texture on plant growth; Impacts of growth reaction on the plantation programme of other projects of the Institute.
Das Projekt "Zirkulation von Fluiden und Gas an Kalten und Heißen Quellen entlang der Sandwich Mikroplatte" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. We request financial support to perform multidisciplinary studies on hydrothermal vents and cold seeps at the Sandwich plate during RV POLARSTERN cruise ANT XXIX/4 from 22 March to 16 April 2013 (Scotia l). During this field campaign we plan to obtain geophysical, geological, and video-seafloor observation data from potential venting location in order to explore those fluid and gas emission sites and to perform a first geological and geochemical sampling. Cold seeps and hot vents are very rare in Antarctica and locations associated to the Sandwich plate are of high interest. This is because of its tectonic and geographic position between the World Ocean and Antarctica, the relevance in biogeography of the chemosynthetic organisms, the unique geochemical and geological settings within the ocean-to-ocean collision zone and its frontier character in the polar deep sea. Hydrothermal activity is indicated for two Segments of East-Scotia Ridge (E2 and E9), however, tectonically-induced seepage is yet unknown in the Sandwich fore-arc area, as it is a common phenomenon in other subduction-related compression zones. A subsequent POLARSTERN cruise (Scotia II), which is not scheduled up to now, plans to perform more detailed AUV- and ROV-work at the seep and vent sites. The cruise Scotia II will strongly relay on the results of ANT XXIX/6. A post-doctoral scientific position is applied for in order to comprehensively analyse and Interpret the data obtained from seeps and vents during ANT XXIX/4.
Das Projekt "Investigation of reactive halogen species in a smog chamber and in the field" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The objective of the proposed activities as part of the DFG research group HaloProc is the investigation of Reactive Halogen (RH) chemistry in the atmosphere by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy. The importance of RH includes the destruction of ozone, change in the chemical balance, increased deposition of toxic compounds (like mercury) and potential indirect effects on global climate. In our laboratory experiments we observed events of 'Bromine Explosion' (auto catalytic release of reactive bromine from salt surfaces - key to ozone destruction) that were strongly dependent on pH and humidity. Our measurements from field campaigns in Namibia/Botsuana, Southern Russia and Mauritania during HaloProc1 showed 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower BrO and IO levels than expected based on previous observations at salt flats. Environmental conditions might have strong influence, which would be consistent with the smog chamber studies. One of the main questions of the second phase is under which conditions RH activation take place does. It is of great interest whether reactions of chlorine and iodine compounds on salt surfaces are similar to those of bromine, and whether different RH compounds interact with each other. In addition, oxides of nitrogen might be important for their role in the reactivation of RH. Proposed field campaigns in Namibia and South Russia will allow us to investigate the sources, sinks and transformations of RH compounds. This work will be complemented by corresponding smog chamber experiments with measurements of different halogen oxides as well as photochemical model calculations.
Das Projekt "Work Package II - Material processing at Haean Basin scale: The role of hyporheic exchange and the riparian zone in NO3 and DOC export from catchments" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie durchgeführt. The hydrogeochemical dynamics in mountainous areas of the Korean Peninsula are mainly driven by a monsoon-type climate. To examine the interplay between hydrological processes and the mobilization and subsequent transport and export of nitrate and DOC from catchments, a field study was initiated in the Haean catchment in north-eastern South Korea under highly variable hydrologic conditions. In order to identify nitrate and DOC source areas, a subcatchment (blue dragon river) within the Haean basin, which includes different types of landuses (forest, dry land farming, and rice paddies), was selected. In 2009, high frequency surface water samples were collected at several locations during summer storm events. A similar but more comprehensive sampling routine was completed in 2010. In order to investigate the groundwater level fluctuations relative to the hydraulic potentials, a piezometer transect was installed across a second order stream of the subcatchment. The results so far suggest deep groundwater seepage to the aquifer with practically no base flow contributions to the stream in the mid-elevation range of the catchment. In 2009 the focus of research was within the subcatchment, in 2010 additionally a second piezometer transect was installed at a third order stream in the lower part of the catchment (main stem of the Mandae River) where more dynamic groundwater/surface water interactions are assumed due to expected higher groundwater levels in this part of the basin. In order to investigate these interactions piezometers equipped with temperature sensors and pressure transducers were installed directly into the river bed. Based on the observed temperature time series and the hydraulic potentials the water fluxes between the groundwater and the river can be calculated using the finite-difference numerical code, VS2DH. VS2DH solves Richard s equation for variably-saturated water flow, and the advection-conduction equation for energy transport. The field data collected at the second piezometer transect suggest that the investigated river reach exhibits primarily losing surface conditions throughout most of the year. Gaining groundwater conditions at the river reach are evident after monsoonal extreme precipitation events. At the transect streambed aggradation and degradation due to bedload transport was observed. Significant erosion has been reported throughout the catchment after extreme events. Results indicate that the event-based changes in streambed elevation, is an additional control on groundwater and surface water exchange. The streambed flux reversals were found to occur in conjunction with cooler in-stream temperatures at potential GW discharge locations. The export of nitrate and DOC were found to be variable in time and strongly correlated to the hydrologic dynamics, i.e. the monsoon and pre- and post-monsoon hydrological conditions. usw.
Das Projekt "Sources and reaction pathways of soluble Fe from the Western Antarctic Peninsula to the Southern Ocean" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung durchgeführt. During two campaigns on King George Island (Antarctica) in 2012 and 2013, numerous sediment and pore water samples were collected in Potter Cove and Maxwell Bay. Especially Potter Cove is strongly affected by glacier retreat, which is assumed to affect the biogeochemical processes in the area. Based on pore water profiles the degradation of sedimentary organic matter in the sediments in proximity to the marine-terminating Fourcade Glacier was found to be dominated by dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR). In contrast, sulfate reduction was apparent at shallow sediment depths in those parts of Potter Cove, where surficial meltwater streams discharge. Sediments in proximity to the glacier fronts contain significantly higher amounts of easily reducible (amorphous) Fe oxyhydroxides than stations in the central part of the bay or in discharge areas of surficial meltwater streams. Stable iron isotopes are considered a proxy for Fe sources, but respective data are scarce and Fe-cycling in complex natural environments is not understood well enough yet to constrain respective delta56Fe 'endmembers' for different types of sediments and environmental conditions. In order to enhance the usability of iron isotopes as proxies for iron sources and reaction pathways, we developed a new method that allows to measure delta56Fe on sequentially extracted sedimentary Fe phases and applied the new protocol to sediment from King George Island. We suggest that easily reducible Fe in proximity to the glacier front is mostly delivered from subglacial sources, where iron liberation from comminuted material beneath the glacier is coupled to biogeochemical weathering processes (pyrite oxidation or DIR). Our strongest argument for a subglacial source of the highly reactive iron pool in sediments close to the glacier front is its overall negative delta56Fe signature that remains constant over the whole ferruginous zone. This pattern implies that the supply with easily reducible Fe exceeds the fraction that afterwards undergoes early diagenetic DIR by far. The light delta56Fe values of easily reducible Fe oxides imply pre-depositional microbial cycling as it occurs in potentially anoxic subglacial environments. Interestingly, the strongest 56Fe-depletion in pore water and of the most reactive Fe oxides was observed in sediments influenced by oxic meltwater discharge. In terms of the potential of delta56Fe as a proxy for benthic Fe fluxes, the study demonstrates limitations due to a large variability of pore water delta56Fe deriving from DIR in the marine sediments at small spatial distances. The controlling factors are multi-fold and include the availability of reducible Fe oxides and organic matter, the isotopic composition of the primary ferric substrate, sedimentation rates, and physical reworking (bioturbation, ice scraping). Whereas delta56Fe may prove a valuable parameter to further investigate biochemical weathering of glacier beds, a quantification of benthic Fe fluxes bas
Das Projekt "How is the stratosphere-troposphere coupling affected by climate change, and how strong is the climate feedback? (SHARP-STC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Abteilung Dynamik der mittleren Atmosphäre durchgeführt. The focus of this project is to determine the role of the interaction between the stratosphere and troposphere in a changing climate, in particular to assess the impact of a changing stratosphere on the troposphere- surface system. Observations and model studies have shown that the troposphere and stratosphere influence each other on different time scales, but the mechanisms responsible are not well understood. Questions that will be addressed also in Phase II of this project are if the importance of the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere will change in a changing climate and what the consequences will be for surface climate and weather. Transient simulations of the past and future as well as complementary sensitivity simulations with state-of-the-art Chemistry-Climate models (CCMs) will be performed and analysed to study how well current models are able to reproduce the observed coupling, to understand the responsible mechanisms, and to predict its future evolution. New aspects in Phase II are the extension of our studies to the effects of radiative and chemical coupling processes on the troposphere-surface system. The relevance of additional climate feedback processes associated with ocean coupling will be addressed by applying a CCM with an interactive ocean model. The role of the representation of stratospheric processes for stratosphere-troposphere coupling will be studied in simulations with an Earth System Model (ESM) with different spatial resolutions.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 258 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 257 |
unbekannt | 1 |
License | Count |
offen | 258 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 258 |
Englisch | 247 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 202 |
Webseite | 56 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 237 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 246 |
Luft | 205 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 258 |
Wasser | 211 |
Weitere | 258 |