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Gaseous emissions arising from protein production with German Holsteins - an analysis of the energy and mass flows of the entire production chain

Vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Methoden zur Erfassung der Stoffströme und der sie treibenden Energieströme in kompletten Rinderherden bei der intensiven Milch- und Rindfleischerzeugung mit Deutschen Holsteins bei variierter Haltung, Leistung und Nutzungsdauer der Milchkühe sowie Krankheiten und Verlusten in der Herde. Abgebildet werden Wirtschaftsdüngermanagement, die vorgelagerte pflanzliche Erzeugung sowie die Emissionen aus der Düngerproduktion, der Futtermittelverarbeitung und der Bereitstellung von Wasser, Erdgas, Diesel und elektrischer Energie. Diese Methoden erlauben das Erkennen und Bewerten von Emissionsminderungspotentialen in der Erzeugung von essbarem Protein mit Rinderherden. Die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen (THG) und von stickstoffhaltigen Gasen werden aus den gleichen Datensätzen berechnet. Nicht betrachtet werden Emissionen aus der Erstellung und Erhaltung von Gebäuden, Produktionsanlagen und Maschinen, aus der Anwendung und Produktion von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, Futtermittelzusatzstoffen oder Tierarzneimitteln und aus Lagerung und Transport von Futtermitteln. Der Einsatz importierter Futtermittel wird vermieden. In weiteren Arbeiten (Dämmgen et al., 2016 a, b) werden zugehörige Ergebnisse mitgeteilt. Quelle: Dämmgen, Ulrich: Gaseous emissions arising from protein production with German Holsteins - an analysis of the energy and mass flows of the entire production chain : 1. Goals, methods and input data = Gasförmige Emissionen bei der Eiweißerzeugung mit Deutschen Holsteins - eine Analyse der Energie- und Stoffflüsse der gesamten Produktionskette : 1. Ziele, Methoden und Eingangsdaten / Ulrich Dämmgen [und acht weitere]. - Diagramme. In: Landbauforschung. - 3 (2016), Heft 66, S. 161


Buy Smart+ - Beschaffung und Klimaschutz Beschaffung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen (Ökostrom) Ein Projekt von Unterstützt durch: Übersicht • • • Rahmenbedingungen Stromkennzeichnung & Label Die Beschaffung Ein Projekt von Unterstützt durch: Rahmenbedingungen – Begriffsdefinition Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien ist Strom,  der in Anlagen erzeugt wird, die ausschließlich erneuerbare Energien nutzen, einschließlich Strom aus Speicherkraftwerken  abzüglich des Eigenverbrauches und der Verluste (ohne Pumpstrom),  abzüglich des nicht erneuerbaren Anteils am Pumpstrom. Erneuerbare Energien sind Wasserkraft einschließlich der  Wellen-, Gezeiten-, Salzgradienten- und Strömungsenergie,  Windenergie,  solare Strahlungsenergie,  Geothermie,  Energie aus Biomasse im Sinne der deutschen Biomasseverordnung einschließlich Biogas, Deponiegas und Klärgas. Gemäß EU-Richtlinie 2009/28/EG vom 23. April 2009 Ein Projekt von 05.08.2014 Unterstützt durch:

Beteiligung an der internationalen Forschungskooperation DECOVALEX

Beteiligung an der internationalen Forschungskooperation DECOVALEX BASE-Forschungsprojekt Themenfeld: Endlager Status: abgeschlossen Finanzierung: BASE-Forschungsbudget Projektbeschreibung Projektdaten Förderkennzeichen 4720F70201 Ausführende Stelle University of California, San Francisco, USA Projektzeitraum 04.2020 - 03.2024 Bewilligte Summe jährlich ca. 25.000€ Art der Finanzierung BASE-Forschungsbudget Das DECOVALEX-Projekt ist eine internationale Forschungskooperation mit einem Fokus auf numerische Modellierung im Zusammenhang mit Sicherheitsanalysen für tiefengeologische Endlager . DECOVALEX steht hierbei für DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments. Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, das Verständnis und die numerische Modellierung für gekoppelte thermo-hydraulisch-mechanisch-chemische (THMC) Prozesse zu vertiefen und zu entwickeln. Es geht dabei um Systeme aus Abfällen, geologischen und (geo) technischen Barrieren . Die DECOVALEX-Kooperation wurde bereits 1992 gegründet, das BASE ist im Jahr 2020 beigetreten. Die Wissenschaftler:innen in dem Forschungsverbund kommen aus China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Japan, Kanada, Niederlande, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Südkorea, Taiwan, Tschechien, USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Für Sicherheitsanalysen zu möglichen Endlagerstandorten in tiefen geologischen Formationen ist ein umfassendes Verständnis von THMC-Prozessen von großer Bedeutung - von Atomen bis hin zu kilometergroßen Modellgebieten. Wesentlich Untersuchungen setzen die Erstellung und Anwendung von Modellen für diese Analysen voraus. In diesem Zusammenhang werden in DECOVALEX beispielsweise die Kopplung von Deformation, Fluidfluss (Flüssigkeiten und Gase) und thermischen Effekten durch wärmeentwickelnde radioaktive Abfälle untersucht. DECOVALEX beschäftigt sich in der Phase 2020-2023 mit den drei potentiellen Wirtsgesteinen, die für ein Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle in Betracht kommen. Gearbeitet wurde in sieben Arbeitsgruppen und der Abschluss dieser Arbeiten war für das Jahr 2023 vorgesehen. Das BASE war an zwei dieser Gruppen beteiligt: Die Task F „Performance Assessment“ hat das Ziel, generische Modelle für Endlager im Kristallin (Task F1) und Steinsalz (Task F2) zu entwickeln. Die Leitung hat das Sandia National Laboratory, USA . Der Abschlussbericht des Tasks F1 kann hier und der Abschlussbericht des Tasks F2 hier kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Die Task G „Safety ImplicAtions of Fluid Flow, Shear, Thermal and Reaction Processes within Crystalline Rock Fracture NETworks (SAFENET)“ hat das Ziel, Modelle zu entwickeln. Diese Modelle werden anhand von Daten aus Experimenten zur bruchhaften Deformation im Kristallin validiert. Die Leitung hat das Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig. Die Abschlussbericht des Tasks G können hier heruntergeladen werden. Erste Teilergebnisse sind frei zugänglich in der Publikation “ Comparing Modelling Approaches for a Generic Nuclear Waste Repository in Salt ” im Journal „Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment“ dargestellt. Alle Berichte des DECOVALEX-Projekts sind hier zu finden. Das BASE beteiligt sich auch in der folgenden Phase des DECOVALEX Projektes: DECOVALEX 2024-2027 . Kontakt E-Mail ingo.kock@base.bund.de

Stand-alone PV and wind power in Freiburg

Das Projekt "Stand-alone PV and wind power in Freiburg" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landesgartenschau Freiburg durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate that pv and wind generators can be used in a reliable way as stand-alone power supplies for various applications. The pv generator is used to power an Information Pavilion at an exhibition centre in Freiburg where technology transfer can be supported by the nearby Fraunhofer Institute. PV and wind powered water pumping are also being demonstrated in the exhibition centre. General Information: PV and wind power projects are installed as part of the Landesgartenschau Freiburg 1986 exhibition in Freiburg, to demonstrate that such systems are reliable and easy to install and operate. The water pumping system consists of two KSB Aquasol 50 L pumps with electronically commutated dc motors which are powered by 45 pv modules in 9 strings of 5 modules (rated array power 1710 Wp) and a wind generator rated at 600 W. The combined generator is connected to a battery bank operating in two strings at 64 V, 175 Ah capacity each to give 10 hours of continuous water pumping per day. The PV array is mounted on a 10 m mast, on the top of which is mounted a 12 bladed American wind generator. A reserve pump safeguards against stoppages due to pump failure. COST in ECU: actual 1990-re-build estimata PV components 30460 16100 Batteries 6479 6479 Conventional components 12862 12862 Construction 40300 25900 Project management 16800 7200 Total(for 1730 Wp system) 106901 68541 Cost per peak Watt (ECU/pW 62 40 Data were monitored in accordance with JRC Ispra Monitoring Guidelines. Readings were taken every two seconds and recorded by a data logger. A IBM-PC was used to read the memories and calculate the energy flow. Achievements: The system started operation as foreseen for the opening of the State Garden Show on April 18th, 1986 and operated on a manual basis until September 1986. In October 1986 the two years monitoring phase started and the system operated under automatic control. The monitoring data were sent to CCR/Ispra and were analysed there. During this two-year period 3401 kWh pv power were produced. For comparison: A rule of thumb says, that in central Europe a plant produces in the average the energy corresponding to the rated peak power multiplied by 10 per cent of the time. This rule would give for this 1.73 kW plant in 0.1-2x365x24 hours an energy of: 3031 kWh. Both pumps had to be replaced during the two year operation, one for electrical, the other one for sealing problems; they work without problems since the replacement. The data acquisition system worked perfectly. Concerning reliability of such a system, for instance for water supply in developing countries, it can be said, that skilled technical maintenance must be available, especially for the electronic regulation and the pumps. However technical simplifications could be applied to improve the reliability. Prime Contractor: Landesgartenschau Freiburg; Freiburg; Germany.

The role of sympagic meiofauna for the flow of organic matter and energy in the Antarctic and Arctic sea-ice foodwebs

Das Projekt "The role of sympagic meiofauna for the flow of organic matter and energy in the Antarctic and Arctic sea-ice foodwebs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Polarökologie durchgeführt. The brine channels in sea ice (Fig. 1) of both polar regions are the habitat of sympagic (ice-associated) bacteria, algae, protozoans and small metazoans greater than 20 mym (meiofauna, Fig. 2), including copepods, plathyelminthes, rotifers, nematodes, cnidarians, nudibranchs and ctenophores. Primary production of sympagic algae forms the basis of the sea-ice food web, which is coupled to the pelagic ecosystem and higher trophic levels. The overall objective of this project is to reveal the qualitative and quantitative role of sympagic meiofauna for the flow of organic matter and energy in the Antarctic and Arctic sea-ice foodwebs. The major focus is on sympagic meiofauna because this group could, due to in part very high abundances, play an important role within the sea-ice ecosystem. Moreover, since sympagic metazoans are a food source for higher trophic levels (e.g. larger zooplankton, fish), they probably occupy a key position in coupling processes between the sea ice and pelagic ecosystems. Sympagic meiofauna can thus be supposed to significantly contribute to the flow of organic matter and energy in polar marine food webs. In spite of this, little information on the feeding ecology of this group is available as yet.

Two blade propeller turbine suspended under a barge using kinetic energy of river flows

Das Projekt "Two blade propeller turbine suspended under a barge using kinetic energy of river flows" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bodan-Werft Metallbau durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate how a two bladed propellor turbine suspended under a barge can exploit the kinetic energy of a river to produce electricity. General Information: The barge will be moored in the river and the kinetic energy of the river used to drive the propellor turbine, thus eliminating the need for expensive civil works. It is expected that the main application would be to supply local communities not connected to the national grid system, particularly in developing countries. A further advantage of the scheme is that, unlike conventional hydro systems, it can be very easily replicated. Initially a suction tube to concentrate water flow was envisaged, but this has now been omitted as it became apparent that it was only of advantage in very deep rivers. Suitable control mechanisms are being investigated to match the requirement for constant generator speed to variable river flow rates. Head 0 metres River velocity 2-3 m/second Turbine propellor (1. 44 metres diameter) Turbine power 40 kW Generator synchronous End-use isolated system Achievements: The apparatus proved very successful concerning manufacture, transport, sea-going quality (local velocity of current up to 4 m/s were tested). stability with propeller swung up. Propeller support with lifting device and foundations for gears and generator. The two-bladed propeller could cope well with stripping off driftage. The chain (L approx. 2,8 m) is extremely suitable for the transmission of the high torque and can be adapted to suit power output. Fluctuations during the turning moment probably caused by vibrations of the chain can be reduced by baffle rods. Presumably turbulences around the 'suction pipe' contribute to the fluctuations. These turbulences could possibly be avoided or at least reduced by the profiling of the 'suction pipe' on the descending current side. By means of the demonstration model it can be proved that, in principle, the system functions. In case of a series production the control system must be improved appropriately. The turning moments left of the optimum of the moment curves, plotted against the rotations per minute, could not be determined, as the propeller dragged in the optimum area and either came to a stand-still or operated right of the optimum. Operation costs were estimated at approx. 7,5 per cent of the investment expenses, whereby it was assumed that paint work would have to be done every 3-4 years. The operation expenses could be brought down under good water conditions. The efficiency of the propeller could be maintained by regular cleaning. (Slight roughness caused by marine fouling causes a loss of up to 20 per cent). Whereas the entire floating body and the main parts of the machinery and the transmission have been developed for quantity production, the control system must still be further developed in this respect. The presumable service life is estimated to be approx. 15 years. The power output depends very strongly upon the flow...

Polymeric meat exchangers for heat recovery of sour coal refuse combustion gases and hot water utilization at 80-120 deg. C

Das Projekt "Polymeric meat exchangers for heat recovery of sour coal refuse combustion gases and hot water utilization at 80-120 deg. C" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GEA Luftkühlergesellschaft Happel, Hauptabteilung Forschung und Entwicklung durchgeführt. Objective: - Recovery of waste energy, presently destroyed in a FGD or in the atmosphere, shall be demonstrated with the use of modern heat exchangers. - With the selected combination of cost-optimized polymeric materials, the region of widely encountered heat exchanger wall temperatures of less than abt. 150 deg. C shall be utilized economically to produce hot water up to abt. 120 deg. C and to allow heating of gas using zero-leckage recuperative systems. - Acid condensation on the heat exchangers shall be provoked (low pollution) and withstood over a long service life. Disadvantages of the materials PFA and PTFE shall be avoided. Service life is compared with different materials by applications made in parallel and purposely performed secondary tests. General Information: - Suitability of novel polymeric material combinations compared with single-wall polymeric materials will be demonstrated. - Waste hot flue gases from coal fired stations/refuse incinerators are cooled down to a region where acids would condense for the purpose of energy recovery and reduction of environmental pollution. The recovered energy is introduced operationally safe into a cleaned gas flow. - In a Munich power station the flue gas that was cleaned to a low SO2/m3 level before is heated up with flue gas energy without the use of operation steam and without transferring acid-containing ashes. - Individual operation parameters of the heat exchangers and of each cycle can be seen from Flow Sheet 33 99 0528 01 Rev.1. For the purposely performed secondary tests two recuperative heat exchangers of an adjacent plant operating purely as refuse incinerator are used. - The flow sheet 'GEA DAGAVO for FGD', is an example for a conventional clean gas heating system with steam at 10 bar. - In order to achieve a global market introduction of energy saving heat exchanger systems with tubes made of polymeric materials, the following properties of the various tube materials shall be successfully demonstrated. 1. FLUE GAS - Price/performance ratio/service life of, for instance, a PVDF/FEP tube wall = 150 C wall temperature was to be inferior to that of solid-wall PTFE tubes. While both the tested combinations/the pure PTFE tubes do not exhibit a sufficiently safe operation, the PFA tube with advanced QA parameters are complying with the requirements. - The problems of frequent failures on PTFE tubes shall be reduced towards zero by applying novel fabrication, quality assurance procedures of the compound material tubes. Characteristic data for e.g. 160 C PFA/PTFE tube wall temperature should be superior to the solid-wall PFA tubes exposed to similar stress. However, it emerged that optimized PFA tubes used in this programme performed best. Inappropriate behaviour of unsuitable PFA tubes was demonstrated. And by way of the improved QA programme used, this malfunction could be detected at a very early stage before the tubes were actually installed in the heat exchangers. This required...

Nutzung der Meeresenergie in Deutschland

Das Projekt "Nutzung der Meeresenergie in Deutschland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecofys Germany GmbH - Niederlassung Berlin durchgeführt. Die Studie aus dem Jahr 2010 verfolgte das Ziel, die Grundlage für eine Neubewertung der Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung der Meeresenergie in Deutschland zu schaffen und die Bundesregierung damit hinsichtlich einer zukünftigen Förderungspraxis zu beraten. Der erste Teil der Studie umfasste die Bestimmung der Potentiale zur Nutzung der Meeresenergie in der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee. Ausgehend von einer detaillierten Recherche des weltweiten Stands der Technik und aktuellen Projekten zur Nutzung von Energie aus Strömung, Wellen, Gezeiten, Salz- und Temperaturgradienten wurde für jede dieser Energieformen das technische Potential in Deutschland bestimmt. Außerdem wurde eine Branchenumfrage unter deutschen Firmen und Experten mit Interesse an der Nutzung der Meeresenergie durchgeführt. Damit wurden die Möglichkeiten des Exports deutscher Meeresenergie-Technologie ins Ausland bewertet. Der dritte Teil der Studie umfasst eine detaillierte Analyse des deutschen Rechts- und Genehmigungsrahmens mit besonderem Fokus auf mögliche Barrieren zur Nutzung der Meeresenergie. Die Studienergebnisse bestätigten, dass das theoretische Potential für die Nutzung der Meeresenergie in Deutschland sowohl im Vergleich zu anderen Standorten auf der Welt als auch mit Blick auf die deutschen Ziele für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien zur Stromerzeugung gering ist. Allein das Potential des Tidenhubs, der Wellen- und der Strömungsenergie scheint an einzelnen Standorten kleinere Anwendungen zur Erprobung von Technologien möglich zu machen.

Construction of a SHP station with an innovative compact kaplan bulb turbine with 5 blade Runner

Das Projekt "Construction of a SHP station with an innovative compact kaplan bulb turbine with 5 blade Runner" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Mammut Electric GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Construction of the Wutöschingen small hydropower p1ant with an innovative type of compact Kaplan bulb turbine. The turbine is fitted with a 5 blade runner and will be constructed in this size for the first time. This solution will allow the use of only 1 set of machinery compared to 2 in a conventional setup and still have a large discharge capacity at very high efficiency rates under low-head conditions down to the lowest partial load. General Information: The Wutöschingen small hydro power plant was initially planned as a diversion type run-of-river plant which utilizes the seasonally fluctuating discharges of the river Wutach, a tributary to the Upper Rhine. For environmental reasons the plant has now been redesigned as a river power station without diversion race. Performance data will remain unchanged. The plant is situated in the state of Baden-Württemberg in the southwest of the Federal Republic of Germany. The barrage of the river is of the inflatable weir type. The plant is designed to utilize the potential unused so far by incorporating an innovative five blade runner compact Kaplan bulb turbine. This new turbine, which will be used for the first time in this particular size, will permit the use of flows up to 12 m3/s with highest efficiency rates at a head of only 5,1 m and the annual production of 3,2 GWh. The plant will be operated fully automatically and will feed the electricity produced into the public grid of the Badenwerke AG. The turbine consists of an axial flow runner with innovated runner geometry and is equipped with a speed increaser with bevel drive, which transmits the rotation energy to the generator. Safety and life span of runner and guide vanes are substantially increased by using water lubrication bearing technology and improved materials. For ecological reasons the power house is perfectly fitted into the surrounding landscape. By using only 1 set of machinery, as compared to 2 in a conventional setup, the result will be a substantially higher profitability by cutting construction costs by 20 to 30 per cent . Specifications: h=5.1 m, Q=12.0 m3/s, PA = 528 kW. The average energy production costs are calculated to 0.054 ECU/kWh.

Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft

Das Projekt "Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Ökosystemforschung, Abteilung Polarökologie durchgeführt. Sea temperature is a major environmental factor controlling the distribution and metabolism of benthic organisms. It is well established that cold-water species from both deepsea and polar regions are adapted to low ambient temperatures but mostly exhibit a rather narrow physiological temperature tolerance (Clarke & Fraser 2004). Hence, even small changes in temperature are likely to have a large effect on the metabolism of those species and, at a community level, might alter the partitioning of the benthic carbon and energy flow pattern at a community level (Piepenburg et al. 1996). Moreover, as climate change will not only lead to a pronounced temperature rise but also to a significant decrease in pH (ocean acidification) and, at local scales, salinity (e.g., the temperatureinduced freshwater release), the synergetic impacts of these interacting abiotic parameters on one or a few leverage species are expected to cause sweeping community-level changes (Harley et al. 2006). As such shifts are difficult to study and predict at this level, particularly in remote cold-water environments, we propose to start with examining the short-term response (at a level of hours to days) of the metabolism of benthic organisms to changes in temperature, salinity and pH, combining an experimental approach and a small-scale field study.

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