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Die Umweltprobenbank

Die Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB) ist ein Archiv. Proben des Menschen und der Umwelt lagern dort bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen. Mit den regelmäßig gesammelten Proben können wir den Zustand unserer Umwelt dokumentieren und beobachten, wie sich die Belastung durch natürliche und anthropogene (Schad)Stoffe mit der Zeit verändert. Die Proben der UPB werden so gewonnen, transportiert, aufgearbeitet und gelagert, dass ihre biologische und chemische Information auch über lange Zeiträume konstant bleibt. Auf diese Weise machen es Umweltprobenbanken möglich, dass wir aktuelle Proben mit Archivmaterial vergleichen können, das vor Jahrzehnten gesammelt und eingelagert wurde. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.

The Environmental Specimen Bank for Human Tissues as part of the German Environmental Specimen Bank

Wiesmüller, G.A.; Eckard, R; Dobler, L.; Günsel, A.; Oganowski, M.; Schröter-Kermani, C.; Schlüter, C.; Gies, A.; Kemper, F. H. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 210 (2007), 3-4, 299-305 The German Environmental Specimen Bank for Human Tissues (ESBHum) as part of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) focuses on documenting and assessing trends of human exposure via real-time-monitoring of body burden and long-term storage of samples under stable deep freezing conditions (-150°C) for later retrospective analyses. Real-time monitoring is performed after completing sampling processes of one year and covers actually 20 inorganic and 5 organic substances. While concentrations of several substances, e.g., arsenic, cadmium and mercury, are remained unchanged over time, other substances, e.g., lead and pentachlorophenol (PCP), show a clearly perceptible decrease. Substances which are not routinely analyzed in real-time-monitoring are retrospectively measured by indication in the stored human specimens. Indications of retrospective monitoring are availability of valid analytical methods, e.g., in case of PCDF and PCDD, or assessment of concentration trends of substances with actual interest of toxicology and/or environmental medicine, e.g., polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). While over time the body burden of dioxins as well as PFOS and PFOA decreased, the PBDE concentrations in human blood increase. The observed decrease of blood lead and PCP levels over time is a consequence of legal prohibition and restriction. The time-dependent concentrations of the aforementioned substances agree with results of other national studies. So it can be concluded that the German ESBHum is an important instrument for health-related environmental observation and protection in Germany. doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.01.036

Environmental specimen bank for human tissues

Wiesmüller, Gerhard A.; Gies, Andreas Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (2011),  507-527, online 23. Februar 2011 The Environmental Specimen Bank for Human Tissues (ESB-Human) is part of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). It focuses on documenting and assessing trends of human exposures via real-time monitoring (RTM) of body burden and long-term storage of samples under stable deep-freezing conditions for retrospective monitoring (RM). Every year RTM is performed in blood and urine of German students. Medical history, personal metadata, individual behavior, and potential exposures are asked via a standardized self-reported questionnaire. RTM currently covers 64 inorganic and 5 organochlorine compounds. It indicates that concentrations of several substances remain unchanged over time, for example, arsenic, cadmium, and selenium, whereas concentrations of other substances significantly decrease, for example, lead and pentachlorophenol (PCP). Stored samples allow rapid RM of pollutants whenever needed. Need for time-related exposure information and availability of analytical methods are main criteria to conduct RM. Recent analyses include phthalates and brominated and perfluorinated compounds (PFC). ESB-Human data confirms success of regulatory efforts to reduce human exposures, for example, to dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and PFC. In contrast, the data indicate time-dependent increase in, for example, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DiNP) concentrations in human tissues and the potential need for risk reduction strategies. Current research investigates the feasibility of sampling human tissues from highly vulnerable groups. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-52272-6.00450-5


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von Pommes frites Kartoffeln aus konventioneller Landwirtschaft Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 3 Tage bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten


Tiefkühllagerung (Großhandel) von GFisch Energieverbrauch für Lagerung Annahme Lagerzeit 180 Tage (da saisonales Produkt) bisher keine Annahmen zu Transporten

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