Sedimente von 7 Terminstationen sowie Zoobenthos- (Corophium volutator, Hediste diversicolor, Oligochaeta) und Vegetationsproben (Phragmites australis) von 2 Terminstationen im Eulitoral der Wesermündung werden seit 1985 zweimal jährlich auf die Anreicherung von verschiedenen Schwermetallen untersucht. Das Programm begann mit der Analyse von Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg und Zn. Seit 1987 wurden zusätzlich die Konzentrationen von Fe, Mn, Ti und V bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen sind Teil der Überwachung von Abwassereinleitungen aus dem Titandioxidproduktion eines Werkes bei Nordenham und basieren auf der „EG-Richtlinie 82/883/EWG über die Einzelheiten der Überwachung und Kontrolle der durch die Ableitungen aus der Titanoxidproduktion betroffenen Umweltmedien“. The concentrations of heavy metals were biannually determined in the intertidal sediments, macrozoobenthos (Corophium volutator, Hediste diversicolor, Oligochaeta) and vegetation (Phragmites australis) form the Weser estuary during 1985-1992. The programme started with the analyzing of Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg, and Zn. From 1987 on the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Ti, and V were additionally determined. The assessments are part of the surveys of the impact of the outfall from a titanium dioxide plant on the estuarine environment. They base on the Council directive 82/883/EEC December 1982. The results are discussed in reference to the geochemical background (sediment) and data from recent literature.
technologyComment of heavy mineral sand quarry operation (AU, RoW): There are two ways for mining zircon sand: dry & wet mining with the choice of mining depending on the structure of the geological deposit. During wet mining, floating dredges and a floating concentrator are utilized in an enclosed pond, where the concentrator moves behind the dredges. Wet mining is the preferred technique for large continuous deposits with amounts of clay. For all other types of HMS deposits (hard-ground deposits, discontinuous deposits and small tonnage high-grade deposits), dry mining is the most preferred mining process. Dry mining utilizes earth-moving machinery (loaders, excavators, scrapes) for the purposes of sand excavation and transportation to the concentrator. The mining unit plants used in dry mining are mobile in order to minimize the transport distance of the sand. After the transportation of the HMS to the respective concentrator, wet gravity separations techniques (spirals) are usually applied for the production of the heavy mineral concentrate (HMC), although some hard-rock sites use bulk froth flotation to extract the heavy minerals from the sand. The produced slurry from dry and wet mining is then fed to the concentrator, where the HMC (90-96% heavy minerals) is produced along with the tailings that are backfilled in the mined areas. The HMC is transported to a mineral separation plant (MSP), where the HMC is subjected to scrubbing, drying and is separated by magnetic, electrostatic and gravity separation, producing zircon sand, ilmenite and rutile, with the last two considered as byproducts. technologyComment of ilmenite - magnetite mine operation (GLO): No comment present
Das Sponsorship Programm ist das zentrale Testprogramm der 2007 gegründeten OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). Diese wurde ins Leben gerufen, um einen zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten koordinierten Ansatz zu Sicherheitsfragen (z.B. die Anwendbarkeit von OECD Prüfrichtlinien) für technisch hergestellte Nanomaterialien zu ermöglichen. An der WPMN sind neben 30 OECD-Mitgliedsstaaten auch die Europäische Kommission, BIAC und verschiedene andere Nichtregierungsorganisationen beteiligt. Die Idee des OECD Sponsorship Programms war es, Daten zu ausgewählten und präzise beschriebenen, technisch hergestellten Nanomaterialien zusammen zu tragen. Auf diese Weise erhielt man Informationen zu physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften und Verhalten und Effekten auf Mensch und Umwelt. Deutschland war in diesem Prozess zusammen mit Frankreich hauptverantwortlich für die Datenerhebung zu nanoskaligem Titandioxid. Dieser Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse des Sponsorship Programms zur Ökotoxikologie und zum Umweltverhalten von nanoskaligem Titandioxid der OECD WPMN zusammen.Quelle:
The focus of this report is the determination, fate and behaviour of nanoscaled Titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the environment. Nanoscaled TiO2 is an industrial product being used in various applications such as sunscreens, coatings and paints which make a release into the environment likely. To be able to assess possible impacts of nanomaterials like TiO2 corresponding test procedures, here specifically OECD test guidelines were tested for the applicability and the results obtained interpreted. More specifically the OECD test guidelines OECD 303A – Laboratory Sewage Treatment Plants, OECD 312 – Leaching in Soil Columns and OECD 106 – Adsorption / Desorption in Soils were tested. Three different types of Titanium dioxide materials uncoated (P25 and PC105) and hydrophic coated (UV Titan 262) were investigated to also derive information on possible influences of coating on the environmental behaviour. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 25/2012.
The Sponsorship Programme is the central testing programme of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) launched in 2007. It was called into being to create the conditions for a coordinated approach between the member countries with regard to the safety of manufactured nanomaterials. The WPMN brings together 30 member countries of the OECD and the EU Commission. Some non-member countries are also represented, as are organisations from industry and from standardisation and environmental associations. The idea behind the OECD Sponsorship Programme was to collate data on selected and precisely described manufactured nanomaterials. The intention was thereby to obtain information on their physicochemical properties, behaviour and effects on humans and the environment, and to demonstrate the relationships between them. In this process Germany joined forces with France as joint “Lead Sponsors” for nTiO2. This report summarizes the results of the Sponsorship Programme on ecotoxicology and environmental behavior of nanoscale titanium dioxide of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). Veröffentlicht in Texte | 69/2016.
The nanoparticulate titanium dioxide NM-105 was investigated in two tests with Lumbriculus variegatus in a sediment-water system according to the OECD TG 225 [5]. The nominal test concentrations in the first test were 15; 23; 39; 63 and 100 mg/L NM-105 and 100 mg/L NM-105 in the second test. Chemical analysis of titanium concentrations in test media in the first test showed good agreement with nominal test concentrations. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 06/2013.
A test concept for bioconcentration tests with the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca (HYBIT) was recently described. It was shown that the Hyalella bioconcentration factors (BCFs) derived for compounds with different hydrophobic characteristics (log Kow 2.4 – 7.8) show a strong correlation to those from fish tests. This project was carried out to elucidate the suitability of the HYBIT test for testing an extended range of substance classes including difficult to test compounds and, if required, to further enhance the test concept. The bioaccumulation potential of highly lipophilic UV stabilisers and ionic organic PFAS as well as silver, titanium dioxide and gold nanomaterials were tested. The two possible set-ups to conduct bioconcentration studies with H. azteca using a semi-static test set-up or a flow-through approach were applied. The solvent-facilitated and solvent-free application of the hydrophobic test compounds were compared. Due to the difficulties regarding the aqueous exposure of nanomaterials, biomagnification studies were also carried out as part of this project. We could show that the HYBIT approach permits the application of difficult to test compounds and enables to derive bioaccumulation endpoints for regulatory assessment. Due to the shorter exposure periods required, and the smaller experimental units used, the HYBIT approach provides several advantages in comparison to the flow-through fish test. As a non-vertebrate test, the Hyalella bioconcentration (or biomagnification) test may help to further reduce the amount of fish required for the regulatory testing of chemicals. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 134/2022.
This project investigated the ecotoxicological hazard of two different sized TiO2 nanomaterials and one non-nano sized TiO2 reference material to organisms inhabiting different environmental compartments. Following standardized tests ( OECD guidelines) were used to investigate the influence of these materials on several test organisms: Daphnia sp. acute immobilization test (Test No. 202), Fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test (Test No. 236), Activated sludge, respiration inhibition test (Test No. 209), Earthworm, acute toxicity test (Test No. 207), Earthworm, reproduction test, (Test No. 222). Thereby, different organisms and effect levels (respiration, mobility, mortality, reproduction, embryonic development) were considered. Main focuses of the study were tests under relevant exposure scenarios. Therefore, Daphnia sp. acute immobilization tests and activated sludge tests were performed with solar radiation. Mixture experiments with nano-TiO2 and an organic contaminant were conducted with the acute and chronic earthworm and activated sludge respiration tests. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 72/2014.
Das Sponsorship Programm ist das zentrale Testprogramm der 2007 gegründeten OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). Diese wurde ins Leben gerufen, um einen zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten koordinierten Ansatz zu Sicherheitsfragen (z.B. die Anwendbarkeit von OECD Prüfrichtlinien) für technisch hergestellte Nanomaterialien zu ermöglichen. An der WPMN sind neben 30 OECD-Mitgliedsstaaten auch die Europäische Kommission, BIAC und verschiedene andere Nichtregierungsorganisationen beteiligt. Die Idee des OECD Sponsorship Programms war es, Daten zu ausgewählten und präzise beschriebenen, technisch hergestellten Nanomaterialien zusammen zu tragen. Auf diese Weise erhielt man Informationen zu physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften und Verhalten und Effekten auf Mensch und Umwelt. Deutschland war in diesem Prozess zusammen mit Frankreich hauptverantwortlich für die Datenerhebung zu nanoskaligem Titandioxid. Dieser Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse des Sponsorship Programms zur Ökotoxikologie und zum Umweltverhalten von nanoskaligem Titandioxid der OECD WPMN zusammen. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 45/2016.
The aim of this project was the determination of the biokinetics of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) in the whole body of healthy adult rats after NP administration to the respiratory tract – either via inhalation or instillation. Here we offered applying our previously developed methodology of quantitative biokinetics using radio-labelled NP. Quantitative biokinetics means that not only the NP absolute contents and concentrations of NP in primary and secondary organs and tissues of interest are determined but also those of the remaining body (carcass) and those in faecal and urinary excretion. Veröffentlicht in Umwelt & Gesundheit | 04/2010.
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Wissenschaft | 21 |
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Text | 14 |
Umweltprüfung | 1 |
unbekannt | 33 |
License | Count |
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offen | 246 |
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Language | Count |
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Resource type | Count |
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Weitere | 286 |