Die Publikation enthält die Ergebnisse einer EU-weiten Recherche zu den statistischen Methoden, die zur Erfüllung der Berichtspflichten gegenüber der EU genutzt werden. Recherchiert wurden die Methoden, die für die Erhebung der erneuerbaren Strom- und Wärmemengen, die nicht in zentrale Netze eingespeist werden, genutzt werden. In 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie der Schweiz und Großbritannien wurden durch muttersprachliche Rechercheure*Rechercheurinnen in Interviews mit Experten*Expertinnen des jeweiligen Landes Informationen zu den eingesetzten Methoden erhoben. Den Interviews wurden Literatur- und Internetrecherchen vorangestellt. Die statistischen Methoden sind in der Publikation transparent beschrieben und vergleichend dargestellt. Es sind Informationen zu den folgenden Energieträgern enthalten: zur Stromerzeugung aus Windkraft, Photovoltaik, Wasserkraft, Geothermie, fester und flüssiger Biomasse und Biogasen sowie zur Wärme- und Kälteerzeugung aus fester und flüssiger Biomasse, aus Biogasen, Biokraftstoffen jenseits des Verkehrssektors, Solarthermie, Umweltwärme und Geothermie. Für die Wärmenutzung wurde außerdem nach den Sektoren Private Haushalte, Industrie, Dienstleistungen und Landwirtschaft unterschieden. Vier der recherchierten Methoden wurden nach festgelegten Kriterien ausgewählt und näher analysiert; eine Übertragbarkeit auf Deutschland wurde geprüft. Abschließend wurden Empfehlungen für nächste Schritte abgeleitet. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
Das Projekt "Chemie und Mikrophysik des Nebels" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Frankfurt, Zentrum für Umweltforschung durchgeführt. Es sollen ein Nebelsammler und ein Wolkenwassersammler konstruiert werden. Der Nebelsammler soll fuer den vollautomatischen Betrieb (Einsatz in Messnetzen) konzipiert werden. Wesentlich hierbei wird die experimentelle Bestimmung der Sammeleigenschaften sein (Abscheidecharakteristik, Durchsatz), die fuer die bisher in Europa eingesetzten Sammler in der Regel nicht bekannt sind. Die entwickelten Sammler sollen in einer Nebelkammer (ECN, Petten) sowie in Feldexperimenten ausfuehrlich getestet werden, wobei neben der Fluessig- und Gasphase auch die feste Phase zu erfassen ist, um die gemessenen physikalischen Parameter mit Modellrechnungen (Prof.F.Herbert, W.Wobrock) vergleichen zu koennen. Auf dem Kleinen Feldberg soll nach amerikanischem Vorbild (V.Mohnen) eine Pilotstation mit den entsprechenden amerikanischen standardisierten Geraeten betrieben werden.
Das Projekt "Phase 1: Earth and Space Based Power Generation Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. This study has to be understood in the frame of the global Energy Policy. A great part of world energy production is currently based on non-renewable sources: oil, gas and coal. Global warming and restricted fossil energy sources force a strong demand for another climate compatible energy supply. Therefore, fossil energy sources will nearly disappear until the end of this century. The question is to find a viable replacement. By using viable' it is meant a low-cost and environmental friendly energy. In other words, the question is to find an alternative to nuclear energy among all proposed but still not mature renewable energies. One of the solutions proposed is solar energy. Yet, two major concerns slow down its development as an alternative: first, it lacks of technological maturity and secondly it suffers from alternating supply during days and nights, winters and summers. The idea proposed by Glaser in the sixties to bypass this inconvenient is to take the energy at the source (or at least, as near as possible): in other words, to put a solar station on orbit that captures the energy without problems of climatic conditions and to redirect it through a beam to the ground. That is the concept of Solar Power Satellites. Its principal feasibility was shown by DOE / NASA in 1970 years studies (5 GW SPS in GEO). Project objectives: This phase 1 study activity is to be seen as the initial step of a series of investigations on the viability of power generation in space facing towards an European strategy on renewable, CO2 free energy generation, including a technology development roadmap pacing the way to establish in a step-wise approach on energy generation capabilities in space. The entire activity has to be embedded in an international network of competent, experienced partners. As part of this, an interrelationship to and incorporation of activities targeting the aims of the EU 6th FP ESSPERANS should be maintained. In particular, the activities related to following objectives are described: The generation of scientifically sound and objective results on terrestrial CO2 emission free power generation solutions in comparison with state-of-the-art space based solar power solutions The detailed comparison and trades between the terrestrial and the space based solutions in terms of cost, reliability and risk The identification of possible synergies between ground and space based power generation solutions The assessment on terrestrial energy storage needs by combining ground based with space based energy generation solutions The investigation of the viability of concepts in terms of energy balance of the complete systems and payback times.
Das Projekt "Biomass fluidised bed gasification with in situ hot gas cleaning (AER-GAS II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Objective: The project aim is a low-cost gasification process with integrated in-situ gas cleaning for the conversion of biomass into a product gas with high hydrogen concentration, high heating value and low tar/alkali/sulphur concentration in one process step for s ubsequent power production. The proposed process uses in-situ CO2 capture (AER, Absorption Enhanced Reforming). It is more efficient than conventional gasification due to (i) the in-situ integration of the reaction heat of CO2 absorption and water-gas shif t reaction heat (both exothermic) into the gasification and (ii) the internal reforming of primary and secondary tars, which cuts off the formation of higher tars. Thus, the chemical energy of tars remains in the product gas. The product gas after dust rem oval can directly be used in a gas engine for electricity generation. Due to the low operation temperature (up to 700 C) and due to CaO-containing bed materials, the proposed process allows the use of problematic feedstocks such as biomass with high minera l and high moisture content, e.g. straw, sewage sludge, etc., leading to an increased market potential for biomass gasification processes. Screening/development of absorbent materials with high attrition stability and tar cracking properties will be carrie d out. Analysis of tar formation/decomposition process will be studied in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor and a 100 kWth circulating fluidised bed reactor (continuous mode). With the acquired data, the 8 MWth biomass plant at Guessing, Austria, will be opera ted with absorbent bed material in order to prove the feasibility of a scale-up and to assess the economical aspects of the process. In order to point out the market potential, the cost reduction of the AER technology will be quantified in comparison with the conventional gasification power plant. Expected results will be: (i) a broad knowledge of the proposed process and (ii) a low-cost technology for biomass gasification with subsequent power production.
Das Projekt "Analysis of satellite measurements of halogen oxides in the Antarctic: source regions, transport and comparison to model simulations" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Sea ice is a major source of atmospheric sea salt in Antarctica. This recent finding triggered a change in paradigm for the paleoclimatic interpretation of polar ice core records. Moreover, the release of reactive gas-phase halogens from the salty ice surface and of salt aerosol is of major importance for the tropospheric chemistry. The presence of reactive bromine in the polar troposphere causes the often complete depletion of ozone in the boundary layer, and a fast oxidation of other trace species such as mercury and the biologically produced dimethyl sulfide (DMS). An oxidation product of the latter, methanesulfonic acid (MSA), and sea salt concentration from ice core records have been used as proxies to infer information about the past sea ice extent. We propose to investigate the processes related to the salt aerosol generation on the sea ice surface, the atmospheric salt transport, the halogen release, and the impact on the tropospheric composition in a joint project. Here we describe one part of this project: the remote sensing of tropospheric BrO and the analysis of source regions and transport patterns. The analysis of the sea ice parameters from remote sensing data, the development of a sea ice aerosol model and the investigation of the major ions from Neumayer station aerosol filter measurements as well as from existing ice core and snow pit records is part of a joint proposal by the University of Hamburg. The lagrangian modeling of aerosol transport and halogen chemistry is part of a parallel proposal from the MPI Mainz. The proposed joint project is embedded in the International Polar Year IPY core project 'Air Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI-IPY)'.
Das Projekt "Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (SWERA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. The project SWERA will provide solar and wind resource data and geographic information assessment tools to public and private sector executives who are involved in energy market development. It will demonstrate the use of these instruments in investment and policy decision making and build local capacities for their continuous use. The project will enable private investors and public policy makers to assess the technical, economic and environmental potential for large-scale investments in technologies that enable the exploitation of two increasingly important sources of renewable energy. During this pilot project, tools for analysis and use of resource information will be developed, a global archive and review mechanism will be initiated, regional/national solar and wind resource maps generated and national assessment demonstrations performed. The overall goal is to promote the integration of wind and solar alternatives in national and regional energy planning and sector restructuring as well as related policy making. The project will enable informed decision making and enhance the ability of participating governments to attract increased investor interest in renewable energy. Thirteen countries will be directly involved in the pilot stage of the project. Global and regional maps will be available to all developing countries. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) will provide high resolution solar maps of the Direct Normal Irradiation. This is particularly important for concentrating solar power collectors. DLR will work with SUNY and INPE/LABSOLAR to integrate their high-resolution horizontal total radiation model. DLR and TERI will jointly execute the South Asian mapping using INSAT and METEOSAT-5 data. DLR will provide advice to national executing agencies and stakeholders on their activities and assist in the comparison of measurements and different mapping models.
Das Projekt "Simplified Life Cycle Assessment: Home Washing and Industrial Washing of Blue Workwear - Comparison and Benchmarking" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Ökoeffizienz der Entsorgung in Bayern, Deutschland und der Schweiz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH durchgeführt. Im Auftrag des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Umwelt hat bifa den erstmals 2003 durchgeführten Ökoeffizienzvergleich der Entsorgungsstrukturen Bayerns, Deutschlands und der Schweiz erweitert und aktualisiert. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Jahr 2003 zeigten, dass der bayerische Weg zur Gestaltung der Abfallwirtschaft in seiner Ökoeffizienz im Vergleich mit den Entsorgungsstrukturen der Schweiz und dem deutschen Durchschnitt am besten abschnitt. Nach der, im Rahmen der aktuellen Beauftragung, durchgeführten Datenaktualisierung, der Bilanzierung zusätzlicher Wertstoffströme und der Berücksichtigung des Verbots der Ablagerung nicht vorbehandelter Abfälle rücken die Entsorgungsstrukturen hinsichtlich Ihrer Ökoeffizienz deutlich enger zusammen. Die Entsorgungsstruktur Bayerns weist im Vergleich zur Entsorgungsstruktur Deutschlands zwar noch ein geringfügig besseres ökologisches Gesamtergebnis auf, ist aber gleichzeitig mit leicht höheren Gesamtkosten verbunden. Die Entsorgungsstruktur der Schweiz ist etwas weniger ökoeffizient. Die Ursachen dafür sind eine geringere Umweltentlastung im ökologischen Gesamtergebnis, gepaart mit vergleichsweise hohen Entsorgungskosten. Methoden: Analyse und Moderation sozialer Prozesse, Ökobilanzierung und Systemanalyse, Ökonomie und Managementberatung.
Das Projekt "Impact of silviculture on species diversity in forests in Germany" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Objectives: Focus of investigations is in development of species and ecosystem diversity (alpha-, beta- and gamma-diversity) as well as on ecological and population biological processes on landscape and ecosystem levels. The project asks questions on the function of forest management and landscape units for dispersal and establishment of typical forest plants (herb, shrub and tree layer), in particular on the exchange of diaspores (dispersal units) and the recolonization of biocoenologically impoverished, partly fragmented forest ecosystems. We will also check to what extent species or species groups and habitat structures can be used as indicators for monitoring of biological diversity in forests on landscape level. Major questions are: (1) How to maintain or re-create a biological diversity that is typical and as large as possible for the respective forest ecosystem? (2) What spacious effects does forest management have for the biological diversity at landscape level? (3) Which role do wild animals (e.g. hoofed game, birds) play in the diaspore dispersal of vascular forest plants? (4) How can the biological diversity be monitored with simple methods? Results: - The comparison of the recent and the ancient forest cover shows in total an increasing forest area of 636 ha. On the soils of the ground and terminal moraines deforestation exceeds by far the reforestation (balance -544ha). On the sander the afforestation of former heathland, communal pasture and fields increases the forest area round about 1.198 ha. - The rare vascular plant species, selected on the basis of their frequency in the distribution atlas of the flora of Schleswig-Holstein, are mainly found on the nutrient rich and moist sites of the recent moraine, especially in the Alno-Ulmion and the Hordelymo-Fagetum. - A comparison of the presence of the rare vascular plant species with informations in the distribution atlas leads to the presumption of a decrease of the occurence of a lot of these species. The reasons for this are discussed. - The strict relationship of the rare forest vascular plant species to sites with continously forest cover is remarkable. Only 12 of the 72 sites with at least one rare plant species are clearly afforestated agricultaral area. - Hoofed game species transport numerous plant species - partially in large amounts - over relatively long distances, both by the faeces after gut passage (endozoochory) and by adhesion to the coats and hooves (epizoochory). Especially wild boar are of particular importance, as they may potentially disperse almost plant species.
Das Projekt "Electrification through Micro Hydro Power Sites in Rural Indonesia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. RWI, Kompetenzbereich Umwelt und Ressourcen durchgeführt. While urban Indonesia is almost completely electrified, two-thirds of the rural population still lack access to electricity. In many cases, the mountainous rural areas are difficult to access and sparsely populated implying high investment costs for infrastructure extension. Against this background the German International Cooperation (GIZ) supports the implementation of micro hydro plants (MHP) in rural communities to supply the population with decentralized electricity. During its first project phase between 2006 and 2009, GIZ has supported the construction of 96 MHPs on two of the five main islands of Indonesia, Sulawesi and Sumatra. These activities have been funded as part of the Dutch-German Energy Partnership Energising Development (EnDev), an output-oriented programme that aims at providing modern energy to 6.1 million people in 21 countries. In a second project phase starting in 2010 (EnDev II), more than 200 micro-hydro schemes are planned to be supported. RWI has been assigned to assess the socio-economic impacts of electrification through MHP on household level through both a cross-sectional and a difference in differences approach. For this purpose, 800 households were interviewed in a first survey wave in September and November 2010. Half of them are located in 20 EnDev II villages that only got connected to an MHP after data collection. The remainder of the sample has already been using electricity at that time from a working micro hydro scheme supported within EnDev I. The second survey wave is scheduled for autumn 2012. The cross-sectional arm of the study allowed for gauging the impacts of the connection to an MHP already after the first wave at the end of 2010. For the electrified, hence, treated EnDev I households, comparable EnDev II households have been used as controls. Having follow-up data at hand at the end of 2012, difference in differences estimators can be applied to more rigorously assess the impacts of the connection to an MHP. In this approach, the EnDev I households already connected in 2010 and still connected in 2012 will serve as a reference group for the EnDev II households who got treated between the 2010 and 2012 survey. This prevents that changes induced by external influences (e.g. general economic development) are falsely ascribed to the treatment. For the reference group of EnDev II households it was found in 2010 that an important share already used 'pre-electrification' sources like generators or very simple traditional waterwheels - so called kincirs. The impact assessment will therefore not only illustrate the change from traditional energy sources like kerosene to electricity but also deliver impact findings on using a modern electricity source in comparison to pre-electrification sources that tend to be either costly and dirty (generators), or unstable and weak (kincir).
Origin | Count |
Bund | 102 |
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Förderprogramm | 101 |
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offen | 101 |
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Deutsch | 102 |
Englisch | 83 |
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Keine | 78 |
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Mensch & Umwelt | 102 |
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