Das Projekt "Improvement of oil palm wood by bio resin application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften, Institut für Forstnutzung und Forsttechnik, Professur für Forstnutzung durchgeführt. Reinforcement of oil palm wood by using Bioresin to improve its physical, mechanical and machinery properties. Concerning the utilization of oil palm wood, which is available in large number throughout the year, especially when the mature plants has reached its economic life span (approx. 25 years). Normally, this mature plant should be replanting. According to the projection of oil palm plantation development in Indonesia, there are more than 16 million cubic meter of this bulky material starting 2010. This large amount of biomass, if no real effort, will become a serious problem. Unfortunately, the current replanting method (push-felled) sounds risky and in several companies follow by burning method, which is really not solve problem, but creating the other serious problem, such as air pollution. The oil palm wood characteristics as a monocotyledons species is naturally quite different compare to the common wood (dicotyledonous). Originally the oil palm tree has various densities along the trunk and its density decreased linearly with trunk height and towards the centre of the trunk. Green oil palm trunk is also very susceptible to fungal and insect attack due to the high sugar and starch content. Hence, the utilization of this material is not fully utilized yet and still poses a serious environmental problem. Yet, compared to the various intensive researches and the economically important of the oil palm, processing technology and diversification of palm oil based products mainly from CPO and PKO, the oil palm solid waste, particularly the oil palm wood, has received relatively little research attention. This might be due to lack or insufficient the scientific information and Know-How of this material and might be also due to the difficulties of using with the OPT. Although several investigations have already conducted in the field of OPT, but a sufficient knowledge shall be achieved in order to design and establish the new tailor-made wood products based on oil palm wood. Hence, this study was directed to focus the characteristics of OPT including anatomical, physical, mechanical and machinery properties, and in order to use the OPT for structural purposes, the wood properties of OPT were improved and reinforced with Bioresin through the development of wood modification techniques.
Das Projekt "Qualifizierung des Elektronenstrahlschweißens im Dickblechbereich für Anwendungen im Windenergieanlagenbau" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde - IEHK durchgeführt. Due to ecological reasons and because of the need to remain independent from foreign energy suppliers, the power generation in offshore wind parks becomes more and more important in Germany. It is therefore planned to build up approximately 1,300 new offshore wind power plants with a capacity of 6,500 MW near the German coastline until 2020. The structures are installed on the ground of the sea in a water depth that might in some cases reach 50 m. The mechanical loading situation for these structures is characterised by an enormous weight combined with high cyclic stresses resulting from the service loads and the tide. Hence, hot rolled steels with a yield strength of 355 MPa are employed in a maximum thickness of 100 mm. Until now, the required toughness properties for these structural steels and their welds are 40 J at -20 C. However, in a plate thickness of 100 mm, only the submerged arc welding (SAW) process can be used to guarantee such toughness properties, but especially in these heavy plates, submerged arc welding is rather time consuming and consequently more uneconomic compared to other welding techniques. Due to these disadvantages, it can even be expected that only part of the planned power plants will be built up in time as the high welding time of several hours per m causes too many delays. From the point of structural integrity, it can be argued wether a Charpy impact toughness of 40 J is really required, as this criterion is only set based on experiences of mechanical and civil engineers. Thus, it can be concluded that different welding techniques should be regarded as alternatives to SAW in case that the 'real' toughness requirements are less than 40 J at -20 C. Electron beam welding would be a favourable welding process for such heavy plates as even 100 m thick plates can be welded in one single step, but until now the toughness requirements of 40 J have not yet been met. It is therefore the aim of the research project to reinforce the electron beam welding process for the application to heavy plates in offshore wind power plants. To reach this aim, the following tasks are be carried out: - improvement of the electron beam welding process in order to achieve better toughness properties of the welds, - application of reliable fracture mechanics concepts in order to calculate realisitc toughness requirements. With regard to the process, already a this stage of the project an enormous improvement of the toughness properties of EB weld seams could be demonstrated based on optimisation of the welding process. Furthermore, it could be shown that by establishing the leakage before breakage criterion combined with regular inspections, the toughness requirements can be significantly reduced. Thus, the EB welding can be applied to offshore wind energy installations even if steels of higher yield strength (e.g. S460Q) are selected.
Das Projekt "Sharing Experience On Risk Management (Health, Safety And Environment) To Design" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Apparate und Umweltechnik durchgeführt. SHAPE-RISK aims at optimising the efficiency of integrated risk management in the context of the sustainable development of the European process industry. The proposal addresses sustainable waste management and hazard reduction in production, storage and manufacturing. The main deliverable of the SHAPE-RISK process will be recommendations to design future cleaner and safer industrial systems. These recommendations will be discussed and endorsed by the Industry. And finally an agenda of actions, approved by Industry, will be done. The goal is to support life-cycle safety and minimisation of accident, pollution and emissions, from the producer of raw materials to the end-product delivered by the industrial installation. In operational terms, SHAPE-RISK aims at structuring a network with the organisations providing technical support to the Authorities in charge of the SEVESO II, IPPC and ATEX directives. This network organised in a Co-ordination Action will interact with the other stakeholders: Industry, the Public, representatives of Communities, International Organisation and NGOs. In 3 years, the result of SHAPE-RISK will be an integrated approach of the different components of risk management and the optimisation of the resources devoted to risk control (environment protection and accident prevention). It will be achieved by enhancing synergy between European, national and regional programmes, and also by taking into account the needs of the pre-accession countries. SHAPE-RISK will result in the dissemination of knowledge and in the specification of research activities to address innovative breakthrough that will serve the construction of safer and cleaner industrial systems. SHAPE-RISK then contributes to the integration and reinforcement of the European Research Area in risk prevention.
Das Projekt "4G-PHOTOCAT - Fourth generation photocatalysts: nano-engineered composites for water decontamination in low-cost paintable photoreactors" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie, Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie II durchgeführt. The project 4G-PHOTOCAT allies the expertise of 7 academic and 3 industrial partners from 5 EU countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Poland, and Finland) and 2 ASEAN countries (Malaysia and Vietnam) for the development of a novel generation of low-cost nano-engineered photocatalysts for sunlight-driven water depollution. Through rational design of composites in which the solar light-absorbing semiconductors are coupled to nanostructured redox co-catalysts based on abundant elements, the recombination of photogenerated charges will be suppressed and the rate of photocatalytic reactions will be maximized. In order to achieve fabrication of optimal architectures, advanced chemical deposition techniques with a high degree of control over composition and morphology will be employed and further developed. Furthermore, novel protocols will be developed for the implementation of the photocatalysts into a liquid paint, allowing for the deposition of robust photoactive layers onto flat surfaces, without compromising the photoactivity of immobilized photocatalysts. Such paintable photoreactors are envisaged particularly as low-cost devices for detoxification of water from highly toxic persistent organic pollutants which represent a serious health issue in many remote rural areas of Vietnam and other countries. The 4G-PHOTOCAT project will provide novel scientific insights into the correlation between compositional/structural properties and photocatalytic reaction rates under sunlight irradiation, as well as improved fabrication methods and enhanced product portfolio for the industrial partners. Finally, 4G-PHOTOCAT will lead to intensified collaboration between scientists working at the cutting edge of synthetic chemistry, materials science, heterogeneous photocatalysis, theoretical modelling, and environmental analytics, as well as to unique reinforcement of cooperation between scientists and industry partners from EU and ASEAN countries.
Das Projekt "Early age behaviour of 'green' UHPFRC with high GGBFS content" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPF), Institut d'Amenagement des Terres et des Eaux (IATE) durchgeführt. Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) are characterised by a very low water/binder ratio, high binder content and an optimized fibrous reinforcement. These new building materials provide the structural engineer with an unique combination of extremely low permeability, high strength and tensile strain hardening behaviour in the range of ductile metals (up to 0.2 Prozent at localization) and excellent rheological properties in fresh state. Recent research works with UHPFRC have demonstrated that these materials were perfectly well suited and best adapted for applications in composite UHPFRC-concrete structures. All this however was established for UHPFRC made with pure Portland cements. The rapidly growing interest for the use of these materials for new constructions or improvement of existing structures has triggered major industrial efforts to provide optimized UHPFRC recipes (binders and fibrous mix) from locally available components. More specifically, the optimization of the binders (type and content) and fibrous mix in such recipes would dramatically facilitate the penetration of these products on the market. On another hand, it is well known that the use of blended cements with mineral additions presents significant advantages for usual concretes and more recent ones such as self-compacting concretes,. Among those industrial by-products, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) appears to be a promising solution for use in UHPFRC, for its widely spread availability and excellent properties in fresh state and at long term as hydraulic binder. The objective of this research is to study UHPFRC mixes with binders containing high dosages of GGBFS, and to determine an appropriate amount of cement replacement by slag which does not compromise the excellent properties of UHPFRC achieved actually with pure Portland cement (high early age strength, low drying shrinkage, moderate autogenous shrinkage, significant viscoelasticity, tensile hardening behaviour and self-healing capacity). The project will involve (1) experimental studies performed on materials at early age and long term (2) theoretical modelling and numerical simulations, for various kinds of UHPFRC recipes with or without blended cements. The results will be directly beneficial to end users in the form of recommendations for the industrial development of 'green' UHPFRC recipes with high amounts of cement replacement by GGBFS. As such, benefits can be expected at three levels: economical, with cheaper UHPFRC materials, ecological with significant reduction of the gas emissions associated with cementitious materials with a high cement dosage, and societal with the emergence of a new family of green Advanced Cementitious Materials, adapted for the improvement of existing structures, in order to reduce dramatically the burden of multiple interventions during their service life, in a sustainable way.
Das Projekt "Development and validation of technical and economic feasibility of a multi MW Wave Dragon offshore wave energy converter (WAVE DRAGON MW)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wave Dragon APS durchgeführt. Objective: The Wave Dragon is a slack-moored wave energy converter of the overtopping type. It is by far the most powerful wave energy converter and at the same time one of the most energy efficient and economic devices under development today. Since March 2003 a 20kW scale 1:4.5 prototype of a 7MW Wave Dragon has been tested as the world's first floating grid connected wave energy converter. The project will develop the Wave Dragon technology further from the tested all steel-built 20kW prototype to a full size composite built 7MW unit and by testing validate the technical and economic feasibility. The RTD-part of the project will: - Develop Wave Dragon's energy absorbing structure, the low head turbine power take-off system and the control systems. An additional reservoir placed above the existing reservoir level will also be developed. The result of these changes to the overall design will be a significant increase in power production and a reduction in O&M cost. The development of the 7MW unit will be based on the knowledge base established through the tests with the 20kW prototype and the design process will comprise several innovative elements utilizing the O&M experience from the 20kW prototype tests. - Develop cost effective construction methods and establish the optimal combination of in situ cast concrete, post- stressed reinforcement and pre-stressed concrete elements - Develop new supplementary environmental friendly water hydraulic power take-off systems - Demonstrate reliable and cost effective installation procedures and O&M schemes - Establish the necessary basis for design codes and recommendations for floating multi MW wave energy converters. The test program will demonstrate the availability, power production predictability, power production capability and medium to long term electricity generation costs at 0.052EUR/kWh in a wave climate of 24kW/m, which could be found relatively close to the cost at the major part of the Atlantic coast.
Das Projekt "Bio-Verbundmaterialien für neue, energieeffiziente Bauwerkskomponenten mit reduzierter Grauer Energie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NetComposites Ltd. durchgeführt. The aim of BioBuild is to use biocomposites to reduce the embodied energy in building facade, supporting structure and internal partition systems by at least 50Prozent over current materials with no increase in cost. This will lead to a step change in the use of sustainable, low carbon construction materials, by replacing aluminium, steel, FRP, brick and concrete in buildings. Facades are widely used in construction, primarily to protect and insulate the internal structure. Internal partitions are used to divide space, carry utilities and provide thermal and acoustic insulation. The current materials used such as aluminium, steel, brick and concrete are energy intensive to produce and have high embodied energy. FRP is an alternative construction material, benefitting from low weight, formability and simple manufacturing, allowing low material content structures and innovative design. However, typical resin and glass fibre are non-renewable, energy intensive to synthesise. Biocomposites overcome these drawbacks, whilst maintaining the benefits, being based on natural fibres and bioresins which have low embodied energy and cost. Biocomposites are renewable and sustainable resin and reinforcement structures. The resins in this project are furan and cashew nut oil based with reinforcing fibres of flax and jute. Bast fibres have lower environmental impacts than glass, concerning climate change and energy but have similar properties. Biocomposites are used commercially in automotive interior parts, but for outdoor applications they can degrade due to moisture absorption and bio-degradation. BioBuild will develop biocomposites and construction products with a life span of 40 years, by protecting the fibres with novel treatments and coatings. The result of the project will be a low cost, lightweight, durable and sustainable biocomposite building system, with full technical and environmental validation, offering low embodied energy construction materials.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 7 |
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Förderprogramm | 7 |
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offen | 7 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 7 |
Englisch | 7 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 4 |
Webseite | 3 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 7 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 6 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 7 |
Wasser | 7 |
Weitere | 7 |