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Amtlicher Anzeiger, Teil II des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes

Nach hamburgischem Landesrecht werden Veröffentlichungen durch Abdruck im Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt vorgenommen. Rechtsverbindlich ist deshalb ausschließlich die gedruckte Ausgabe des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes Teile I und II (Amtlicher Anzeiger). Eine Inhaltssuche kann nur über die Internetseite der <a href="http://www.luewu.de/anzeiger/">Firma Lütcke & Wulff</a> erfolgen.

CSIRO-PIK Collaboration in assessments of sustainable pathways for feeding 9 billion people (CSIRO - RD1)

Das Projekt "CSIRO-PIK Collaboration in assessments of sustainable pathways for feeding 9 billion people (CSIRO - RD1)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The objective of the collaborative agreement is to assess sustainable pathways for feeding 9 billion people. Key dimensions of sustainability to be explored include intensification pathways, water, nutrients, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Collaborator (Jens Heinke) will spend 2 months per year at CSIRO to ensure the delivery of project outputs and to foster institutional collaboration. The Collaborator (Jens Heinke) will undertake to: 1. Assess the alteration of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles by livestock production from different animal types, in different world regions and in different production systems. The analysis will build on a detailed representation of the livestock sector from Herrero et al. and previous work by Bouwman et al. The assessment will highlight the different alteration of nutrient cycling by different forms of livestock production providing important insight for sustainable intensification. 2. Comprehensively assess trade-offs between consumptive water use, nutrients, and GHG emissions in global agriculture within a consistent framework. The analysis will build on the previous quantification of alterations of nutrient cycles that completes already existing quantifications of consumptive water use and GHG emissions based on the same detailed representation of the livestock sector, and provide insights on competing goals in the context of sustainable intensification. 3. Participate in the development of 'wedge-based' regional and global models of global food systems in collaboration with Princeton University and INRA. The previous trade-off analysis of water, nutrients, and GHGs will provide a basis for quantifying resources and emission related aspects of different strategies for sustainable intensification. 4. Assist in the development of scenarios of sustainable diets and their impacts on the world food and ecosystems. For this activity, the previous trade-off analysis of water, nutrients, and GHGs will provide the link to resources use and environmental consequences for given scenarios of food consumption.

Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity

Das Projekt "Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Clouds play a key role in the Earth's climate system by regulation of the incoming and outgoing radiation, chemical and dynamical processes. Ice clouds at high altitudes in the tropics, the so called tropical tropopause layer, are particularly important since this is the main region where air ascends slowly from the troposphere into the dry stratosphere. Thus, these ice clouds affect the stratospheric water vapour content which in itself is a main driver of radiative and chemical processes, e.g. ozone depletion, there. These clouds can either be of convective nature, or occur in convective overshooting cloud turrets, or they form in situ by large scale upwelling and cooling as subvisible cirrus. Although the latter occur frequently, little is known about the exact microphysical formation mechanisms and how they can be maintained. Previous modelling efforts using various different mechanisms, however, have failed to agree with the observed properties. This project aims to improve our knowledge of the impact clouds in the tropical tropopause layer have on stratospheric humidity, by studying their formation, maintenance, and occurrence frequencies.A set of state-of-the-art numerical models will be used to simulate the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer, taking advantage of their particular strengths. These models are the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, the GLObal Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP), and the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). First, the questions related to the formation and maintenance of subvisible cirrus will be addressed. In a second step the impact of subvisible cirrus and overshooting convection on the stratospheric humidity will be assessed. Both the direct effects (e.g. injection of ice particles into the stratosphere) and indirect effects (e.g. change in dynamical processes) will be studied. In order to estimate the net effect, occurrence frequencies of both cloud types will be derived from a complementary set of ground based remote sensing observations from the Darwin site and satellite observation from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project. The data of airborne in situ measurements which I analyzed during my PhD will help to constrain and test the model simulations. A better understanding of the complex processes related to the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer will improve their representation in numerical models and thus, enhance the quality of model predictions. This will improve our ability to constrain climate predictions due to highly uncertain ice cloud processes. Additionally, knowing the impact of these clouds on stratospheric humidity will enable an improved quantification of their climate impact.

Using the HALO Microwave Package (HAMP) for cloud and precipitation research

Das Projekt "Using the HALO Microwave Package (HAMP) for cloud and precipitation research" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Erdsystemwissenschaften, Meteorologisches Institut durchgeführt. Representation of cloud and precipitation processes is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in climate and weather predictions. This project aims at exploring the potential of the novel HALO microwave package (HAMP) for airborne cloud and precipitation research by participating in all cloud related missions of the research aircraft HALO. HAMP is a unique combination of a 23 channel microwave radiometer and a cloud radar. To make HAMP a valuable research instrument, we will develop synergistic retrieval algorithms which convert the measured passive and active microwave signals into profiles of temperature, humidity and hydrometeor content with corresponding error estimates. A comprehensive evaluation of HAMP with existing observational systems, like e.g. satellites and ground based remote sensing super-sites will allow an assessment of its added value. In particular, we will analyze whether HAMP can resolve the fine-scale structure of cloud and precipitation fields and can thus relate point observations with area averaged data from satellites and models. Finally, observations from the NARVAL campaign will be used to demonstrate the benefit of HAMP for model development by revising the frequently used model assumption that shallow convective clouds do not precipitate.

How is the stratosphere-troposphere coupling affected by climate change, and how strong is the climate feedback? (SHARP-STC)

Das Projekt "How is the stratosphere-troposphere coupling affected by climate change, and how strong is the climate feedback? (SHARP-STC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Abteilung Dynamik der mittleren Atmosphäre durchgeführt. The focus of this project is to determine the role of the interaction between the stratosphere and troposphere in a changing climate, in particular to assess the impact of a changing stratosphere on the troposphere- surface system. Observations and model studies have shown that the troposphere and stratosphere influence each other on different time scales, but the mechanisms responsible are not well understood. Questions that will be addressed also in Phase II of this project are if the importance of the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere will change in a changing climate and what the consequences will be for surface climate and weather. Transient simulations of the past and future as well as complementary sensitivity simulations with state-of-the-art Chemistry-Climate models (CCMs) will be performed and analysed to study how well current models are able to reproduce the observed coupling, to understand the responsible mechanisms, and to predict its future evolution. New aspects in Phase II are the extension of our studies to the effects of radiative and chemical coupling processes on the troposphere-surface system. The relevance of additional climate feedback processes associated with ocean coupling will be addressed by applying a CCM with an interactive ocean model. The role of the representation of stratospheric processes for stratosphere-troposphere coupling will be studied in simulations with an Earth System Model (ESM) with different spatial resolutions.

Current Systems around Terrestrial Planets: EOF Analysis and Modeling

Das Projekt "Current Systems around Terrestrial Planets: EOF Analysis and Modeling" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Focus Area Health - Physics & Earth Sciences durchgeführt. The magnetosphere of a planet is controlled by a number of factors such as the intrinsic magnetic field, the atmosphere and ionosphere, and the solar wind. Different combinations of these control factors are at work at the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, hence they form a very suitable set for quantitative comparative studies. A significant intrinsic dipolar magnetic field is present only on Earth and on Mercury. However, the configuration at Mercury differs considerably from that at Earth because Mercury does not support an atmosphere and ionosphere, the dipolar field is much weaker, the solar wind denser, and the interplanetary magnetic field stronger. Both Mars and Venus have atmospheres but lack a global planetary magnetic field, with regional crustal magnetization being present on Mars. This proposal aims at investigating and comparing electrical current systems in the space environments of terrestrial planets using magnetic vector data collected by orbiting spacecraft such as Venus Express, Mars Global Surveyor, CHAMP (Earth), and MESSENGER (Mercury). We propose to construct data-driven and physically meaningful representations that reveal and quantify the influence of various control factors. To achieve this, we will tailor Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and other multivariate methods to the specifics of planetary magnetic field observations. In contrast to representations that build on predefined functions like spherical harmonics, basis functions in the EOF approach are derived directly from the data. EOFs are designed to extract dominant coherent variations for further interpretation in terms of known physical phenomena, and then, in a regression step, for modeling using suitable control variables. The EOF methodology thus allows quantifying the relative importance of control factors for each planet individually, and thus contributes to the solution of topical science questions. The resulting empirical models will facilitate comparative studies of current systems at the terrestrial planets.

Combined airborne lidar measurments of moisture transport and cirrus properties: HALO-LIDAR

Das Projekt "Combined airborne lidar measurments of moisture transport and cirrus properties: HALO-LIDAR" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Meteorologisches Institut durchgeführt. Humidity in and around cirrus clouds: Radiative effects of cirrus clouds are a major uncertainty in determining the climate cloud feedback. The variability of cirrus on different spatial scales is another major issue which complicates modelling of their radiative properties. Aerosol and water vapour measurements were performed with the DLR lidar system WALES in 2010 during the first mission with the new German research aircraft HALO. ECMWF temperature analyses are used to derive relative humidity inside and outside of cirrus clouds from the lidar water vapour observations. Comparisons with in situ measurements of humidity on the research aircraft Falcon flying inside the cirrus clouds confirm the high accuracy of the WALES system. The study shows the advantages of lidar cross sections to provide additional information about the vertical structure of the complex humidity field, also allowing for simultaneous statistical analyses in different cloud layers. Combined with accurate temperature measurements, the lidar observations have a great potential for detailed statistical cirrus cloud and related humidity studies. Future HALO missions will benefit from the findings and techniques developed here. HSRL aerosol classification: To better understand the effects of aerosols on the climate system it is important to obtain highly accurate information on the aerosol optical properties (e.g., extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and phase function) as well as on their temporal and spatial distribution. The high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) method based on an iodine absorption filter and a frequency doubled pulsed Nd:YAG laser, developed at DLR, has the capability to directly measure the extinction and backscatter coefficients of aerosols and clouds. Airborne HSRL data from four different field experiments are used in the frame of this project to build up an aerosol classification. The method is based on HSRL measurements of a set of intensive aerosol properties, in particular the lidar ratio, the particle linear depolarization ratio and the color ratio of backscatter. Applied to the HSRL measurements on ESA's EarthCARE mission it will provide the climate relevant properties extinction coefficient and aerosol optical depth, together with the global, verticallyresolved distribution of aerosols and clouds. Statistical characterization of humidity variability: The distribution of water vapour in the atmosphere shows variability on all spatial scales. An accurate representation of cloud processes in climate models with limited resolution relies on a statistical description of the unresolved structures. A compact description that can describe intermittent variability on many scales is multifractal scaling based on structure functions of different orders. This analysis method was applied to airborne water vapour lidar measurements from a number of field campaigns in midlatitude, polar and subtropical latitudes. The humidity was found to be charact

Analysis of dairy production systems differentiated by location

Das Projekt "Analysis of dairy production systems differentiated by location" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Institut für Lebensmittel- und Ressourcenökonomik (ILR), Professur Wirtschafts- und Agrarpolitik durchgeführt. Dairy farming across Germany displays diverse production systems. Factor endowment, management, technology adoption as well as competitive dynamics in the local or regional land, agribusiness and dairy processing sectors contribute to this differentiation on farm level. These differences impact on the ability of dairy farms and regional dairy production systems to successfully respond to pressures arising from future market and policy changes. The overall objective of the research activities of which this project is a part of, is to develop a thorough understanding of the processes that govern the spatial dynamics of dairy farm development in different regions in Germany. The central hypothesis of this research project is that management system and technological choices differ systematically across local production and market conditions. The empirical approach will focus on the estimation of farm specific nonparametric cost functions for dairy farms located in across Germany differentiated by time and location. A spatially differentiated data base with information on input use, resource availability, as well as local market conditions for land and output markets will be compiled. The nonparametric approach is specifically suited to disclose a more accurate representation of dairy production system heterogeneity across locations and time compared to parametric concepts as it provides the necessary flexibility to accommodate non-linearities relevant for a wide domain of explanatory variables. The methodology employed goes beyond the state of the art of the literature as it combines kernel density estimation with a Bayesian sampling approach to provide theory consistent parameters for each farm in the data sample.The specific methodological hypothesis is that the nonparametric approach is superior to current parametric techniques and this hypothesis is tested using statistical model evaluation. Regarding the farm management and technological choices, we hypothesize that land suitability for feed production determines the farm intensity of dairy production and thus management and technological choices. With respect to the ability of farms to successfully respond to market pressures we hypothesize that farms at the upper and lower tail of the intensity distribution both can generate positive returns from dairy production. These last two hypotheses will be tested using the estimated spatially differentiated farm specific costs and marginal costs.The expected outcomes are of relevance for the agricultural sector and the food supply chain economy as a whole as fundamental market structure changes in the dairy sector are ongoing due to the abolition of the quota regulation in the years 2014/2015. Thus, exact knowledge about differences and development of dairy cost heterogeneity of farms within and between regions are an important factor for the actors involved in the market as well as the political support of this process.

Die Untersuchung der Rolle der letzten Eiszeit für den gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Meeresspiegelbeitrag der Antarktis mittels numerischer Simulationen

Das Projekt "Die Untersuchung der Rolle der letzten Eiszeit für den gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Meeresspiegelbeitrag der Antarktis mittels numerischer Simulationen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The project 'Modeling the role of the last ice age for the present and future sea-level contribution from Antarctica' will encompass the numerical simulation of at least four glacial cycles of the Antarctic sheet-shelf system using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM). The objective of the research plan is to determine the role of the past development of the Antarctic Ice Sheet for its sea-level contribution of the past and future century. To this end we investigate the influence of past climate evolution, especially the last deglaciation, on its present dynamic state: The ongoing changes in terms of mass balance, disregarding anthropogenic climate change, during the 20th and 21st centuries are influenced by the history of the advance and retreat of the ice during the last glacial cycles. Instead of aiming at a best-guess simulation, we will work on providing an ensemble of model simulations that incorporates uncertainties from climate boundary conditions and internal process-modeling and ice parameter choices. Apart from answering the above mentioned research question concerning the influence of the history of the ice sheet on its present day dynamics, we will also take an important step towards a new generation of projections of future ice discharge from Antarctica: It is important to know how much sea-level contribution, if any, is not caused by anthropogenic climate change. The program encompasses the development and short-term testing of physical improvements to the model that are needed in order to perform four glacial cycles (4GC) simulations and to provide a comprehensive ensemble. The currently implemented climate boundary conditions, both for the upper surface of the ice sheet and the underside of the ice shelves in contact with the ocean, will be examined and expanded to be suitable for 4GC-simulations. Process-based model components, concerning the numerical representation of the transition zone between ice sheet and ice shelf will be evaluated and improved. High-resolution nested simulation approaches will be developed for PISM in order to better resolve these crucial zones in order the further close the gap between finite differences models like PISM using shallow approximations of the stress balance and higher-order models. Sensitivity tests within 4GC-simulations will shed light on how the above mentioned new methods, climate boundary conditions in general and internal model parameters, influence the 4GC-simulation and ultimately the modeled present day state. An ensemble selection process will take place, excluding those parameter and climate-boundary combinations that are not conform to available geologic data for the past and observations of the present day state of the Antarctic ice sheet. This can be thought of as a 'blind selection' of the dynamic present-day state of the ice sheet...

Quantifying the role of diabatic processes for forecast errors associated with mid-latitude weather systems - A combined observational, diagnostic and modelling approach (DIAP)

Das Projekt "Quantifying the role of diabatic processes for forecast errors associated with mid-latitude weather systems - A combined observational, diagnostic and modelling approach (DIAP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Abteilung Wolkenphysik und Verkehrsmeteorologie durchgeführt. Diabatic processes can strongly influence the evolution and intensity of mid-latitude weather systems. These processes are associated with latent heat release due to phase transitions of water, surface fluxes, or radiative effects, and they strongly depend on the transport of water vapour that often occurs in narrow airstreams. It is difficult to quantitatively assess these processes from standard meteorological data. Therefore, this project will (1) use novel datasets from the YOTC project, humidity observations from previous field experiments, and numerical model techniques to better diagnose and quantify the role of theses processes for the evolution of different mid-latitude weather systems, including cyclones, blockings, and jet streams. Investigating the forecast accuracy of these systems and performing high-resolution model sensitivity experiments will (2) assess the relevance of diabatic processes for the quality of predicting high-impact weather events and help pinpointing potential shortcomings in the representation of these processes in NWP models. Results from (1 and 2) will provide the basis for a virtual field experiment (3) that will test the design of flight strategies for the planned international field experiment T-NAWDEX. Within this experiment, diabatic processes will be observed in key areas for improving the prediction of North Atlantic / European weather systems.

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