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Blue Box: Messsystem für Fährschiffe

Das Projekt "Blue Box: Messsystem für Fährschiffe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik durchgeführt. Im Blue-Box-Projekt wird vom FTZ an dem Aufbau des Gesamtsystems gemäß Kapitel 1 im Gesamtantrag (GA) und an dem Aufbau des Wassersystems (Kapitel 2 GA) mitgearbeitet. Als Ergänzung zu den Sensoren der Blue-Box wird die Einbindung des multi-Fluoreszens Sensors (MFS, Kap. 3.2.2 GA) eine wichtige Aufgabe darstellen. Der MFS muss auf die anderen Komponenten der Blue-Box abgestimmt werden (z.B. in der Durchlaufstrecke). Das FTZ wird an der Erstellung der CAN-Bus Protokolle (Kapitel 4 GA) mitwirken, um den MFS, eventuell auch weitere Parameter, einbinden zu können. Um z.B. die Realisierbarkeit der Erkennung von Algengruppen, als Ergänzung zum MFS, abzuschätzen werden Versuche durchgeführt. Eine weitere Kernaufgabe wird die Betreuung der Testphasen sein. Entsprechend einer bereits durchgeführten Testphase eines Vorsystems auf dem Büsumer Messponton wird die Betreuung des Landtestbetriebs der 'Blue-Box' nach Kapitel 6.1 GA auf dem FTZ eigenen Messponton am Büsumer Hafen vorbereitet und durchgeführt werden. Auch die Schiffstestphase nach Kapitel 6.2 wird in gleicher Weise auf der 'Südfall' vom FTZ betreut werden.

Two stage gas generator for industrial wastes

Das Projekt "Two stage gas generator for industrial wastes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eisenmann Maschinenbau KG durchgeführt. Objective: Thermic utilization of industrial residual system resp. production residues in a two stage incineration system under production conditions. The tests contain as well pre-trials for determination of the optimal system parameter as also permanent trial runs, for establishing of material and energy balances and for judgement of the operation reaction through a longer time period. By the work with this process the advantages shall be shown: - Profitability also with small residual material amount of 200-1000 kg/h - complete energetic utilization of the material - easy integrating in available heating systems, for example preswitching of an available boiler system - universal usability of energy - utilization of the product residues in the own factory for heating, process heat and evtl. electric current generation - reduction of the removal costs. General Information: The demonstration system, built in the smallest production scale, had been erected in the technical science department of the Company EISENMANN. The process principle is based on a mechanical pre-treatment, with which the material will be communited with a slitting rollers appliance and afterwards will be transported into a storage silo. From the silo the filling system continuously pushes in the waste material in the fluidized bed reactor, which has a quadratic free cross section of 500 x 500 mm and is provided with a 400 mm thick fireproof lining. A 1 m high piling up of quartz sand with a grain size of 0,4-1,6 mm serves as heat bearer medium. The piling up will be fluidized by the injection of hot flue gases. The advantages of a fluidized bed as pyrolytic stages are the following: - The fluidizing of the sand causes a uniform distribution of temperature - an intensive heat transition between sand and residual material is given - by the fluidizing a mechanical comminution of the material simultaneously takes place, with that the lump forming of the used material will be avoided - by a low oxygen, preheated fluidized gas a pyrolisation with under stoichiometric incineration takes place so, that a max. reaction temperature of approx. 600 degree of Celsius up to 700 degree of Celsius arises, with which still no slag forming appears. The following thermic processes proceed: The hot flue gases (approx. 650 degree of Celsius) contain 6-8 per cent oxygen. They hold the sand bed on approx. 550 degree of Celsius. The supplied residual material combustes in these conditions under stoichiometric. Through a short insulated connection line the pyrolitic gases reach in a vertical arranged combustion chamber. Here they will be burned with the help of a support burner by injection of fresh air with approx. 1100 degree of Celsius. Following the combustion chamber the flue gases will be diverted horizontally, before they give away again in a vertical heat exchanger their energy to a hot water circulation. After the heat exchanger the flue gases are still approx. 250 degree of Celsius...

Cullet preheating

Das Projekt "Cullet preheating" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sorg durchgeführt. Objective: To achieve considerable energy savings through use of preheated cullet in the glass melt. The waste gases, which up until now have been lost to the atmosphere, are taken as heating medium from the waste gas channel of the melting end. The procedure requires a considerably lower use of combustibles. For a 200 t/day production rate, an energy saving of 67 TOE/year is expected at project level (12 per cent of the total energy consumption). Payback time is estimated at 4 years. General Information: Principally glass is melted out of a composition of different raw materials, e.g. silica sand, lime, soda and glass cullet. Oil, gas or electrical energy can be used as heating media. The individual raw materials are mixed in the processing installation and are fed to a storage silo situated in front of the melting process by means of batch chargers. The initial temperature of the batch is 20 deg. C, whereas the melting temperature ranges between 1400-1500 deg. C. The waste gases are primarily fed again into the melting process by means of heat exchangers (regenerators) or recuperator, thus reducing the waste gas temperature to approx. 500 deg. C by preheating the combustion air. The novelty of this project consists in preheating the glass cullet prior to the mixing with other raw materials, by covering the waste gases energy at a level of approx. 500 deg. C. The glass cullet is firstly led to a preheating aggregate. The humidity of the cullet can be reduced by this preheating, which results in improved conditions for the melting process. The main characteristic of this system is the direct contact between cullet and waste gases. Up until now the gases from the melting durnace have been cooled down to approx. 400-500 deg. C in recuperators or regenerator heat exchangers, and then released into the atmosphere, in most cases without any further waste gas treatment. With the new system the residual heat content of the waste gas is used to pre-heat the cullet. If the system is correctly designed, then not only is the cullet heated, but the dust content of the waste gas is reduced by approximately 30-40 per cent. The cullet is contained by louvred segments. The openings for the waste gases are designed so that the gas velocities are very low, which helps to reduce the dust emission. The waste gases, which must have a maximum temperature of no more than 550 deg. C, move in cross counter flow up through the cullet. In this way a large amount of the heat content of the waste gases is transferred to the cullet as it flows slowly from the top to the bottom. The cullet stream moves continuously, so the contact area is continuously renewed, which guarantees a very good heat exchange. The cullet is heated to a maximum of 450 deg. C, whilst the waste gas leaves the system with a temperature of 250-300 deg. C. In addition to the energy savings, the project will also achieve improved glass qualitites, and reduced reject rates due to the better furnace...

Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace

Das Projekt "Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gaswärme-Institut e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of reducing energy consumption in the reheating of forgings and to improve forging quality by the replacement of electric and conventional gas-fired furnaces, by a new gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace incorporating and combining known technical features: these will considerably reduce energy consumption and advance the engineering design of conventional gas-fired reheating furnaces. General Information: Rapid heating furnaces are often installed in forging shops to treat small forgings. It is important to heat the forging rapidly and evenly and to minimize scale formation. The object of this research is to produce a micro-structure to eliminate the need for further heat treatment. The advantage of an inductive, over a conventional gas-fuelled furnace is the low level of scale formation due to the brief furnace dwell time. On the other hand, inductive furnaces are operated by a secondary source of energy (electricity) and are therefore expensive to operate. In addition, temperature distribution in a charge heated by a conventional furnace is unsatisfactory. The furnace to be designed, installed and operated for the project is a gas fuelled rapid heating installation using natural gas as the primary energy source. Charge heating will be in 3 zones (soaking, heating-up and preheating) to reheat the charge. As in the case of pusher type furnaces, charge and atmosphere movement will be counter current. In order to minimize scale formation, the soaking zone will be fired in the fuel-rich mode, while the heating-up zone will be fuelled by a fuel-lean gas and air mixture, burning uncombusted gases from the soaking zone. Staged combustion minimizes NO output and environmental impact. Fuel-rich soaking zone operation necessitates tests to establish combustion air preheat temperature, the acceptability of the fuel/air system with respect to sooting and safety aspects associated with CO formation. Forgings will be charged in transverse mode and a recuperator incorporated in the furnace for combustion air preheating: the furnace control system will feature high precision fuel/air ration controllers for heating-up and soaking zones. Each controller is capable of maintaining an air factor of between 0.5 and 1.5 to allow exact adjustment of the fuel/air ratio and to minimize scaling. An optical control system monitors the temperature of the charge leaving the furnace. Fuel gas flow is adjusted by temperature controller as a function of the difference between temperature as measured by the optical system and set point temperature. When fuel gas flow is adjusted, combustion air flow will also be adjusted by the fuel/air ratio control system. A shop function is also incorporated in the furnace control system: this is capable of lowering gas flow to between to 10-30 per cent of rated flow. For this purpose the control system will immediately reduce gas flow if furnace operation is switched to idle mode. Simultaneously...

Verfahren zur Reduktion von Schaeden durch den Falschen und Echten Mehltau der Rebe (Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator) mit Hilfe der induzierten Resistenz

Das Projekt "Verfahren zur Reduktion von Schaeden durch den Falschen und Echten Mehltau der Rebe (Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator) mit Hilfe der induzierten Resistenz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Weinbauinstitut, Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt für Weinbau und Weinbehandlung durchgeführt. Das Verfahren der induzierten Resistenz soll der Weinbaupraxis zur Bekaempfung des Falschen (Plasmopara viticola) und des Echten Mehltaus (Unicula necator) verfuegbar gemacht werden. Die induzierte Resistenz basiert auf natuerlichen Resistenzmechanismen der Pflanze, die bei Pathogenkontakt durch Botenstoffe an der Erregeroberflaeche, sog. Elicitoren, ausgeloest werden. Diese fuehren beispielsweise zur Verstaerkung der Pflanzenzellwaende oder zum gezielten Absterben befallener Pflanzenzellen. Bodenbakterien- oder Pilzsporenextrakte konnten in Vorversuchen des Staatlichen Weinbauinstituts Freiburg aehnliche Reaktionen ausloesen. Eine komplette Abwehr der Pathogene wurde aber noch nicht erreicht. Daher soll im Rahmen dieses Projektes potentiell wirksame Praeparate auf ihre Wirksamkeit ueberprueft, der optimale Einsatzzeitpunkt in der Pflanzen- und der Pathogenentwicklung ermittelt und eine praktische Ueberpruefung des Verfahrens vorgenommen werden. Vergleiche mit Kupfer- und Schwefelvarianten lassen eine Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit und der Wirtschaftlichkeit gegenueber den praxisueblichen Verfahren zu.

Thermische Verwertung von Shredderabfaellen in der Zementindustrie

Das Projekt "Thermische Verwertung von Shredderabfaellen in der Zementindustrie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dyckerhoff Zement, Werk Lengerich durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is the erection and testing of a facility demonstrating the utilization of shredder waste as substitute fuel for the production of cement clinker. Investigation is to be carried out to determine the additional equipment and changes that are necessary in an existing plant in order to operate with this substitute fuel and to estimate the extend of its effects on the product, the production plant and the environment. On a 40 per cent estimated substitution of fuel, a saving of 17,000 TOE per year in this plant. Expected payback time is approx. 2 years. General Information: In this project, shredder waste is to be utilized by the cement industry. The project was split in two phases i.e. the preliminary and the large scale demonstration. The first phase was carried out in the Mark 2 B cement plant/Beckum while the large scale demonstration phase was carried out in the Dyckerhoff-Zementwerk in Göllheim. In the preliminary phase investigation was carried in realizing the ability of using shredder as a substitute fuel as well as its possible impact on the product quality and the environment. With the experience gained in the first phase and with an estimated content of 14-16 GJ/T of shredder, the large scale demonstration was planned for the Göllheim factory where the investigation of the storage, transport, dosing, firing and large scale production techniques was done. Additional investigation was carried on the service life of the plant and materials used and their influence on the production process. Achievements: The project lasted 35 months. The preliminary phase lasted 6 while the large scale demonstration 29 months. In the preliminary phase problems of storage and handling of this bulky waste material were met. However no positive environmental implications were reported. In the large scale demonstration phase a number of waste beneficiation test were carried out to ensure that clinker quality was maintained. During this period an increase of the chloride content of the clinker was found thus limiting the amount of fuel substitution to less than 10 per cent to meet the French standards and less than 15 per cent to meet the German. To achieve this, a bypass installation was found necessary increasing further the overall installation cost. Since that time only shredder material with a high content of gum and less plastic material has been used. In the second plant in Beckum we found pcb in the shredder material. For this reason we were obliged to stop the project, because we have no official allowance to burn pcb-contenting material.

Entwicklung und Anwendung eines integrierten Modellsystems für den Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt von Flusseinzugsgebieten am Beispiel des Neckars - Vorphase zur Erarbeitung des Antrages für die Hauptphase

Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Anwendung eines integrierten Modellsystems für den Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt von Flusseinzugsgebieten am Beispiel des Neckars - Vorphase zur Erarbeitung des Antrages für die Hauptphase" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Erarbeitung des Antrages für die Hauptphase des Projektes. Einzelgespräche und Gespräche in Arbeitsgruppen zur Konkretisierung und Abstimmung der Teilaufgaben der einzelnen Kooperationspartner als Grundlage für die Erstellung des Antrages für die Hauptphase. Antrag für die Hauptphase des Projektes. Weitere Angaben sind nicht erforderlich, da es sich nur um die Vorphase eines Projektes handelt.

Teilvorhaben 6: Geofernerkundung

Das Projekt "Teilvorhaben 6: Geofernerkundung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hansa Luftbild Consulting International durchgeführt. Innerhalb dieses interdisziplinären Projektes soll durch die Hansa Luftbild in Thailand deutsches Fernerkundungs Know-how eingeführt und an den natürlich-geologischen sowie politisch-rechtlichen Landesspezifika angepasst werden. Eine Ausbildung thailändischer Fachkräfte soll die Verbindungen zur Hansa Luftbild verstärken, zur dauerhaften Vereinbarung von länderübergreifenden Umweltstandards beitragen, sowie einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hansa Luftbild und Kunden/ Partnern in Südostasien dienen. Handlungsempfehlungen, Handbücher und die daraus abgeleiteten länderübergreifenden Umweltstandards sind Voraussetzung für eine nachhaltige Verwertung in Thailand. Das trägt zur Sicherung von hochwertigen Arbeitsplätzen und zur Stärkung des Standortes Deutschland bei. Die besondere Rolle der Geofernerkundung im Komplex der Erkundung besteht vor allem darin, dass sie als Vorerkundungsmethode zur Erfassung und Bewertung der Situation am Standort (Detailuntersuchung) und in der weiteren Umgebung (Übersichtsauswertung) dient. Sie schafft die Voraussetzungen für den effektiven und kostengünstigen Einsatz der nachfolgenden terrestrischen Erkundungsmethoden.

Kognitive Prozesse bei der Abgabe des globalen Laerm-Belaestigungs-Urteils

Das Projekt "Kognitive Prozesse bei der Abgabe des globalen Laerm-Belaestigungs-Urteils" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl Kognitions- und Umweltpsychologie durchgeführt. Die Frage, welche Gesichtspunkte einen von Laerm betroffenen Menschen zu einem globalen Urteil ueber seine persoenliche Belaestigung kommen laesst, ist bis heute nur ansatzweise zu beantworten. Diese Frage wird in einer Vorstudie empirisch untersucht. Folgende Untersuchungsziele standen dabei im Vordergrund: 1. Welche kognitiven Prozesse laufen ab, wenn Betroffene ein zusammenfassendes Urteil ueber den Grad ihrer Laermbelaestigung abgeben? 2. Welches Gewicht haben dabei einzelne Faktoren? Vorgehensweise: Methode des persoenlichen halbstrukturierten Interviews; inhaltsanalytische Auswertung der verbalen Daten; sie werden mit ebenfalls erhobenen numerischen Ratings sowie den Schallregelwerten kombiniert. Untersuchungsdesign: Querschnitt.

Wasserglass in leather production (in order to reduce tannery wastes)

Das Projekt "Wasserglass in leather production (in order to reduce tannery wastes)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Werner Vogel & Co. GmbH KG durchgeführt. General Information: Aim of the present proposal is to apply water-soluble alkali-silicates ('Wasserglass') in leather production. During the beam house processes (soaking, unhairing and opening-up of the fiber structure) in order to prepare hides and skins for the tannage, Wasserglass will be applied as pretanning agent hl order to stabilize the pelts (i.e. unhaired hides and skins) for shaving. Shaving is a mechanical procedure in order to reduce and level the thickness of hides and skins, where shavings (thin, small pieces, or cuts, from the flesh side of leather) will occur. At State-of-the-Artprocesses, shaving is either carried out with pre-tanned hides and skins, or after the main-tannage. While shavings from pre-tanned pelts do not contain any chrome tannin (main tanning agent), and so can be disposed as sanitary landfill. shavings from tanned pelts ('wet blue') contain trivalent chrome. For further utilization, these chrome-shavings have either become de-tanned (for protein production) or pressed with a binder in order to produce leather board. Since the demand for leather board is very limited and de-tannage requires many washing processes in order to remove the chrome completely, most of the chrome-shavings have to be disposed at special dumping sites. With the application of Wasserglass, it is to expect that the fibers will not become tanned in the common sense, but sufficiently stabilized in order to withstand the mechanic strain of shaving. As this treatment will be carried out prior to any tannage, the arising shavings will only contain alkali silicates, which easily can be removed, and so a native hide fiber will be obtained. This material can be easy utilized for many purposes, e.g. as starting material for protein production As the stabilizing Wasserglass can also be removed easily from the shaved pelt, the following tannage can be carried out with every tannin, and also without changes hl technology. If this procedure once will be implemented into leather industry, up to 50 000 tons of chrolle shavings can be avoided only in the European Union. Moreover, as Wasserglass is a cheap and common, non-poisonous auxiliary, neither an increase of production costs nor any environmental or work-place-risk are to expect. On the contrary, saving of disposal costs will make the procedure feasible for the European tanners. Prime Contractor: Werner Vogl and Co. GmbH KG; Mattighofen; Austria.

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