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Support for Networks Creation in the Field of Global Change and ECOsystems - from idea through proposal submission and project managing till completion and successful audit (ECONETUS)

Das Projekt "Support for Networks Creation in the Field of Global Change and ECOsystems - from idea through proposal submission and project managing till completion and successful audit (ECONETUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) durchgeführt. ECOnetus project aims to provide support for networks creation in the field of Global Change and Ecosystems in Europe and to establish strong cooperation between participants from Member and Associate Candidate Countries. This project's consortium consists of partners from: Poland, Lithuania (representatives of ACCs), the United Kingdom and Austria (representatives of MCs). In this project Poland and Lithuania will act as a bridge between ACCs and MCs while promotion of this project in MCs will be assured by other partners. Good relations with Contact Points from other ACC countries will ensure efficient project results dissemination. The project will actively contribute to the implementation, stimulation, encouragement and facilitation of the participation mainly in the research activities of this priority thematic area among potential RTD projects' participants (from research and industrial units). It also aims to assist all established consortia during a whole 'project's life' - from idea through proposal submission and project managing till completion and successful audit. At the beginning of the project participants from MCs and ACCs will have a possibility to get to know one another during brokerage meetings and create consortia (working groups), which will allow opening research groups from MCs to cooperate with participants from ACCs. Later on, established international working groups will have a chance to participate in workshops organized by ECOnetus and then create and consult their proposals with its Scientific Advisory Group and Assistance Group. It is expected that there will be RTD projects submitted by consortia established and assisted by ECOnetus in 6th FP and also in 7th FP. Another aim of the project is to better educate the Contact Points' experts from all ACCs in important and needed expertise of negotiating and managing RTD projects. This will consequently lead to better assistance for researchers and contribute to creation of ERA. Prime Contractor: Politechnika Slaska; Gliwice; Poland.

Ausgestaltung von NDCs

Das Projekt "Ausgestaltung von NDCs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH durchgeführt. Unter dem Übereinkommen von Paris sind alle Länder verpflichtet, ihre nationalen Beiträge (Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs) alle fünf Jahre zu aktualisieren und zu verbessern und dadurch ihre Ambitionen mit jedem Zyklus zu steigern. Die ersten NDCs wurde ab 2015 als beabsichtigte nationale Beiträge eingereicht. Für den aktuellen Zyklus haben viele Länder ihre Aktualisierungen 2020/2021 eingereicht, andere sind noch im Aktualisierungsprozess. Ziel dieses Projekts war es, eine Methode zur systematischen Bewertung der Ausgestaltung von NDCs zu entwickeln und diese auf 20 NDCs anzuwenden. Es gibt zwar mehrere Instrumente zur Analyse von NDCs, aber nicht alle sind gleichermaßen umfassend, prägnant, replizierbar und vergleichbar. Unsere Methode zielt darauf ab, die Lücke zu schließen, indem sie diese Kriterien berücksichtigt und neue Erkenntnisse zur Ausgestaltung der NDCs liefert. Wir untersuchen die NDCs entlang von Schlüsselelementen, die für den Erfolg des NDC-Ambitionszyklus entscheidend sind: 1. erhöhtes Minderungsziel, 2. umfassende Darstellung, 3. Plan für die Umsetzung und 4. Transparenz. Diese Methode wurde auf 20 NDCs angewandt, wobei eine Vielfalt an geografischen Kontexten sowie NDCs mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten, Zieltypen und Minderungsansätzen berücksichtigt wurden.

Potential der Küstengewässer für Fischerei und Aquakultur

Das Projekt "Potential der Küstengewässer für Fischerei und Aquakultur" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie an der Universität Bremen durchgeführt. The specific objective was to prepare a detailed research and development proposal for the project themes identified within the Action Plan as discussed and approved by the Joint German-Indonesian Steering Committee on Marine Sciences and Geosciences during its 2nd meeting in Bremen, Germany in June 2001. The overall project theme as identified by the SC was Potential of Coastal Marine Ecosystems for Fisheries and Aquaculture. The ecosystems to be investigated included mangroves, coral reefs, estuaries and the coastal seas. The activities include meetings involving partners in science and industry related to prepare detailed proposals to be submitted to the respective ministries in Germany and Indonesia.

Identifizierung von Qualitätsstandards für prioritäre Substanzen im Rahmen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

Das Projekt "Identifizierung von Qualitätsstandards für prioritäre Substanzen im Rahmen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie durchgeführt. Article 16 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC) lays down the Community Strategy for the establishment of harmonised quality standards and emission controls for the priority substances and other substances posing a significant risk to, or via, the aquatic environment. In order to achieve the protection objectives of the WFD, the Commission shall (i) submit proposals for quality standards applicable to the concentrations of the priority substances in surface water, sediment or biota, and (ii) identify the appropriate cost-effective and proportionate level and combination of product and process controls for both point and diffuse sources. Proposals for environmental quality standards and emission controls for point sources shall be submitted within 2 years of the inclusion of the substance concerned on the list of priority substances (European Parliament and Council Decision No. 2455/2001/EC), i.e. in December 2003. This study is part of the preparatory work of the Commission and its overall objectives are: - The development and description of a concept which enables the European Commission to submit proposals for quality standards applicable to the concentrations of the priority substances of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and those substances not on the priority list but regulated in the 'daughter directives' of Directive 76/464/EEC (on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community) in water, sediment and biota, as required by Articles 16(7) and 16(10) of the Water Framework Directive. - Elaboration of proposals for quality standards for the priority substances of the Water Framework Directive and recommended values for other substances of concern (see footnote 1) with regard to surface water, sediment, biota, and human health as objectives of protection. Conclusions: The elaboration of quality standards with the developed methodological framework clearly showed that the proposed approach is applicable for the derivation of specific quality standards addressing the particular objectives of protection as well as for the identification of the overall quality standard that finally may be imposed to safeguard the entire set of objectives of protection. Also, with regard to the effort required to work with the concept, it can be considered as economic. This is attributable to the fact that despite the comprehensive consideration of all relevant routes of exposure and objectives of protection the different quality standards for the specific objectives are normally only derived if certain pre-defined trigger values are exceeded. This avoids the assessment of irrelevant exposure routes and the calculation of unnecessary standards. Problems encountered during the elaboration of the standards were in general not attributable to the suggested methodological framework but mostly to the limited availability of data or to the limitations of the available data.

Obertriassische und jurassische Fossilllagerstätten in Nord Viktorialand

Das Projekt "Obertriassische und jurassische Fossilllagerstätten in Nord Viktorialand" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Forschungsstelle für Paläobotanik durchgeführt. The Mesozoic of Antarctica continues to yield exceptional terrestrial fossil deposits that show exquisite and often unique forms of preservation, especially with regard to plant fossils. However, the enormous potential of Antarctic fossil deposits is still far from being fully explored. This project proposal is to be regarded as a pilot study to carry out palaeontological fieldwork during the GANOVEX XI, with a special focus on the biotic changes across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at southern high latitudes. The aims of this project are (1) a detailed collecting of macro- and microfloras at recently discovered fossil sites in the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of north Victoria Land, and (2) exploratory fieldwork in promising outcrop areas that have so far remained unstudied by palaeontologists. If fieldwork proves to be very successful, a separate project proposal for more detailed studies of the material will be submitted. The study of the Mesozoic Antarctic fossils will contribute to a better understanding of the physiology and growth strategies of southern high-latitude biotas during times of global warmth, and promises to shed new light on how the end-Triassic biotic crisis affected the Gondwanan terrestrial realm compared to well-studied northern high-latitude biotas.

Untersuchungen zur Qualitätssicherung der Dichtheitsprüfung im Rahmen der Zustandserfassung der Grundstücksentwässerung - Entwicklung von Abnahmekriterien

Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur Qualitätssicherung der Dichtheitsprüfung im Rahmen der Zustandserfassung der Grundstücksentwässerung - Entwicklung von Abnahmekriterien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bietergemeinschaft Kanalsanierung - Franz Fischer Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Ingenieurbüro Reinhard Beck GmbH & Co. KG INFA-ISFM e.V. durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektes war die Erarbeitung eines Qualitätshandbuchs mit einheitlichen Standards zur Qualitätssicherung bei Dichtheitsprüfungen privater Abwasserleitungen. Als Grundlage wurden ausführliche Interviews mit 38 Städten und Gemeinden in NRW und 2 Städten in Hessen geführt und 214 Dichtheitsnachweise in verschiedenen Kommunen Nordrhein-Westfalens hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität ausgewertet. In den Interviews zeigten sich Unterschiede und Unsicherheiten bezüglich der möglichen Vorgaben zur Prüfmethode, zur Dokumentation und zur Vorlagepflicht sowie eine unterschiedliche Interpretation des Umgang mit Regenwasserleitungen im Mischsystem. Unsicherheiten bestehen auch bei der Kalkulation des Personalbedarfs und bei der Festlegung des Umfangs einer Prüfung von eingereichten Dichtheitsnachweisen. Bei der durchgeführten Qualitätsprüfung der Dichtheitsnachweise anhand eines erarbeiteten Bewertungskataloges stellte sich die Qualität der Prüfungen insgesamt als ausreichend bis zufrieden stellend dar, wobei die optischen Inspektionen etwas besser abschnitten. Verbesserungspotential besteht bei der Schadensansprache und bei der Art und Tiefe der Dokumentation der Prüfungen. Dies betrifft vor allem die Dokumentation untersuchter und auch nicht untersuchter Leitungsstränge und die digitale Aufzeichnung des Messverlaufs bei Prüfungen mit Wasser oder Luft. Unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der geprüften Dichtheitsnachweise werden technische Anforderungen an die Durchführung der Dichtheitsprüfung und an den Umfang und den Inhalt der im Rahmen der Dichtheitsprüfung zu erstellenden Unterlagen definiert. Darüber hinaus werden Kriterien für die Wahl der Prüfmethode anhand der Schutzziele Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz, Schutz der öffentlichen Abwasseranlage und Eigentumsschutz aufgezeigt. Eine Verbesserung der Qualität lässt sich vor allem durch eine systematische Kontrolle der Unterlagen durch die Kommunen erreichen. Für die verschiedenen Prüfumfänge wird der Bearbeitungsaufwand abgeschätzt, wobei über eine Kombination einer einfachen Plausibilitätsprüfung mit einer detaillierten inhaltlichen Prüfung, die stichprobenartig, aber systematisch durchgeführt wird, der Aufwand erheblich reduziert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse der Überprüfung sollten mit den Sachkundigen diskutiert und für eine weitere Nutzung standardisiert dokumentiert werden. Auf dieser Basis können auch Schulungsschwerpunkte ermittelt und Nichtempfehlungen oder Ausschlüsse ausgesprochen werden. Eine weitere Option sind Zusammenschlüsse.

Renewable fuels for advanced powertrains (RENEW)

Das Projekt "Renewable fuels for advanced powertrains (RENEW)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Volkswagen AG durchgeführt. Objective: This project aims to develop, assess and train on various production chains for motor vehicle fuels ligno-cellulosic biomass sources will be used as feedstock to produce synthesis gas from which various vehicle fuels can be derived: CH4, methanol/DME, ethanol (thermo-chemical and enzymatic pathway) and a novel biomass-to-liquid (BTL) fuel. The project will develop and evaluate the respective processing technologies with a view to producing cost effective premium fuels for current and future combustion engines from a wide bandwidth of feedstock. Within 4 vertical subprojects, alternative thermo-chemical gasification, enzymatic fuel production and fuel synthesis processes will be considered, while 2 horizontal subprojects are directed towards technology assessment and training. Two pilot-produced fuels (DME and BTL) will be submitted to extensive motor-tests by 4 leading European car manufacturers within this project. Other fuels will be made available for tests in various other European R&D projects. It is envisaged that this project will lead to the introduction of favourably priced biomass-derived fuels for motor vehicles, from 2010 onwards. Apart from achieving scientific and technological results, RENEW has the vision to develop commonly agreed strategic recommendations, based on an understanding among relevant players in industry, agriculture and research concerning the technological and market potential of different bio-fuels and their production technologies. RENEW is novel and hugely important to Europe. It offers major Kyoto Protocol benefits, enhances the sustainability and security of vehicle fuel supply, and has positive Regional socio-economic impacts. RENEW involves 31 partners, including 7 SME, from 9 EU MS and AS countries. The consortium has the necessary 'critical mass' to achieve its goals and develop the technology to commercial stage beyond the end of the project.

Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate: past - present - future

Das Projekt "Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate: past - present - future" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bern, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. The understanding of long-term, natural climate variability on different spatial and temporal scales is crucial to assess the recent climate change in a global to regional context. Since glaciers are considered as very important climate indicators, the understanding of past and present glacier variations is a key task for evaluating current climate change. Alpine and Scandinavian glaciers do react differently on variations of energy balance, temperature, precipitation and atmospheric circulation. This project investigates the importance of regional/continental temperature and precipitation as driving factors for glacier dynamics (retreats, advances) during the period from the Little Ice Age (LIA) to the early 21st century. Historical information from different archives will allow the reconstructions of glacier length fluctuations and mass balances from (western) Scandinavian glaciers and of a transect from western to the eastern Alps. Further, the sensitivity of Alpine and Scandinavian glaciers to variations of temperature and precipitation, including glacier advances and retreats covering half a millennium, will be studied by means of (non-linear) statistical approaches. A complementary method by reconstruction of mass balances using a continuity approach combined with a GIS-based energy balance model and gridded climate data will also be applied. Finally, the mass balances are extrapolated for the entire Alps and Scandinavia using a distributed energy balance model. This enables a synoptical analysis of European climate related to its significance for glacier fluctuations for the last half millennium. Moreover, the project will shed some light on the future glacier behaviour within the different mountain ranges of Scandinavia and the Alps using existing distributed mass balance and ELA models using different scenarios on the increase of temperature and the change of precipitation. We will also address the question of a changing perception of the glaciers in the Alps and Scandinavia for the last few centuries. The fear of threat by glaciers in early times has changed today to a fear of loss of glaciers as beautiful landscape by the current rapid change of climate. The long-term glacier length record for the Alps and Scandinavia will be stored in the existing database of the Global Terrestrial Network on Glaciers (GTN-G) as part of the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). A close cooperation between the Universities in Bern/Zurich and Bergen, Norway, will ensure a mutual enrichment of the scientific research. The project is coupled with a joint proposal submitted by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen. Both projects base on a mutual collaboration of data and knowledge exchange. Finally, to inform the public about the consequences of the current glacier change is crucial, and glaciers are excellent indicators for the public perception of climate change in mountainous areas.

EFSA: Case studies for the application of the Guidance of EFSA on Submission of scientific peer-reviewed open literature for the approval of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009

Das Projekt "EFSA: Case studies for the application of the Guidance of EFSA on Submission of scientific peer-reviewed open literature for the approval of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH (AGES) durchgeführt. In 2011, EFSA issued Guidance (European Food Safety Authority; Submission of scientific peer-reviewed open literature for the approval of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. EFSA Journal 2011; 9(2):2092 (49 pages)) addressed to applicants and Member States to identify and select scientific peer-reviewed open literature and how to report it in a dossier, as required by Article 8(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 on the placing of plant protection products on the market. However, until now, there is only limited experience on use of this Guidance. In the current project, the Guidance should be applied to the search and analysis of peer-reviewed scientific literature on selected dossier sections (toxicology, residues, ecotoxicology and environmental fate) of three active substances (AIR2 substances: Metalaxyl-M, Thifensulfuron-methyl, Metsulfuron- methyl), their relevant metabolites and PPPs on the European market. The case studies are meant to provide an independent benchmark of the scientific literature presented in the dossiers of the active substances and will allow identifying areas of improvement in the Guidance. Based on the output of the project, EFSA should gain better understanding of the resource needs associated to the preparation and evaluation of the scientific peer-reviewed open literature required by the Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and gain feedback on the applicability of Guidance as well as recommendations for its improvement.

HCFCWORKSHOPS: International Workshop on HCFC Alternatives and Intermediate Reduction Steps for Developing Countries

Das Projekt "HCFCWORKSHOPS: International Workshop on HCFC Alternatives and Intermediate Reduction Steps for Developing Countries" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICF Consulting Ltd. durchgeführt. The production and consumption of ozone-depleting HCFCs used as refrigerants, blowing agents, solvents, aerosols, and fire suppressants are increasing rapidly in developing countries, as they are being gradually phased out in developed countries under the Montreal Protocol. Because developing countries are not required under the Protocol to freeze consumption until 2016, or reduce consumption until 2040, global HCFC consumption could remain excessively high for the next 35 years, undermining the phaseout efforts of developed countries and threatening the recovery of the ozone layer and human health. Currently, there are only limited discussions on the post-2016 phaseout of HCFCs in developing countries. To address this issue, ICF is pleased to submit a proposal to support DG RTD/DG ENV in organising an innovative international workshop to target the reduction of HCFC consumption in developing countries between now and 2015, and yield a draft agreement on intermediate reduction steps between 2016 and 2040. Specifically, the workshop will provide developing country stakeholders with the technical tools needed to phaseout HCFCs (e.g., information on viable alternatives, technology transfer, funding opportunities) and to build consensus among stakeholders on an intermediate phaseout schedule to be implemented under the Montreal Protocol. After conducting numerous ODS-related analyses for DG ENV and countless other clients, ICF is intimately familiar with the sources and uses of HCFCs, available alternatives, key policy and industry players, and operational procedures of the Montreal Protocol. ICF is also experienced in designing and executing conferences and workshops, and developing outreach materials and Web content management systems. Further, with offices worldwide, ICF can conduct research, planning, and logistical activities seamlessly across the globe. If ICF is selected as the successful bidder, we look forward to negotiating mutually-acceptable contract.

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