Das Projekt "Substrat- und Sperrschichtoptimierung fuer im CVD-Verfahren hergestellte Duennschicht-Siliziumkristall-Solarzellen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: A consortium has been formed by partners stemming from research and industry in order to make a further step towards the development of a cost-effective thin-film crystalline Si solar cell technology, based on thermally assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) as deposition technique. This project should result in a thin-film crystalline Si low-cost PV module with a competitive cost/Wp. Description of work: The numerous possible options for thin-film crystalline Si solar cells (for substrate and barrier layer) and the absence of real progress on the level of equipment development for large-volume Si-layer deposition bear an inherent risk for subcritical research in this area. The consortium defined a clear strategy as far as substrates and deposition system are concerned. - Concerning the substrates, the number of options has been reduced to 3 options (Si-ribbons, a conductive ceramic: Si-infiltrated SiAlON and an insulating ceramic: SiAlON). - Together with the development and optimisation of the barrier layers, 4 technically relevant substrate/barrier layers schemes are investigated on cell level: Si-ribbons with and without barrier layer, Si-infiltrated SiAlON-substrates with a conductive SiC-layer, SiAlON-substrates and Si-ribbons with an insulating oxide barrier layer. After the Midterm Assessment, the number of substrate/barrier schemes is reduced to 2 (a conductive and non-conductive scheme), based on the results of a laboratory-type comparison of cells and the first cost projections. - Concerning the development of a high-throughput CVD-system, first steps toward a continuous Si-deposition system are taken. The consortium wishes to assess and reduce the running costs of such system. Specifically the costs associated with waste treatment and a reduction of the gas consumption through a H2-recirculation system will be looked at in more detail . In the first phase of the project these aspects will be studied. After the Midterm Assessment this deposition system will be intensively used for the growth of the Si-layers on the selected substrates, which will be processed into solar cells using processes, compatible with the industrial reality. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: - The selection of a suitable low-cost substrate, compatible with Si-deposition by means of thermally-assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (and possibly a liquid phase recrystallisation step); - The development of suitable barrier layers to prevent impurity indiffusion from the low-cost substrate into the active layer and to optimise internal reflection; - The assessment of a continuous high-throughput CVD-reactor, compatible with the requirements of the solar cell industry; - A module of 30x30 cm2 on the selected conductive substrate/barrier layer combination with an efficiency = 12 per cent obtained by a two-side contacting technology. Prime Contractor: Interuniversity microelectronics centre, microsyst4ems, components and packaging advanced solar cells
Das Projekt "Hin zu hoher Durchdringung und stabiler Lieferung bei Windkraft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bremer Institut für Betriebstechnik und angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft an der Universität Bremen durchgeführt. Objective: There is a clear global environmental imperative to develop and use our natural renewable energy resources. Development of such resources can also bring industrial and social benefits. Wind energy as a leading renewable is reaching a remarkable stage of technological and commercial maturity. An emerging barrier to wind energy reaching its full potential relates to the fact that existing grids have been designed and are operated to accommodate conventional centralised generation. In many locations, grid operators are concerned if wind penetration reaches more than 20 per cent since it can no longer be treated as a 'negative load'. The FIRMWIND project looks at how, by taking a non-conventional view of the grid network, much higher wind penetration levels might be achieved. The project, via case study, will look at how various holistic control strategies might allow high wind penetration and high capacity credit at the distribution system level. All elements of the system have the potential to have some degree of power balancing control exercised on them and the project will focus on how this can effectively confer firmness of supply. The project aims to:- Quantify improvements to wind penetration made possible by the introduction of various energy storage and load management options; - Quantify the change to capacity credit made possible by these options and to study how this changes as the wind capacity on the system increases; - Carry out a technical assessment of how taking an integrated approach would enable wind to produce firm power and hence reduce or obviate dependence on interconnection capacity. Description of the Work: The project will not develop new technology. Rather it aims to look at how current or developing technology could be applied. The project has six tasks. In the first phase of the project three preliminary tasks will be undertaken. Suitable load flow analysis tools will be studied and developed so that they can adequately handle active load and storage components. As a parallel exercise, storage, load control and power side control technologies will be reviewed and characterised. Thirdly a range of potential case studies will be identified and three chosen for subsequent study. Relevant information necessary for logistic modelling will be gathered or synthesised. The second phase of the project will comprise the core analytical task in which the modelling tools will be used to study and optimise how the available approaches and devices might be used to achieve high penetration in the context of the chosen case studies. In the final phase of the project potential technical and institutional barriers to realisation of the proposed solutions will be identified. Prime Contractor: Renewable Energy Systems Ltd., Glasgow Office; Glasgow.
Das Projekt "Hochleistungs-Photovoltaik in Gebaeuden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Objective: Thin-film solar modules based on CIGS absorber are an emerging technology in Europe. To accelerate the acceptance of the product on the marketplace aesthetically convincing solutions for building integration combined with high technical quality are required. Fast increase of market share is a prerequisite for low-cost production which is only possible with high production volumes. Description of work: The aim of the proposed project is to develop high performance, high quality and stable thin-film PV modules for the integration into buildings (facades as well as roofs) forming a fully integrated part of the outer skin of the building. The work will include modules for the facade and modules suited for the replacement of roofing tiles and slates in an advanced manner resulting in performance and cost improvements as compared to the existing technologies and designs. All the aspects from cell and module technology, shading and hot spots to assembling and electrical interconnection and life-time testing will be included. Electrical interconnection elements in appropriate combination with the mechanical fixing will be provided to ensure low labour costs and high safety during module mounting. An important goal is to increase the public acceptance of PV in buildings by covering of aesthetic aspects, architectural ideas and demands of protection of historic buildings. Security aspects and building regulations will be considered from the beginning. Shading and hot-spot sensitivity will be analysed, considered and improved if required. Cost reduction is aimed at mainly by standardisation of products and parts, process optimisation and giving the modules the potential to adopt multiple functions in the building (replacement of expensive decorative elements of facades and customary roof parts). The range of module sizes will extend from small sized roof tile size to standard production module size (e.g. 1200 mm x 600 mm) and larger sizes which will be realised by assembling of submodules. Technologies used in structural glazing will be adapted for framing and fastening elements of the facade modules. Long-term stability will be analysed by procedures according to international standards. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: The project will result in reliable and cost-effective technologies to produce and install solar modules based on the CIGS-technology and optimised for integration into buildings as parts of their facades or roofs including the technologies for the integration. The modules will have enhanced long term stability, improved shading and hot-spot behaviour and will be equipped with the required parts for fixing and mechanical and electrical connection. Acceptance of building integrated photovoltaics will be raised due to excellent visual appearance, provision for building standards and improved manageability.
Das Projekt "Auswirkungs- und Verbreitungsgeschwindigkeits-Bewertungsverfahren fuer staatliche Regulierungsmassnahmen im Bereich Energie (GRIDS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GfK SE durchgeführt. Objective: The GRIDS (Government Regulatory Energy Measures Impact and Diffusion Speed Appraisal Method) project aims to analyse and understand the mechanisms behind the diffusion speed of new and clean technologies and products in the market, taking into account different strategies based on the implementation of energy policies and measures. Description of work: The project results explicitly address policy makers in order to provide them with a quantitative support for policy planning and evaluation. Moreover, both the initial methodological assumption and the final results of the project will be discussed with a panel of manufacturers, taking into account the industry position and requirements. The goal is to increase the awareness of practitioners and policy makers on problems related to the interaction among energy policies, marketing and production strategies. Assuming that the diffusion speed (i.e. the time needed to reach a given diffusion threshold) of new and clean technologies depends on the combined interaction of: - Rational Use of Energy (RUE) policy scenarios and industry strategies; - Market elasticity to price, taking into account the RUE policy effect on consumers and the associated mechanisms of price formation in the industry; - Demand side cost/benefit analysis of a given technology price. The analysis will be focused on demand RUE policies and technologies for household electric uses. The research process will be based on the following methodological steps: - 1. national RUE policies identification within the framework of the Kyoto implementation mechanisms and corresponding analysis of their interaction with industry strategies; 2. new and clean energy technology identification and description (energy and cost information and detailed technical features); 3. demand scenarios build up: forecast of step by step technology diffusion rate based on a given RUE energy scenario, market elasticity to price and industrial production mark up and volume; 4. energy and environmental benefit analysis according to the envisaged diffusion thresholds; 5. final RUE policy scenarios critical analysis and comparison in conformity with their final energy/environmental effects, and, for a given energy scenario, classification of the new and clean technologies identified as per their combined energy/environmental and diffusion potential. Expected results and exploitation plans: The analysis will be carried out in four EU countries representative of the southern, central, northern and eastern regions (Italy, Germany, Finland and Czech Republic) by means of a quantitative micro/macro and economic/energy approach based on the use of existing bottom up and top down modelling tools. Prime Contractor: ISIS - Instituto di Studi per l'integrazione dei sistemi; Roma.