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Found 17 results.

Methods and algorithms for data exploitation of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA-AB on HALO - MaxiFTS -

Das Projekt "Methods and algorithms for data exploitation of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA-AB on HALO - MaxiFTS -" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung - Atmosphärische Spurenstoffe und Fernerkundung (IMK-ASF) durchgeführt. GLORIA combines a Michelson interferometer with a detector array of 128 x 128 pixels and will be the first 2D infrared limb imaging spectrometer worldwide. It is designed for HALO and will measure the distribution of temperature and a considerable number of trace constituents along with cloud mapping with unprecedented spatial resolution in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere. It is an essential contribution to the HALO demo missions TACTS, POLSTRACC, and CIRRUS-RS. Imaging Fourier transform spectrometers impose a number of challenges with respect to instrument calibration / characterisation and for algorithm development. The work of the first proposal focused on characterisation and modeling of the instrument and on the development of methods and algorithms which are capable of generating calibrated spectra with high accuracy. Accurately calibrated spectra are a prerequisite for the retrieval of atmospheric parameters and the scientific data exploitation. Within this renewal proposal the developed characterisation methods will be applied to the instrument in flight configuration, and the new algorithms will be used to generate highly accurate calibrated spectra from the raw interferograms measured during the HALO demo missions. The work will be completed by a thorough error analysis for the calibrated spectra. Finally, instrument settings, calibration scenario and data processing shall be optimised with respect to data quality. This proposal contributes to the development of high technology sensors and instruments for the use on HALO.

Modelling of deformtion and recrystallisation microstructures in polar ice

Das Projekt "Modelling of deformtion and recrystallisation microstructures in polar ice" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Knowledge of the deformation mechanisms of polar ice is of crucial importance to predict the flow of polar ice caps and hence their influence on the global climate. Deformation of ice also impacts on one of the best climate record on Earth: the individual ice layers observed in deep ice cores. Microstructures form the main record of in situ deformation, by revealing the deformation processes that operate during the flow of an ice sheet. New microstructural analysis techniques developed at AWI now allow a much more detailed and extensive assessment of these microstructures than ever before. Within this project, a start has been made with the numerical modelling of ice microstructures, using the comprehensive modelling platform Elle. After updating and refining algorithms, Elle is now capable of simulating several of the main processes that occur in polar ice: recrystallisation, grain growth and crystal-plastic deformation. In the course of the project s remaining 26 months1 existing routines for two-phase materials will be adapted to model ice with bubbles or clathrates, and to model intracrystalline recovery. Results of systematic simulations will be compared quantitatively with theoretical analyses and the unique microstructure dataset available at AWI of several firn and ice cores (especially the EPICA-DML deep ice core). In particular we will critically reassess the role of grain boundary formation and migration that continually reworks the microstructure. The results of this project will improve our knowledge of the mechanical behavior of polar ice and refine the analysis of climatic records, which are essential to ice sheet and climate modelling.

Development of an End-to-end Model to Simulate the Performances of a Water Vapour DIAL System in Space

Das Projekt "Development of an End-to-end Model to Simulate the Performances of a Water Vapour DIAL System in Space" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Physik und Meteorologie durchgeführt. An end-to-end performance model is being developed which will be capable of simulating all significant processes important for determining the measurement capabilities of a space-borne DIAL system such as WALES. This model will also be applied for estimating the performance of airborne or ground-based systems.

Risk Mitigation for Earthquakes and Landslides (LESSLOSS)

Das Projekt "Risk Mitigation for Earthquakes and Landslides (LESSLOSS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maurer und Söhne durchgeführt. Earthquake and landslide risk is a public safety issue that requires appropriate mitigation measures and means to protect citizens, property, infrastructure and the built cultural heritage. Mitigating this risk requires integrated and coordinated action that embraces a wide range of organisations and disciplines. For this reason, the LESSLOSS IP is formulated by a large number of European Centres of excellence in earthquake and geotechnical engineering integrating in the traditional fields of engineers and earth scientists some expertise of social scientists, economists, urban planners and information technologists. The LESSLOSS project addresses natural disasters, risk and impact assessment, natural hazard monitoring, mapping and management strategies, improved disaster preparedness and mitigation, development of advanced methods for risk assessment, methods of appraising environmental quality and relevant pre-normative research. In order for the multi-disciplinary S&T ingredients of the project to be tackled in an efficient and productive manner, the research programme has been split into three distinct areas: physical environment, urban areas and infrastructures. For each one of this areas four main types of transversal fields have been identified as fundamental and capable of producing permanent effects on risk mitigation: (i) instrumentation and monitoring, (ii) methods and technologies to reduce vulnerability, (iii) innovative approaches for design/assessment and (iv) disaster scenarios and loss modelling. Within this general framework, specific objectives will be pursued, such as the development of innovative methods and approaches to design and assessment of structures and earth slopes for both short- and long-term implementation, the development of advanced monitoring techniques and devices, and the development, manufacturing and testing of innovative isolating and dissipating seismic devices. Prime Contractor: Universita degli Studi di Pavia; Pavia; Italy.

European Seas Observatory NETwork (ESONET)

Das Projekt "European Seas Observatory NETwork (ESONET)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften durchgeführt. The aim of ESONET is to create an organisation capable of implementing, operating and maintaining a network of ocean observatories in deep waters around Europe from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea connected to shore with data and power links via fibre optic cables. The fundamental scientific objective is to make continuous real-time observations of environmental variables over decadal, annual, seasonal, diel and tidal time scales. Constant vigilance will allow resolution of quasi-instantaneous hazardous events such as slides, earthquakes, tsunamis and benthic storms. ESONET will form a sub sea segment of the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) with sensors extending from the sub sea floor, through the water column to sub-surface sensors providing calibration of satellite borne sensors. ESONET brings together leading oceanographic and geosciences institutes in Europe together with universities, industry and regional agencies. It will provide integration across disciplines from geosciences, through physical, chemical and biological oceanography to technologies of instrumentation, cables, data processing and archiving. Jointly executed research will demonstrate functioning observatories at several cabled and non-cabled sites around Europe. Existing deep-sea cables installed for neutrino telescopes will be utilised in the Mediterranean sea and shallower tests sites will be established elsewhere. Principles of sensor management, calibration, metadata and data quality will be established with real-time dissemination and generation of hazard warning. ESONET will run a training and education program through courses, scholarships, exchange of personnel between participating institutes, and outreach to the general public. Dissemination will also include a web portal, with links to the INSPIRE Geo-Portal, and with all sub sea observatory projects worldwide, enabling the widest possible access to information. Prime Contractor: Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer; Issy-les-Moulineaux; France.

Flexible framework for Indicators for Sustainability in Regions using system dynamics modelling (INSURE)

Das Projekt "Flexible framework for Indicators for Sustainability in Regions using system dynamics modelling (INSURE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung durchgeführt. Current limitations in sustainability indicators' system development derive from (Eurostat): lack of (sectoral) integration; lack of data; sectoral barriers; lack of consensus; difficulties for an index definition; lack of comparability. The project pretends to overcome the main obstacles indicators currently faces. Thus, three research lines will be faced: i) Place the sustainability concept in the middle of the indicator system: The hypothesis proposed is to define sustainability in a well-structured hierarchy in order to make the system as independent as possible from the indicators and the data available. Comparability is usually identified with the use of identical algorithms for each indicator in different regions. Could we search for a more logical comparability framework among regions? Equivalent concepts do not necessarily mean identical methods for indicator's calculation. We are interested in investigating the suitability of referring comparability among regions based on a basic common framework. ii) Integrate the information for indicator calculation by means of System Dynamics: System Dynamics offers a very suitable tool for the development of a formalised heuristic description for sustainability, capable of developing an integrated and autonomous information system for indicator development. There are two features that make SD suitable for sustainability aspects: the study of trends and the integration of local and universal knowledge. iii) Using the existing network for regional sustainability indicator development: There are several efforts at European level to create regional networks of European interest. It will be very useful to investigate the feasibility of using some of these European institutions and networks to consistently develop a regional sustainability indicator system.Collaboration with regional or national institutions should provide the project with the necessary link with real problems at regional/national level. Prime Contractor: TAU Consultora Ambiental, S.L.; Madrid; Spain.

Investigation of aerosol particle hygroscopicity and their cloud forming potential in the supercooled temperature range

Das Projekt "Investigation of aerosol particle hygroscopicity and their cloud forming potential in the supercooled temperature range" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. This project aims at a) the development of new instrumentation for the expansion of the experimental temperature range of aerosol particle activation and hygroscopic growth measurements down to low, but atmospheric relevant temperatures (-25°C ? T ? 0°C), b) the subsequent analysis of hygroscopic growth and activation behavior of inorganic and organic particles in this temperature range, and c) the determination of an effective hygroscopicity parameter for these compounds for temperatures below 0°C. These goals will be achieved via development and application of a novel Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (LT-HTDMA) capable of measuring hygroscopic particle growth at temperatures below the melting point of water and the application of the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS) for the activation measurements below 0°C. The experiments will be accompanied by model simulations describing the coupled fluid and particle dynamical processes taking place inside LACIS which are necessary for data interpretation. The experimental results of growth and activation measurements will be tested against existing Köhler models with the goal of verifying and / or expanding existing effective hygroscopicity parameterizations to temperatures below 0°C. This combination of experimental and theoretical methods will significantly contribute to improving the understanding of the cloud forming processes in the mid-latitudes.

Leistungsoptimierte Lithium-lonen Batterien

Das Projekt "Leistungsoptimierte Lithium-lonen Batterien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe durchgeführt. Der schnelle Fortschritt der elektronischen Geräte erhöht die Nachfrage nach verbesserten Li-Ionen Batterien. Kommerziell erhältliche Li-Zellen nutzen meist Lithiumkobaltoxid für die positive Elektrode. Doch gerade dieses Material ist ein Hindernis für eine weitere Optimierung, insbesondere für eine Kostensenkung. Vor allem für größere Anwendungen wie Hybrid- oder Elektrofahrzeuge müssen alternative Materialen erforscht werden, die billiger, sicherer und umweltverträglicher sind. Daher wird im ISEA derzeit ein neues Forschungsprojekt ins Leben gerufen und die dafür benötigte Infrastruktur geschaffen. Die Forschung wird sich auf die Untersuchung geeigneter Übergangsmetalloxide und Polyanionen konzentrieren, die besonders gut zur Einlagerung von Li-Ionen geeignet sind. Es werden neue Herstellungsverfahren unter Verwendung wässriger Precurser-Substanzen untersucht, die Verbindungen mit überlegenen Eigenschaften erzeugen und außerdem leicht an eine Massenproduktion angepasst werden können. Ziel der Arbeiten ist, preisgünstiges Elektrodenmaterial zu entwickeln, das eine spezifische Energie von über 200 Wh/kg und eine Leistungsdichte von 400 W/kg aufweist. Außerdem werden Arbeiten im Bereich der physikalisch-chemischen Charakterisierung der neuen Materialien stattfinden sowie elektrochemische Analysen der gesamten Zellen- und Batteriesysteme durchgeführt. Das elektrodynamische Verhalten der neuen Zellen wird u. a. mit Hilfe der elektrochemischen Impedanzspektroskopie analysiert, um präzise und zuverlässige Algorithmen für ein späteres Batteriemonitoring im realen Betrieb zu finden.

Mesoscale Ocean Radar Signature Experiments (MORSE)

Das Projekt "Mesoscale Ocean Radar Signature Experiments (MORSE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. MORSE was a joint European project, carried out by six partner institutions in France, Great Britain, and Germany. It was financially supported by the Commission of the European Community as a part of the Marine Science and Technology (MAST) program under contract no. MAS3-CT95-0027. The objective of the project was to gain an understanding of the physical processes involved in radar signatures of internal waves using laboratory tank, airborne radar, and satellite imagery. To achieve the ultimate goal, independent numerical models are needed which are capable of predicting radar backscattering for all radar bands, extracting ocean surface characteristics at high spatial resolution, predicting internal wave fields in time and space, and inverting radar signatures into geophysical parameters. Existing models were not sufficiently reliable to produce quantitative results in order to retrieve the three-dimensional structure of the ocean's hydrodynamic processes. Progress in the understanding and mathematical description of different processes and increasing capacity of modern computers opens doors towards much more detailed, comprehensive models. The activities of the Satellite Oceanography group of the University of Hamburg within the framework of MORSE focused on theoretical considerations regarding the hydrodynamic modulation of ocean waves by spatially varying current fields over internal waves and the radar imaging of the resulting roughness variations. This research was based on our advanced radar imaging model which describes the modulation of the complete two-dimensional ocean wave spectrum according to wave-current interaction theory and the backscattered radar signal by a composite surface model. In addition, the Satellite Oceanography group has wide experience regarding the analysis of radar signatures of internal waves. A large number of ERS-1 / ERS-2 SAR images of internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar and in the Strait of Messina was analyzed. Furthermore, numerical hydrodynamical models were developed, which are capable of describing the generation and propagation of internal tides and their disintegration into internal solitary waves. The MORSE project has provided an opportunity to exploit and extend the knowledge obtained in previous remote sensing projects and to calibrate and validate the corresponding numerical models.

Einfluss eines rekombinanten humanen P450-Systems auf endogene Inhaltsstoffe in transformierten Pflanzen von Nicotiana tabacum L.

Das Projekt "Einfluss eines rekombinanten humanen P450-Systems auf endogene Inhaltsstoffe in transformierten Pflanzen von Nicotiana tabacum L." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Umweltforschung, Biologie V, Lehrstuhl für Umweltbiologie und -chemodynamik durchgeführt. Pflanzliche P450-Enzyme besitzen sowohl Aufgaben im Primär- und Sekundärstoffwechsel der Pflanzen als auch in der Metabolisierung von Xenobiotika einschließlich Herbiziden. Da z.B. Mais eine natürliche Resistenz gegenüber dem Triazin-Herbizid Atrazin aufweist, konnten suszeptible Wildpflanzen, die bei Feldanbau neben den Kulturpflanzen aufkommen, durch Anwendung des Herbizids ohne Schädigung der Kulturpflanzen selektiv bekämpft werden (Herbizidselektivität). Kulturpflanzen wie z.B. Tabak und Kartoffel, die keine oder nur eine unzureichende natürliche Resistenz gegenüber einem bestimmten Herbizid besitzen, können durch Agrobacterium tumefaciens-vermittelte Transformation mit einem Säuger-P450-Isoenzym (z.B. CYP1A1 oder CYP1A2) Herbizid-resistent werden. Seit einigen Jahren gibt es in dieser Richtung Bestrebungen, P450-transgene Pflanzen herzustellen. Aufgrund der überlappenden, breiten Substratspezifität des jeweils eingebrachten Säuger-P450-Isoenzyms (Ratte, Mensch) wird in den transgenen Pflanzen meist eine multiple Resistenz gegen verschiedene Herbizide mit unterschiedlichen Strukturen und Wirkmechanismen beobachtet. Vor der Vermarktung von transgenen Pflanzen müssen diese in Feldversuchen getestet werden. Dabei wird die Verträglichkeit des Genproduktes, die Eigenschaften der modifizierten Pflanze, die Expressionsstabilität des eingebrachten Fremd-Gens und mögliche ökologische Auswirkungen untersucht. Zusätzlich sollte neben der Substratspezifität des fremden P450-Isoenzyms gegenüber Xenobiotika getestet werden, ob pflanzliche Sekundärmetaboliten als Substrate in Frage kommen. Außerdem sind mögliche Einflüsse auf den normalen Stoffwechsel der Pflanzen von Interesse, die sich auf den Phänotyp der Pflanzen auswirken können. Z.B. wurde bei Cyp2c14-transformierten Tabak-Pflanzen (aus Kaninchen) eine verstärkte Seneszenz beschrieben, die sich in einem verringertem Chlorophyll-Gehalt, einem erhöhten Gehalt an Abbauprodukten der Lipid-Peroxidation und einem Abbauprodukt des Nornicotins und in einer Abnahme des Nicotin-Gehaltes äußerte. Außerdem wuchsen die Pflanzen langsamer und brauchten mehr Zeit zur Bewurzelung. Dies sind Anzeichen dafür, dass das Einbringen eines Fremd-P450-Gens in Tabak über die oxidative Veränderung der Membranlipide oder -sterole und damit über die Veränderung der Membranstruktur, durch einen hormonellen Eingriff durch Umsetzung eines Brassinosteroids oder die Unterdrückung endogener P450-Gene möglicherweise schwerwiegende metabolische Auswirkungen zur Folge haben kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde untersucht, ob die Agrobakterien-vermittelte Transformation von Tabak mit der cDNA des humanen CYP1A2 Auswirkungen auf den endogenen Nicotin-Gehalt der Pflanzen zur Folge haben. CYP1A2 gehört dabei neben anderen Isoenzymen im Gegensatz zu den Hauptenzymen CYP2A6, CYP2B6 und CYP2D6 zu den Isoenzymen, die Nicotin nur bei hoher Substratkonzentration umsetzen. Nicotin besitzt dabei als natürliches Insektizid eine wichtige ökol u.s.w.

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